Does bleaching your hair damage it forever Reddit

One of the first issues people(typically the mom-ish type) bring up, when they are arguing against dying hair is the danger of "permanent" damage to your hair.

I've never been crystal clear on what this meant though. Does that mean the hair that is currently on your head is permanently damaged or any new hair that grows will also going to be damaged? I don't think the latter makes sense. New hair won't have been bleached will therefore be healthy correct?

Is there a flaw in my understanding of the issue? (e.g. damage to the follicles themselves?)

Thanks for any fancy wisdom you have to give, r/fancyfollicles

Edit: wordsy choices

Hairstylist and brand educator with over 12 years experience. Ok the bleaching process doesn’t effect your hair later in life. It effects the hair being bleached, the bleached hair is often toke wavier when wet bc of the chemical break down of disulfide bonds during the bleaching process. It is possible to damage your scalp and therefor the follicles beyond repair with chemical burns from using too strong of a developer. But if that’s the case you’ll know , your scalp will be painful, likely bloody and you won’t make it through the full processing time. Hair texture, color , growth rate and growth patterns are all determined on the dna level. Nothing outwardly , aside from medical procedures like organ/tissue/bone marrow transplants that alter stem cell production will change that.

What does happen is that your hormones change over time, which does effect your hair growth, color and texture. If you keep up on your color, you may not notice these changes bc they are typically gradual.

I’ve been platinum for almost 10 years , and recent decided to transition to a shadow root for less maintenance between bleaching processes, allowing my natural to grow out I have discovered my hair is much darker than it was 10 years ago , and I have a patch of silver coming in in my left temple. Never would have noticed had I kept up with my routine lightening.

Lightener is a highly alkaline solution, that starts decolorizing by lifting the cuticle (and will continue till the cuticle is permanently wrecked) and dissolves natural melanin and artificial pigment, it will continue by eating everything (I nickname it "sharky") including the amino acids that make up keratin proteins, till you have relaxed your wave pattern and eventually destroy the integrity strength and structure and it turns into a mush. On the skin, it does similar things, and can and will create chemical burns as it eats through your skin, and it can cause permanent follicle damage.

  • licensed cosmetology teacher & science nerd.

I currently have ombre hair (my natural light brown/dark blonde on top, light blonde at the bottom) but am thinking of completely bleaching my hair to an almost white colour to allow myself to experiment with light pastel colours (lilac, light pink) in my hair.

My question is, is bleaching my hair really worth it? I am itching to try out these light colours that simply won't work with my current hair, but I've heard a lot of complaints about bleaching, such as how high maintenance it is.

I don't hate my hair the way it is, so if it turns out that bleaching just isn't worth it, I won't be too bothered by it, but I'd like other people's opinions.

TL;DR Is it worth it bleaching my hair or will I regret it later?

Any coloring or discoloring to the hair damages it.

The safest way to bleach is to go to a professional, one with a good portfolio.

Before the appointment, don't wash your hair for 2 to 3 days, have some natural oils in your hair. The bleach can eat though natural oils but it naturally protects it. Ask what volume developer they are using with their powder or cream bleach. 10 or 20 volume peroxide only, any higher is going to hurt your scalp. Ask if they use a product called Olapex, it is a bond repair system, it heals your hair as it is being processed. They will most likely throw a toner to get rid of brassiness. That should be on for at least 5 to at most 30 mins. Keep eye on the clock, bleach should only be on for 30 to 45 minutes at the most, if you are with bleach any longer (horror stories like hours), ask to be washed in the shampoo bowl immediately. If they put you under a drier, the time should be under 30 minutes, the heat is making the process go quicker.

Deep condition your hair afters at least once a week and your hair will be back in shape.

Posted by3 years ago


Does bleaching your hair damage it forever Reddit

Hi all, first time poster here. My boyfriend wants to get his hair bleached blonde at some point . He has lovely, very soft, virgin light/medium brown hair (I'm jealous writing this lol). He's aware that bleaching will change the texture of his hair and it won't be as soft or nice. However he is worried that it will forever change his hair , after the bleached part grows out. I'm not a hair expert so I can't answer him. We've talked about scalp damage, but what about long term hair damage. This probably sounds like a stupid question, but when I google this I keep seeing credible sources saying "permanent damage;" however it isn't clear if they mean the hair you've died is permanently damaged or future hair too.

Does bleach damage hair permanently?

Bleach damage is as cumulative as it is permanent, and your ends will be less equipped to survive it every time. Avoid excess brushing and harsh shampoos.

Will my hair ever be healthy again after bleaching?

Hair bleaching is a permanent chemical process, so your hair won't ever return to normal.

Does bleach affect future hair?

There are no 'long-term' effects from bleaching. However, after you first bleach your hair, it becomes prone to damage, as you have weakened the natural flow and structure. Problems from bleaching consist of hair growth slowing or stops, constant struggles with frizzy and dry hair, and never-ending split ends.

Can you go permanently bald from bleaching hair?

But many people ask if bleaching hair can cause permanent hair loss. Fortunately for those who love to have lighter locks, bleaching will not cause permanent hair loss but may cause long-term damage to the hair.