First Aid Step 2 CK latest edition

Vikas is a writer, editor, entrepreneur, and teleradiologist on extended sabbatical. In 1990 he conceived and authored the original First Aid for the USMLE Step 1. His entrepreneurial endeavors include a student-focused medical publisher (S2S), an e-learning company, and an ER teleradiology practice (24/7 Radiology). Trained on the Left Coast, Vikas completed a bachelor’s degree at the University of California Berkeley; an MD with thesis at UCSF; and a diagnostic radiology residency at UCLA. His eclectic interests include technology, cryptoeconomics, information design, photography, South Asian diasporic culture, and avoiding a day job. Always finding the long shortcut, Vikas is an adventurer, knowledge seeker, and occasional innovator. He enjoys intermediate status as a kiteboarder and father, and strives to raise his children as global citizens.

What is the latest edition of First Aid Step 2 CK?

First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, Eleventh Edition.

Is first aid enough for Step 2 CK?

While First Aid does serve as the gold standard for Step 1, it's not as strong for Step 2 CK.

When did Step 2 CK change?

Change to Step 2 CK Passing Standard Begins July 1, 2022.

Is 257 a good Step 2 CK score?

251 and above: Scores of better than 251 are considered excellent. Scores above 251 typically indicate that all specialties may be considered for potential matching; those with a 251 or higher are likely to have multiple choices of training programs.