How do I make it so not pause when I alt tab?

Nevermind, found another cheat engine script that works.

{ Game : NMS.exe
Date : 2019-11-27
Author : Igromanru

No Pause On Loss Focus

define(bytes,0F 94 C0 48 83 C4 20)


aobscanmodule(noPauseOnLossFocusSearch,NMS.exe,48 39 83 ? ? ? ? 0F 94 C0 48 83 C4 20)
define(noPauseOnLossFocus, noPauseOnLossFocusSearch+7)





sete al
add rsp,20
mov eax, 1 // return true (no pause)
jmp return

jmp newmem
nop 2


db bytes



"NMS.exe"+1690426: 33 D2 - xor edx,edx
"NMS.exe"+1690428: B9 01 00 01 00 - mov ecx,00010001
"NMS.exe"+169042D: E8 9E B7 0B 00 - call NMS.exe+174BBD0
"NMS.exe"+1690432: 33 C9 - xor ecx,ecx
"NMS.exe"+1690434: 0F B6 C1 - movzx eax,cl
"NMS.exe"+1690437: 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20
"NMS.exe"+169043B: 5B - pop rbx
"NMS.exe"+169043C: C3 - ret
"NMS.exe"+169043D: FF 15 3D 26 64 00 - call qword ptr [NMS.exe+1CD2A80]
"NMS.exe"+1690443: 48 39 83 48 03 00 00 - cmp [rbx+00000348],rax
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"NMS.exe"+169044A: 0F 94 C0 - sete al
"NMS.exe"+169044D: 48 83 C4 20 - add rsp,20
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"NMS.exe"+1690451: 5B - pop rbx
"NMS.exe"+1690452: C3 - ret
"NMS.exe"+1690453: CC - int 3
"NMS.exe"+1690454: CC - int 3
"NMS.exe"+1690455: CC - int 3
"NMS.exe"+1690456: CC - int 3
"NMS.exe"+1690457: CC - int 3
"NMS.exe"+1690458: CC - int 3
"NMS.exe"+1690459: CC - int 3
"NMS.exe"+169045A: CC - int 3

2017 年 8 月 23 日 下午 8:25

How to stop the game from pausing when alt-tabbing out of it?

I need to multi-task. I'm stuck using the terrible Steam browser and it's just not cutting it. I want to be able to work on other stuff without it stopping the growth of my farm plants. We should be able to access other windows and interact with them without the game pausing. I'd like to multitask email, do some audio and image editing, and various other internet tasks while waiting for my plants to grow. This feature is sorely needed.

I accidentally tricked the game into letting me use my own mozilla browser once by repeatedly tabbing in and out of the steam overlay and browser, but I can't replicate it. Has anyone else figure dout how to do it?

張貼日期: 2017 年 8 月 23 日 下午 8:25

回覆: 5

Title, basically. Every time I alt-tab while in-game, the game window goes darker and the game pauses. But not entirely, as audio continues (including dialogue), which is extremely annoying if I alt tab during a cinematic, as the audio will continue but the video part stays paused and has to catch-up, which basically results in several seconds of audioless cinematic if I decide to alt-tab in the middle of it.

So, is there any way to deactivate that damn pause on alt tabs?

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  1. Boards
  2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  3. How the hell can you alt-tab without pausing the game in the back?

Katarok 9 years ago#1

I want to be able to alt tab like whenever it does those annoying battle cutscenes, but it pauses.

How do I make it not pause?

SpaceAgeSamurai 9 years ago#2

Since that behavior is probably hard-coded into the game, you probably can't.

Can't you just turn the animations off?

When all else fails, read the instructions.

FaPaThY 9 years ago#3

Ya, you can disable them in the options. Or run the game in windowed mode.

Katarok (Topic Creator)9 years ago#4

FaPaThY posted...

Ya, you can disable them in the options. Or run the game in windowed mode.

I'm playing in windowed borderless. It paused whenever I click out to another window..

Katarok (Topic Creator)9 years ago#5

Found it


set to false

  1. Boards
  2. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  3. How the hell can you alt-tab without pausing the game in the back?

Why does my game pause when I alt tab?

good chance you are in borderless or windowed mode ingame. when you atl/tab out of game, it will pause the game.


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