Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?

Posted byu/[deleted]5 years ago

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?

I'm about to leave Fort Joy for the first time, and I'm afraid I won't be able to return once I've left it. Is it better to stay and finish up as many quests before leaving, or can I simply return later on?

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?

level 1

Are you asking about leaving the fort or leaving the island? If it's just leaving the fort, yes you can return. If you leave the island, you are gone for good.

level 2

Second this. Only thing I'd add is once you leave the fort (not the island) all the magisters will become hostile to you if you go back.

level 1

Finish all you can. The game tells you that you cannot return once you leave

level 1

No I don't think so. Getting on the ship seems pretty final.

level 1

I think it explicitly states when you try to leave that 'you cannot ever return'.

level 1

You've got your answer already, but the game gives you a big "are you sure you want to leave? you cant come back? definitely?" when you are actually encountering a point-of-no-return

level 1

All your quests become "completed" in their current state when you leave, so doesn't sound like you can go back.

level 1

Can't go back to the island. But you can go back to the fort if you're on the island but magisters are hostile... Blew my mind when I realized I couldn't go back at some the quests I left behind that were still crammed all on that island. Pretty impressive.

level 2

But what about the love of my life, Butters?

level 2

Wait, so only the origin characters that are in your party at the end of Act 1 continue through the rest of the game?

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?


Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?
3 Feb, 2019 @ 6:21am

After i leave fort Joy can i come back and finish quests?

I have found the exit to the swamp but have a few things left to do

I just got level 5 and i could not kill the necro doing the mad experiments or the group of hound masters in the dungeon . They kicked my arse. havent done the arena either,

I feel i would need to level to kill those people.

Can i leave and come back and do these?

Showing 1-7 of 7 comments

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?


Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?
3 Feb, 2019 @ 6:40am 

Yes you can go back to fort joy, but if and when you leave the island you cant do back.

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?

Originally posted by billy:

I have found the exit to the swamp but have a few things left to do

I just got level 5 and i could not kill the necro doing the mad experiments or the group of hound masters in the dungeon . They kicked my♥♥♥♥♥♥ havent done the arena either,

I feel i would need to level to kill those people.

Can i leave and come back and do these?

Yes, you can go back but mind that all guards will attack you on sight once you finished the quest to find a way out of the fort. So some quests might be blocked if they have something to do with the order.

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?


Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?
3 Feb, 2019 @ 7:03am 


Am i struggling by not being able to beat these 2 fights at level 5? to be honest they seemed ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and way out of my league,

And i looked at some guides and they all involved specific cheesy ♥♥♥♥ or very specific skills. Guides like that are not my cup of tea. And if thats needed to win the fight i would rather quit the game.

OR is it normal to delay these fights a little? will i be able to get another level or two and come back?

I am loving the writing and the game itself but these two fight put me off playing the game as they seemed silly and cheesy as ♥♥♥♥.

Last edited by billy; 3 Feb, 2019 @ 7:06am

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?

*dumbass peaked, 5 hours of sleep are not enough* ...

The necro is pretty easy if you go for the middle and kill him first with your strongest DPS. Try to stay away from the cages and clear the trash one by one after that.

The hound masters I also didn't find that challenging. Try using the terrain to your advantage and maybe use some dots like fire or poison if you have them. I also found a melee heavy hitter with a two hand very convenient to deal with pesky mages.

Last edited by Shakja; 3 Feb, 2019 @ 7:42am

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?

Originally posted by billy:


Am i struggling by not being able to beat these 2 fights at level 5? to be honest they seemed ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and way out of my league,

And i looked at some guides and they all involved specific cheesy ♥♥♥♥ or very specific skills. Guides like that are not my cup of tea. And if thats needed to win the fight i would rather quit the game.

OR is it normal to delay these fights a little? will i be able to get another level or two and come back?

I am loving the writing and the game itself but these two fight put me off playing the game as they seemed silly and cheesy as ♥♥♥♥.

I didn't find them difficult. However, I did alter their pathing with obstacles. But, I was also solo.

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?


Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?
3 Feb, 2019 @ 7:36am 

Originally posted by Shakja:

May I ask which fights you're talking about? You can do a lot with using the terrain and sneaking around until you find a good position to avoid being surrounded.
High ground is always your friend, as are walls to block part of the enemies and go for a "divide and conquer" strategy.

But the harbour fight in the back of the fort for example I'd delay or completely skip. Too many enemies, no real cover and you get almost nothing out of it.

one was the nutter necro below the fort , you fight him , some silent monks ans some zombie things

The other was a 4-5 guards/houndmasters in the dungeon or prison , with a wounded guy to rescue on the floor.

Can you go back to Fort joy after you leave?

Originally posted by billy:

Originally posted by Shakja:

May I ask which fights you're talking about? You can do a lot with using the terrain and sneaking around until you find a good position to avoid being surrounded.
High ground is always your friend, as are walls to block part of the enemies and go for a "divide and conquer" strategy.

But the harbour fight in the back of the fort for example I'd delay or completely skip. Too many enemies, no real cover and you get almost nothing out of it.

one was the nutter necro below the fort , you fight him , some silent monks ans some zombie things

The other was a 4-5 guards/houndmasters in the dungeon or prison , with a wounded guy to rescue on the floor.

Yeah, I reread you op and changed my last post. Sorry about that. :D

Showing 1-7 of 7 comments

Can you go back into Fort Joy after escaping?

Find the first Waypoint in Hollow Marshes and then you can fast travel to and from both areas. This allows the player to go back to Fort Joy once stronger for any remaining loot.

What do you do when you leave Fort Joy?

The straightforward way is to kill the 4 magisters at the gate, pick up the key, make your way inside the fort, then you can fight your way out. If you choose to go north once inside the gates, you can meet a paladin near the port who is also fighting magisters.

Can you recruit after Fort Joy?

If you dismissed a Companion while in Fort Joy, they will return to the area where you initially met them. To recruit them back, make sure you have a free space in your party for another member, and return to where you met the dismissed Companion to recruit them again.