Can you invite someone to watch your live on TikTok?

Don’t worry, you are not the only one who quests for how to go livestream on TikTok without a hundred of followers. The problem is common, and the answer has been found.

One of the methods to go live without enough followers is contacting TikTok support. We’ve tried this method, but it didn’t work. Nevertheless, users keep suggesting it as a solution. That’s why you may want to try it yourself.

Here is how you can ask the TikTok support team to give you the feature for going live:

  1. Tap the three lines.
  2. Go Settings and privacy.
  3. Choose Report a Problem.
  4. Tap the feedback icon.
  5. Tap the report a problem icon.
  6. Fill the field.

Write "Hello, I could previously go live on TikTok, but now I can’t. Would you add the Live feature to my account again? My followers would like me to livestream. Thank you." Or your own version with the same idea.

We received the answer the same day. TikTok support team replied that our account has a chance to go live if we are creators with inspiration and provide high-quality content. Not that they refused the request, but we haven’t got the feature.

As you see, asking the TikTok team doesn’t always work. That’s why we suggest one more solution for those who want to go live without 1,000 followers.

Invite your TikTok audience to watch your live stream on another platform, where you can broadcast with any number of subscribers. There you can chat with users, make money, and expand your audience.

Let your TikTok audience know that you are going live. Post a video announcing it. You can also send the invitation in DM to the followers you follow.

You can choose any platform you like. If you’ve never streamed, we suggest the following options to you.

Instagram. You don’t need a single follower to go live there, unlike TikTok. Beware, a user should have an IG account to watch your live video. Viewers can donate with the badges. But this is a beta feature and you may not have it. If it's not available, you can add a link in your bio, where users can donate.

YouTube. You must have no less than 50 followers to go live from your smartphone, which is much less than on TikTok. Or you can go live from your computer with any follower count. Users don’t have to create a YouTube account to watch your stream.

Viewers will be able to donate if you’ve got 10,000 YouTube subscribers, and the total view time of your videos is more than 4,000 hours. If you haven’t reached this success, add a link under your live video. It must lead to the page where users can donate.

Online streaming platforms. You have more features for communicating and making money on these platforms. But the free plan is likely to be not enough, and you will have to pay. Consider hosting a live stream for your TikTok audience in YellowDuck, OBS Studio, LoolaTV. We wrote about them here.

We recommend creating a landing page and adding its link to your TikTok bio. Add the link to your live stream and information about it on the page. Tell users about it in a video or message when announcing you are going live. Then you won't lose people on this long way from the announcement to the live stream.

Go Taplink to create the page. There, you can make the link to your stream into a bright button with animation. Write information about the date, time, and a couple of words describing the live. If your imagination goes on a roll, you can also place pictures, videos, and other elements.

Give users from TikTok the ability to donate if you want to make money when you go live. Add payment buttons for this purpose. Taplink has 40 payment systems that you can connect to. PayPal, Paddle, Stripe are among them.

Here are examples of how these pages may look. You can find them in templates after free signing up.

Only popular users can go live on TikTok. If you haven't got enough subscribers, you can ask the support team to give you the feature. But the only way that works for sure regardless of the number of followers is streaming on other platforms. Taplink pages will help to plan and host lives for your TikTok audience.

One of the great things about TikTok Live is being able to broadcast together with other users. Not only do joint broadcasts offer more content possibilities than just solo broadcasts, but they also provide an opportunity for users to work together, harnessing the power of the TikTok community and increasing the reach of Live broadcasts.

TikTok Live was launched in 2019, giving users of the platform a new format to play with outside of pre-recorded videos. The longer form style lends itself to showcasing talents and engaging with viewers. It's also a smart way to grow audiences and to raise money for good causes.


Related: How Much Is A Lion On TikTok Live? The Rare Gift Explained

To go Live on TikTok, users must have over 1,000 followers and be 16 or older. If that's the case, they can simply open the app, tap the create button, and then swipe to the Live option at the bottom. After choosing an image to represent the broadcast and entering a title for it, users can tap 'Go Live' to begin broadcasting. Once streaming, users can invite others to join them via the icon that looks like blue and red interlocked circles in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Joining Another User's TikTok Live Broadcast


It's also possible for users to ask if they can join a broadcast. Before doing so, it's worth keeping in mind that it will not always be appropriate to join a broadcast — if a solo artist is performing, for example — and Live users may not accept a request from others to join their broadcast (particularly if they do not know them). For these reasons, if a user wants to be involved in a joint broadcast, it's worth planning it beforehand if possible. Failing that, the chances of someone accepting a request from another user to join their Live broadcast is increased if they know the user or the requester is relevant for the broadcast.

Requesting to join someone's Live broadcast is done while viewing the broadcast. In the comments section, there is a button that looks like two smiling faces. Tapping this will send the request to join the broadcast. If the request is accepted, the screen will split into two, with one half displaying a message to the requesting user to say so and that they will join the Live broadcast shortly. After a brief countdown, the user's stream will appear on the screen and they'll be broadcasting on TikTok Live with the host.

In short, this is something that just comes down to common sense. If a TikTok user invites someone to join their broadcast, or someone personally knows the user that's hosting a Live video, then it's probably OK to join them. However, if someone's requesting to join a TikTok Live video hosted by a user they have no connection to, their request will almost certainly get rejected.

Other Ways To Participate In A TikTok Live

tiktok gifts livestream

For times when it isn't possible to join another creator's live broadcast, TikTok offers other ways for users to participate or show their appreciation to creators. The easiest way to do this is by sending a creator a gift during a live video. TikTok offers a variety of gifts that users can give their favorite creators during a live stream, ranging from a simple rose to a galaxy to a lion. When a gift is shared with a creator, it lights up the screen both for the user and the live audience. It also lets creators earn real money in the process.

Another way to enjoy more screen time with a creator is by purchasing a TikTok Live Subscription. The feature was rolled out recently, and lets users pay a monthly subscription for their favorite live creators. With a Live Subscription, TikTok users will have access to a subscriber-only chat with the creator. Additionally, subscribers also get a special badge and custom emotes. While joining another user's TikTok live may not always be possible, there are other ways to participate in a live broadcast.

What does it mean when someone invites you to watch their live TikTok?

TikTok is currently testing an “invite people to watch” feature that will help creators sway their contacts to the platform and grow their number of viewers. Creators can invite their connections from various third-party apps, such as Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp, to watch their videos and follow them on TikTok.

Can I guest a TikTok live?

Viewers can send guest requests or be invited to your LIVE. Up to 3 people can join you as a guest on your LIVE. Guests have the option to turn their camera on, or leave it turned off. Additionally, connected guests are able to receive diamonds just like the host.