Can I put lip balm after lip fillers

Not everyone was born with a pair of plump, full lips, but that shouldn’t stop you from getting the perfect pout. Lip filler injections are all the rage nowadays, thanks to modern lip fillers that can safely add volume to each lip. 

To achieve the best results with dermal fillers and lip injections, it’s also extremely important to pay attention to lip filler aftercare. Improper filler care may lead to intense bruising or swelling after a lip filler treatment.

Here are eight things not to do after getting lip filler injections: 

1) Do not do any strenuous exercise 

Fitness is often a great thing to pursue, but it’s best not to hit the gym immediately after you have lip filler injections. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for 24 hours to 48 hours after treatment, as an elevated blood pressure and heart rate can make the swelling or bruising worse. 

Sweating is also something you should avoid post treatment, since it will dehydrate you. Most dermal fillers are made out of hyaluronic acid, which works by attracting water to keep the lips plump. If you’re dehydrated, the lip fillers might not achieve the look you want. 

To keep yourself fit, light walking is your best option after getting lip filler injections. 

2) Avoid high temperature rooms

Steam rooms, saunas, hot showers, and exercise classes are a no-no post treatment. High heat makes the blood vessels dilate, which can prolong the swelling caused by the fillers. It's best to avoid high temperature rooms or 24 hours to 48 hours after dermal filler injections. If you’re planning to take a shower immediately after your treatment, the water should be lukewarm. 

Make sure to keep cool after getting lip fillers. In fact, you should take a piece of ice covered in cloth and rub it around your lips. This will help ease swelling, itching, or bruising in the filler treatment area. 

3) Do not drink alcohol

Alcohol is a blood thinner, which will cause the blood vessels to dilate and create bruising or swelling in the treatment area. When getting dermal filler injections, you should also avoid other blood thinning substances such as:

  • Ibuprofen
  • Vitamin E supplements
  • Paracetamol 
  • St. John’s Wort 
  • Aspirin
  • Motrin
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Flax oil
  • Cod liver oil 
  • Garlic 
  • Caffeine 

Instead of drinking alcohol, you should hydrate with plain water after your treatment. Since hyaluronic acid dermal fillers rely on water to keep your lips plump, you should stay hydrated to get the full effects of your lip fillers. 

4) Stop smoking

While some experts may say that it’s okay to smoke after treatment, studies suggest that smoking can increase the risk of infection in patients after being treated with a dermal filler. In any case, you should avoid smoking or being around smokers immediately after treatment. Not only may it have adverse effects on the dermal fillers, but it will definitely cause harm to your skin. 

5) Do not drink through a straw

You might be tempted to drink out of a straw after undergoing lip filler injections, but avoid this as much as possible. Using a straw will put pressure on your new lip fillers and may cause some discomfort, since there will be swelling after the lip injections. Sucking on a straw may also be awkward to manage with swollen lips. All in all, it’s best to drink water without a straw after treatment. 

6) Avoid putting make-up on

Put away your lip balm, lip gloss, or lipstick for the next 24 hours after your lip injection treatment - lip products may have a negative reaction with the fillers, especially if your lips are swelling or bruising. If you really have to wear something after your dermal filler injections, your doctor may be able to recommend a product that is gentle and contains SPF.

You should also avoid harsh, perfumed cleansing products on or around your lips. To remove grime from your face and mouth, try to find a gentle cleanser or sterile alcohol wipe. But be careful when using this, since they may sting. 

Aside from make-up, avoid laser facial treatments for at least two weeks after your filler injections. The heat from the laser can break down dermal fillers and cause them to disintegrate much faster than they’re supposed to. 

7) Do not fly for at least a week 

Flying should be avoided for at least a week after getting lip injections. This is because the air pressure in a plane can worsen the swelling and bruising caused by the new lip fillers.

Air pressure also dehydrates your body, which isn’t good if you’re looking to increase the volume in your lips. A hyaluronic acid dermal filler attracts the water in your body to help integrate itself into your lips’ tissues, so it’s important to drink plenty of water and stay on the ground for now. 

8) Avoid spicy foods and hot drinks 

When your lips are swollen after filler injections, it’s best to avoid spicy foods or hot drinks for 24 hours to 48 hours. Spicy and acidic foods may cause stinging or burning sensations, especially while the lips are still in its early healing stages. 

Hot or warm beverages normally don’t cause issues, but your lips are still numb after treatment and you might burn yourself. Hot drinks may also worsen the swelling after lip filler treatment, so stick with room-temperature water and a cold pack to stay on the safe side. 

Our other recommendations are to have food that is easy to eat and chew, since you would be less likely to wipe your lips or disturb them. Additionally, it’s important to avoid food with refined carbohydrates, high-sodium or high-sugar content, because they may increase the risk of bruising and swelling once you get lip fillers. 

Lip Filler Aftercare To-Dos

While we have mentioned several things you should avoid after you get lip fillers, here are a few lip filler aftercare instructions you should follow to recover quickly and maintain satisfactory results: 

  • Follow your doctor’s lip massage instructions: Not every doctor recommends lip massages, since it varies depending on the type of lip filler, the lip filler brand, and even your own anatomy. However, if your doctor gives you instructions on this, you should follow them to the letter. 
  • Eat hydrating fruits and vegetables: Aside from drinking plenty of water, hydrating fruits and vegetables will help the lip fillers heal better. Some water-rich foods include: cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, melons, broccoli, oranges, apples, and blueberries. 
  • Sleep on elevated pillows: Sleeping on elevated pillows will reduce swelling after lip filler injections. It’s best to avoid sleeping on your face for at least 24 hours after your lip filler treatment, since you may accidentally cause more bruising for your lips.
  • Apply ice to the treatment area: At any stage of your recovery from lip filler treatment, use ice whenever you feel any discomfort or itching. Ice is also used to reduce swelling. Some doctors will also recommend Arnica - a homeopathic herb that comes in tablet or cream form - to help with the bruising. 
  • Take your cold sore medication: Lip fillers can trigger cold sores. If you’re a patient who is prone to cold sores, you should take medication for them at least three days prior to getting your lip fillers. 

Ethos Spa: Quality Lip Injection Treatments and Lip Filler Aftercare 

With years of experience, Ethos Spa is the top provider of aesthetic treatments in New Jersey. We provide lip augmentation treatment using only the best quality dermal fillers. 

Before treatment, you will undergo a thorough consultation so that our doctors will understand exactly what you want to do with your lips. We will also make recommendations on which lip fillers will better achieve the look you desire. Lastly, we guarantee attentive lip filler aftercare that will give you the best results. 

You can be sure that your lip augmentation treatment and lip filler aftercare are in good hands at Ethos Spa. Book a free consultation with us today. 

Learn more: Can You Feel Lip Fillers When Kissing?

What can I put on my lips after fillers?

Apply ice to your lips afterward using an ice pack or an ice cube covered in a thin cloth (so it doesn't stick to the lip and cause pain). This will help ease swelling, itching, bruising, and any other pain. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours after you get lip or any other dermal fillers.

When can you use lip balm after filler?

The following day is fine to apply makeup and lip balm. Remember that multiple incisions are normally made with the needle for lip fillers and the filler stays in the skin for a long period of time.

Can you moisturize your lips after filler?

Doctors suggest that the best product to apply to your lips is a thick and bland ointment such as Vaseline or Aquaphor. It is also great to use lip moisturisers that contain Shea butter or Vitamin E as these combat dryness really well. You can also DIY and make a great treatment at home!

What not to put on lips after fillers?

don't use and exfoliating agent for 24 hours or any harsh cleaning brush. don't have a facial massage for at least two weeks. don't drink through a straw for the 1st day as this puts pressure on the lips. don't drink alcohol for at least 24 hours after you have had fillers.