By hook or by crook Quotes

"By hook or by crook" is an English phrase meaning "by any means necessary", suggesting that any means possible should be taken to accomplish a goal. The phrase was first recorded in the Middle English Controversial Tracts of John Wyclif in 1380.[1][2]

The origin of the phrase is obscure, with multiple different explanations and no evidence to support any particular one over the others.[3] For example, a commonly repeated suggestion is that it comes from Hook Head in Wexford, Ireland and the nearby village of Crooke, in Waterford, Ireland. As such, the phrase would derive from a vow by Oliver Cromwell to take Waterford by Hook (on the Wexford side of Waterford Estuary) or by Crook (a village on the Waterford side); although the Wyclif tract was published at least 260 years before Cromwell. Another is that it comes from the customs regulating which firewood local people could take from common land; they were allowed to take any branches that they could reach with a billhook or a shepherd's crook (used to hook sheep).[4]

The phrase was featured in the opening credits to the 1960s British television series The Prisoner.[5] It appears prominently (as "by hook and by crook") in the short stories "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" by Ernest Hemingway[6] and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving.[7] It was also used as the title of the 2001 film By Hook or by Crook directed by Silas Howard and Harry Dodge. It was also used (as "By hook or by crook, you're coming with me") by the bounty hunter Cad Bane in the Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode, "Bounty Lost". It was also used as a lyric in the chorus of Radiohead's song "Little by Little".[8]


  1. ^ Israel, Mark (29 Sep 1997). "Phrase Origins: "by hook or by crook"', The alt.usage.english FAQ file, (line 4953)". Archived from the original on 2008-02-13.
  2. ^ Arnold, Thomas (1871). Select English Works of John Wyclif (PDF). Oxford: Clarendon. p. 331.
  3. ^ Martin, Gary. "By hook or by crook".
  4. ^ "Forests and Chases of England and Wales: A Glossary".
  5. ^ "The Prisoner".
  6. ^ "The Snows of Kilimanjaro - E. Hemingway". Archived from the original on 2016-04-02. Retrieved 2015-01-08.
  7. ^ "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving".
  8. ^ "Little by little, by hook or by crook". Retrieved 9 August 2022.

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By Hook or By Crook : Phrases


To accomplish something by whatever means necessary; in one way or another; by fair means or foul.


Don't worry.

By hook or by crook we will get to the airport on time.Origin:

Curiously Hook and Crook mean essentially the same thing.

Hook is a curved or bent device for catching, holding, or pulling. Something intended to attract and ensnare. Crook is an implement having a bent or hooked form. Hence the hook is used to grab whatever it is you are trying to get, crook is just another way of saying hook.

I am reminded of beg, borrow, and steal which means the same thing. Note the steal. Crook is also a thief. Hence by hook or by crook also impies you are willing to resort to theft.

Alternative: Relating to old forest laws of England, the sole right of common people to enter the forests without permission was for the removal of dead wood from the ground or dead branches of the trees, in other words, as could be brought down by the use of the reaper's hook or a shepherd's crook.

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List of top 27 famous quotes and sayings about hook or crook to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

By hook or by crook Quotes
By hook or by crook Quotes
By hook or by crook Quotes
By hook or by crook Quotes
By hook or by crook Quotes
By hook or by crook Quotes
By hook or by crook Quotes
By hook or by crook Quotes
By hook or by crook Quotes

Top 27 Hook Or Crook Quotes

#1. Nervous breakdowns can be highly underrated methods of spiritual transformation. - Author: Marianne Williamson

By hook or by crook Quotes

#2. You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody. - Author: Maya Angelou

By hook or by crook Quotes

#3. First-worlders have the luxury of not having to think about waste elimination very much. But for a third-worlder, poop is a big preoccupation. - Author: Euny Hong

By hook or by crook Quotes

#4. Mountains are moved when we choose positivity, when we choose to exert the power of love, when we chip away at our problems 1 day at a time. - Author: D. Allen Miller

By hook or by crook Quotes

#5. Had a cold hummus with pita bread,
Under a delicious food, yellow or red.
Might just have the appetite to cook
Urgent dinner by hook or crook.
So that's just a humus humor spread. - Author: Ana Claudia Antunes

By hook or by crook Quotes

#6. Have I done something for the general interest? Well then I have had my reward. Let this always be present to thy mind, and never stop doing such good. - Author: Marcus Aurelius

By hook or by crook Quotes

#7. In the first place, most princes apply themselves to the arts of war, in which I have neither ability nor interest, instead of to the good arts of peace. They are generally more set on acquiring new kingdoms by hook or by crook than on governing well those that they already have. - Author: Thomas More

By hook or by crook Quotes

#8. They abandon the Ambrosial Nectar and turn to poison, they earn poison, and poison is their only wealth. - Author: Harmeet Singh

By hook or by crook Quotes

#9. A real foolproof way to do it is play your stuff by hook or by crook and build up a grass roots following. - Author: Duncan Sheik

By hook or by crook Quotes

#10. Do whatever you want in the back room of pharmacies, but keep it away from consumers. - Author: Katherine Albrecht

By hook or by crook Quotes

#11. Oh, Mama," I said. "What if I don't live that long?" My mother didn't hesitate one second. "By hook or by crook, you will. Having children only increases your grip on the world. It's like reading a thriller. You can't put it down because you have to know how the story turns out. - Author: Jo-Ann Mapson

By hook or by crook Quotes

#12. As history has shown, any new computing device capable of running a game will, by hook or by crook, soon have them available. (aka, the "Loguidice Law") - Author: Bill Loguidice

By hook or by crook Quotes

#13. Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain. - Author: Joseph Stalin

By hook or by crook Quotes

#14. Thus, by divers little makeshifts, in that ingenious way which is commonly denominated "by hook and by crook," the worthy pedagogue got on tolerably enough, and was thought, by all who understood nothing of the labor of headwork, to have a wonderfully easy life of it. - Author: Washington Irving

By hook or by crook Quotes

#15. One trauma at a time, please. - Bee - Author: Rachel Hawkins

By hook or by crook Quotes

#16. She is the key to this mystery, a key that I will turn, by hook or by crook. - Author: Frances Hardinge

By hook or by crook Quotes

#17. America has always fascinated me; it's a country where you can make it from one side to the other with no money, by hook or by crook. - Author: Joe Dempsie

By hook or by crook Quotes

#18. Why kick the man downstream who can't put the parts together because the parts really weren't designed properly? - Author: Philip Caldwell

By hook or by crook Quotes

#19. The cottages are full of life. It's incredible to think they are filled with people who know nothing of computerised technology, nor even running water, sewage systems or electricity. And yet here they live. Surviving. - Author: Marianne Curley

By hook or by crook Quotes

#20. Since Franklin Roosevelt's leadership in setting up the United Nations and the Nuremberg trials, the U.S. has promoted universal legal norms and the institutions to enforce them while seeking, by hook or by crook, to exempt American citizens, especially soldiers, from their actual application. - Author: Michael Ignatieff

By hook or by crook Quotes

#21. Because I know I'm an addict, and I know I'm an alcoholic. - Author: Jamie Lee Curtis

By hook or by crook Quotes

#22. She holds the brightly colored wires in her hand. "Well, that did the trick," she says, smiling. - Author: Beth Revis

By hook or by crook Quotes

#23. Contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction. The choices we make are our own decisions for how we want to live our life. - Author: Ellen J. Barrier

By hook or by crook Quotes

#24. The honey-bee's great ambition is to be rich, to lay up great stores, to possess the sweet of every flower that blooms. She is more than provident. Enough will not satisfy her, she must have all she can get by hook or crook. - Author: John Burroughs

By hook or by crook Quotes

#25. By hook or by crook this peril too shall be something that we remember - Author: Homer

By hook or by crook Quotes

#26. A lot of critics object to what I do, but I got into comedy to make people laugh, and I've always worked hard. - Author: Adam Sandler

By hook or by crook Quotes

#27. By hook or by crook, I hope that you will possess yourselves of money enough to travel and to idle, to contemplate the future or the past of the world, to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream - Author: Virginia Woolf

By hook or by crook Quotes

What does the phrase by hook or by crook mean?

phrase. If someone says they will do something by hook or by crook, they are determined to do it, even if they have to make a great effort or use dishonest means.

Who said by hook or by crook?

"By hook or by crook" is an English phrase meaning "by any means necessary", suggesting that any means possible should be taken to accomplish a goal. The phrase was first recorded in the Middle English Controversial Tracts of John Wyclif in 1380.

What is synonym of hook and crook?

synonyms for by hook or crook anyway. after a fashion. anyhow. anywise. come what may.