Does Vin Diesel do the voice for Groot?

Three words are all actor Vin Diesel had to say, over and over again, for his role as Groot in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Guardians of the Galaxy. The tree character can only say “I am Groot” to the human ear, but other characters, including Rocket and Thor, can understand what he is saying and speak ‘Groot’, the language of his people.

To regular moviegoers and fans of the MUC who don’t speak the native language, all they hear are those three words, each and every time. Despite the redundancy, it made Vin Diesel quite a rich man for what wasn't much work!

It has been reported that Vin Diesel, who is best known for his Fast & Furious film series, was paid millions for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, in which he takes on the role of baby Groot after the events of Vol 1. That’s a lot of money to pay a megastar like Vin Diesel just for three simple words, but to get Groot's voice, Marvel and Disney had to fork out a pretty penny for the actor, who didn’t even do any real acting for the role, and only did voice-overs.

Updated on September 28, 2021, by Michael Chaar: Vin Diesel is no stranger to the big screen, and while he's best known for taking on the role of Dominic Toretto in his Furious films, many fans also know him for his work with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Diesel voiced Groot in not one, not two, but four Marvel films. While his lines only consisted of "I am Groot", Vin was still paid out a whopping $54 million, which comes up to a $13 million paycheck for each film he voiced Groot for. Well, turns out Vin is now eyeing a live-action role in the MCU, and while details regarding which character, and which film remain unknown, fans are totally on board with the idea. 'Till then, Vin is set to appear in the fourth Reddick film, which is set to film in Australia.

Diesel Is The Voice Of All Groots

Groot in the MCU has gone through many different changes as a character. He started out as an adult in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film, before sacrificing himself to help the Guardians. He was replanted and by the end of the film, he was baby Groot, which is who he is throughout the second volume of the franchise. By Avengers: Infinity War, he returns as a teenager, and is accompanied by the attitude of a teen, which fans saw come to an end in Avengers: Endgame.

It’s a massive arch for one character as they literally go through the entire lifecycle of the character. And throughout it all, it’s Vin Diesel providing the voice of Groot. Vin is known for his deep voice, but according to Entertainment Weekly, very little went into changing his voice for the baby Groot role.

“Very little, very little,” says Guardians director James Gunn. “I mean, there’s a tiny amount of processing that we do on a few of our characters, but it’s very little. It’s mostly just Vin’s voice. He’s able to, you know, speak in a much higher register than he normally does. He’s actually are a real actor who can do a lot of different things. I’d love to see him take on some more difficult roles in his career because I think he’s more than capable of doing that.”

Recording Those Three Words Over And Over Again

It may seem like an easy payday for Vin Diesel to walk in and say three words and walk out, earning a massive payday in the process. But Diesel explained that those three words all have meaning behind them and that when he says them, he is actually acting. According to, Vin Diesel had to say those words thousands of times to try and capture the character of Groot in the recording.

“I was really lucky because I had a director, who is willing to indulge and wanted to really capture all the nuances of this character,” said Diesel. “What we know about Groot is that he’s got a wooden larynx so although he’s saying other things, other than “I am Groot,” all the novice ears or someone oblivious to the nuances of his speech can hear is “I am Groot.” It sounds like he’s just repeating his name.”

The actor reportedly went on to earn himself a whopping $13 million per film that Groot appeared in. While saying "I am Groot" might not seem like a $13 million task, it's clear that with the time Vin took to master the voice over and of course, being a Hollywood A-lister, it's no surprise that Marvel was able to chuck over such a heft paycheck.

Vin Diesel Joining The MCU In Live-Action Role

Considering Vin Diesel loves himself a franchise that extends to multiple films, hence his role as Dominic Toretto in Fast & Furious, it's no surprise that he might have his eye on a live-action role within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. According to We Got This Covered, Vin is eyeing a role within the MCU, and fans wouldn't mind that one bit!

While reprising his role as Groot is something fans immediately think of, Vin might have his sights set on a new role! Although the details remain fuzzy as to who he can play, and in which film, it's evident that he'd make quite the fine addition to the already talented slew of Marvel actors who have brought some of our favorite characters to life on-screen.

Until then, Vin is set to star in the upcoming Riddick 4 film, which he teased fans with earlier this week. The star posted a shirtless photo of himself in character, getting fans more and more excited for its premiere, which is hopefully set to take place in 2022.

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Who is giving voice to Groot?

“Vin is as invested in playing Groot as any of our actors are in playing their characters in the MCU. He's extremely passionate about it. He thinks about the intention behind every scene and how to deliver the line and create the perfect inflection for those three words to convey what the scene needs,” said Winderbaum.

How much did Vin Diesel get paid to voice Groot?

How could Marvel possibly justify paying Vin Diesel $52 million dollars for voicing Groot in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie?