Getting a CDL with a bad driving record

One of the most frequently asked questions from those considering a CDL career is whether or not their driving record will affect their ability to enter the trucking industry as a driver.

And the answer is - it depends.  Certain incidents can hurt one’s chances of becoming a CDL driver, and other incidents will not have much of a negative impact. Let’s look at some examples below.

1) Type of Ticket Received

How a ticket will affect your CDL career depends on the type of ticket you receive. Certain offenses disqualify you from getting (or keeping) your CDL and from ever applying for one again, including serious offenses like:

  • Operating a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol level above the accepted limit
  • Committing manslaughter with a vehicle
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • Using a commercial vehicle in the commission of a felony

 Other tickets usually will not have very serious consequences, like those for:

  • Minor speeding
  • Incorrect parking

 These can become an issue, however, if you get multiple tickets for the same offense over a certain period of time. See point number 2 below.

2) Multiple Tickets

Multiple tickets are legislated on a statewide level, so each state will have different rules for how many tickets in what period of time may result in your license getting revoked.

In some states, for example, getting two or more tickets in a six-month time period may result in the temporary suspension of your commercial driver’s license. Getting more tickets in a shorter time frame may result in your CDL being permanently revoked.

Also important to note is that some trucking companies will not hire a driver with three or more speeding violations in a three-year period, even though his license is valid.

3) Driving Patterns and History

You can bet that employers and insurers will be examining your driving history when making decisions about employment and insurance. Received a couple of tickets over the past ten or so years? They should not be an issue.

If on the other hand, you consistently receive tickets, it will give the impression that you are a reckless driver and too high of a risk for them to hire you and to be able to obtain insurance for a commercial vehicle.

The shortest answer is yes. Your driving record – in your personal vehicle as well as commercial vehicles – can affect whether or not you get a commercial driver’s license. And if you do get a license, a bad driving record can negatively affect your job search.

The Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP) is a system that was created by the FMCSA to increase the safety of drivers and carriers by making information on drivers accessible electronically. When you apply for a job, a carrier (with your consent) will have access to your safety history, including crash data for the past five years and roadside violations for the past three years. So it’s important to make sure it’s accurate and your record is good!

If you’ve had a ticket in the past, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t get a job, but the severity of the offense and the frequency of your violations have a lot to do with how many employers will hire you. Additionally, if you’re considered a risky or reckless driver, you may be unable to qualify for insurance on your commercial vehicle.

The type of ticket you receive makes a difference in how much your career will be affected. Some offenses automatically cause you to lose your license and prevent you from ever applying for one again. These include: operating a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol lever over the legal limit, committing manslaughter with a vehicle, leaving the scene of an accident, and using a vehicle in the commission of a felony. These offenses count against you whether they are committed in your personal or commercial vehicle.

Other less serious offenses may not cause you to lose your license, but if you receive multiple tickets, even for minor offenses, you may face similar consequences.

When you drive for a living, you simply can’t afford to take chances with your driving record. Taking the proper steps to protect it will save you money and help make sure you don’t lose valuable job opportunities. We can help – no matter where you live, no matter where you got a ticket. Call us today and let us put more than 25 years of experience to work for you.

Drivers who are considering a career in truck driving often ask if their driving record will affect their ability to get a CDL.

This depends on a number of factors. There are certain kinds of incidences (even accidents) that can hurt the driver’s chances of getting a CDL. Others may not have a big impact. Let us look at such incidences as well acceptable driving record for CDL in details.

What is Considered Acceptable Driving Record for CDL?

 Drivers with good driving records have never had their driving license suspended, revoked, or canceled.

They have never been convicted of a major motoring offense and neither have they ever violated a law regarding a traffic accident such as causing an accident or leaving the scene of an accident.

Type of Tickets and Bad Driving Records

There are certain types of tickets that will disqualify you from getting and keeping a CDL.

These are most serious offenses such as:

  • Driving a vehicle with a blood-alcohol level that is above the limit
  • Use a motor vehicle to commit manslaughter
  • Getting away from the accident scene
  • Using a commercial vehicle to do a felony

Some tickets have less serious consequences:

  • Minor speeding
  • Parking wrongly

Your CDL can be revoked or suspended for other reasons:

  • Getting too many points on your CDL for things such as speeding or DUI
  • Getting convicted of violent felonies like treason and kidnapping

If you are driving record is less than good, this may not necessarily disqualify you from getting hired.

However, as you would expect, the majority of trucking companies may prefer to hire people who have a good driving record, when they have an option to do so.

Getting a CDL with a bad driving record
Getting a CDL with a bad driving record

Multiple Tickets

The legislation on multiple tickets differs depending on the state. That means different states will have different rules on the number of tickets and the period of time that can cause you to get revoked.

For instance, in some states, your CDL can be banned temporarily if you get 2 tickets in 6 months. When you get more tickets in a shorter timeframe, your CDL may get permanently revoked.

If you have at least three speeding violations in a period of 3 years, some trucking companies may not hire you, even when your CDL is still valid.

Driving History and Patterns

One thing that is sure is that some insurers and employers will look at your driving history when making a decision concerning your employment and insurance.

If you have gotten a number of tickets over a period of 10 years, this may not be a big issue. However, if you are regularly getting tickets, this will be an indication that you are a reckless driver.

You will, therefore, be a high risk to the driving company and you may be unable to get commercial vehicle insurance.

Getting a CDL with a bad driving record
Getting a CDL with a bad driving record


What is a clean driving record for CDL?

DMV reports that a good driving record is the one with no DUIs, moving violations, or suspension of your license.

Generally, the majority of commercial vehicle companies prefer that you do not have a DUI conviction that is less than 5 or 7 years old.

How to get a CDL job with a bad driving record?

It’s possible to become a truck driver even with a bad driving record. However, this can only happen if the offense is minor and took place a number of years back.

Which trucking companies hire drivers with bad records?

There are trucking companies that will hire a driver even with bad records. These include:

  • Koch Trucking
  • Covenant trucking services
  • Barr-nun transportation
  • Western Express
  • Pam transport
  • Combined transport
  • Salmon companies

Does driving record affect CDL?

Yes. The driving record of your personal vehicle and a commercial vehicle can affect your ability to get a commercial driver’s license. If you go ahead and get a CDL, a bad record will still affect your ability to get a job.

Can you get a CDL with a misdemeanor or drug charge?

This will depend on the severity of the offense.

If you have ever had a felony conviction that caused your license to be on hold, then you will not be allowed to start your training until the license is reissued.

A drug charge will only affect your ability to have CDL if it is related to operating a commercial vehicle.

Getting a CDL with a bad driving record
Getting a CDL with a bad driving record

Can you get a CDL with a DUI on your record?

Even if you have a DUI on your driving history, you can still get a CDL. However, if your license has been suspended for a DUI, you will find it hard to get a CDL. While getting a CDL if you have a DUI may not be hard, the hardest part is finding a job after that.

Summary of acceptable driving record for cdl!

If you are wondering if you can get a CDL with a bad driving record, this will depend on a number of factors. While a less-than-perfect driving record will not automatically disqualify you from getting a CDL, most trucking companies will prefer someone with a clean driving record. 

What disqualifies you from getting a CDL in Mississippi?

Disqualification For Major Offenses Having an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater while operating a CMV. Leaving the scene of an accident. Using the vehicle to commit a felony, other than felony involving manufacturing, distributing, or dispensing a controlled substance.

What disqualifies you from getting a CDL in Indiana?

Major Offenses. 04%, refusing to take a chemical test, leaving the scene of an accident, using a vehicle to commit a felony, driving while disqualified, and negligently causing a CMV-related fatality. A violation occurring in a hazmat vehicle will result in a three-year disqualification.

What disqualifies you from getting a CDL in California?

"Serious traffic offenses" include speeding 15 miles per hour or more over the limit, reckless driving, texting while driving in a CMV, and any traffic violation involving a fatality. Two serious traffic offenses in three years will result in a 90-day CDL disqualification.

Does a speeding ticket affect your CDL in Illinois?

No matter what State a CDL driver is licensed in a speeding ticket, accident or other traffic violation in Cook or Lake County Illinois will directly negatively impact their CDL license if not handled properly.