Can you get chat logs in lol?

When the user goes to read the logs, the server sends back all the messages that have been logged. Note that if the logger's computer somehow got an error and did not receive the message, or somehow didn't manage to log the messages, it would be missing from the logs. And that's bad in logging terms.

We have situations where the logger isn't on (this is the default):

  1. User sends message to server (Receive)
  2. Server sends message to all users. (Broadcast)

In an optimal setup for logging, the server is the logger:

  1. User sends message to server (Receive)
  2. Server logs message (Logging). Server sends message to all users (Broadcast)

When the user goes to read logs, the server sends back all messages that it received and logged. Any missing messages are caused by only the server failing to log a message. There won't be any caused by a user-run logger failing to receive the message and/or sending it back to the server.

  1. Boards
  2. League of Legends
  3. Riot finally gave me the chat logs that got me banned

bobstevens23123 7 years ago#1

Did i deserve a 2 week ban? - Results (635 votes)


81.42% (517 votes)



5.35% (34 votes)


Deserved next (aka dint read or wanna give a real answer)

13.23% (84 votes)


This poll is now closed.

Panthers8912 (Yasuo): aye i have that same skin
[1:51] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): why is ur text in yellow?
[2:10] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): no blitz's
[4:13] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): heal op
[4:21] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i wouldve killed graves if they didnt heal
[4:28] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): buff ignite riot
[4:54] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u suck
[5:31] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): rekt
[5:35] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[5:38] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): tis true
[5:43] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i hat when adc dont say ty
[7:00] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): pull em
[7:07] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): then i stab em
[7:22] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[7:27] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): report blitz plz
[7:55] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): suuure
[8:00] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): here comes the excuses
[8:14] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): want me to call u a wambulance?
[8:54] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): f***
[9:01] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i was pressing r instead of e lolol
[9:33] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): dude f*** that guy
[9:42] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i was mashing r instead of e lol
[9:49] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i was like why arent i dashing?
[10:26] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[10:36] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): report zed
[11:05] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): yeah
[11:27] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): remember that guy yesterday saying he was doublelift?
[11:29] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): thats me
[12:00] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): nice
[12:39] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lag
[12:50] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lmao
[13:02] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): zed cant call mia to save his life
[13:13] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol now he does
[13:59] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): panth
[14:01] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): drag
[15:30] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[15:42] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): kyle stop drinking u f***
[16:26] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[16:30] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): pantheon is the jg
[17:35] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): rekt
[17:57] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): shaco u pusy
[18:25] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): gotta spend my 4k gold
[18:26] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): brb
[18:45] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): reported
[18:56] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i know i just havent died in a while
[19:59] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[20:15] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i dont think this i what they mean when they say "teamfight"
[20:32] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): thanks bro
[20:51] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[20:56] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): ur so weak
[21:03] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): couldnt even break my shield bro
[21:23] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): or bc ur bad
[21:28] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[21:32] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): ya never know
[22:51] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[23:48] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): windwall should really block turret shots
[24:09] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): guess a noob is beating u then
[24:26] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): im a melee adc
[24:28] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i feed
[24:36] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): and what voli said

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.

bobstevens23123 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#2

24:36] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): and what voli said
[24:43] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): shacos is supposed to get kills
[26:22] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): rekt
[26:36] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u had like 30% health
[26:43] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): hardly a last hit
[26:45] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): but ok
[27:34] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): indeed
[27:36] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i was
[27:47] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): im mna enough to admit when im rekt
[27:50] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): man*
[28:49] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): np
[29:19] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): indeed
[29:38] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u rite
[29:41] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u rite
[30:01] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u hiding in a bush has absolutely nothing to do with it
[30:18] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): how about i hide in a bush and you try to 1v1 me?
[30:24] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lets see who wins then?
[30:43] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): yeah just dont talk s*** bc u cant 1v1 me
[30:49] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): uless u wanna fight in the open?
[30:51] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u didnt
[31:05] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u somethered me with ur p****
[31:18] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): f*** this shaco
[31:34] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): thinks hes good bc he hid in a bush and feared me for 3s
[32:11] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): only person shaco could 1v1 is blitz
[32:13] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): maybe
[32:33] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): im not b****ing
[32:42] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): im declaring that you are a p****
[32:49] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): its ok yas
[33:14] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): and if u fear someone while in a bush and prevent them from fighting back for 2s its not a 1v1
[33:38] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): if i had a move that stunend u for 20s until u died would that be a 1v1?
[33:52] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): im sorry that u feel the need to argue even though u know ur right
[34:16] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u calling me a b**** doesnt make u any more right, unfortunately for y
[34:18] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u
[34:21] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u
[34:30] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): keep telling urself that
[34:59] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): com
[35:28] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): shocker
[35:32] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): again, ur a p****
[35:43] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): if ur so confident u can 1v1 me dont use a bush
[35:49] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): unless ur scared?
[36:07] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): its ok id be scared too
[36:47] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): again
[36:51] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): not complaining
[36:53] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u kileld me
[36:57] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u just didnt 1v1 me
[37:13] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): every mans logic
[38:05] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[38:20] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): why did we not help panth
[38:53] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): oh wow voli u doin good
[39:06] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): zed u doin pretty good too
[39:08] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): gj
[39:21] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): id be doin better if this p**** wasnt such a da
[39:30] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): dumb ass
[40:58] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[45:17] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): so is it a 1v1 if u have 2 lives?
[45:27] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): and if i killed u when u were surrounded?
[47:36] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol shaco flashing away like a p**** #shocka
[47:49] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): and yas couldnt even kill me with 2 lives
[48:01] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): ur yas has 1 more kill than me
[48:09] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): and he couldnt even kill me with two lives
[48:12] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): so who is bad?
[48:24] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): by me

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.

IndianaJones65 7 years ago#3


DGS localization hype
Latest obsession: Pokemon Emerald Gold Symbols (3/7)

bobstevens23123 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#4

48:42] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): voli didnt interfere
[48:56] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): true
[49:31] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): thats cool panth
[49:42] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): couldve helped me
[51:05] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): wow
[51:21] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): why did u not help
[51:26] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): we couldve killed both
[51:30] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): oh
[51:31] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): well
[51:34] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): i killed morg
[51:41] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): couldve got blitz too if u helped
[51:46] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): just needed u to land an e
[51:58] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): its on a 3s cd
[52:19] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): shouldve toled us then
[53:44] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): nice
[53:59] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): gj focusing all ur stuff on me
[54:04] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): shame that lost u the game
[54:16] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): push mid
[54:18] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): dont chase
[54:35] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): idiot
[54:43] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): u guys couldve got the mid tower
[54:55] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): ^^^
[57:10] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): s***
[57:20] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): yup
[57:21] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): lol
[58:25] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): congrats
[58:28] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): ?
[58:31] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): ?
[58:32] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): ?
[58:44] [All] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): seems like ur saying stuff more for urself than u are to me
[61:09] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): damn
[61:15] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): atleast i got the inhib and killed morg
[61:18] Panthers8912 (Yasuo): and bought some time

Im very surprised this is the game that gave me my first ban, a 2 week one. Of course he didn't send my what the shack was saying to me, but he was one of the most toxic players I've met and was waaaaay worse than me. I asked for shacks logs as well but i doubt they will send them. Lmk what you think, I personally have seen others be much more toxic so I'm sure you have as well. And for those of you you thinking all my games are like this I've been playing for almost a year an just got my first ban

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.

Milkydragon102 7 years ago#5

At first I was like, "aight, this looks undeserved so far" then I got to the second post

Deserved, next

Hit me with your rhythm stick! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!

bobstevens23123 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#6

also inb4 people start attacking me personally bc i was a **** to some random online

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.

MK9_Prodigy 7 years ago#7

lmao holy s*** you're annoying

bobstevens23123 (Topic Creator)7 years ago#8

Milkydragon102 posted...

At first I was like, "aight, this looks undeserved so far" then I got to the second post

Deserved, next

thats fair. Thanks for actually reading it and giving your honest opinion. I'm agreeing i was out of line here, but do you think a 2 week ban was deserved?

If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.

lightdragoon88 7 years ago#9

Yeah cursing, no matter what, can easily get you ban for a week or 2.

I seek Knowledge. The most valuable resource of all.

Milkydragon102 7 years ago#10

bobstevens23123 posted...

Milkydragon102 posted...
At first I was like, "aight, this looks undeserved so far" then I got to the second post

Deserved, next

thats fair. Thanks for actually reading it and giving your honest opinion. I'm agreeing i was out of line here, but do you think a 2 week ban was deserved?

Maybe, I'd need more context on how often you do this kind of stuff. If this was legitimately the first game of your League career where you popped off on someone I would find it a bit excessive, but I'm pretty sure it's not and (no offense), I'd be hesitant to believe you if you said otherwise. So I'm going to deny you the benefit of the doubt here and say, yes, still deserved.

Hit me with your rhythm stick! Hit me! Hit me! Hit me!

  1. Boards
  2. League of Legends
  3. Riot finally gave me the chat logs that got me banned

Can you check chat logs LOL?

You can view your chat transcripts any time in your League account. Note: After you end a chat, it can take up to a few hours for the conversation to appear in your chat history.

How can I see all chat in lol?

Enabling All Chat only takes a few quick clicks..
While in a game, open the Options Menu by pressing [ESC].
Go to the Interface tab on the left..
Scroll down until you find the Chat section..
Check the “Show [All] Chat (Matched Games)” box..

How do I see old riot messages?

To access Riot Client Logs, simply: Press the Windows Key. Paste %localappdata%\Riot Games\Riot Client into your Windows Search Bar. There, you'll see a folder called Logs.

How long does Riot Games keep chat logs?

In-game chat logs for the last 3 months (or the past 100 games, if you've played more than that in the last 3 months) Login history for the last 3 months. Player Support ticket history.