How do you gamble away money in BitLife?

How do you gamble away money in BitLife?

Image via Candywriter

For those attempting to complete the Deadbeat Dad challenge in BitLife, one of the requirements for this task is to gamble away a lot of money. There’s no defined amount of money you need to lose to meet the requirements of this challenge; it’s a little open-ended. However, the other requirements of the challenge mean you can’t make a lot of money all at once, so it can be difficult to have access to a lot of money to lose in the first place. In this guide, we’re going to detail the best way to gamble away a lot of money.

We highly recommend swapping between freelance gig jobs and part-time jobs. These jobs are not considered “full-time jobs,” so you meet one of the requirements for the Deadbeat Dad challenge. Freelance gigs give you access to money immediately, whereas part-time jobs give you money every year, similar to full-time ones. You can earn a lot of money doing freelance work, but it takes time and a lot of clicking, making it tiring.

Once you have about $10,000 or so, go to your casino and start gambling. There’s a delicate balance of wanting to win quite a bit and then wanting to lose. You want to lose to meet the task, but you also want to win, so you meet the requirement of gambling away a lot of money. We recommend first making a lot of money, winning at the casino, and then start losing the gambling games on purpose. We don’t know the exact amount, so check the requirement page pretty often.

The freelance gigs are something you do as many times as you want throughout a year of BitLife. Even though they take a lot of clicking to complete, they’re a good way to receive money immediately, especially if you’re gambling it away in the same year.

How do you gamble away money in BitLife?

Credit: Candywriter, LLC

If you are trying to complete this week's challenge, one of the objectives you will need to complete is to gamble away lots of money. As simple as it sounds, it's not and you will need to first obtain a part-time job.

This is because, you will need to build of a large sum of money to then gamble away using one of the various methods of gambling in Bitlife.

That said, you can get a part-time job via the jobs tab in the game. We highly recommend picking one that gives the most amount of money, like a mall Santa or mover.

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Once you get the job, you will then need to age up a few years until you have around 100k. An alternative method would be to gamble until you gambled away around this amount.

You can also gamble using either two methods in the game, the casino, and horse tracks. To gamble at casinos, you will need to find the tab for it under activities and then play a few rounds of blackjack.

For the horse track, you will need to find the horse track activity under the activities tab. When you find the activity, click on it and then place several bets and make sure to lose each bet. Keep losing bets, and you will complete the gamble away lots of money objective in this week's challenge.

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How do you gamble away money in BitLife?

Credit: Candywriter, LLC

In Bitlife, players are able to gamble tons of money away through two activities in the game, casinos and the horse track. To gamble in Bitlife, players will need to unlock either one of these activities by aging up to around age eighteen. 

It's also highly recommended to have a steady and high-paying job to afford the costs of gambling, as players may find themselves going into debt without one. 

That said, jobs like a CEO or anything that pays at least 40 to 100k a year would be the ideal jobs we recommend before gambling in the game. However, if we had to choose, we highly recommend going for at least a 100k job as 40k might not be enough to sustain gambling in Bitlife.

Related: How to reconnect with estranged child in Bitlife

Once you have a decent-paying job, you will be able to gamble by visiting either the casino or horse track activities under the activities tab in the game. 

At the casino, players will be able to gamble money via blackjack, while at horse tracks, you can bet on horses and will gain money if your horse wins the race.

Overall, we recommend going with blackjack as horse races can be very tricky to win, and more or less, you have better chances of winning the former over the latter in the game.

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How do you gamble on BitLife?

The Casino option is the first gambling activity a player can choose when they open the Activities tab. When the Casino button is pressed, the game will prompt the user with two casinos to visit, but it doesn't matter which casino the player visits. The player can also go to the casino if they are prompted by an event.

How do I become super rich on BitLife?

In BitLife, an easy way to get rich quickly is to have a high-paying profession. As you age, you can choose to go to University, study to become a doctor, or join a business school to become a wealthy CEO.

What do I do with BitLife so much money?

What can I buy with BitLife money? Just as there are a lot of ways to make money, there are even more ways to spend it. You'll primarily use your money to purchase assets like houses and cars. These are quite expensive purchases that require some saving, but they dramatically boost your net worth by doing so.

How does Blackjack work BitLife?

If you get a blackjack (21), you automatically win unless the dealer also draws a 21 (in which case it's a draw), and if you get a higher score than the dealer, you win. Naturally, you lose your bet if you go bust, or go over 21.