Friendships the wine of life meaning

In this serie, we will talk about the meaning of the mottos produced by the philosophers, authors or created by the society itself anonymously. This time we will talk about ''Friendship is the wine of life'' told from Edward Young. The English poet and philosopher talked about both a positive and a negative situation. Is it something that hurt you ? Or is it something that makes you feel good ? Or both? We will focus on the concept of consumption for understand this motto.

Friendships the wine of life meaning

The greatest problem of mankind is undoubtedly unlimited consumption. Mankind has become a prison of consumption madness. Personally, I look at new technological devices every day. We all have a lot of consumer things like this. As a result, even books nowadays are included in the consumption madness, and thousands of books have been sold to waste, and trees have been wasted. Because people don't read books. They are just buying it and showing to the people that ''i'am reader''. I also want to talk about a situation related to wine before I analyze Young's motto. As you know, wine has been used as a pleasure ingredient and has also been used for healing since ancient times. In either case, we can see the wine as harmless. Maybe even something that's good for you. But what happens in overdose ?

Friendships the wine of life meaning

Let's analyze Young's point. Friendship is the wine of life. From here on is my subjective view. If you have the most minimal amount of friends, it's a healer. Just as the minimal amount of wine can create a positive effect in the human body, the minimal number of friends also has a positive impact on the person's life. Using some more wine will make us enjoy different delights. Turn our head uside down temporary, increase our communication skills, make our troubles to forget. It is not much risky. It can cause nausea. Maybe it will cause that make bad things we do not want to do it. Next day, when wine(or that friend) is gone from ourselves, can leave a headache for us. But when you drink more wine than you must drink (or make friends than you need to) risk getting bigger. As the number increases, the number of people influencing your life also increases in parallel. These problems can be more than just headaches. If you consume too much wine, you will not just ruin your day, the next day you can be worse with it. It feels good at the begining. But the future will be like a nightmare to you. Because of this, making friends and drinking wine are the same.

Friendships the wine of life meaning

If you surround yourself with a lot of people in your life, you can find yourself in chaos. Consumption effects our friendships. Just as we have consumed everything very fast, we are consuming our friendships too fast. Consumption leads to the desire to make more friends. Having many people around us, gives us temporary happiness. But we need to respond to this situation with today's motto. And i will use my subjective view for complate our motto. Friendship is the wine of life - if you get too much you will get hurt, but if you get just as you need, you will be feel good. I hope Edward Young will not be angry for adding words to it.

Sources: 1, 2, 3

Friendships the wine of life meaning

Who said Friendship is the wine of life?

Quote by Edward Young: “Friendship is the wine of life. ”

What is the wine of life?

The Wine of Life is a 1924 British silent drama film directed by Arthur Rooke and starring Betty Carter, Clive Brook and James Carew. The screenplay concerns a newly divorced woman who falls in love with an artist and a hypnotist at the same time.

What could be the meaning of wine in man's life?

Wine in literature often connotes happiness and friendship. It is also a symbol of transformation, as grapes undergo transformation when they are fermented. Because of its importance in the Near East, wine may also symbolize sustinance and life.