How do you convert 100 minutes to 60 minutes an hour?

By Mark Kennan

Updated July 21, 2017

How do you convert 100 minutes to 60 minutes an hour?

i James And James/Pixland/Getty Images

When most people think of the metric system, they think of measuring weight and distance. However, the metric system also has a little-used time system utilizing a 10-hour day and each hour having 100 minutes. These metric hours and metric minutes have different lengths than the standard hours and minutes used by most people today. However, if you know the conversion factors, you can quickly convert from a 100 minute clock to standard time.

Multiply the number of hours on the 100 minute clock by 2.4 to convert to standard hours. For example, if the time on the 100 minute clock is 3:27:10, you would multiply 3 by 2.4 to get 7.2 hours.

Multiply the decimal remainder for the number of hours by 60 to convert from standard hours to minutes. In this example, you would multiply 0.2 by 60 to get 12.

Multiply the number of minutes on the 100 minute time clock by 1.44 to convert to standard minutes. In this example, you would multiply 27 by 1.44 to get 38.88.

Multiply the decimal remainder for the number of minutes by 60 to convert from standard minutes to seconds. In this example, you would multiply 0.88 by 60 to get 52.8 seconds.

Multiply the number of seconds on the 100 minute clock by 0.864 to convert to standard seconds. In this example, you would multiply 0.864 by 10 to get 8.64 seconds.

Add the hours, minutes and seconds together to find the time converted from the 100 minute clock to standard time. Completing the example, you would add 7 hours, 12 minutes, 38 minutes, 52.8 seconds and 8.64 seconds to find that 3:27:10 converts to 7:51:01.44 in standard time.

My time clock measures my work hours by the 100 minute. So if I worked 7 hours and 30 minutes, it would read 7.30.

My paycheck takes that time and converts it to the 60 minute hour. So if I worked 7 hours and 30 minutes, it would read 7.50.

I record all my hours in Excel and can't seem to find a formula that will convert my time from 7.30 to 7.50 so I can see if my paycheck and my recorded hours match up. Any ideas?

Edit: There are a few formulas that seemed to have worked, though this is the one I'm sticking with


This one works too


Thank you! You all are magic.

Unit Converter

Enter the total number of minutes into the calculator to convert into a 100-minute decimal clock.

  • Fraction of An Hour Calculator
  • Tenth of an Hour Calculator
  • DMS Calculator (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds)

100 Minute Clock Formula

The following formula is used to convert minutes into decimals in hundredths.

D = M / 60

  • Where D is the decimal value in hundredths
  • M is the number of minutes

In the case of this formula, if the number of minutes is say 1 hour and 20 minutes, used 20 minutes in the formula, and then add the decimal to the 1 hour.

For example, in that case, 20/60 = .333 so then add 1 + .333 = 1.333.

What is a 100 minute clock?

A 100-minute clock is typically referred to when talking about the decimal equivalent of the minutes of an hour. In other words, 1 is 60 minutes in a 100-minute clock.

Example Problem

how to calculate a 100 minute clock?

First, determine the total number of hours and minutes.

For this example, the time that has passed is 4 hours and 26 minutes.

Next, split the hours and minutes apart.

Next, divide the minutes by 60 to get a decimal value.

26 / 60 = .4333

Finally, add the 4 hours to the decimal to reach the final answer:

= 4 + .4333 = 4.433

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Calculator Use

  1. Convert minutes to hours and minutes, and
  2. Convert minutes to hh:mm format, and
  3. Convert minutes to decimal hours

To convert among other time units use the Time Converter.

How to Convert Minutes to Hours & Minutes

To convert minutes to hours and minutes,

  • use long division to divide the minutes by 60
  • the answer quotient is the hours part
  • the answer remainder is the minutes part


Using long division, where total minutes is the dividend and 60 is the divisor, let Q = quotient and R = remainder, then the formula to convert minutes to hours & minutes is

total minutes ÷ 60 = Q hours and R minutes

\( \dfrac{\text{total minutes}}{60} = \text{Q hours and R minutes} \)


To show an example and how it works, let's say we want to convert 190 minutes to hours and minutes.

190 divided by 60 equals 3 with a remainder of 10 = 3 R 10

The quotient Q = 3 and the remainder R = 10 so, 190 minutes = 3 hours and 10 minutes.

How to Convert Minutes to Decimal Hours

There are 60 minutes in an hour or 60 minutes per hour. Written mathematically as a value of 1 it is [60 min / 1 hr] = 1. The inverse is also true that [1 hr / 60min] = 1

To convert minutes to hours, divide the minutes by 60.

To show an example and how it works mathematically, let's say we want to convert 195 minutes to hours. We multiply by [1 hr / 60 min] which is 1. The min unit cancels out and our result is in hr units.

195 min * [1 hr / 60 min] = 195/60 hr = 3.25 hr

(note that if you instead divide by [60 min / 1 hr] you get the same answer)

How to Convert Minutes to Hours and Minutes, Alternate Method

There are 60 minutes in an hour or 60 minutes per hour. Written mathematically as a value of 1 it is [60 min / 1 hr] = 1. The inverse is also true that [1 hr / 60 min] = 1

To convert minutes to hours and minutes by division and multiplication,

  • divide the minutes by 60
  • if the result is a number with a decimal part, then
  • the hours is the integer part
  • the minutes is the decimal part multiplied by 60

To show an example and how it works mathematically, let's say we want to convert 190 minutes to hours and minutes. We multiply by [1 hr / 60 min] which is 1. The min unit cancels out and our result is in hr units.

190 min * [1 hr / 60 min] = 190/60 hr = 3.16667 hr

3 is the hours part.

The minutes part is calculated as 0.16667 * 60 = 10

So, 190 minutes = 3 hours and 10 minutes.

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How do you convert 100 minutes to 60 minutes an hour?
How do you convert 100 minutes to 60 minutes an hour?

What is the formula to convert minutes to hours?

To convert from minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60. For example, 120 minutes equals 2 hours because 120/60=2.

How do you calculate 100 minutes?

A 100-minute clock is typically referred to when talking about the decimal equivalent of the minutes of an hour. In other words, 1 is 60 minutes in a 100-minute clock.

How do you calculate 100 of an hour?

Divide the minutes by 60 because there are 60 seconds in a minute. In this example, 58 divided by 60 equals . 967. Round the number in the hundredths place up or down.

Is .50 the same as 30 minutes?

Decimal Hours Format The 30 minutes portion is expressed as . 50 because 30 minutes equals 1/2 hour or . 50 hours in decimal format. Payroll hours are almost always reported in decimal hours.