Can I drive with my rear view mirror blocked

One popular way to personalise your car to your particular style is to hang an accessory from your rear-view mirror.

However, dangling something from there may actually land you in some significant trouble if the police believe it is impeding your view while driving.

With one state outright banning it and others discouraging it, having even something small in the vicinity of the mirror could prove to be a serious error. But just how much could it cost you?

Can I drive with my rear view mirror blocked

Dangling objects from your mirror is illegal in Western Australia. Source: Getty Images

  • $272 fine awaits drivers making this mistake on our roads

  • Drivers who make these errors on holiday could be facing a $413 fine

  • $349 fine threatens any driver doing this simple act

Debate rages on rear view mirror car ornaments

Even though drivers debate whether they are a cool decoration or an annoying fad, there is no denying the stance that some state bodies have towards items hanging from the rear-view mirror.

For drivers in Western Australia, they are banned outright by the state’s road laws.

In the WA Road Traffic Code, the second part of Rule 263 bans any object being placed on the windshield or the mirror that could directly block the driver from having a view of any area of the road.

The authorities don’t give much leeway to anyone found breaking the rule as anyone found doing this will be issued a fine equal to two demerit points ($100) and have a demerit point added to their licence.

WA is the only state to have strict rules about hanging stuff on your mirrors but many Australian states have similar laws in place as well.

These laws are based around the second part of the Australian Road Rules Rule 297 that states drivers must always have a clear view of the road while driving.

Can I drive with my rear view mirror blocked

Drivers in Western Australia could be fined $100 and given one demerit point for having an object dangling from their rear view mirror. Source: Getty Images

Road rules tough on drivers with an obscured view

While the rules in other states aren’t as detailed as what is found in Western Australia, the penalties for anyone breaking the rules are in fact much harsher.

Many states will impose heavier fines and increase the number of demerit points potentially added to someone’s licence if pulled over by the police. Some of these penalties include:

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NSW: Authorities in New South Wales will issue a fine of $349 and issue three demerit points to anyone found driving without a clear view of the road.

VIC: In Victoria, anyone found driving with an obscured view will be issued with a hefty $273 fine by local authorities.

QLD: If anyone in Queensland is found breaking Rule 297 of the state’s road laws, they can be issued with a fine of two penalty units – which is currently worth $275.50.

SA: Drivers in South Australia will face a combined fine of $293 should they be caught by police driving with an obscured view of the road.

TAS: Should anyone try driving on Tasmanian roads without a clear view, they will find themselves getting hit with a $173 fine by local police.

ACT: Anyone in Canberra found by the authorities to be driving without a clear view on the road faces a fine of $205.

Can I drive with my rear view mirror blocked

Driver in NSW could be given up to three demerit points if they can't see properly from their car. Source: Getty Images

It seems then that no matter where you drive in Australia, having items dangling from your rear mirror or windscreen could put you at risk of a fine.

Therefore, it might be worthwhile considering other ways to personalise your car.

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What happens if your rear view mirror falls off?

Pick up a rearview mirror adhesive-kit from your local auto parts store. Remove any leftover adhesive from the last mirror using rubbing alcohol. Apply a small amount of adhesive to the back of the new mirror. Attach the new mirror by pressing it firmly into place and holding it for a few seconds.

Do you have to be able to see out of your rearview mirror?

That's why there is a driver-side mirror required. If the center rearview mirror has an unobstructed view and you can see what's behind your rear window or have at least one mirror, you are good to go.

Why is my rear view mirror black?

When auto-dimming is turned on, your rear view mirror will automatically darken in order to reduce headlight glare. There is a rear light sensor that can detect when a vehicle behind you is shining its headlights toward your mirrors.

Can you have things hanging from your rearview mirror NSW?

The GPS needs to be placed on the bottom right hand side of the windshield, not in the middle. It's also illegal to have anything hanging off the rear-view mirror.