Can I go 8 hours without wearing my Invisalign?

Invisalign treatments have revolutionized orthodontics by offering patients a convenient and comfortable cosmetic treatment for misaligned teeth. The custom aligner trays are virtually invisible, unlike traditional metal braces. Dr. Abbey Lee offers the inconspicuous cosmetic solution at our Atlanta, GA dental practice.

If you are ready to correct misaligned teeth, contact Dr. Lee and our Grant Park dental team at 404.328.7177. Dr. Lee can explain the treatment process in depth before ordering your first set of trays. Once patients undergo treatment, they must abide by the 20- to 22-hour compliance rule. Read on for more details.

Why the 22 Hour Compliance Rule Matters

Invisalign trays gently nudge teeth into better alignment through micro-movements. The small shifts are spread out over several months or longer so patients feel minimal discomfort throughout the treatment. The process works because each new tray is straighter than the preceding tray. The aligner trays are only effective during the time they are in physical contact with teeth. This is why Invisalign recommends that the trays are worn for at least 20 to 22 hours per day.

The trays are designed with the assumption that patients will comply with this rule. Failure to follow this rule can result in complications, discomfort, or even timeline treatment delays.

What Could Happen if I Don’t Follow the Compliance Rule?

Failure to wear the trays for 20 to 22 hours per day can result in complications that may be difficult for Dr. Lee to correct. These complications include:

  • Delayed results: In the short run, failure to wear the trays can result in discomfort. If you fail to comply with the 20-rule for too long, you may not be able to enjoy the cosmetic results you have worked for by the target date. When you receive your first set of trays at our Atlanta office, Dr. Lee will tell you what your treatment timeline will be (usually 12 to 18 months). You will have regular checkups scheduled so Dr. Lee can monitor your progress. If your teeth are not moving sufficiently due to failure to comply with the 20-22 hour rule, you may be asked to wear your current trays for longer. If your teeth have fallen too far behind, you may need to have an entirely new set of trays made.
  • Discomfort: The first few days after placing a new tray are the most critical. You will feel pressure against certain teeth. While this pressure can result in mild discomfort, it is critical to keep your trays in for at least 20 hours per day. You can remove your clear aligners to eat, drink, or to take photos. When you remove the trays for a longer period of time, your teeth may slightly revert back to their original position. This is usually not observable, but you will feel moderate levels of discomfort or even pain when you put your new tray back on after a long break. To avoid this situation, follow the 20-22 hour compliance rule.

Compliance Rule Tips

Throughout your treatment, keep these simple tips in mind:

  • Place new aligners before going to bed to “sleep off” soreness and discomfort
  • Do not try to repair damaged aligners
  • Report damaged or missing aligners immediately to Dr. Lee
  • Understand that there will be periods of mile soreness and discomfort
  • Buy a mouthguard tray to hold your aligners when you are not using them

Transform Your Smile With Invisalign Today

If you are looking for a straighter smile in Grant Park, Dr. Lee offers orthodontic solutions like Six Month Smiles® and Invisalign to provide faster results. By following the 20-22 hour compliance rule, you can enjoy the cosmetic results you desire on time and with minimal discomfort. To learn more and to begin your orthodontic treatment, contact Smiles 4 Grant Park today!

Can I go 8 hours without wearing my Invisalign?
One of the largest benefits of Invisalign®, when compared to a traditional braces treatment, is that the Invisalign® aligners can be removed. This enables patients to enjoy food without restrictions, and makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene. But, what happens if you forget to put your Invisalign® back in? Or perhaps you’re considering skipping a day out of convenience? Below, we’ll take a look at how missing a day of Invisalign® can affect your treatment and your progress.

Reversing Your Progress

The biggest risk of missing any period of Invisalign® use is that the teeth may shift back to an incorrect position. Invisalign® aligners are intended to be worn for 22 to 23 hours out of the day. Any less than this, and you risk hurting your progress. The amount of progress you lose will vary by patient – some will find their teeth shift more or less than others after missing some time with Invisalign®. Fortunately, even if you miss a day, you can get your treatment back on track.

Correcting Your Course of Treatment

It is important to remember that Invisalign® is designed to fit perfectly and comfortably on the teeth. After missing some time with Invisalign®, simply re-insert your aligner. If it fits without any issue, you’re good to go. If you find that it’s difficult to put your aligner on, don’t force it! This will only hurt the teeth and cause discomfort. If you can no longer fit in your current aligner, you may need to revert back to your previous aligner. This will hinder your progress by a few weeks, but getting back on track quickly is essential in making up for the damage done by missing a few days of Invisalign®.

Consulting Your Orthodontist

If you are unable to fit your current or previous Invisalign® aligner onto the teeth, you will have to consult your orthodontist. In some cases, you may need to adjust your treatment in order to make up for the progress lost. Your orthodontist may even recommend replacing the current Invisalign® aligners to ensure your aligners have the proper fit.

If you would like to learn more about Invisalign® or what you can expect from treatment, contact us today. We are proud to offer orthodontic services to residents in and around Virginia Beach, VA.

What happens if I leave my Invisalign out for 8 hours?

Teeth will move back to the incorrect position: Your progress towards a perfect smile will go to waste if you leave Invisalign out for a longer duration, like a full day. Your teeth can easily move back to their original positions without Invisalign and undo all your hard work.

Is it OK to not wear Invisalign for a few hours?

This is why Invisalign recommends that the trays are worn for at least 20 to 22 hours per day. The trays are designed with the assumption that patients will comply with this rule. Failure to follow this rule can result in complications, discomfort, or even timeline treatment delays.

What happens if you dont wear Invisalign for 5 hours?

Your treatment will take longer The results and completion of your treatment are based on wearing your Invisalign for the recommended periods throughout the day. So, if you don't do this then it's inevitable that your treatment will take longer and you won't achieve the results within the recommended time.

What happens if I wear my Invisalign less than 22 hours per day?

If you only wear Invisalign at night, the 22 hours a day is cut down to 8 to 10 hours. Since, as we said, the specific, predetermined tooth movements programmed into your current Invisalign tray need to happen before you move on to your next set of aligners, progress will be significantly slower.