How do you make your Sims burn?

Using the fire cheat in The Sims 4 can be hilarious. If you’re playing a clumsy Sim and are used to seeing disasters around the house all the time, with this cheat you can expect some real mess! Those who have tried it out know how unpredictable the gameplay can become. So, we recommend everyone to give it a chance!

Truthfully, the fire cheat does a very simple and straightforward job in The Sims 4 – it causes fires. It can be used in many different situations. And, for the simmers that want to control everything that’s going on on their screens, it’s a perfect tool for the job. However, we want to also teach you how to turn on or turn off fires in your game entirely, so you don’t accidentally do something that you do not intend.

If you’re ready, let’s jump on how to use the fire cheat in The Sims 4 section of our guide!

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The Fire Cheat in The Sims 4

Enabling Cheats

Enabling cheats is the first thing you’ll need to take care of if you want to use the fire cheat in The Sims 4. If you’ve never used cheats in this game, this will be the step you’ll need to do before inserting any other cheat. Just follow these steps if you aren’t sure how is the process supposed to work.

First, open up the command console box by pressing down SHIFT + CTRL + C on your keyboard. If you’re using a Mac, then CMD will need to be in place of SHIFT. And for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 users, the four triggers on your control will do the same thing.

Once the new windows appears on your screen, proceed by adding the testingcheats true cheat line in the dialogue bar. This is the function that will enable the usage of any cheat in The Sims 4, including the fire cheat. In the end, just press enter and you’re good to go!

For more info on this topic, please visit our in-depth guide on testing cheats!

Fire Cheats

First off, let’s learn how to permanently turn off and on fires in The Sims 4. The cheat you’ll be needing for this is fire.toggle {off} and fire.toggle {on}. When you turn off fires in the game, for example, your Sims won’t be able to cause fires in any way. And when you turn the feature back on, the game will continue to work in the normal way.

Now, to significantly increase the chane of your Sim to cause a fire around your house, you can use sims.add_buff BurningLove. This will make them true pyromaniacs and will set things on fire very regularly (including other Sims). The buff lasts for 4 hours, so you might need to reapply if you want to continue the effect.

And lastly, if you want to kill your Sim with fire, then you’ll need to use the cheat stats.set_stat commodity_Buff_BurningLove_StartFire 7. Now, this cheat can’t do the job immediately. Instad, it will take a couple of times until your Sim is completely dead. To our knowledge, this line adds 15% chance that your Sim will cause a fire. And so, you might have to apply it five to six times in order for them to burn everything down, including themselves.

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As you can see, the fire cheat has a moderate use in The Sims 4. It’s not the most extravagant cheat, nor the most useful one. However, it helps us simmers to control more aspects of the game. Plus, it is a necessary tool for any storytelling, so you might want to remember it.

One of the most fun parts about Sims Lore is talking to players who have started fires in hilarious ways throughout the years. You’ve got players from The Sims 1 that filled their entire home with rugs and fireworks and just let it burn, to players in The Sims 4 who forgot to change the lint in the laundry and lost their entire home.

Fires have been a big part of the game for over two decades and will continue to be a hilarious and extremely upsetting occurrence for your sims to have to experience. Thankfully, there are a few ways that you can hopefully cheat to start fires in your game and make it completely under your control for the best experience.

One important thing to note is that these aren’t super main stream cheats and may not even work for a lot of players. They aren’t like money cheats like motherlode that are super supported by EA and will always work and some have even been disabled by EA for some users!

How to Enable Cheats

Before you are able to use most cheats in The Sims 4 you need to make sure that cheats are enabled. Why is this important? Well, this cheat makes sure that the game knows you are going to use some of the more complicated cheats that aren’t usable right out the gate.

To enable cheats you need to first open the cheat box which you can do the following ways:

  • PC: ctrl + shift + c
  • Mac: command + shift + c
  • Console: all four triggers

Once the dialogue box opens at the top of your screen you want to type in testingcheats true and hit enter and the game should let you know that cheats are enabled. You can then use the same buttons you used to open the box to close it.

Turn off Fires for Good

Our first cheat gives you the ability to toggle fires on or off and turning them off will make it so you no longer have autonomous fires being caused by your sims. When they’re on the game will work as normal.

To use this cheat you need to open up the cheat box like we talked about in the last section and then type in fire.toggle off and hit enter and fires should be disabled to protect your sims. If you want to turn it back on you can do the same cheat with fire.toggle on and it will enable fires once again.

Other Fire Cheats

Spawn a Fire

The first of our cheats is stats.set_stat commodity_buff_burninglove_startfire 7 which is a confusing one to explain. This is going to increase the chance of your sim spawning a fire by 15% so it won’t happen immediately. This is a stackable cheat so the more times you use it the more likely you are to have a fire spawn. For example, using it 3 times gives you a 45% chance of spawning a fire.

Reset Chance for Fire

When you use the fire cheats in the game there is actually a TWO DAY cool down before the game will allow you to use it again. Using the sims.remove_buffer buff_fire_recentfire cheat will allow you to remove that cool down and use the spawn a fire cheat immediately again.

Scenic Fire

Our next cheat is the scenic fire cheat that won’t actually grow a huge fire. This cheat will spawn a small single tile fire somewhere near your sim but this fire is going to eventually just disappear and won’t burn down your house or set your sim on fire. This is great for taking specific fire screenshots or just for the jokes. To use this fire you need the cheat objects.gsi_creat_obj 0x0000abd9 and hit enter.

Increase Fire Chance

Our final fire cheat is the cheat that will increase the chance of your sims autonomously starting a fire at any point which is the sims.add_buff burninglove cheat and it will make it more likely to start a fire for the next four hours.

Final Thoughts

As simmers we will never stop enjoying setting fires in our sim’s homes and laughing as they burn, it’s just who we are a species of gamers. If you want to create your own fires, these are the cheats you are going to need to know. Happy playing!

How do you burn a Sim in Sims 4?

During a heatwave, Simmers can force their Sim to wear heavy clothing and to warm themselves on a fireplace. This will result in their death. After death, they warm up cold Sims or kill them by overheating. If Sims had low Cooking Skill and made a Pufferfish Nigiri, there's a 50% chance they'll die from poisoning.

Can Sims burn?

If a Sim catches on fire they can die.


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