How did Misty get her arm back?

At the end of The Defenders, Misty Knight lost her right arm, but in the second season of Luke Cage she gets her comic book signature bionic arm -- with a little help from a friend.

Warning: SPOILERS for the second season of Netflix's Luke Cage below.

Losing her arm is a big adjustment for Misty Knight (Simone Missick). On top of the sheer physical challenges losing a limb faces, Misty's co-workers constantly rag on her about her missing arm as do the various people she encounters working cases. To cope, Misty ends up getting one-armed combat lessons from Colleen Wing, partially to help her adjust to her new physical reality but also to work through some of her emotions.

However, while the training helps it's still not the same as having an arm. Colleen ends up putting a word in with Danny Rand and, as a result, Misty is sent a special, high-tech Rand Industries prosthetic arm. She gets it calibrated and starts wearing it regularly -- even wearing it around the precinct -- but even with a high-tech new arm it's a learning curve. It takes a little bit of effort and time for her to adjust to it, something that as it happens viewers see Misty get more and more back to herself. That transition is something that Missick recently told TV Guide is like Misty moving into "superhero" status.

"It means that she is moving into that superhero status," Missick said. "We're watching as she's literally getting her swagger back over the course of the season and step into who she is in the comic books. I think that it also means that she's not taking herself out of the fight. When we see her at the beginning of the season, she's stepped away from the police force. She doesn't know who she is anymore or what she's gonna do with the rest of her life. Once she gets that prosthetic, it's like the world has opened up for her again. It's exciting."


Luke Cage Season 2 is now streaming on Netflix.

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How did Misty get her arm back?

Misty Knight will appear in Luke Cage season 2 without an arm, so how did she lose it?

Ever since Luke Cage debuted in 2016, Misty Knight (Simone Missick) has been a hit. Misty is a tough character who does more than fight. She’s a detective with the skill to break down crime scenes seemingly with ease. Her popularity didn’t lose any of momentum when she appeared in season one of The Defenders in 2017. However, she did lose her arm.

Misty spent The Defenders investigating The Hand’s activity in her district in New York. Her investigation has her informing Luke Cage about young men in Harlem getting offered well-paying jobs. The problem is these kids also ended up dead a short time later. This also put her and Jessica Jones on a collision course when she was found Jessica at the scene of an explosion. Luckily for Jessica, Matt Murdock (Daredevil) got her out of the interrogation.

As time went on, The Defenders got closer to stopping the Hand but got arrested. Misty ended up stalling the police so they could break out and go after them. Despite being asked not to interfere, Misty and Claire joined the fight. While Colleen Wing was fighting Bakuto (Colleen’s former trainer and member of The Hand), Misty jumped in the way and stopped him from cutting Colleen’s head off. In the process, Misty had her arm chopped off at the elbow.

After the big fight was over, Colleen visited Misty in the hospital. Colleen told Misty that Danny Rand (The Immortal Iron Fist as he likes to tell everyone) has arranged for her to get a bionic arm courtesy of Rand Enterprises.

When Misty Knight unveiled her cybernetic arm in Entertainment Weekly, everyone from fans of comic books to fans of the show were pumped. Misty was already badass. Now she has all of that toughness and an arm she can knock people out with. If she’s going to be part of Luke Cage’s world, she’s going to need an edge. This is the perfect addition to give her that edge. I can’t wait to see what she does with it and who catches that hand first.

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How did Misty get her arm back?
| June 28, 2018 |

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How did Misty get her arm back?

What do you really know about Misty Knight? Maybe the basics, like how she lost her arm while trying to save others from a terrorist attack. You might even know that she was a police detective for years before that. It’s been over 40 years since we were first introduced to Misty Knight and yet we know so little about the character from the time before she lost her arm and received her bionic one. How did Misty deal with such a traumatic event, who helped her, what makes Misty who she is? Luke Cage Season 2 continues fleshing out the beloved character, giving insight to how the hard-nosed detective handles the loss of her right arm and ultimately who she is.

Mercedes Knight, created by Tony Isabella and Arvell Jones, made her first appearance in Marvel comics in Marvel Premiere #21 (1975). She had a run in with Iron Fist while trying to track down her missing friend Colleen Wing. We get a glimpse of this headstrong woman who can hold her own against Iron Fist in combat. She’s also an extremely loyal friend. Misty Knight’s origin story was summed up in two pages of Iron Fist #6. While on duty as a detective, she loses her arm while attempting to save others from a terrorist bomb, clearly showing that Misty is selfless. But who was she leading up to the terrorist attack? What makes her this selfless person?

How did Misty get her arm back?

Luke Cage season one was a bit of an introduction to Mercedes Knight, the detective. It revealed that she played basketball at Temple University and that she spent a great deal of time with her father at Pop’s barbershop.The comics had told us little to nothing about the relationship between Misty and her father. Season one also fleshes out who Misty Knight is as a police detective – how she processes a crime scene is similar to how she envisioned plays on the basketball court. Misty is also tenacious, which is displayed in her pursuit of Mariah Dillard. By the end of season one, she’s having major internal conflict within herself when it comes to how the law works and her role within it, a conflict made even stronger when she finds out her partner was a crooked cop. She no longer has control and that is something Misty struggles with. A character trait that is true to her in the comics, but now understanding her past as a point guard, her need for control and to run things smoothly starts to make sense.

The Defenders didn’t offer up much in the way of character development for her. However, we do get to witness her courage and act of selflessness when she protects both Claire and Colleen, which results in the loss of her right arm. She loses her arm in a similar fashion to the comics, which leads perfectly into season two. There is even foreshadowing as to how Colleen will be key in helping her adjust to her new life.

How did Misty get her arm back?

Luke Cage Season 2 continues Misty’s journey, presenting an in-depth look at how she handles life after losing her right arm. In a scene from episode 202, Misty and Claire are working together in her physical therapy session. When Misty doesn’t catch the ball Claire bounces her way, she tells Misty she is off balance. Misty doesn’t think she is; she retorts with, “it’s just a ball.” Claire’s observation of Misty foreshadows her entire arc season two arc – she may appear physically appear, but is rather more unbalanced mentally. Misty has to come to terms with who she is as a police detective in her post-Scarfe world.

After the Midland Circle incident, Misty was awarded a tax-free 3/4th pension, but she declines it and comes back to the police force. It’s clear that her career is very much a part of her identity, of course she wouldn’t be able to just let it go. Misty deals with colleagues who express ableist behavior towards her, as well as some of her own internalized ableism.

In a key scene from episode 203, Misty and Colleen have a conversation while sparring that sheds some light on how Misty is truly feeling. Her identity as a star basketball player is brought up to make a connection to how the loss of her right arm is affecting her mentally. She reveals that as a point guard, she was able to see everything on the court, relying heavily on her right hand for her handling of the basketball. This is an analogy for how she processes crime scenes. The loss of her arm plays a heavy role in the mental fog she feels because she no longer has the appendage she relied on.

Similar to the reveal in Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #33, Colleen plays an integral part in helping Misty cope with her disability, and the two develop a powerful friendship in the process. In one of the best action scenes from this season, Misty and Colleen take on a few men in a bar, showing how Colleen wants Misty to realize she can still hold her own, right arm or not. It’s a great moment that shows the budding relationship between Colleen and Misty. Colleen being the one to call Misty out on her crap and hold her accountable. The realization seems to play a key role in her finally accepting help from Danny Rand, ultimately agreeing to the prosthetic arm provided by Rand Corporation.

Misty may have found semblance of balance with the addition of her bionic arm, but she’s still finds herself walking a tightrope between Scarfe and Captain Ridenhour. The character Cockroach acts as a the wind to push her over the edge and almost does. He is one of many criminals that were freed because of Scarfe’s corrupt involvement with their cases. Misty is still struggling with the fact that as his partner, she may have helped put away many more innocent people. She almost plants evidence on Cockroach after his bruised and battered girlfriend tells Misty that she doesn’t think there is anything the police can do to stop him. This plays into Misty’s internal conflict with how the law works. She ultimately decides against planting the evidence because she realizes she doesn’t want to be Scarfe. The turmoil still lingers, however.

In episode 206, Misty is on the verge of spiralling way out of control. She is upset about the way the law moves and how nothing seems to be getting done in terms of taking down Mariah Dillard. Misty has a conversation with an old colleague that has a profound, leading her to confess to her Captain Ridenhour about going to Cockroach’s to plant evidence. Misty can do things by the book and deal with the frustration of feeling like nothing is getting done, or by going about things the way Scarfe did and ultimately ending up like him. She wants neither and turns her badge and gun in. Later, it’s Ridenhour’s death that brings everything full circle for Misty. She is thrust into replacing him as police captain and it’s in this role she can finally see everything for what it is. 

In episode 209, Misty makes a deal with Mariah that involves granting her amnesty so that they can get Bushmaster into police custody. This is something that Misty doesn’t want to do at all – she really wants to take Mariah down. However, she realizes that this is the bigger play that could ultimately still help her put Mariah away. She conveys this to the police chief, who is astonished by the suggestions since it comes from Misty, but she too, notices her growth. The Misty Knight of season one would have never considered such a deal. It’s in this moment that Misty finds the balance she’s been searching for.

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Both seasons of Luke Cage finally give us a fleshed out Misty Knight. They present a woman to us that is complex, career driven, passionate, headstrong, intelligent, selfless, and honorable in her own way. All traits that may have been present in the comics, but getting to know who she was prior to her bionic arm and after she receives it does this iconic character justice. It’s an origin story 40 years in the making, and to have it play out on the small screen is poetic for one of the most amazing women in the Marvel Universe.

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Does Misty get her arm back in Luke Cage?

At the end of The Defenders, Misty Knight lost her right arm, but in the second season of Luke Cage she gets her comic book signature bionic arm -- with a little help from a friend.

What happen to Misty arm?

Misty intervenes in the fight to save Colleen's life as she fights Bakuto, but can't save herself — Bakuto's blade slices off Misty's arm in the process. Colleen and Claire manage to win the fight and save Misty before the building is leveled.

How did Misty lose her arm in Luke Cage Season 2?

While facing off against The Hand in the final battle of The Defenders, Misty Knight fought Bakuto — one of the Hand's best fighters previously introduced in Iron Fist — but ended up having her right arm cut off by his sword in the process.