Daughter of the Pirate King characters

Alosa Kalligan is the main protagonist of the Daughter of the Pirate King (Series) duology. She is half-Human and half-Siren and is on a mission to retrieve a piece of an ancient map from an enemy pirate ship. With the three pieces of the map united, the bearer will be able to find the legendary Isla de Canta, an island heaped with untold treasure and protected by its magical occupants, the sirens.


Physical Description[]

Alosa has long, fiery red, curly hair with sun-kissed skin. Riden referred to Alosa as beautiful to Kearan and Enwen before assigning them to guard her in the brig of the Night Farer. Her eye color depends on the amount of Siren abilities she has in her possession. The more power she has the bluer her eyes, but when she has no more power her eyes are green.


Alosa is very confident, stubborn, sassy, intelligent, and calculating. She has a sarcastic and witty sense of humor that she uses often. She typically uses her humor when she is bickering with Riden or when she is trying to entertain herself while bored. She pretends to be naive and ignorant in order to complete her mission while she hides what she is truly capable of. She is able to manipulate and outsmart people, both in and out of her Siren form. She is a very good actress, and she uses this skill while playing her part as the kidnapped princess.


Before the book:[]

Each of the three Pirate Lords - the Allemos line, the Kalligan line, and the Serad line - were given a piece of an ancient map that lead to Isla de Canta. (Alosa and her father are descended from the Kalligan line).

Nineteen years prior to the start of the book, during his youth Alosa's father, Kalligan, set out on a journey to see how far he could sail with only his piece of the map. He and two ships from his fleet came across an island that had never been charted by any cartographer in Maneria, save the one who made the map to the Isla de Canta long ago. When he reached the end of his map, he found a lagoon full of beautiful women bathing in the water.

Thinking that they’d go and have some fun, several men jumped overboard, including her father. But instead of the women fleeing, screaming to get away, it was the men who shrieked until their heads disappeared below the water’s surface.

Her father was grabbed by the most beautiful of them all. Their queen. She, like the others, pulled him down to the ocean’s floor.

Her father struggled at first. He fought with all his might, but it was useless. He knew he was going to die. And so, instead of struggling until the lack of air became too much for him, he decided he would become a partner in what was happening.

Instead of fighting, he returned her embraces and kisses. Doing that, saved his life. She brought him back to the surface. All the way back up onto land. For a child who is conceived by a siren on land will be more human than not. She allowed them to keep their lives instead of sending all her subjects to finish them off.

Daughter of the Pirate King:[]

In Daughter of the Pirate king, Alosa Kalligan, a 17-year-old pirate captain, stages her own capture onto an enemy pirate ship in order to locate a hidden map piece that leads to a secret treasure trove. Though she is used to commanding her own crew of mostly female pirates, her secret power will allow her to overpower even the toughest of men aboard Captain Draxen’s enemy ship should she need to. Though the Captain believes he has the upper hand, it is Alosa who is orchestrating a cunning plan to search the enemy ship and locate the valuable map.

During her preparations for her mission, she hadn't anticipated the strong influence of the clever and handsome Riden, the first mate and brother to the captain of the ship. As tension mounts aboard the ship, and time runs low to find the map, Alosa and Riden’s bond strengthens, and the plot takes an entirely unforeseen twist before reaching its dramatic conclusion.

Daughter of the Siren Queen:[]

In Daughter of the Siren Queen, she finds out her mother had always been imprisoned by her father, the Pirate King. When she gets over her initial surprise, she steals her mother her freedom sacrificing her relationship with her father and flees.

Siren Abilities[]

Alosa Kalligan has three abilities pertaining to her siren powers. She can only influence and call to men; Women are unaffected by her powers. She is only able to use her powers for so long before she needs to replenish her powers. This is only possible by obtaining sea water, but being completely submerged in water is too much and it is highly possible she would lose control of herself to the Siren part of her. Depending on how strong a man's mind is and how complex the orders are, will determine how much song is needed. We learn more about Alosa's powers when she and Riden are held captive by Vordan Serad. (We later learn from Alosa's father that the man pretending to be Vordan was a fake and Alosa realizes that Theris is the real Vordan).

  1. The first power is an effect of her song. "[She] can enchant men to do essentially anything, so long as it doesn’t defy the laws of nature." She can only enchant three men at a time. She is only able to influence the mind with her song. This includes the ability to alter memories, show illusions, take away pain, and create fake pain.
  2. The second ability is being able to "read a person’s emotions, but this ability does not require nourishment from the sea. It is something [she] innately possess.” She is unable to read minds but she sees colors that represent their emotions. As a child, she would practice using this skill on her father's men. (Red is the hardest color to interpret). This ability does not require any sea water to use, but using this power too much will cause her to lose herself to her Siren side.
  3. The final ability she has is a seductress. She "can become any man’s idea of a perfect woman.” She is only able to become one man's ideal type at a time, but if more than one man is attracted to the same type, it will work on them all.



Her father[]

At first, her relationship with her father is not a close one. Her father trained her from a young age, and when she talks about it she constantly needs to remind herself that he made her go through such hash training is because he loves her. Her father sent her on the mission as he trusts her the most. Then when she realizes her father was keeping many secrets from her, including the fact that he had imprisoned her mother and kept them from each other. She turns her back on him. She feels deep hatred for him and even though he tries to get her back at first, he later decides killing her is the best option.

Her crew[]

She referred to her crew as her closest friends and that she cares for them dearly.

The members of her crew she is closest with are Niridia (first mate), Mandsy (first mate during Alosa's mission and the voice of reason), and Sorinda (assassin).

Other members include Roslyn (the youngest - six years old), Zimah (tracker), and Mim (willing to do anything).

Mandsy, Zimah, and Sorinda were the three who volunteered to help Alosa get kidnapped by Draxen.



Her relationship with Riden is a enemies to lovers concept with plenty of tension and flirty banter.

At first, Alosa despises Riden and all that he stands for. A couple times she even called him a coward. Eventually Alosa gives into Riden's charm, but quickly retreats as she has suspicions of his intentions.

Throughout the second book, Alosa falls more and more deeply for Riden, even though Riden has been in love with her all along. They confess their feelings to each other near the ending of Daughter of the Siren Queen.


Daughter of the Pirate King characters


Daughter of the Pirate King characters

Alosa and Riden in the Brig

Daughter of the Pirate King characters


Daughter of the Pirate King characters


Who are the main characters in Daughter of the Pirate King?

Seventeen-year-old Princess Alosa, DAUGHTER OF THE PIRATE KING and a Siren, has just fallen into the clutches of her father's rivals, the young pirate captain Draxen and his 18-year-old brother Riden.

Who is riden in Daughter of the Pirate King?

Alosa Kalligan is the main protagonist of the Daughter of the Pirate King (Series) duology. She is half-Human and half-Siren and is on a mission to retrieve a piece of an ancient map from an enemy pirate ship.

Is there romance in the book Daughter of the Pirate King?

About this Series. A young adult adventure series set on the high seas with plenty of romance, Daughter of the Pirate King tells the story of Alosa, a 17 year-old pirate who's captaining a mission to retrieve an ancient treasure map.

Who has the map in Daughter of the Pirate King?

DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN is book 2 in the Daughter of the Pirate King Duology. Alosa's mission is finally complete. Not only has she recovered all three pieces of the map to a legendary hidden treasure, but the pirates who originally took her captive are now prisoners on her ship.