Have I slept with too many guys quiz

While it might be shocking to see your number of exposures as a percentage of the population of a major city in your country or the nearest global city, indirect sexual exposure can have a far reach when a person’s sexual history is combined with that of his or her partners and partners’ partners – and so on for six degrees of connection. The implications are unnerving, as the greater this number of indirect sexual exposure, the greater one’s risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. Seen at this scale, the true level of risk from unprotected sex will hopefully have users think again about precarious relations.

Have I slept with too many guys quiz

Other recently published calculators make assumptions about the sexual history of your partners and their number of contacts. However, this can produce exaggerated results and an inflated number of indirect exposures. Our calculator allows you to select your own estimate of the average number of partners that your partners have had before you. As graphed above, the exponential behaviour of this situation is revealed. That is, your sexual exposure grows exponentially with the number of partners that your partners have had. This is further compounded by the number of people that you have slept with directly, the latter of which is revealed by the various lines on the graph.

Even if you and all of your partners have only single-digit numbers of direct sexual partners, this can quickly add up to hundreds of thousands of indirect exposures - a number that more than justifies taking precautions. Remember: Just one exposure is all it takes to contract a sexually transmitted infection, but correct usage of protection such as condoms can stop a transmissible infection in its tracks. If you aren’t using condoms, it’s all the more important to know your status with regular STI tests.

Given the sheer number of sexual exposures that many of us will face throughout our lives, taking an active role in your personal health and wellness is more important than ever. At zavamed.com, we offer a range of treatmentswith medical professionals on a variety of sexual health concerns such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Several STI tests are available as well as numerous discreet treatment options, including Chlamydia treatment and Herpes medication. All of this is available from the privacy of your own home. Visit zavamed.com today to find out how you can look out for your health, both now and in the future.


Sexual exposure was derived using established formulas for a finite geometric series, which, when applied to this situation, allow the following formula for sexual exposure to be derived:

Have I slept with too many guys quiz

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Is there anything more private to a person than how many people they have been to bed with? Some people think that their magic number is embarrassing, but not always for the reason that one might think. For every person out there who is worried about themselves not having been with enough people, there is someone else concerned that they may have been with too many. The number of people who someone has slept with tells so much about them. To some people, a person with a lot of partners might seem really loose and uninhibited, and to another, they might seem like they have a lot of instability in their life. 

What about you? Are you the type that has either had no partners in the bedroom or just a couple? The kind of person that has always been looking for a serious relationship and waiting for the right person to come along? Or are you a bit more of the wild, hedonistic type, looking to go home with people that you find attractive any time you can? Or maybe you're somewhere in the middle of those two extremes. Either way, answer a few questions, and we bet we can guess your number.

  • Have I slept with too many guys quiz

by clauzqueen

Community Contributor

Have I slept with too many guys quiz

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How many guys is a lot to sleep with?

The research comes from trusted source Illicit Encounters, a dating site for married people which found that the ideal number of sexual partners in a life-time is twelve. The research found 40 per cent of men and 49 per cent of women thought that between 10 and 14 partners is best, with 12 being "perfect."

How many guys have you slept with average?

Nectar Sleep surveyed Americans to discover how many sexual partners they had before settling down. The average number for people who identify as men was 26, the average number for people who identify as women was 19. But other studies have shown that people often lie about their number.

How many men is too many for a woman to sleep with?

A total of two to three partners was ideal, with a decline thereafter and a preference for some experience over no experience. The study found little evidence of a sexual “double standard."

How many partners is considered promiscuous?

The poll suggests those who had more than 10 sexual partners were considered promiscuous, while having fewer than 10 would be considered sexually inexperienced.