Does quitting smoking Help hair growth Reddit

Does quitting smoking Help hair growth Reddit

I’ve been losing a lot of hair over the last two years. I have really thick hair and have lost half of it. Based off my research, it seems like weed might be the culprit (I’ve tried and eliminated every other thing and it hasn’t helped). Has anyone experienced this? Thanks

I quit smoking cold turkey exactly 73 days ago and over that time, my hair has thinned out quite a bit. I'm hoping it's just an initial shed from the tobacco, nicotine, and other harsh chemicals exiting my blood stream, but I notice no new signs of regrowth.

Is it too early to tell? Has anyone else who's quit smoking been through this? I'm starting fin and minox today...

(UPDATE 9/11/14) Today is the 94 day mark of quitting smoking and I am happy to report that my hair has significantly improved since my last post. It's thickened up quite a bit and I am pretty much where I was at before I quit smoking 94 days ago. Granted, I have been on finasteride (proscar) and minoxidil (kirkland foam) for the past 3 weeks, but there's now way the treatments could be working for me so fast. I've started to shed in the past week or so, but my hair density still looks great to the point where my scalp is not as visible under lighting.

Overall, I am convinced that quitting smoking has been great for the health and density of my hair. I panicked when I started to aggressively thin a few months into quitting, but it has since really recovered.

Does quitting smoking Help hair growth Reddit

I just wanted to know if anyone quit smoking cigarettes and how that might have affected their hair. Did it become thicker,grow faster? I know ,of course, that it will smell a lot better. It just crossed my mind since I know cigarettes are linked with hair loss and also restricts blood flow and may impede absorption of nutrients need for optimal hair health. Thanks.

I am a prolific tobacco chewer (Copenhagen Longcut), so while I don't deal with the effects of smoke and what not, there is still the vasoconstricting effects of nicotine and other toxicities. Since I started a few years ago, the longest I've quit is for maybe a week or two. But I did notice during those times that my hair felt heathier/thicker, even from abstaining for a short time. Just in my head? Maybe. But quitting altogether is definitely something I'm working towards because even if it only gives marginal benefits to my hair, it'll be good for me in many other aspects.

TLDR: I don't think tobacco use causes balding, but it doesn't do your hair any favours.

I was taking adderall recreationally for about a year, and started going ham with the juul about 2 months ago (vaping a full pod a day, and buying a new pack as soon as I was out). It was here I started noticing hair loss at first big recession on one side of my hairline. I quit adderall for about 1.5 weeks now, and recently stopped juuling as well (went back to my Uwell pod). My hairline is coming back already, and looking lowered (filled). (for the record, did not do any hair treatments like finasteride or minox, or natural topical oils for hair (at least not yet), only doing scalp massages and stopping addy and juulin).

Has anyone gotten hairloss from juuling? Everyone knows you get initial shortness of breath after taking a large hit, just wanted to see what long terms costs people got from juul. Thanks.

Hi, noob here. 34, always had great hair. Last year it started thinning bigly. I got back to school and during the finals the hair loss got very bad, I smoke a lot when I write papers and I thought the hair loss was mostly due to smoking. After the semester ended and the smoking got back to normal, the hair loss was much less apparent... but now it started to fall again. So, anyone has positive experience after quitting?

Also, I have a nizoral bottle around, how often should I use it?

My hair is basically thinning on my temples and the front of my head.. would Rogaine help? I would consider taking FIN but I am currently fighting depression.. so I'm a bit worried about the possible side effects... should I be?

Nicotines effects on TNF-Alpha


"In the event of micro-inflammation, overproduced cytokines like IL-1 and TNF-a are known to induce premature catagen, liberate ROS, cause apoptosis, and further propagate inflammation."


"As scientific research reveals more about hair follicle biology, we are compelled to look at the common thread within all hair disorders – the complex dysregulation of immune, inflammatory, and signaling cascades that regulate follicle homeostasis. Hence, any therapeutic that targets singular triggers such as androgens, without considering the pleiotropic downstream effects as well as the interplay of various signaling molecules, is destined to be incomplete."

Will hair regrow after quitting smoking?

Smoking is thought to cause hair loss in a number of ways such as reducing blood flow to your scalp and causing damage to the DNA of your hair follicles. Quitting smoking may help you achieve a limited amount of hair regrowth and positively impact your health in many other ways.

Does quitting nicotine reverse hairloss?

Fortunately, hair loss from smoking may not be permanent. In many cases, you can reverse at least some of the damage by simply quitting smoking. In other cases, you may need to take additional, proactive steps to try to get your hair back. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is essential for hair regrowth.

Does your hair and skin improve when you quit smoking?

Quitting smoking can improve your appearance. As blood flow gets better, your skin receives more oxygen and nutrients. This can help you develop a healthier complexion.