Buy a furnace get ac free

Buy a furnace get ac free

Keith Nissen King of Comfort & Owner

Frustrated Contractor “Giving Away” $3151 Deluxe Furnaces for $1275 with purchase of off–season Central Air.

This is the: HOTTEST and COOLEST Deal of the Year”

I’ll replace your old furnace AND your air conditioner as a “package deal” for less than you would pay any other time of the year.

Sound too good to be true? It’s not and here’s why.  I’m making you what sounds like an unbelievable offer because it makes good sense for my business.  And you come out with a winner, as well!

You see, I know from experience that January, February, March, and April are my slowest months when I end up losing money … then have to spend the next eight months trying to make up for it.  Right now, I have no reason to believe 2022 will be any different.

So, here’s how I can make the incredible offer I mentioned at the start ….

Every year the biggie air conditioning manufacturers guesstimate how many air conditioners to produce.  Since there’s no way of knowing what the weather will be like and other factors that affect sales, these guys always have leftover inventory they must hold onto until the next cooling season.

I saw a great business opportunity in this and went to one of these companies and they allocated 64 of these deluxe air conditioners that were going to just be sitting around.  Plus, allocated 64 deluxe furnaces – all in the 4 most popular sizes used in Southeastern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois homes.

Don’t get me wrong – these are brand new, top-quality, 2021 models.  Not “seconds.” Not “blems.”  Not builder-grade.  These are premium air conditioners and furnaces fresh from the factory with a full factory warranty.

How to Get Your Furnace for Virtually Nothing

By putting together this furnace-plus-air-conditioner package (I call it the “Hottest AND Coolest Deal of the Year”) … going through some heavy negotiations with the manufacturer … then committing to selling 64 systems outright, I got BOTH the furnace AND the air conditioner at a price that would have made Sam Walton proud.

This means when you buy one of these 64 new, deluxe-quality air conditioners, I will “give” you the furnace and ask you to pay only the $941 in labor it costs to install your furnace.

As part of the deal, I’ll show you how much the air conditioner costs … how much the furnace WOULD have cost … and your savings when you buy your new air conditioner and furnace as part of this special offer.  The price I show you will include all installation materials and labor.  There’s no fine print, nothing left out.

And by the way, there’s no obligation when you have me come out to measure your house and explain the installation …

If you decide you don’t want to take advantage of this incredible deal (although I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to save this kind of money), it’s no problem.  You’re not obligated in any way.  In fact, just for taking the time to read this letter and having me out to survey your house … I’ll give you a Very Special Free Gift ($60 value). Why?   Even if we don’t do business together now, I want you to remember us in the future.

My Disappointment-Proof Guarantee

Not only are you getting a new first-quality furnace virtually free, plus a first-quality air conditioner at a great price, I guarantee you’ll lower your heating and cooling bills by at least 25% … or I’ll pay you to double your savings for two years.  (This alone should convince you that these systems are some of the very best qualities and most efficient available.)

But you’ve got to act fast … this offer ends April 15th, 2022 or until supplies run out.


Keith Nissen

Call (616) 422-4609 for 24/7 service

Blog BOGO Furnace and AC (HVAC Mythbusters)

By this point, you’ve probably seen an ad or two offering “buy one get one free (BOGO)” on a furnace and air conditioner. Seems like a pretty good deal, right? Well, it might be, but be careful before you go ahead with it. There’s a chance you’re not getting a deal at all.

The truth behind the BOGO

Some companies offer this special as a way to get your attention and sell you on the offer alone when in reality, with a free furnace or AC, you could still be paying thousands more than you would with another company. (The BOGO furnace or AC isn’t really free, is it? No.)

The problem is that furnace and AC prices are arbitrary

There is no pricing standard so companies can charge whatever they want at the expense of their customer. It’s uncommon to know the cost of a furnace replacement or AC installation so you never really know if the “deal” you’re getting is really a deal at all.

You can get an instant second opinion online

Thankfully, you can get a free second opinion online from us and it only takes a minute. On every page of our website is a link to get a free estimate, whether it be for a new furnace, AC, water heater, etc.. It’s a tool we developed to help people get an instant estimate online at their own leisure, rather than having a salesperson come into their home and sell them on things they don’t need.

Of course, our quotemyhvac tool provides an estimate and somebody would have to come take measurements and pictures to finalize the quote but it is relatively accurate with our pricing and should give you a good jumping off point for what kind of price you should be looking for.

Our goal is to end the era of overcharging for heating and cooling. It’s unnecessary and preying on the fact that the common person doesn’t know what they should be paying for this service. You should be able to trust the companies that come out to give you a quote but that’s not always the case, so go ahead and give our quotemyhvac tool a try next time you’re shopping for quotes, you may be surprised.

Does furnace include AC?

Understanding that your AC and furnace work both separately & together can be slightly confusing. Simply put, the air conditioning part of your heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) system chills refrigerant (with an outside unit) while the furnace works inside with fans and coils.

Can I replace the furnace and not the AC?

The answer to the above question is NO. You do not HAVE to replace your air conditioning system at the same time you replace your furnace. Many companies have made thousands extra on jobs by convincing homeowners that this is the case.

How can I get AC cheap?

5 Cheap Alternatives to Central Air Conditioning.
Window air conditioners. Cost: About $200 to $1,000 per unit. ... .
Portable air conditioners. Cost: About $300 to $1,500 per unit. ... .
Evaporative air coolers. Cost: From $70 (small and portable) to $1,000 (whole house unit). ... .
Room fans. Cost: About $5 to $300. ... .
Whole house fans..

Do HVAC systems go on sale?

As with many services and products for your home, you are more likely to save money with air conditioning sales during the off-season.