Can vape juice go bad in a pod

Most bottles of e liquid for sale now stipulate an expiration date varying over a period of 12 to 24 months.

This is not a use by date but, as the name suggests, an indication of an optimal vape experience.

So what happens when the time limit indicated on the bottle has passed?

What ingredients are in vape juice?

E-liquids are made of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, flavors and nicotine if they are not in 0mg.

   - Propylene glycol and glycerin play their role of preservatives for about 3 years.

   - Nicotine remains intact and active for about 5 years.

   - The chemical compounds of the flavors do not deteriorate for 3 years.

Does vape juice go bad?

Not really.

A ready-made, sealed ejuice has a shelf life of approximately 2 years if stored in a cold, dark and dry place.

Never having been opened, its alteration is less.

The conservation of an opened e liquid is different.

If it contains nicotine, it will quickly begin to oxidize, which eventually results in a slightly pungent and unpleasant taste.

The flavors making up the e liquid recipe will also begin to deteriorate even if it is important to know that when kept cool, the degradation will be slower.

How to make DIY recipe?

The process is the same for storing a DIY e liquid as for liquids on the market.

Some diyers don't skimp on their mix, sometimes combining up to a dozen flavors to create a complex recipe.

Here too, you should know that a too long maturation time can generate an indescribable, if not frankly disgusting taste.

To avoid vaping a too degraded homemade liquid, we recommend that you write the date of preparation on the bottle.

Can expired vape juice hurt you?

The answer is simple, no, it cannot.

It may appear tasteless or very weakly flavored but in no case present a potential danger if the expiration date is passed by a few months.

On the other hand, if the date has been expired for years, it is best not to consume it.

It becomes thicker, the flavours and nicotine are severely altered, the liquid becomes very dark and not very tasty.

How to recognize an expired e juice?

   - The first sign of an expired e liquid is its altered flavor.

If you notice a strange taste while vaping it, don't push it.

   - The second major sign is a deposit at the bottom of the vial which dissolves upon shaking.

Again, drop it. The liquid is no longer usable.

   - The third sign already mentioned is a very dark appearance. Don't even try!

Does ejuice flavor go bad ?

As a general rule, flavors alone have a longer shelf life than ready to vape e-liquids.

The manufacturer's average for optimal taste is three years.

After this time, the aroma may lose its intensity but does not present any dangerousness.

What is the best way to store vape juice?

The e-liquid conservation rule can be summed up in three words: air, light, temperature.

  • Oxygen activates the nicotine oxidation and some flavors.

You should therefore avoid leaving the bottles open and favor small vape juice bottle sizes (for DIY) that can easily be sealed with adhesive.

  • The ultra violets (UV light) break down the nicotine base.

It is therefore smart to store it in the dark to preserve its conservation.

  • The heat degrades and alters the liquid.

It is therefore preferable to store it at a temperature not exceeding 18 °C (64,4 °F)

Can vape juice go bad?

Vaping expired juice is not harmful to health but can sometimes lead to a very bad taste experience.

It is therefore crucial to respect strict conservation rules, whether it is e-liquids purchased on the market or your own DIY recipes.

How long does vape juice last in a pod?

If you maintain a moderate vaping pace, you can usually expect your vape pods to last about a week each. So, let's suppose that you typically buy e-liquid about once every two weeks. In that case, you should make sure that you always have two replacement pods available for your pod system.

How do you know if vape juice is bad?

If a vape juice no longer tastes like what you remember it, the flavors have gone bad, and it's time to replace it. The amount of nicotine in the vape liquid will decrease over time as nicotine degrades. Expired vape juice may not only taste awful, but it may also not satisfy your nicotine needs.

Can you get sick from vaping old juice?

The date is just a recommendation to use up the juice fast or throw it away. No, it isn't dangerous to vape expired e-juice, nor is it bad for your health. It is simply a recommendation by the producer.


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