How do you break the seal Fang of Watatsumi?

"Fang of Watatsumi" is part of the The Moon-Bathed Deep World Quest Series.


  1. Go to the "Fang"
  2. Read the stone tablet at the "Fang"
  3. Protect the Ley Line Monolith
    1. 1st and 2nd wave:
    2. 3rd and 4th wave:
    3. 5th wave:
  4. Obtain the Spirit Pearl

Gameplay Notes

  • "Fang of Watatsumi" can be done either before or after the quests "Eye of Watatsumi", "Fin of Watatsumi", and "Tail of Watatsumi".
  • Players can do this quest in Co-Op Mode.
  • The monolith needs to be protected for 120 seconds, but every kill on an enemy reduces this time by 5 seconds.
    • A new wave of enemies will not spawn until all of the enemies in the current wave are defeated.
  • There are two Thunder Dwellings that can be charged to deal AoE Electro DMG.

How do you break the seal Fang of Watatsumi?

Shrine Location


How do you break the seal Fang of Watatsumi?
Quest Description

You must first break the five seals on Watatsumi Island if you wish to enter Enkanomiya.

(On approaching the "Fang")Paimon: And this must be the "Fang"...

How do you break the seal Fang of Watatsumi?
Step Description

An ancient stone tablet stands beside the shrine. Will there be anything of use written on it?

(On examining the tablet nearby)Ancient Stone Tablet: "...To provoke battle, to defend, and end them quickly, and thus take unto oneself the spoils — 'tis the way of Watatsumi, marked in tooth and claw..."Paimon: Ugh... There's barely anything legible here. Paimon guesses we'll need to fight and protect something... so we can get the Spirit Pearls... or something.

How do you break the seal Fang of Watatsumi?
Step Description

With the help of the stone tablet's instructions, perhaps breaking the shrine seal will not be a problem... Right?

(Dialogue before 1st wave)Paimon: (Traveler), be careful!Paimon: Oh no, lots of hilichurls incoming!(Dialogue before 5th wave)Paimon: Wait, why are these Treasure Hoarders and bandits also here?

How do you break the seal Fang of Watatsumi?
Step Description

You have finally broken the shrine's seal, and the Spirit Pearl is yours to claim. Go forth and take it!

(On examining the shrine - if this was the first shrine)Paimon: We found a pearl. Is this the Spirit Pearl Tsuyuko talked about?(On examining the shrine - if this was the second shrine)Paimon: There's another Spirit Pearl!(On examining the shrine - if this was the third shrine)Paimon: And that's a third! We're getting close!(On examining the shrine - if this was the fourth shrine)Paimon: Fourth Spirit Pearl obtained! Let's go find Tsuyuko!


How do you break the seal Fang of Watatsumi?

The sealed shrine

How do you break the seal Fang of Watatsumi?

Unlocked shrine

Video Guides

"Fang of Watatsumi" Guide

Other Languages

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
English "Fang of Watatsumi"
"Hǎiqí zhī Yá"
"Watatsumi's Tooth"
"Hǎiqí zhī Yá"
Japanese 「海祇の牙」
"Watatsumi no Kiba"
"Fang of Watatsumi"
Korean 「와타츠미의 이빨」
"Watacheumi-ui Ippal"
"Watatsumi's Tooth"
Spanish El colmillo de Watatsumi The Fang of Watatsumi
French « Croc de Watatsumi » "Fang of Watatsumi"
Russian «Клык Ватацуми»
"Klyk Vatatsumi"
"Fang of Watatsumi"
Thai "เขี้ยวแห่ง Watatsumi"
"Khiao haeng Watatsumi"
"Fang of Watatsumi"
Vietnamese Răng Watatsumi Watatsumi's Tooth
German Reißzahn von Watatsumi "Fang of Watatsumi"
Indonesian "Taring Watatsumi" "Fang of Watatsumi"
Portuguese "Presa de Watatsumi" "Fang of Watatsumi"

Change History

Version 2.4

  • Reduced the combat difficulty of the World Quest "Fang of Watatsumi": decreases the total time required to defend the Ley Line Monolith from 300s to 120s.
    • Players will no longer fight the following enemies in waves 6 and 7:
      • 6th wave:
      • 7th wave:
  • The following dialogue will no longer be triggered:

(Dialogue before 7th wave)Paimon: Look out! Those guys look pretty tough!

Version 2.1

  • "Fang of Watatsumi" was released.

How do you break the seal in Watatsumi eye?

When you have arrived here, go to the shrine and read the stone tablet at the Eye. You will then need to break the seal over the shrine. To accomplish this, use your Elemental Sight to find these seals. Note that only an Anemo character can break these.

Can the fang of Watatsumi be done in coop?

"Fang of Watatsumi" can be done either before or after the quests "Eye of Watatsumi", "Fin of Watatsumi", and "Tail of Watatsumi". Players can do this quest in Co-Op Mode.

How do you protect the ley line monolith Fang of Watatsumi?

Take out all enemies in the wave except for the Anemo Hilichurl caster on the left. Occasionally interrupt him and freeze him to try and keep his focus on you. As long as just this Hilichurl is alive, no other enemies will spawn in, and you can just the timer go down.

How do I break the last seal in Genshin?

For the fourth and final circle, you need to first pay respects and then rotate the fish statues. After successfully completing all four circles, head to the middle. You will now find what is the fifth circle. Defeating all of the enemies will result in you unlocking this seal.