Each row in a database table is called a

A database is a structure that organizes and stores data electronically. The data is stored using a database management system (DBMS) such as Microsoft Access, MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server. Data is organized into rows, columns, and tables, so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated.


A table is a set of data represented by columns and rows. A column is referred to as a field and a row is a combination of column values and is referred to as a record. Tables contain a unique set of characteristics and they store data of the same type in each row.

Data Fields

A data field which is one piece of information you track in your database. Each data field in the table can define the characteristics of its data as a string value, numeric value, date and/or time values.


A relational database contains tables that relate to another table by using a relationship. The tables are connected by a common field. The relationships are defined as:

  • One to Many: this is the most common type of a table relationship. For every record in Table A, there are multiple records in Table B. 

Example: There is a one to many relationship between the Customers table and Orders table. A customer may have many orders in the Order table.

  • Many to Many: For every record in Table A, there are multiple records in Table B, and vice versa. In this case, a third table called a Join Table is created to which will contain only unique values

Example: Many to Many relationship between Orders and Products with the table ProductsOrders functioning as the Join Table. The table ProductsOrders holds all the details about each order and what products it contains. Its primary key is a combination of the primary key of the Orders and Products table.

A column name can be used in more than one tables and to maintain the integrity of data and reduce redundancy. This is called a relation.

Elements of a table

Each row in a database table is called a

The information of a table stored in some heads, those are fields or columns. Columns show vertically in a table.

Each row in a database table is called a

Each field or column has an individual name. A table cannot contain the same name of two different columns

Each row in a database table is called a

All the columns in a table make a row. Each row contains all the information of individual topics.

Each row in a database table is called a

The value of each field makes a row is the column value.

Each row in a database table is called a

Each table should contain a field which can create a link with another one or more table is the key field of a table.

Practice SQL Exercises

  • SQL Exercises, Practice, Solution
  • SQL Retrieve data from tables [33 Exercises]
  • SQL Boolean and Relational operators [12 Exercises]
  • SQL Wildcard and Special operators [22 Exercises]
  • SQL Aggregate Functions [25 Exercises]
  • SQL Formatting query output [10 Exercises]
  • SQL Quering on Multiple Tables [8 Exercises]
  • FILTERING and SORTING on HR Database [38 Exercises]
    • SQL JOINS [29 Exercises]
    • SQL JOINS on HR Database [27 Exercises]
    • SQL SUBQUERIES [39 Exercises]
    • SQL SUBQUERIES on HR Database [55 Exercises]
  • SQL Union[9 Exercises]
  • SQL View[16 Exercises]
  • SQL User Account Management [16 Exercise]
  • Movie Database
    • BASIC queries on movie Database [10 Exercises]
    • SUBQUERIES on movie Database [16 Exercises]
    • JOINS on movie Database [24 Exercises]
  • Soccer Database
    • Introduction
    • BASIC queries on soccer Database [29 Exercises]
    • SUBQUERIES on soccer Database [33 Exercises]
    • JOINS queries on soccer Database [61 Exercises]
  • Hospital Database
    • Introduction
    • BASIC, SUBQUERIES, and JOINS [39 Exercises]
  • Employee Database
    • BASIC queries on employee Database [115 Exercises]
    • SUBQUERIES on employee Database [77 Exercises]
  • More to come!

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Previous: Codd's 12-Rule Relational Database Definition
Next: Create/Alter/Drop Schema

SQL: Tips of the Day


WHERE is applied before GROUP BY, HAVING is applied after (and can filter on aggregates).

In general, you can reference aliases in neither of these clauses, but MySQL allows referencing SELECT level aliases in GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING.

This chapter of Database Design (including images, except as otherwise noted) is a derivative copy of Relational Design Theory by Nguyen Kim Anh licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 license

What is each row in a database called?

Each row of a table is called a data record. Was this answer helpful?

What is each row in a relational database table called?

Each table, sometimes called a relation, in a relational database contains one or more data categories in columns or attributes. Each row, also called a record or tuple, contains a unique instance of data -- or key -- for the categories defined by the columns.

What is a row and a column in a database called?

Known as. In DBMS, rows are also known as records. In Matrix, horizontal arrays are rows. In DBMS, columns are known as fields. In Matrix, vertical arrays are columns.

What is a row of data in a table?

A row is a horizontal alignment of data, while a column is vertical. Data in a row contains information that describes a single entity, while data in a column describes a field of information all entities possess. Objects placed in a row typically face forward, while objects in a column are aligned head to tail.