Can you change your character in New Game Plus Far Cry 5?

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With confirmation of nothing in development in the way of DLC, do you think we might get a New Game+ or even the ability to change our character’s appearance similar to Far Cry 5?

I surely hope so.

level 1

I heard different that will get no future content.

level 1

Community reps on the ubisoft forums have officially confirmed no NG+, I imagine this game will get very little after-launch support.

level 2

That’s a shame. It truly felt like a great burst of fun that should have been longer. But at $40 it was a great piece of action.

At the very beginning of Far Cry 5 you are asked to make a choice regarding your character in the game.  This character can be a male of female character model, and this choice is permanent.  Following this choice you will be asked to pick a design for your character’s face, skin color, and hair.  These selections (aside from hair style) are all permanent in the game.

The gender, facial model, and hair cannot be changed after the beginning of the game, but players can get more customization options by unlocking or purchasing new clothes for their character.  As these options become available they can be accessed within the customization portion of the game’s menu.  It’s the last tab on the right, and it will allow you to instantly change your clothing options.  These range from a wide variety of clothing options and accessories.

There are unique outfits that can be purchased or earned.  Or you can select your own clothing piece by piece in the following categories:  Upper Body, Lower Body, Hair, Headwear, and Handwear.

Cult Outposts are your best bet for unlocking new outfits for your character. Completing these missions that have you clearing out enemy forces and liberating areas in Hope will net you the most outfits.  While things like side missions will unlock specific clothing pieces as rewards.

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Pig Mac

5 Sep, 2018 @ 3:58am 

Yup.. or rather do it right before starting NG+ Or do it in any store like in the normal game.
Not sure if possible in the first 'bunker' even, as I didn't try, but I guess it should be possible even there.

Last edited by Pig Mac; 5 Sep, 2018 @ 3:58am


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Far Cry 5 is a game that sends the player to the fictional area of Hope County, Montana where a dangerous cult has taken over and threatens the way of life of the people living in this region. The player has to do various quests, take down outposts, and stop each member of the Seed family in order to bring peace back to Hope County.

After finishing the game, the player can pick up the spin-off, Far Cry New Dawn, that is set nearly two decades after the shocking twist at the end of the game. But, if you're not quite done with present-day Hope County and you want a bit of a challenge, you might be interested in trying out New Game+ mode in Far Cry 5. This feature was added to the game in 2018 and brought with it some pretty interesting features that make re-playing the game totally worth it. To see 10 of the best things about New Game+ in Far Cry 5, keep reading!

10/10 You Keep (Almost) Everything

Starting over in New Game+ mode in Far Cry 5 really does mean starting over. You're sent back to Dutch's Island, but don't worry! All your money, your weapons, and your vehicles are saved, so you're not completely starting from square one.

New Game+ is designed for people that have already finished the game and want a bit of a challenge and want to experience the entire game and story again. Luckily, you get to keep just about everything that you got when you played the game the first time, which is a really cool feature of New Game+ and is really helpful since those cultists don't go down easy.

9/10 You Don't Lose Those Prestige Weapons

When we say you get to keep everything, we do mean it. It doesn't matter what weapons you've purchased or unlocked, you're still going to have all of them when you start New Game+ again. So, if there's a Prestige Weapon that you unlocked and you don't want to lose when you start over, you don't have to worry.

Another cool thing about New Game+ is that you'll keep all the money that you made throughout your playthrough. So, if you were saving up for a special weapon and you're just not quite there yet, you won't lose all that money and you'll be one step closer to being able to buy it.

8/10 Your Quests Are Cleared

Although you're going to keep everything that you unlocked and purchased throughout the game, you don't keep any of your progress as far as the story goes. In that regard, New Game+ really is a brand new game.

That means that even though you'll still have the skill points, outfits, and weapons that you got while you were playing the first time, you'll be starting with no quests completed and no resistance points in each Seed family member's region.

7/10 You Can Start Over As Many Times As You Want

After you're done completing the story in New Game+, you're free to start over again and again. If you just can't get enough of taking down the cultists, going fishing, and driving around picturesque Hope County, you never have to stop.

The game lets you start over as many times as you could possibly want to and these features apply each time. Weapons that you unlock and purchase during your first round of New Game+ stay with you when you go back and start again. As long as you've finished the story, you're free to start over without losing any items.

6/10 Test Your Luck With Infamous Difficulty

One of the most appealing parts of New Game+ is that there's a brand new difficulty level that players are free to try out. If you thought that beating the Seed family and their loyal followers was just a little too easy, then New Game+ might be for you.

Once you've completed the game and you go to New Game+, you can try your luck with the brand new Infamous difficulty. This difficulty level makes the enemies tougher and smarter with higher health than in the other difficulties. Good luck with Faith's Angels on this difficulty!

5/10 There's A New Achievement

If you finish New Game+ on Infamous difficulty, you get more than just bragging rights. There's a brand new achievement for the game that can only be unlocked by completing the game on Infamous difficulty.

Like other achievements, you only get this one once. So, it doesn't matter how many times you finish the campaign on this new, tough difficulty level because you won't get the achievement more than once. But, having it one time and getting to show off that you took on the toughest challenge Far Cry 5 has to offer is pretty cool!

4/10 You Get A New Outfit For Completing It

Is an awesome achievement not good enough? If you finish New Game+ on Far Cry 5's new Infamous difficulty that was added with this mode, you get another awesome reward. Along with the achievement and a new badge on your Ubisoft Club profile, you also unlock a new outfit.

The Rook outfit is one that can only be unlocked by finishing New Game+ on Infamous difficulty. Like other outfits and unlockables that you can get throughout the game, this outfit will follow you into your next games and stay with you each time you replay the game.

3/10 Guns For Hire Can Have A Faster Cooldown

Guns for Hire are special NPCs that can be called to your character to help fight against cultists when you're feeling a little outnumbered. There are humans like Jess and some that are animals, like Cheeseburger, and they're unlocked throughout the game as you complete quests.

If your Gun for Hire is "killed" while playing, they're simply sent away while the cooldown timer runs out and then can be called back. In New Game+, there's a brand new perk that can make that cooldown time even shorter, meaning that they'll be back with you quicker than before.

2/10 Other Perks Can Be Upgraded

Along with upgrading your Guns for Hire to make them come back faster after being taken out by enemies, there are other perks that you can spend points on in New Game+. Unfortunately, you're not able to upgrade things like your health or other aspects of your character any further in New Game+, but you can upgrade your ammo bags.

If you've got specific weapons that you constantly find yourself pulling out when you're taking down a cultist outpost, you'll know how important it is to be fully stocked on ammo for those weapons. Luckily, New Game+ has perks to allow you to upgrade those ammo bags even further.

1/10 You Keep Your Old Perks (And Unspent Points)

New perks are great, right? But what about all the old ones that we bought throughout the course of our first playthrough? Don't worry! Those are among the things that you keep when you go into New Game+.

All the perks that you bought while playing and the unspent perk points that you couldn't decide what to do with will come with you. And if you buy more perks while in New Game+, you're able to take those into your next adventure through Hope County.

Next: Far Cry 6: 10 Things We Want Ubisoft To Include

Can you change your character on Far Cry 5?

Apart from their gender and skin tone, you can change any aspect of your character's appearance in the Character Customization menu. Any items of clothing or outfits you unlock will be available in this menu. The customization content will become available to you after you completed the mission The Resistance.

What happens when you start New Game Plus in Far Cry 5?

When you start a New Game+, a new difficulty will become available: Infamous. You can choose the difficulty for your new playthrough but be aware that you will not be able to change it during a New Game+. In Infamous mode, all enemies have more health, hit harder and are faster but also take more damage.

How many times can you New Game Plus Far Cry 5?

7/10 You Can Start Over As Many Times As You Want After you're done completing the story in New Game+, you're free to start over again and again. If you just can't get enough of taking down the cultists, going fishing, and driving around picturesque Hope County, you never have to stop.

Can you change Far Cry 5 to third

You can enter Photo Mode from the pause menu while in-game. When in Photo Mode, the game will remain paused and the camera will switch to a third-person view.


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