Do guys like apple shaped bodies

1. You might never achieve a flat stomach. The belly is usually one of the most prominent aspects of this body type – hence the term "apple shape". Straight-cut skirts and dresses or high-waisted trousers are a no-no for most of us, unless we're a very slim apple or we want a seat on the train.

2. Your legs will remain slender at any weight. Putting on too much weight can make you feel like a Christingle orange. On the plus side, however, grab a low-cut top that skims and doesn't cling, pair it with a flattering skirt and you'll still have fantastic pins to show off even if the rest of you is feeling a bit post-Christmas-binge.

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Everybody knows: First impressions are very important.

When you meet a man for the first time, he WILL look at your body…

But here’s the secret:

Most guys will decide whether or not he likes you in the first 2 minutes of meeting you.

In our survey of 2,000 men, we found out what body parts do guys notice first, as well as what they think about them.

There are certain things guys notice about you instantly, including your shoulders, neck, hips and belly.

Remember this:

What attracts a man to a woman first is NOT the size of these body parts…

Instead, it’s how they are shaped in relation to each other.

That’s why the best way to impress a guy in your first meeting is to dress in a way that emphasizes these parts of your body.

It is also a good idea to exercise to tone these specific body parts – Be sure to read until the end for a detailed workout plan that gets you the perfect body quickly!

Go through this list carefully and check yourself in the mirror to see how you compare:

1. Your Shoulders

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Believe it or not, your shoulders can really change a man’s first impression of you.

Your shoulders are one of those little things guys notice about you, but will never tell you directly.

In our survey, men consistently rated athletic girls as the perfect body shape.

And what’s the one thing all these girls have in common?

They all had toned shoulders.

Contrary to popular belief, guys do not like skinny girls. Instead, they are much more attracted to girls with the right curves in the right places.

Make sure you check out the workout guide at the end of this article to learn how to easily tone your shoulders, as well as your whole body!

2. Your Neck

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Another feature of the fit female body is a slim neck.

This is also one of the first things a guy notices about you.

Here’s why:

After making eye contact with you, he will begin to scan your body, starting from your head downwards…

The size of your neck compared to your head will indicate to him how attractive you are.

If it’s too wide in comparison with your head, it will make you look heavy and unfit.

On the other hand, if it is too skinny and bony, it will make your head look big and awkward!

3. Your Hips

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Nowadays, everybody is talking about curves…

But what exactly are they?

Curves on a woman refer to the shape of their body parts, and not just the size.

Having an attractive body does not necessarily mean you have to be slim or light.

In fact, the most important things are curves and proportion.

An attractive female body is when all your body parts are shaped nicely, and sized properly compared to each other.

This also explains the difference between thick and fat: “Thick” girls have nice curves and well-proportioned bodies, but they are certainly not overweight!

4. Your Belly

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Many girls don’t understand how important the belly is for male attraction…

Here’s the truth:

A belly is fine, as long as it fits the rest of your body.

Our poll revealed most guys don’t care if you have a belly – However, they do get turned off if it is sticking out too much.

As we’ve mentioned already, first impressions are very important for guys.

When a guy looks at your stomach, it could mean it is standing out compared to the rest of your body, and catching his attention.

…And if your belly is one of the first things he notices about you, he might lose interest in you very quickly!

What Body Type Do Guys Like? Poll Results Revealed!

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Let’s face it – It’s hard to figure out what a man is thinking of sometimes…

We interviewed 2,000 men in this poll, asking them which female body type is most attractive.

Here’s what we learned:

Most girls are focused on the wrong things when it comes to what he thinks about your body.

In fact, it’s not your weight or the size of any body part that matters…

It’s your overall curves and shapes that attract a man to you sexually.

Read through these results, and find out EXACTLY what body shape do guys find most attractive.

Later, you’ll also get a complete workout guide to get the best body shape quickly, by focusing on the right parts of your body!

5th Place: The Inverted Triangle Body

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

The inverted triangle body shape is the most misunderstood body type.

Many women think it’s unattractive, or even a huge turnoff.

But our poll results show men don’t mind this body shape, as long as you dress properly.

This body shape is defined by a wide upper body (including shoulders and breasts), but narrow and undefined hips.

Because of this, it’s important to dress to “soften” your shoulder line, and draw attention down to your hips and legs.

To do this, wear fitted tops with a deep and narrow neckline, and extend past the hips.

To widen your hips and lower body, choose flaring skirts and loose trousers or shorts.

Despite all this, the inverted triangle was rated the least favorite by men in our poll, so it’s very important to add more curves to your hips with targeted exercises…

(NOTE: Follow this guide to learn how to seduce men WITHOUT any exercise…)

4th Place: The Apple Shaped Body

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

The apple shaped body is what many women naturally have.

It features a full upper body, but with weak curves in the hips and waist.

Despite having a decent bust, men tended to rate this body shape as “average” and “not that special”.

That’s because it lacks the right curves in the right places.

The fullness of this body shape in the midsection also means it is not easy to dress for this body type. A flowy, loose fit top is usually recommended.

However, the best solution would be to tighten the midsection through exercise.

(Click here to learn the psychological shortcut to any man’s heart!)

3rd Place: The Pear Shaped Body

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

The pear shape is a healthy body shape – In fact, it’s what people usually mean when they talk about “curvy fit”.

It features wide and pronounced hips, but a narrow upper body and waist.

The men in our poll found the pear shaped body attractive. They particularly enjoy the pear shape with a tight fitting mini skirts and tops with wide necklines.

This is the type of body men begin to notice, especially when they can see the curves in your figure.

That’s because your wide hips can really catch their attention!

However, they overwhelmingly felt the hourglass body is better than the pear shape.

2nd Place: The Hourglass Body

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Every man agrees: The hourglass shape creates instant attraction.

This body shape features a wide upper body and equally wide hips, but a narrow waist.

There are many reasons why men consistently rated the hourglass higher than the pear.

For example, guys felt the hourglass was more “balanced” and “curvy”. It also made the woman look younger and fitter.

In fact, scientists believe the hourglass is attractive because it shows good potential for child bearing.

That’s why men find it irresistible!

Obviously, not all girls are born with this body…

(Click here for a special way to attract any man you want no matter what you look like!)

1st Place: The Yoga Body

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

The results of our poll were clear:

The most attractive female body shape is the yoga body.

It combines all the things a man looks for in a woman’s body: Perfectly shaped curves and proportioned body parts.

All the key body parts are perfectly sized in relation to each other, including the hips, shoulders, legs and belly.

From celebrities and singers to athletes and actresses – The yoga body is extremely attractive to guys.

It’s also no surprise that the best looking women in the world all practice yoga!

This is the type of body that makes you look good in any outfit, with or without makeup.

In fact, when girls with yoga bodies walk into a room, everybody notices and stares.

How To Steal Any Man’s Attention WITHOUT Exercise

As dating coaches and relationship experts, we’ve helped thousands of women around the world to attract their perfect man.

Here’s the secret most girls don’t understand:

Attraction is psychological – It happens in the mind.

As long as you can make him to love you psychologically, it doesn’t matter what you look like…

It doesn’t matter how old you are…

And it doesn’t matter how he feels about you right now.

No matter if he is single or taken, you WILL steal his heart.

To find out exactly how to do this, check out our free eBook below:

FREE GUIDE: Make Him BEG To Be With You!

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Use these clever techniques to make any man completely obsessed, and BEG for a chance with you!

Right now, you have two choices:

You could stay the same as you are, have men pay little attention to you for the rest of your life, and watch them flocking to talk to girls with amazing bodies instead…


You can learn these simple techniques, steal the attention of men everywhere you go, and finally become the woman every man wants to be with.

Once you learn these tricks, you will never have to worry about what you wear or how you look.

Men will immediately notice you at parties, and want to talk to you.

You will never have to worry about your self-image or dieting ever again.

All you have to do is be yourself, and men will become instantly attracted to you!

FREE GUIDE: Make Him BEG To Be With You!

Do guys like apple shaped bodies

Use these clever techniques to make any man completely obsessed, and BEG for a chance with you!

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What body shape do men find most attractive?

According to a new study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, women with a 'low waist-to-hip ratio (WHRs)' – commonly known as an 'hourglass figure' – are seen to have the most attractive bodies.

Is it better to be apple or pear shaped?

The Bottom Line. Many studies say that apple shape is worse than pear shape. However, the shape of the body is just a way to know where you can improve your overall health. No matter what shape you are, the key is to maintain a healthy weight, eat healthy foods and stay active.

Where do apple shapes lose weight first?

What Is an Apple Shape? Women who have an apple-shape body tend to gain weight easiest around their waist, and they store most of their weight deep in their abdominal area. It's also common for apple-shape women to have broader shoulders, a larger bust and thinner arms or legs.

Can an apple body shape get a flat stomach?

1. You might never achieve a flat stomach. The belly is usually one of the most prominent aspects of this body type – hence the term "apple shape". Straight-cut skirts and dresses or high-waisted trousers are a no-no for most of us, unless we're a very slim apple or we want a seat on the train.