Can I leave tea tree oil on my skin overnight?

Are you in search of a natural skin care product that can do wonders for your skin? Tea tree oil can be the one-stop solution you are looking for. This oil can be used to treat multiple skin conditions besides acne, itching, oily skin, etc. Most importantly, it's safe to use topically for most skin types.

“Tea tree oil, although native to the Australian continent, is adopted in Ayurvedic emedies, owing to its high efficacy and minimal side effects,” says Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor, Vedix.

This article will help you understand the benefits of tea tree oil for the skin and how you can use it to derive maximum benefits.

Our Ayurvedic Doctor Speaks

“Tea tree oil, although native to the Australian continent, is adopted in Auurvedic remedies, owing to its high efficacy and minimal side effects.”

- Dr. Zeel Gandhi (Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine & Surgery), Chief Ayurvedic Doctor, Vedix

Can I leave tea tree oil on my skin overnight?


  • What Is Tea Tree Oil?
  • Benefits Of Using Tea Tree Oil For Skin
  • How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Various Conditions?
  • Precautions Of Using Tea Tree Oil On Skin
  • Side Effects Of Tea Tree Oil On Skin
  • Frequently Asked Questions On Tea Tree Oil For Skin

What Is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca oil, has gained immense popularity worldwide in recent decades. It is formulated by steam distillation of tea tree leaves. Tea tree was discovered on the swampy southeast coast of Australia.

This oil has been used by the people of Australia for years, as an antiseptic and herbal medicine. It can be used as a natural deodorant, mouthwash, insect repellent, hand sanitizer and it also fights acne, reduces dark spots and helps with inflammation on the skin. [1]

“Tea tree oil does not find mention in the classical Ayurvedic texts. The current studies conducted on its efficacy and safety have encouraged ayurvedic practitioners to adopt them in their therapeutic techniques,” says Dr. Zeel.

Benefits Of Using Tea Tree Oil For Skin

Tea tree oil is mostly used as an alternative and complementary treatment for bacterial and fungal skin conditions, preventing infection and healing wounds. It is found in most cosmetics like face masks, shampoos, lotions, under-eye gels and face washes. It is also present in topical medicines for acne, fungal and anti-bacterial infections.

Some of the benefits of tea tree oil for your skin are:

1. Antibacterial

Tea tree oil makes the harmful bacteria weak, so it cannot feed off your skin and eventually dies. Experts have often mentioned the use of tea tree oil as an alternative to antibiotics in topical use. This oil has a hydrocarbon structure that makes it antibacterial and protects the skin from harmful bacteria. [2]

2. Antifungal

Several studies have found that diluting tea tree oil with 5% benzoyl peroxide can help control acne.[3]

3. Glowing Skin

Tea tree oil is a powerhouse of antioxidants that reduces dryness in your skin and makes it smooth, radiant and glowing.

4. Curing Acne

Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, this oil is a boon for acne treatment. It contains terpene, which kills the microbial action on the skin. Terpene attacks bacteria-causing acne and reduces the level of acne breakout. If you have oily acne-prone skin, you need to include tea tree oil in your skincare regimen. It can regulate the sebum production in your skin and reduce the size of your pores.

5. Soothing Insect Bites And Burns

Tea tree oil also soothes insect bites and burns.

A. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with 5- 6 drops of coconut oil and apply on the area of your skin that has an insect bite.

B. For curing burns, apply a mixture of honey and tree tea oil on the burned area to soothe the pain.

Vedix Tip: You can mix tea tree oil with charcoal powder, clay powder, gelatin and hot water and make a mask that can help remove blackheads.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Various Conditions?

1. For Acne

Various experiments have shown that tea tree oil has the potential to reduce acne. Steps for using it for acne are:

  • Mix 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil with 12 drops of coconut or almond oil.
  • Gently apply the oil by dabbing it on your blemishes with cotton. Allow it to dry.
  • Make sure to wash your face after using this concoction. Any excess oil can worsen acne.
  • Follow up with your usual moisturizer.
  • Repeat this process at least 2 times a day. [4]


Before applying the diluted tea tree oil to your face, apply it on any other part of your skin. If you are sensitive to it, an allergic reaction including itchiness, redness, swelling, and burning may occur.

2. For Inflammation

Tea tree oil has proven to provide relief from inflammation. A common form of skin irritation is contact dermatitis, which occurs when the skin comes in contact with an allergen, such as nickel. It leads to red, itchy and sometimes painful skin.

To relieve inflamed skin:

  • Mix together 10 drops of tea tree oil, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and a tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Store the mixture in a sealed container.
  • Apply twice a day.

3. For Dry Skin

If you have dry skin or vata dominant skin, you can use tea tree oil for improving your skin’s texture.

For dry skin:

  • Mix 1 – 2 drops of tea tree oil with a tbsp of almond or coconut oil.
  • Massage it on dry areas like knees, elbows and heels for a long-lasting effect.
  • As an alternative, you can also mix tea tree oil with glycerine.

4. For Oily Skin

Various skincare products made for people with oily skin, use tea tree oil as a vital ingredient. It can help lift excess oil out of your pores, unclogging them and you can see a visible improvement in the texture of your skin.

5. For Eczema

Eczema can result in severe rashes, dryness, itching and painful blisters. Tea tree oil’s antiseptic properties can soothe itching around rashes and blisters.

  • If you are suffering from eczema, mix 20 drops of tea tree oil with half a cup of coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture over the affected areas of the skin twice a day.
  • Ayurveda does not recommend you to leave the oil on your skin overnight.

6. For Dark Spots

Tea tree oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent the formation of dark spots caused by sun damage, acne, or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. It also treats acne-causing bacteria that can leave dark spots.

7. For Blemishes

Can I leave tea tree oil on my skin overnight?

Tea tree oil has fast healing characteristics that reduce a blemish or wound before it leaves a permanent spot on your skin. You should always use tea tree oil by diluting it with a carrier oil before use. To use you need to,

  • Take tea tree oil, a carrier oil (Squalene, Safflower, jojoba, sunflower) and some cotton.
  • Dilute the oil by mixing 1 drop of tea tree oil with 12 drops of the carrier oil. If you have a kapha dominant or sensitive skin, use a prediluted face or body wash that contains tea tree oil in it.
  • Apply the diluted oil to a small area of skin and wait for 24 hours to see how it reacts.
  • Moisten a cotton ball or swab and gently apply to the affected area.
  • Wait 10 minutes before rinsing.

“Avoid using coconut oil, almond, or olive since all of them are comedogenic and may cause breakouts. Squalene, safflower, jojoba, and sunflower are better alternatives as carriers for overnight application,” says Dr. Zeel.

Precautions Of Using Tea Tree Oil On Skin

Even though tea tree oil is generally safe to use on all skin types externally, you should never consume it. If you have sensitive skin, make sure to do a patch test first by applying the oil on any other part of your skin apart from the face and waiting to see if any reaction occurs.

Ingesting it can cause serious symptoms, including confusion and ataxia (loss of muscle coordination). Also keep it away from your eyes, as it can cause redness and irritation. [5]

Side Effects Of Tea Tree Oil On Skin

A few side effects of tea tree oil that you need to watch out for include,

  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Irritation

Frequently Asked Questions On Tea Tree Oil For Skin

1. How Long Can I Leave Tea Tree Oil On My Skin?

For antiseptic purposes, you can keep the tea tree oil on your skin for 10 minutes or more. Leave it on for skin rejuvenation and dark spot removal for an hour or two, but never leave it overnight. If you're short of time, just leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes before washing it off.

2. Can Tea Tree Oil Whiten Skin?

Tea tree oil adds glow to your skin by removing dark spots, which is why your skin appears to be a lot brighter and whiter than usual. It does not have any effect on the melanin of your skin, so it does not technically change your skin tone.

3. Is Tea Tree Oil Effective On Skin Tags?

Can I leave tea tree oil on my skin overnight?

Skin tags are small flesh-colored growths on the skin. They cause no harm to your body but do leave stubborn marks if not treated on time. Tea tree oil has a curing effect on these, due to its combination of antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The Last Word

Tea tree oil has been proven to treat acne, reduce inflammation and provide some measure of protection against sun damage, therefore is extremely essential for a wide range of skin problems.

Know Your Dosha Now

Are you supposed to wash off tea tree oil?

Leave the tea tree oil on the acne for a few hours, or overnight. Leaving it on will give it time to absorb into the acne and do its job. The redness and swelling should decrease and the pores will be cleaned out. Then rinse your face with warm water and gently dry it after the tea tree oil has done its job.

What happens if you leave tea tree oil on skin?

Most people can use tea tree oil topically with no problems. However, tea tree oil can cause: Skin irritation. Allergic skin rash (dermatitis)

What happens if you don't dilute tea tree oil on skin?

Applying tea tree oil to the skin can cause irritation, particularly if it's not diluted properly and is used in higher concentrations. Symptoms of skin irritation from tea tree oil can include: redness. dry or scaly skin.

Can tea tree oil used at night?

You can use tea tree oil in the morning or at night. Combine tea tree oil with a witch hazel toner if you have acne, which can be done after cleansing your skin, or combine the oil with a moisturizer (such as coconut oil) as a last step in your evening skin-care routine, if you also have dry or sensitive skin.