Can a wagon replace a stroller?

The Jeep Wrangler looks like a jeep with a wide front wheelbase. It doesn’t do offroading like its namesake though.

We had to work hard to push the Wrangler through grass and over hills. It did not do bumps well either.

Another weakness of the Jeep is its bulkiness when folded. It is 42 lbs and difficult to lift into the back of a van.

Like the Keenz 7S, the Jeep has no footwell and requires children to sit flat on the bottom of the wagon with their legs out.

The Wrangler scored high in accessories. It comes with a car seat adapted which worked smoothly in our testing. It also includes mosquito netting, an insulated cooler bag, cupholders, pull-down sun shades and lots of storage space.

Bigger toddlers can easily climb up and in the Wrangler and it has plenty of room to nap and play in. It is also priced more reasonably than other 2-seat wagons.

The Jeep includes a car seat adapter making it one of the best wagon strollers for an infant and toddler.

Ever Advanced

Can a wagon replace a stroller?

Test Lab Score 72

Good value, handle quality issues, tight fold

Parent Comfort and Usability
Kid Comfort and Usability
Steering, Maneuverability
Folding, Transport
Part and Material Quality

We purchased and tested the Ever Advanced Foldable Wagon because it had reasonable strong customer reviews, and it was lower-priced than all the wagons we purchased except the Radio Flyer.

In our testing the push-handle locked in the lower position and we couldn’t get it unstuck. We returned that wagon and continued testing with a replacement wagon. The second wagon has never had a locked push-handle but the handle joint is unstable (shaky) and makes a clicking sound when pushing.

We also found the canopy to be very cumbersome to unfold and mount. The canopy posts often come loose from their mounts.

Can a wagon replace a stroller?
Canopy post popped out of its mount on the Ever Advanced Foldable Wagon.

The wagon performed adequately in our steering testing. It was also very easy to fold and unfold without the canopy.


  • Low price
  • Relatively lightweight at 33.1 lbs
  • Fast fold, unfold (without the canopy)
  • Easy to clean
  • Snack tray mounts on handle or frame
  • Spring suspension


  • Push-handle joint unstable
  • Canopy operation very difficult
  • Canopy posts come out
  • Brake can’t be seen from pushing position

See our full review of the Ever Advanced Foldable Wagon.

Kid Travel Ever Advanced Wagon Video Review

Testing Categories

Parent Comfort and Usability

This category assesses storage, ease of cleaning, handle usability, braking, customer service, car seat adapters and more.

The Jeep Wrangler came out on top with lots of storage, and included car seat adapter, easy cleaning, and smooth brake operation. Ironically, the Veer Cruiser, our top choice was weak in this area because the base model lacks storage space and a car seat adapter, and brake activation was more challenging than others.

Storage Volume Ranking

Most products come with a basket that hangs on the front or back end of the wagon. Baby Trend has a large and convenient basket that attaches to the top of the handle.

Keenz 7S


Jeep Wrangler


Anthem 4


Wonderfold W4 Elite


Baby Trend Expedition


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Ever Advanced


Wonderfold W1 Original


Graco Modes Adventure


Radio Flyer Discovery


Veer Cruiser


Can a wagon replace a stroller?
Baby Trend Expedition storage bag is handlebar-mounted and super convenient.


We didn’t find a big difference between the wagons in the ability to spot clean fabric. However, the fabric is removable from the Keenz, Jeep and W4.

There is a difference when it comes to dirt and crumb removal from crevices. Here are the crumb removal ratings:

Veer Cruiser


Radio Flyer Discovery


Ever Advanced


Keenz 7S


Wonderfold W1 Original


Jeep Wrangler


Baby Trend Expedition


Wonderfold W4 Elite


Anthem 4


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Graco Modes Adventure


Steering and Maneuverability

The Veer Cruiser and Evenflo Xplore took the top spot for steering and maneuverability with the Anthem4 in a close 3rd place.

Terrain Performance

We loaded all the wagons with 40 lbs in the front and back and performed several intense terrain tests. Each was rated on grass and hill performance going up, down, and pushing along the side of a grassy hill. We also took them over a bumpy path as you are likely to encounter tree roots, rocks, and sticks in your journies.

Can a wagon replace a stroller?
The Veer Cruiser wheel is quite a bit larger than the Wonderfold W4

Having larger wheels in the front, while pushing, made it much easier for the Veer and Anthem4 to roll over bumps and obstacles, than for wagons that have smaller wheels in the front. Pushing these wagons was easier on all rough terrain, but not much different on flat surfaces.

Veer Cruiser


Anthem 4


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Baby Trend Expedition


Radio Flyer Discovery


Keenz 7S


Ever Advanced


Wonderfold W1 Original


Graco Modes Adventure


Wonderfold W4 Elite


Jeep Wrangler


Steering and Veering

The Veer and Anthem4 with swivel wheels on the back made it more difficult to push in a straight line. Those wagons were much more sensitive to uneven pushing on the left or right side of the handle and you have to make frequent but slight adjustments.

We measured the force in pounds to get the loaded strollers going, and then the force to keep them going. The Wonderfold W4 is the heaviest and hardest to start and maintain its roll. The Veer and Evenflo took the least force.

Force to Start

Veer Cruiser

11.0 lbs

Evenflo Pivot Xplore

11.0 lbs

Baby Trend Expedition

12.1 lbs

Anthem 4

12.2 lbs

Radio Flyer Discovery

12.6 lbs

Keenz 7S

14.3 lbs

Graco Modes Adventure

15.4 lbs

Wonderfold W1 Original

15.4 lbs

Jeep Wrangler

15.4 lbs

Wonderfold W4 Elite

15.4 lbs

Ever Advanced

16.5 lbs

Force to Turn

We also tested to force required to make a standing turn, like you might have to do in a grocery store to navigate down an aisle. Again the Veer and Anthem4 were winners but Evenflo was relatively easy to turn because it is shorter front to back.

Anthem 4

13.2 lbs

Veer Cruiser

15.4 lbs

Evenflo Pivot Xplore

22.0 lbs

Keenz 7S

22.0 lbs

Baby Trend Expedition

25.4 lbs

Radio Flyer Discovery

25.4 lbs

Wonderfold W1 Original

28.7 lbs

Graco Modes Adventure

31.4 lbs

Ever Advanced

33.0 lbs

Wonderfold W4 Elite

33.5 lbs

Jeep Wrangler

36.4 lbs

Going Through Doors

The Graco, Radio Flyer, Keenz, Baby Trend, Evenflo and Veer wagons could fit through small 28″ sized doorways. The Jeep, Wonderfold and Anthem4 could not roll through a 30″ doorway and had to be folded or tilted and twisted through.

Folding and Transport

Many of the most serious complaints about stroller wagons involve difficulty in folding and loading them into and out of vehicles.

We measured folding time, unfolding time, and folded size in cubic feet. We attempted to load every wagon into the trunk of a small sedan and also loaded them into the back of a Toyota mini-van with the vehicle seats up and down.

We rated each product for Ease of Folding and Ease of Lifting when Folded.

Folding and Transport Ratings

Veer Cruiser


Graco Modes Adventure


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Radio Flyer Discovery


Wonderfold W1 Original


Ever Advanced


Baby Trend Expedition


Anthem 4


Jeep Wrangler


Keenz 7S


Wonderfold W4 Elite


The Veer Cruiser and Evenflo Xplore have very different folding mechanisms, but both have fast fold and unfold times and have a small footprint folded. The Radio Flyer Discovery is also a champ when it comes to folding because of its compact fold size and light weight.

4-Seat Stroller Wagons

The Wonderfold W4 Elite weighs 53 lbs and is difficult to fold and lift when folded.

Can a wagon replace a stroller?
Heaving the Wonderfold W4 Elite into the van. It fits with the seats up, but is a challenge to lift.

The Gladly Anthem4 is 30 lbs and has a folding approach similar to the Veer. When it works, it folds quickly and compactly. However, the folding release button seized up frequently and required force and wiggling to get it to fold. While we were always able to eventually fold the wagon, it was difficult and frustrating often enough to warrant very low folding scores.

Folded Size in Cubic Feet

The Graco folds the smallest of the mid-sized stroller wagons and is also very lightweight at 30.5 lbs. The Radio Flyer is similarly small and light.

Can a wagon replace a stroller?
Left to right: Radio Flyer, Evenflo, Graco, Keenz, Jeep stroller wagons

Radio Flyer Discovery

6.9 cu ft

Graco Modes Adventure

7.0 cu ft

Veer Cruiser

7.9 cu ft

Ever Advanced

8.1 cu ft

Keenz 7S

8.9 cu ft

Evenflo Pivot Xplore

9.0 cu ft

Wonderfold W1 Original

9.5 cu ft

Jeep Wrangler

10.2 cu ft

Anthem 4

11.1 cu ft

Baby Trend Expedition

13.1 cu ft

Wonderfold W4 Elite

15.7 cu ft

Kid Comfort and Usability

Footwells, reclining seats and comfortable harnesses go a long way toward keeping kids happy and comfortable in a stroller wagon. In this category we looked at whether kids could get in and out on their own, whether they could see out over the sides and through the canopy, whether the seats were ventilated, the amount of space inside the wagon and much more.

Wonderfold W4 Elite


Anthem 4


Graco Modes Adventure


Ever Advanced


Veer Cruiser


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Baby Trend Expedition


Radio Flyer Discovery


Jeep Wrangler


Wonderfold W1 Original


Keenz 7S


The Wonderfold W4 Elite and Gladly Anthem4, which are the only 4-seaters we tested, were the top performers with many kid-friendly amenities. Both wagons are spacious inside as they need to be to hold four children. The W4 is 30 in long and 19 in wide and the Anthem is 28 in long and 21 in wide. The extra width in the Anthem makes it easier to get bigger kids side by side.

The Wonderfold is 3 inches deeper than the Anthem and provides a roomier footwell. Paired with adjustable reclining seats and padded harnesses, toddlers can sit nice and cozy.

Stroller wagons that allow older kids to climb in and out on their own are a hit. The Evenflo folds down in front. The Wonderfold has a zippered entrance in the back. Older and agile kids will be able to climb into many of the products including those that aren’t made with an entrance in mind.

Canopies may get in the way. The Keenz doesn’t have much space between the canopy and top of the sides which makes it more difficult to maneuver a baby into the seat. The sides of the Keenz are 18 inches high and a child sitting flat on their bottom isn’t able to see out.

Can a wagon replace a stroller?
The Wonderfold W4 Elite and Keenz 7S

Part and Material Quality

Stroller wagons take a beating because kids play in and on them and parents load them up with gear.

We evaluated a wide range of materials and components assessing quality and operation. Here are the overall scores for Part and Material Quality:

Graco Modes Adventure


Veer Cruiser


Anthem 4


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Keenz 7S


Jeep Wrangler


Wonderfold W4 Elite


Baby Trend Expedition


Radio Flyer Discovery


Wonderfold W1 Original


Ever Advanced


Scores in this category fell into a narrower range but the Graco, Cruiser, Pivot Xplore and Anthem4 came out on top. The Veer is solidly built with a welded aluminum frame. It looks and feels strong, and the handle and sides snap into place with a reassuring sound, and consistent and firm connections.

Zipper, Button, Velcro Operability

Most wagons scored well in our zip, button, snap, and slide tests. These tests were limited in duration so we can comment on how well the pieces performed but not how well they will hold up over time.

Veer Cruiser


Graco Modes Adventure


Anthem 4


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Radio Flyer Discovery


Ever Advanced


Keenz 7S


Wonderfold W1 Original


Jeep Wrangler


Wonderfold W4 Elite


Baby Trend Expedition



The tires on the stroller wagons we tested were mostly constructed of EVA foam. The Anthem 4 has foam tires and a rubber tread. The Keenz and Evenflo also include some rubber.

While most stroller wagons claim some level of all-terrain capability, the standard wheels included are not wide enough to support that claim. For example, the Jeep Wrangler comes with 12 in diameter and 2 in width rear wheels. The true all-terrain wheels on their website are 4 in wide.

The Radio Flyer, Jeep, Anthem 4 and Veer all have 12 in diameter wheels. The widest standard wheels were 2.25 in found on the Evenflo and Wonderfold, however, those two wagons had smaller wheel diameters.

Rear Wheel Width

Ever Advanced

2.50 in

Evenflo Pivot Xplore

2.25 in

Wonderfold W4 Elite

2.25 in

Veer Cruiser

2.00 in

Anthem 4

2.00 in

Graco Modes Adventure

2.00 in

Wonderfold W1 Original

2.00 in

Jeep Wrangler

2.00 in

Radio Flyer Discovery

1.90 in

Baby Trend Expedition

1.70 in

Keenz 7S

1.70 in

Rear Wheel Diameter

Anthem 4

12.0 in

Radio Flyer Discovery

12.0 in

Ever Advanced

12.0 in

Keenz 7S

12.0 in

Jeep Wrangler

12.0 in

Baby Trend Expedition

11.0 in

Evenflo Pivot Xplore

10.5 in

Graco Modes Adventure

10.0 in

Wonderfold W4 Elite

9.5 in

Wonderfold W1 Original

9.0 in

Veer Cruiser

8.0 in


There is very little data specifically about the safety of stroller wagons. Strollers are the closest comparison.

76% of Stroller Injuries are from Falling Out

The most common injuries involving strollers occur when strollers tip over and when children fall from a stroller. 76% of stroller injuries in this study were from falls. One conclusion was “restraint use would prevent many stroller-related injuries.”

Stroller wagons have a wider, more stable wheelbase than many other types of strollers. This means they are less likely to tip over. However, unrestrained toddlers can still fall out.

Parents need to take care to restrain children properly while pushing and pulling wagons. When wagons are stationary and children are playing in and around them, close parental supervision is required.

Pinching and Cutting

Little fingers, hands, feet, arms and legs can get caught and pinched when stroller wagons are folded and unfolded. Keep children away when folding and securing wagons.


Moving wagons can also be a safety hazard. You don’t want a runaway wagon with kids inside. Even a “parked” wagon without the brake engaged may roll and injure children who are getting in or out. It is always safest to engage the brake when your stroller wagon is parked.

We tested brake activation, brake release and brake effectiveness because an easy-to-use, fast-stopping brake system makes for a much safer wagon.

Brake Activation Rating

How easy is it to engage the brake? Did it hurt pushing on the brake with bare or sandaled feet?

Anthem 4


Baby Trend Expedition


Keenz 7S


Jeep Wrangler


Wonderfold W4 Elite


Radio Flyer Discovery


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Graco Modes Adventure


Ever Advanced


Wonderfold W1 Original


Veer Cruiser


Can a wagon replace a stroller?
Veer Cruiser brake. Push down to activate, tap the white button to release.

Brake Release Rating

How difficult was it to release the brake? Did it hurt our bare or sandaled feet? We found that releasing brakes was more likely to scrape our feet than applying the breaks.

Veer Cruiser


Keenz 7S


Anthem 4


Radio Flyer Discovery


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Graco Modes Adventure


Baby Trend Expedition


Jeep Wrangler


Wonderfold W4 Elite


Ever Advanced


Wonderfold W1 Original


Brake Effectiveness Rating

How quickly did the stroller wagon stop when moving at a quick walk and loaded with 40 lbs in the front and in the back?

Anthem 4


Radio Flyer Discovery


Jeep Wrangler


Baby Trend Expedition


Veer Cruiser


Keenz 7S


Wonderfold W1 Original


Wonderfold W4 Elite


Evenflo Pivot Xplore


Graco Modes Adventure


Ever Advanced


Not surprisingly, the wagons with larger wheel diameters and widths (greater tread surface area), had better braking effectiveness.

The Evenflo Pivot Xplore has independent brakes on each rear wheel. This made it harder to engage and less effective in quick stops. All of the other wagons we tested had a single brake pedal that engaged two wheels at the same time.

Stroller Wagons with Car Seat Adapters

Some stroller wagons include a car seat adapter, others require a separate purchase, and others are not designed to accept an adapter.

WagonCar Seat AdapterNotes
Anthem4 Not available
Anthem2 and Anthem4 ICS Separate purchase Anthem2 adapter
Anthem4 ICS adapter
Baby Trend Expedition Included Car seat compatibility
Evenflo Pivot Xplore Separate purchase Compatibility: Evenflo LiteMax or SafeMax, Evenflo Gold SecureMax car seats
Ever Advanced Not available
Graco Modes Adventure Separate purchase Graco car seats
Jeep Wrangler Included Graco, Chicco, Evenflo, and Britax car seats mentioned in manual
Keenz wagons Not available
Radio Flyer Discovery Not available
Veer Cruiser Separate purchase Britax adapter
Chicco adapter
Graco adapter
Wonderfold wagons Not available

Wagon Stroller Safety

Most stroller-related injuries involve children falling out. Stroller wagons, are more stable than typical strollers and tip over less frequently.

Stroller design features that impact safety include:

  • Harness buckles that can be unfastened by children
  • Folding mechanisms that can pinch or amputate fingers or limbs
  • Latching mechanisms that can unlock and allow the stroller to fold on its occupants
  • Brake locks that can come unlocked allowing the stroller to roll
  • Frame and wheel designs that are unstable allowing the stroller to tip over
  • Wheels that come off

Stroller wagons are subject to some of the above safety issues including but not limited to: harness buckles that may be unfastened by children, folding mechanisms that pinch, wheels that come off, stopping brakes that disengage.

Stroller wagons are less likely to have structural problems that allow them to tip over.

Where can you take a stroller wagon?

Stroller wagons on airplanes

All airlines allow you to check a stroller wagon, although checked baggage fees may apply.

Many airlines also allow you to check a single stroller wagon at the gate (along with a single car seat).

Here is what Southwest airlines says about foldable wagons. And here is American Airlines policy on strollers and wagons. And United Airlines.

The policies are slightly different, so check with your specific airline.

Stroller wagons in Disney World and Disneyland

Disney says:

Strollers larger than 31″ (79 cm) x 52″ (132 cm) and wagons are not permitted.

Stroller wagons are also not permitted.

Stroller Wagons for Infants

The Jeep Wrangler and Baby Trend Expedition stroller wagons came with a car seat adapter included. The Evenflo, Anthem4, and Veer have adapters available to purchase separately. The Radio Flyer and Wonderfold stroller wagons do not have car seat adapters available. The adapters do not accommodate every car seat so you’ll need to check for compatibility.

The Keenz 7S and Radio Flyer Discovery list the minimum age for an infant as 1 year old. All of the other stroller wagons we tested specify 6 months for the minimum age.

Is a wagon considered a stroller?

One of the less traditional types of strollers out there that many parents find comes in handy is called a wagon stroller. This type of stroller is designed — just as you guessed it — like a wagon, which means you can load up your child(ren) inside and pull them along for a fun and convenient ride just about anywhere.

Is a wagon better than a stroller?

Your big kids can use it too. If you have an older child who still gets tired on all-day outings but is too leggy (and heavy) for a stroller, you'll want a wagon. While most strollers max out at 40 pounds, a stroller wagon's seat can hold kids 50 pounds and up.

What can I use instead of a stroller?

The #1 alternative to strollers is baby carriers. You can use a baby carrier from birth to five or six years old, depending on your little one's height and weight. Baby carriers allow you to go hands-free, so if you have a clingy baby, you can still get things done while attending to your little one.

Are stroller wagons good for long walks?

Stroller wagons can accommodate two children and are ideal for parents who enjoy taking their children on outings. Stroller wagons are also ideal for long walks because they provide sun protection. You use the stroller to store all of your supplies, as well as toys and diapers for your child.