Do official rust servers have admins?

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Do official rust servers have admins?

Official servers need active admins. Mainly Facepunch servers. They are the official servers but hackers can just keep killing people for 2 days straight.

Either improve the anti cheat system or get some active admins.

In the past 2 days I've seen 5 hackers on [EU] Facepunch 1. 2 of them have been banned after 2 days.

Do official rust servers have admins?

level 1

Don't play on those servers. People like you are the reason why nothing is done about it. If everyone stopped playing official they couldn't ignore the problem.

level 2

Yeah, but they would solve it by just not having official servers. Grantd, that solution is perfectly fine, imo.

level 2

Why would they fix it? It's just additional cost to them.

level 1

Allready asked, allready denied by Helk

level 2

dont worry someone will echo chamber it soon again.

level 1

Only way you can deal with it is with F7 sadly.

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Do official rust servers have admins?

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For the longest time, I played almost religiously on facepunch official, since it often stayed more populated through the month than other servers. However, just a few months ago, it got very annoying very quick to see the hacker problem increase like crazy, seemingly causing myself and my group mates to get aimbotted (y’all know the sound… crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch) every other minute. I felt like if you guys invested some of the money you get from the game into active admins for all the official servers, as many community servers do, then we would finally see a large decrease in the number of hackers hiding on official. Active admins would help a ton, especially since the “system” now is outdated and pointless, as reporting players often takes a day or more to actually see the player banned, due to what I guess has to do with understaffing or something. Please fix the problem facepunch, it really isn’t as hard as you guys think (and many new players starting fresh on official may actually attempt to continue the game - getting aimbotted is quite a demotivator I hear). Thanks!

This is not a suggestion you need this in your game already and have no idea why it is not in place. officials is what nearly every new player will go to on buying the game. they are met with endless amount of cheaters, even after being reported multiple times with evidence, i have seen the same cheaters every day but no action taken. is this laziness? or you figure that players will move to servers like rustafied ect so you don’t have to deal with it. officals have the best balance of population, new/experienced players, big/small/solo groups, pvp and pve players. it is by far the best rust experience you should get when you buying the game. but for years now, with endless reports and thousands of cheaters being caught, you still think that the F7 report system works. it doesn’t it take sometimes over a week for the person to get banned and by then you are forced off the server. im not talking about Esp im talking about spin bots, aim locks, getting headshot 6 more times even after your dead in combatlog and flying/ doublejump cheats. here is a link to a clip 1 hour after me and my friend joined Facepunch EU1 this is a week ago and the guy is still not banned after submitting this to Facepunches report system!!!!!!!!!!
This is another Clip About 7 months ago just joined for 2 days having a break from rustafied servers.
This is a clip of Defending a raid from Cheater a year ago on Facepunch servers.
As you can see there is a big problem with cheating on officials so please like and up vote this Post and hope for once they finally do something about this cause officials are unplayable…..

Admin access on a Rust server allows a player to execute all Rust commands in-game. This is important for accessing commands for banning players, teleporting, spawning in items, and more! A full list of Rust server commands can be found here.

There are two admin user roles on a Rust server:

  • ownerid - This Admin role gives access to all admin commands, including access to add other Rust admins.
  • moderatorid - This Admin role gives access to all admin commands, but does not allow the user to addother Rust admins.

There are two methods for adding an admin/moderator on a Rust server. This guide will be going over how to add a Rust admin/moderator using both methods!

Adding a Rust Admin through a server's FTP:

1. To begin, go on your Rust server's control panel and then click "FTP File Access".

2. This will open the FTP for your Rust server. Next, go to this location in your FTP: /rust/server/<your_server_identity>/cfg/

3. In the "cfg" folder, locate the file users.cfg. If you do not see that file, click "New File" at the top of your webFTP and create a file named "users.cfg".

- For each user you would like to add as a Rust admin, you will need that user's 64-bit Steam ID. You can use the website SteamIO to find a user's 64-bit SteamID.

4. Once you have each user's 64-bit Steam ID, click to edit the "users.cfg" file and in that file, please input the following line, on each separate line, for each user you would like to assign as a Rust Admin:

ownerid 64_bit_steam_id "optional_user_name" "optional_reason"

5. You can add users as a Rust moderator in the same users.cfg file by replacing "ownerid" in the above command with "moderatorid" like this:

moderatorid 64_bit_steam_id "optional_user_name" "optional_reason"

Here is an example of how a users.cfg would look like with multiple users added:

ownerid 76894329123023255 "MCProHosting"

moderatorid 76894329123023256 "MCProHosting2"

6. After adding users to the "users.cfg" file, click "Save File" and then restart your Rust server.

Adding a Rust Admin through RCON:

1. To begin, open Rust and connect to your server.

2. While remaining in-game, open your Rust server's control panel and then click "Console" to access your server's console.

3. In your server's console, type the following commands to add a user as an Admin on your Rust server:

ownerid 64_bit_steam_id "optional_user_name" "optional_reason"


4. You can add users as a Moderatoron your Rust server with the following commands:

moderatorid 64_bit_steam_id "optional_user_name" "optional_reason"


5. Afterward, exit and re-join your serverto allow that role to apply.

You can also use Rust RCON clients such as RustAdmin to input the above commands to add an Adminto your Rust server.

Note: The users.cfg file on your server may not update until your server has been stopped/restarted.

You have now successfully given admin/moderator access to users on your Rust server and those users will now have access to admin commands in-game!

If you experience issues adding a user as a Rust admin on your server, submit a ticket to our General Support department for further assistance!

Do official servers have admins?

Official servers don't have admins. There may be an admin password set on the servers, but that has never been confirmed to my knowledge. When it comes to players/clans that has seemingly endless supplies, it is always possible that a clan has setup a type of supply line that allows them to accumulate massive supplies.

How do you become an admin on a Rust server?

How to make yourself an admin on your Rust Server.
Step 1: Open your Web Console from within your game panel. In the password section, enter in your Rcon password. ... .
Step 2: Type in ownerid Steam64ID (replacing Steam64ID with your Steam ID) and hit enter. ... .
Step 3: Type in server..

Do Rustafied servers have admins?

Play on official Rustafied servers, they have tons of admins. Rustafied is the only server in the official list that's worthwhile playing on due to active admins.

What is the difference between official and community Rust?

Official servers, you can play on one, then move to another official server AND take your gear. Community servers are the opposite. Just somebody who feels like playing host and can set the rules for the map. Once you find a good community server, you'll never go to anything else.