How do I raise my level cap to 90 in Xenoverse 2?

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  1. Boards
  2. Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
  3. How to reach lvl 85/lvl90??

Cbot 4 years ago#1

My saiyan is at lvl 80. I read that you can reach lvl 85 and lvl 90. There are so much different information that I don't know what quest to do! lol

What is the proper way to reach lvl 85 and lvl 90? I need to go higher! lol

3DS Friend code : 4571-1758-5277

Chibs 4 years ago#2

First you must have done Guru's side quests. Protecting his house about 7 times. Afterwards once you reach level 80 Guru will summon you and unlock your hidden potential. He will do this again at 85, 90, and 95.

Switch: 5237-1697-5205

emperorbob 4 years ago#3

Storywise Guru missions will unlock your "potential" allowing you to level up. Once you reach the highest level possible return to Guru and he will unlock the next "tier."

As for actually leveling, 40ton weights supersoul and power grinding Realm of the gods Goku/Vegeta is a valid strat until 70-72 and from that point you are better off wishing for levels (PQ 23 is wonderfulf or this), and if you've been keeping up with Guru missions you can also wish for 3 levels at a time(unless you are under 3 levels away from the cap, at such time you must wish for one until you hit the next tier).

Absolute max level is 99.

Disagreeing with you doesn't make a troll.

BlitzBallerJG 4 years ago#4

3 levels at a time? how is this done?

FC: 1822-0556-4800 X:0723 S:3333 AS:????
Pokemon IGN: Jonathan

Serp_BAE 4 years ago#5

emperorbob posted...

Storywise Guru missions will unlock your "potential" allowing you to level up. Once you reach the highest level possible return to Guru and he will unlock the next "tier."

As for actually leveling, 40ton weights supersoul and power grinding Realm of the gods Goku/Vegeta is a valid strat until 70-72 and from that point you are better off wishing for levels (PQ 23 is wonderfulf or this), and if you've been keeping up with Guru missions you can also wish for 3 levels at a time(unless you are under 3 levels away from the cap, at such time you must wish for one until you hit the next tier).

Absolute max level is 99.

I'd say the great saiyaman missions are easier to do and get to than em 16 / 17. Good luck getting to those unless you use a ki blaster. The final saiyaman mission can be done in 30 seconds and gives 40k exp
When you reach lvl 81 just gather the dragon balls and wish to grow more, and use PQ 4 to get dragon balls. Using this way I've managed to get 6 characters to level 99

BahamutDragoon 4 years ago#6

BlitzBallerJG posted...

3 levels at a time? how is this done?

Wishing for "I want to grow more" from Shenron. As stated already, this can only be done by doing the Guru Time Rift.

Look down.
Look up.

  1. Boards
  2. Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
  3. How to reach lvl 85/lvl90??

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  1. Boards
  2. Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
  3. Need help increasing level cap from 90 to 95

Serp_BAE 5 years ago#1

I have two characters
My first one is at 85 (Freeza race, this is the one that got the time eggs from guru)
My second is 90 (can't leave up anymore, female saiyan)
I got the previous level upgrade by logging into multi lobby with my Freeza character when he was at level 85, but when I do it with my female saiyan, nothing happens.
Do I really have to level up my Freeza race character alongside my saiyan to increase the level cap -_-?

Chilled26 5 years ago#2

My only charcater is level 99 so I know you can do one of two things.
1. Get the time egg from guru on your level 90 character and unlock the cap.
2. Level up your level 85 character to level 90 and unlock the cap.

Their are 4 level caps to unlock but only one character has to do it so it can apply to the rest.
The caps are:

Being able to talk to the elder guru freely is what's required to increase these caps, you will have to talk to him for each level caps increase.

Serp_BAE (Topic Creator)5 years ago#3

Chilled26 posted...

My only charcater is level 99 so I know you can do one of two things.
1. Get the time egg from guru on your level 90 character and unlock the cap.
2. Level up your level 85 character to level 90 and unlock the cap.

Their are 4 level caps to unlock but only one character has to do it so it can apply to the rest.
The caps are:

Being able to talk to the elder guru freely is what's required to increase these caps, you will have to talk to him for each level caps increase.

I believe they patched it so that time eggs carry over for every file
I really hope I don't have to grind both up but it seems I will have to

Chilled26 5 years ago#4

Serp_BAE posted...

I believe they patched it so that time eggs carry over for every file
I really hope I don't have to grind both up but it seems I will have to

That's right time eggs carry over. But do you have access to the elder guru on your level 90 character? If you do just go talk to him and he should increase your level cap.

Serp_BAE (Topic Creator)5 years ago#5

Chilled26 posted...

Serp_BAE posted...
I believe they patched it so that time eggs carry over for every file
I really hope I don't have to grind both up but it seems I will have to
That's right time eggs carry over. But do you have access to the elder guru on your level 90 character? If you do just go talk to him and he should increase your level cap.

I'm not sure if I do.....
I've gotten the first upgrade (125 stats) and have done a second set of missions as well but Nail still blocks the way to guru :/

Chilled26 5 years ago#6

Serp_BAE posted...

Chilled26 posted...
Serp_BAE posted...
I believe they patched it so that time eggs carry over for every file
I really hope I don't have to grind both up but it seems I will have to
That's right time eggs carry over. But do you have access to the elder guru on your level 90 character? If you do just go talk to him and he should increase your level cap.

I'm not sure if I do.....
I've gotten the first upgrade (125 stats) and have done a second set of missions as well but Nail still blocks the way to guru :/

Ok so you have to keep doing missions for them until Nail never blocks your path again.

  1. Boards
  2. Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2
  3. Need help increasing level cap from 90 to 95

How do I raise my level cap in Xenoverse 2?

2 full cycles to unlock the attribute raise and the extra wish options, then you can instantly raise your cap to 85. Everytime you wanna raise it after, up to 99, you have to hit the current cap.

What is the max level cap in Xenoverse 2?

The default cap for all characters is 80, after getting to it a character can go to Guru's House, where he will increase their max level cap to 85. Once they reach that, they can unlock level 90, then 95 and finally 99.