Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?

Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?

Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?

Title Year Length (Minutes) MPAA Rating My Rating
Legends of the Fall 1994 133 R
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?
Army Col. Ludlow moves to Montana to start a new life with his three sons, Tristan, Alfred, and Samuel; dad teaches them about riding horses and shooting. Samuel goes to college and comes home with fiancee, Susannah; the other two brothers also fall for her. World War I breaks out, and Samuel joins the Canadian Army. The other two enlist as well, although mostly to ensure Samuel comes home; that plan doesn't work out, and Samuel is killed. (Tristan blames himself, since dad told him to take care of Samuel). Susannah wanted to return to Boston, but dad asked her to stay until spring; she did. Alfred tells Susannah he's in love with her, and Tristan (back from the war) is in love with Susannah, and she loves Tristan, so all is well. A cow gets caught in the barb wire (like how Samuel died), and Tristan freaks and runs away. Susannah said she'll wait for him, but no one hears from Tristan. Alfred moves to the big city to go into business, and gets Susannah to move there and marry him. Then, Tristan is back, is bummed about Susannah, but he falls in love with, marries, and have two kids with Isabel Two. One of Al's business contacts is getting screwed over by Tristan. Isabel Two gets hit with a cop's stray bullet; Tristan beats the crap out of the cop who fired the bullet, and Susannah visits Tristan in jail; she then goes home to Alfred and kills herself. Once out of prison, Tristan kills the bro of one of the business partners; the surviving brother of the business partner comes to kill Tristan, and Alfred shoots the guy. Tristan knows he has to leave, and asks Alfred to take care of his kids, take care of Samuel. Dad and Alfred make up. Years later, Tristan is killed by the same bear he shot earlier.
Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?

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Does Legends of the Fall have a happy ending?

What was the original ending to Legends of the Fall?

You've received an invite to a test screening for “a new movie starring Brad Pitt (Legends of the Fall) and Morgan Freeman (Driving Miss Daisy)” – what do you expect? Well, the film originally ended with an abrupt cut to the credits after Mills (Pitt) shoots John Doe (Kevin Spacey).

Is Legends of the Fall A love story?

Tristan and Alfred survive their tours of duty, but, soon after they return home, both men fall for Samuel's gorgeous fiancée, Susannah (Julia Ormond), and their intense rivalry begins to destroy the family. Set in the Rocky Mountains of Montana in the early 1900s, this is a tale of love, betrayal, and brotherhood.

Why did Tristan leave in Legends of the Fall?

With Tristan's arrival home from the war and Samuel's death, Tristan and Susanna continue their love affair. The two fall in love, but eventually Tristan leaves again, this time to fight the guilt he feels for his brother's death.

Is Legends of the Fall worth watching?

Reasons to see the movie: - Great acting. Anthony Hopkins makes a classic role as the US army officer gone anarchist father. Brad Pitt is perfect in the role as the wild one with an indian "stepfather". Aidan Quinn makes another great performance, and Julia Ormond is very good as the (tragic) woman they all long for.