How do I get my settlement chart from NMS?

How do I get my settlement chart from NMS?
The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.

The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.

The subject of this article is from the Frontiers update.
The information from this article is up-to-date as of 15 February, 2022.

Settlement Chart
How do I get my settlement chart from NMS?
Category Curiosity
Type Cartographic Data
Updated Frontiers

Settlement Chart is a curiosity.


Settlement Chart is a curiosity.

Game description[]

A map showing the location of a nearby planetary settlement, acquired from the Space Station Cartographer.

Select the map and use Plot Route to pin the location in your Exosuit display.


Obtained from the Cartographer on a Space Station in exchange for Navigation Data.

Additional information[]

Settlement Chart requires 5 Navigation Data for each chart.

Release history[]

  • Frontiers - Added as a curiosity.


  • How do I get my settlement chart from NMS?

So I've recently picked up the game again after a fairly lengthy break from it and was excited to try the new settlement mechanic and got myself a chart. After reading online a little I learned you an save scum to force a settlement on a specific planet and went searching for a nice one which I found but cannot for the life of me get it to find a settlement on that planet. Everytime Inuse the chart (and it actually works) it would give me a location off planet on one of the ones with either high or aggressive Sentinels (thanks game but no). Thinking I could trick it I flew to the opposite side of the planet so none of the other planets were visible in the sky and now it won't give me a settlement at all.

Am I just unlucky or can some planetabjust not spawn a settlement?

How do I get my settlement chart from NMS?

With the Frontiers update out now players can now claim settlements of their own in No Man’s Sky. But before you can do that, you will need to find one. In this No Man’s Sky guide, we are going to go over how you can find settlements in the game.

As everything in the game is procedurally generated including planets, stars and creatures there is no exact way of finding a settlement. You will just need to explore and you will happen to come by settlements as you visit different worlds.

If you are looking for a guaranteed way of finding one then you can follow The Settlers quest in the Log. This can be found at the bottom of the list of main objectives. Furthermore, you can buy a settlement chart or map from the cartographer in The Anomaly or at any space station. You can then use the chart in order to get a navigation point for a settlement. Then all you have to do is follow and find the settlement at the end.

How To Find A Settlement On Your Homeworld

If you are interested in finding a settlement on your homeworld then the process is similar. You can get a settlement map from the cartographer in The Anomaly or at any space station. Then head over to your homeworld. You can head over to your base if you have one, otherwise, you can just land wherever you want.

Once you are back on your homeworld, we recommend saving the same in case the settlement map fails. These are expensive to buy and that is why we recommend saving so that you have a save file to fall back to in case the map fails. Once you use the map you should be able to find a settlement on your homeworld.

This is how you can find a settlement in No Man’s Sky. To learn more about the game check out our guide on how you can find Derelict Freighters. For more guides on the game check out our No Man’s Sky guides hub.

How do you use the settlement chart in no man's sky?

Game description A map showing the location of a nearby planetary settlement, acquired from the Space Station Cartographer. Select the map and use Plot Route to pin the location in your Exosuit display.

Is there only one settlement per planet NMS?

Summary. Planetary Settlements are one of the various Points of Interest in No Man's Sky. There are several settlements per planet and they can be in close proximity or far away. Planets have multiple settlements.