How do smart girls behave like teens?

How do smart girls behave like teens?
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  • Being Smart in School
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  • Exploring New Interests
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  • Practicing Healthy Habits

You, yes you, can be a smart girl! Being smart mostly comes down to working hard and learning from your mistakes, and you can do that! In school, that can mean practicing what you're learning in class to get the ideas down and asking questions when you have them. Outside of school, don't be afraid to explore your ideas and interests. By following your interests, you'll learn and grow smarter without even realizing it!

  1. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Listen by clearing your mind and focusing on the teacher. To learn from teachers, you must pay close attention. Start by turning off what your brain is saying. You may be thinking about what you had for lunch or what your best friend said. Try to push those thoughts away and put your attention on what the teacher is saying. You may want to turn your head slightly toward them to remind you to listen.[1]

    • As you listen, try to put what the teacher is saying in your own words. That's called summarizing, and it helps you remember what's being said.
    • It can help to take notes. Write down what the teacher is saying in your own words. Don't try to get every word down, as you won't be able to keep up. Just get down the big, important ideas.

  2. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Ask questions when you have them. Everyone has questions, even smart girls! In fact, the smartest people often ask the most questions because they want to learn. If you don't understand something in class or you want to know more, don't be afraid to put your hand up.[2]

    • Someone else probably has the same question, too, so you're helping your classmates out!


  3. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Put in the hours to learn the subject outside of school. Working hard is a big part of being smart. If you're not getting a concept, practice it for a little bit each day until you get it. By continuing to work on it, you'll eventually have that "Aha!" moment where things become clear.[3]

    • Set aside time each day to work on the concepts you don't understand, even if you've already moved on in class.
    • If you're having trouble, don't be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes, it just takes someone explaining something a little differently for you to get it. You could talk to your teacher, a friend who understands the material, or your parents. You could even go online to see if you can find a tutorial to help you understand it better.

  4. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Read as often and as much as you can. Reading is essential to your learning process. It's how you'll be able to absorb information in many subjects. That means that the better you're able to read and comprehend, the easier you'll be able to pick up new ideas![4]

    • It doesn't really matter what you're reading, as long as you're reading. Read comic books, novels, picture books, and magazines, or whatever else you like!

  5. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Speak up to show your confidence. It can be scary to say what you're thinking at times, but if you use a soft, mumbling voice, people won't take you as seriously. Speak up in a strong, confident voice! You'll feel more confident, and you'll convince other people of your sincerity, too.[5]

    • Try practicing in front of the mirror. Work on saying things in a voice people can hear, saying your words clearly and distinctly.

  6. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Grow your thinking skills outside of school by finding problems to solve. When you work your brain muscles more, you get better at solving problems. Try to put your smarts to work outside school by building things, figuring out how things work, and trying to repair things that break. You can take that problem-solving right back to school![6]

    • For instance, maybe your kid sister broke one of her favorite toys. Look around the house to figure out if you can find a way to fix it!
    • Don't try to fix appliances on your own, as electricity is very dangerous!

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  1. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Follow what you love. Maybe you're a girl who loves dinosaurs or one who's into princesses. Maybe you love both, or maybe you like bugs! Whatever you love, learn more about it. Get library books to learn more or go online to find out more. Exploring what you love is a great way to learn and grow.[7]

    • If your city has a museum featuring something you're interested in, ask your parents to take you!

  2. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Work hard to learn new things by persistently practicing your new skill. Learning something new can take some hard work, but if put in the hard work and learn it, you prove to yourself you can do it. Tackle new things to prove to yourself that you're smart, brave, and persistent! Tell yourself you can do it and then keep at it until you do.[8]

    • Learn a new card trick, for instance, or ask a parent to show you how to cook something new in the kitchen. Keep practicing until you can do it on your own! If the first thing you cook is terrible, keep trying until you make something edible, even delicious.
    • You could also take up a new hobby, such as chess, painting, or ballet, or try a new sport. Join a new club or even just get your friends together to try something! Working with other people will inspire you to keep at it.

  3. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Learn it's okay to make mistakes. As a girl, you may feel like you have to be the best at everything the first time you do it. Here's a secret, though: no one's perfect at something the first time they do it. You're going to make mistakes, and that's okay. You're still a smart kid! Just learn from your mistakes and apply it so you get better.[9]

    • For instance, maybe you want to build a robot. Great! Maybe your first attempt isn't so great though, and it falls apart. Figure out why it fell apart and use that knowledge to build your next robot! You didn't fail; you're just learning how to do better.

  4. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Practice skills instead of reading about them. You learn some by reading about how to do something. However, you learn a lot more by actually trying it out. Read a book or watch a video about what you want to do, but then, go out and try it yourself. The more active you are in learning something, the better your brain will remember it.[10]

    • So, for instance, if you're trying to learn how to make a friendship bracelet, look it up in a book or online first, but then try it out yourself.

  5. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Join the band or the choir to improve your mental skills. Kids who learn how to read music and then play a musical instrument or sing actually help develop their brains! Join a class or organization at your school where you can learn how to play. If that's not an option, try learning how to read music from online videos and tutorials![11]

    • You could also ask your parents to get you music lessons.

  6. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Don't forget to leave time for play. You don't need to be trying to make yourself smarter all the time. Give yourself some downtime to play your favorite game or just make up a story or draw a picture. These activities may seem trivial, but they let your brain rest while, at the same time, opening up your imagination![12]

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  1. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Keep your body healthy by getting 30-60 minutes of exercise most days of the week. A healthy body equals a healthy brain! You don't have to join an organized sports team to get active. You could go play basketball with your friends, go for a swim, or play at the park. Just get your body moving![13]

  2. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Fuel your brain with healthy food. Your brain needs good food and nutrients to work right! At meals, aim to fill up half your plate with veggies. Then eat some healthy protein, like chicken and fish, and whole grains, like brown rice or whole wheat pasta. Talk to your parents about eating healthier if they cook for you.

    • You could say, "I'd really like to start eating healthier. What can I do to help make healthier meals for us?"

  3. How do smart girls behave like teens?


    Go to bed on time. This sounds boring, but you have to get enough sleep for your brain to develop properly. If you're 13 or younger, you need at least 9 to 11 hours every night, and if you're over 13, you need at least 8 to 10 hours every night. If you wake up feeling tired and find yourself dozing off during the day, you need to get more sleep![14]

    • If you have trouble falling asleep, turn off your screens an hour before bed. The blue light from smartphones, tablets, and other screens tells your brain to stay awake! Also, sleep with your phone away from your bed with the notifications turned off.

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Article SummaryX

If you want to be a smart girl, make sure to clear your mind and listen to your teachers during school. You might want to think about what you’re having for lunch or something funny your best friend said, but try your best to push those thoughts away and focus on your teacher. As you listen, take notes and put what the teacher is saying into your own words, because this will help you remember the lesson. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you have a hard time understanding something or want to know more. While learning in school is important to being smart, you should also dedicate time at home to work on concepts you don’t understand. Reading is a great way to absorb information in many different subjects, so read as much as you can outside of school! For more tips, like how to develop habits that keep your brain healthy, read on!

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