Does concrete dry the same weight?

The article aims to answer the question “how much does a yard of concrete weigh wet?”. It will also discuss the difference between the weight of dry and wet concrete. Read on to know what factors make the wet concrete heavier than dry concrete. 

How much does a yard of concrete weight wet?

A yard of wet concrete weighs around 3700 pounds. If 10 to 12 gallons of water are used up or evaporated for every concrete cubic yard, that’s an additional 100 pounds of weight. 

Thus, we can say: It weighs 3700 pounds for a yard of wet concrete, and 3600 pounds for a yard of dry concrete.

How much does wet concrete weigh?

About 145 pounds per cubic foot is the average weight of concrete, depending on the aggregate. Using lightweight aggregate, it can weigh as little as 110 pounds.

As a general rule, wet concrete weighs more than dry concrete when it’s still wet. Wet-concrete density must be estimated depending on water content while discussing this topic. Use 24 kN/cum as a general rule of thumb.

Does wet concrete and dry concrete weigh the same?

No, wet concrete and dry concrete do not weigh the same but the differences are not great. It’s unlikely that the amount of concrete you have will alter substantially. The weight of water is added since it is necessary for curing concrete. 

In any case, the initial bag of concrete from a store will be less substantial than a bucket of concrete, including the water needed to initiate the reaction. The amount of water that evaporates in the end will be roughly the same, minus or minus a few pounds.

When there are so many different types of concrete, it might be difficult to determine whether wet or dry concrete is heavier. The first step to learning about the weight of a product at various stages is to learn how concrete is made.

At the completion of the curing process, the weight of wet and dry concrete is the same, but the beginning of the curing process is very different. In order to pour one yard of concrete, you’ll need to take enough dry concrete, add water for the reaction, and then weigh the result.

Most of the water must be used during curing, or it will evaporate. This is critical. Cured concrete is slightly lighter than wet concrete since water is used in the curing process.

Water and cement are added to the mixture to make concrete. The water acts as a catalyst for a specific chemical reaction that binds all of the components of the concrete together. A process known as Hydration hardens concrete by mixing and establishing chemical bonds among the chemicals included in the concrete.

Dry concrete weighs about 3500 pounds per cubic yard instead of the usual 3900 pounds. The weight of various forms of concrete varies. As a general rule this can include everything from cement to gravel to Portland Limestone to Portland Reinforced.

The actual weight of the concrete can vary depending on how and where it is sold and where it originally came from. Depending on what kind of concrete you’re using, you may notice a big difference in the weight. Weights per cubic foot can range from as high as 300 pounds to as low as 100 pounds.

How much does concrete weigh once it has dried?

A dry cement block is likely to weigh less than a wet one. Because water has to be taken into account, wet cement is heavier than dry cement. For instance, the weight of one cubic square foot of water is around ten pounds. During drying, a small amount of water may evaporate.

To make ready-mix concrete, we need cement, water, and sand. There are places where we buy various concrete ingredients where there are pores or air gaps in between the individual particles.

Both wet and dry concrete end up weighing the same after curing. Unlike most processes, this one begins very differently. You can weigh the reaction after adding water to a quantity of dry concrete equal to one yard of pouring.

It will be heavier than the original concrete bag. Nevertheless, it is not always the case that dry concrete is lighter than wet concrete. Both are influenced by different factors.

What Causes Wet Concrete to Be So Much Heavier Than Dry?

Even though wet and dry concrete have distinct properties, the differences between the two are not enormous. The precise sum in your possession does not fluctuate significantly. During the curing process of concrete, water plays a significant role and hence contributes to its overall weight.

The large amount of water required to start the reaction is already in the concrete bucket. It’s more than just the bag of concrete you bought at the shop, though.

In the end, you can expect to lose or gain a few pounds due to evaporation, with a weight that is largely identical. Dry concrete and wet concrete are both heavy, but it’s hard to tell which is heavier because there are so many distinct varieties of concrete.

The first step in figuring out how much a product weighs at various stages is to figure out how it was made of concrete. Curing, on the other hand, turns most of the water into a useful resource. Either way, it will soon go.

As a result of the curing process utilizing water, dry concrete has a minor weight advantage over wet concrete when finished. We’ve all heard that concrete is made up of aggregates, water, sand, and cement, and we all know what it means. As a result of this chemical reaction, water binds the various components of concrete together.

Hydration of concrete  is the process by which water aids in the hardening of concrete by mixing the compounds in the concrete and generating chemical linkages. When wet concrete is compared to dry, the water content makes it slightly heavier than the dry version.

In cubic yards, how much does wet and dry concrete weigh?

A cubic yard of concrete typically weighs 3900 pounds, but when it dries, the weight drops to 3500 pounds per cubic yard. According to its type, the weight of concrete can range from a few pounds to a few thousand pounds.

The weight of concrete varies depending on where it came from and where it was sold. As a result, every tiniest element of concrete has a profound effect on its weight.

In some cases, the weight per cubic foot might be as low as 300 pounds, while in others, it can be as high as 100 pounds.

Wet versus dry concrete volume: What’s the difference?

Concrete materials such as sand, cement, and aggregate in a dry mix before the addition of water are known as dry volume The volume of concrete components in a wet mix after water has been added is known as the “wet volume.”

About 54 percent of the volume of dry concrete contains small holes and air gaps between the particles of various constituents. The amount of small holes or air voids between the materials’ particles in the wet concrete is insignificant.

In order to estimate and evaluate concrete ingredients at the construction site manually, the volume of dry concrete is useful. When we buy or order mixed concrete for work, we can use the volume of wet concrete to examine and assess components.


The truth is that the dry and wet concrete weigh roughly the same. For both dry and wet concrete, there are only a few things to take into account. 

What kind of concrete was used, and how much water did it take to get it to the right consistency? If you know the answers to these questions, it will help you avoid having too much or too little concrete on hand for the job.

Water is an important component of concrete weight because it retains nearly all of the water utilized throughout the curing process. Concrete weighs between 300 and 100 pounds per cubic foot, depending on the concrete used, and this can make a huge impact on the outcome of your project.

Frequently asked questions (FAQS): how much does a yard of concrete weight wet?

How much does a yard of concrete weight wet?

A yard of wet concrete weighs around 3700 pounds. If 10 to 12 gallons of water are used up or evaporated for every concrete cubic yard, that’s an additional 100 pounds of weight.

How much does wet concrete weigh?

About 145 pounds per cubic foot is the average weight of concrete, depending on the aggregate. Using lightweight aggregate, it can weigh as little as 110 pounds.

Does wet concrete and dry concrete weigh the same?

No, wet concrete and dry concrete do not weigh the same but the differences are not great. It’s unlikely that the amount of concrete you have will alter substantially. The weight of water is added since it is necessary for curing concrete. 


Construction inspection tips. Does Cement Get Heavier When It Dries?. Retrieved from:

Esther Fleming. Does concrete weigh more wet or dry?. Sidmartinbio. Retrieved from:

Does concrete get lighter as it dries?

Although the bulk of the hydration process takes place in the hours and days immediately after the pour, concrete needs 28 days to fully dry. While the slab will harden and lighten in color before 28 days, don't be fooled into thinking it's done hydrating.

How much does dried concrete weigh?

A solid slab of concrete weighs 4,050 pounds per cubic yard. A cubic yard of broken up concrete weighs 2,025 pounds.

Does concrete get heavier when it hardens?

Almost all the water stays in the concrete. It does not dry out, but combines with the cement in a chemical reaction. So there should be relatively little difference between the weight when wet vs dry.

How much weight does concrete lose when it cures?

Half of that water will go toward hydrating the cement, leaving around 4.5 lbs of water as relative humidity. If you assume that the concrete will still have a relative humidity of 75% to 80% several months into its service life, then you only have about a pound of weight loss.