Bring It On: All or Nothing review

In the process of writing “Bring It On: All or Nothing,” the third film in the series, the creators must have decided that cheerleading wasn’t going to get the job done. “This,” they might have said, “needs some ‘crumping.’” Then another brain trust walked in and said, “Hey, they just got cable in the homeless shelter for derivative writers, and I saw this movie called ‘You Got Served’ on TBS. Let’s rip it off!”

And the clouds parted and, yea, verily, they did rip it off. And they got Beyonce’s sister, Solange Knowles Smith, to help.

“BIO:AON” is a movie filled with actors who either have no names or are just “that one chick” you saw once on a sitcom. The lead is such a girl. Hayden Panettiere plays Britney, the caring, smart head cheerleader. How do we know she cares? She bites her lip. And in her dream, she was the valedictorian, so she must be brilliant. But for a straight-A student, she certainly has a knack for saying the wrong and offensive thing when she arrives at her new, racially diverse school.

There is some “fish out of water” drivel, followed by the usual “proving herself” competition/montage and finally the dilemma, on the heels of which comes the resolution. The jokes in “BIO:AON” aren’t funny, but the writers made up for it by adding plot holes and inconsistencies that guarantee big laughs.

As if to wipe away all memories of the 2004 cheer-tastrophe Bring It On Again, this second straight-to-DVD sequel cribs shamelessly from the pompom-tastic 2000 original, right down to a remake of Toni Basil’s ”Mickey” — the superperky flaxen-haired captain, caddish boyfriend, and stereotypical sidekicks (Asian girl, conniving girl, girl whose rear end is too plump for the pyramid) all make a comeback. The plot, meanwhile, is Save the Last Dance crossed with Clueless: ”Frosted flake” Britney (Hayden Panettiere) lands in a predominantly black high school, where she clashes with the head cheerleader (Solange Knowles-Smith, Beyoncé’s less-bootylicious little sis) but eventually earns the right to shake her groove thing behind ”SOS” singer Rihanna. The dialogue can’t compare to the first Bring It On — there’s just no topping ”Follow me or perish, sweater monkeys” — but Bring It On: All or Nothing gets snaps for its nightmarish homecoming scene, a nod to, of all movies, Carrie. EXTRAS The best: a bust-your-own-move choreography tutorial. The worst: a gag reel featuring too many giggle fits and too few miniskirted blondes making butt-first landings.

Bring It On 3, Bring It On 3- All Or Nothing, Bring It On 3 All or Nothing, Bring It On - All Or Nothing, Triunfos Robados 3 Todo o Nada, Ragazze nel pallone 3 - Tutto o niente, A por todas de nuevo, una vez más, Bring It On 3 - All Or Nothing, Une blonde dans l'équipe, 魅力四射3, 美少女啦啦队3, チアーズ 3

Camille: Jesse, it's cute you tryin to be in choreography and all, but you just stick to finding us the beats, all right, boo?

Jesse: All right. Cool, but one day you'll come begging for what i got.

Kirresha: Shoot, I'm begging now. Hook a sister up.

Camille: Kirresha.

Kirresha: What?

Camille: You are too hot to beg.

Kirresha: I know, but he's just so fine. I'm willing to make an exception.

Jesse: Don't tease me, Mami. Me gustan las chicas grande.

Kirresha: Mmm. I don't know what you said, but, "me gustan" too, baby.

Leti: He said he like big girls!

Kirresha: Now how come when you say it, it don't sound cute at all?

Leti: Look, he the one who said it alright.

Kirresha: Don't hate 'cause he on me.

If you have ill feelings about this movie because of its straight-to-video status then put those feelings aside and you'll be treated to a fun movie. This sequel succeeds where "Bring It On Again" miserably failed (and let me tell you, that movie failed BIG TIME!). Unlike the previous entry, this third installment gets everything right with a likable & appealing cast, killer dance routines, a terrific soundtrack, good story and better production values (most likely thanks to product tie-ins from Cingular, Teen People and Volks Wagon). While it doesn't top the original, it still comes close as a worthy companion. The film borrows the same basic premise as the original: pompous upper-class cheer squad (this time the Pacific Vista Pirates) vs urban middle-class cheer squad (Crenshaw Heights Warriors). But thanks to a new twist involving the former captain of the Pacific Vista team having to transfer to Crenshaw Heights and join their squad, the film focuses more on the racially diversified Crenshaw Heights Warriors and their point-of-view. Much credit is due to writer Alyson Fouse, a former writer for Chris Rock and Keenan Ivory Wayans, and director Steve Rash who both do an admirable job of going back to what made the first film so great without making it seem like they're trying to do the exact same movie over again. The cast, although made up of young unknowns, should also be complimented for bringing the right amount of spark and attitude to their characters so that you can't help but like them, no matter how stereotypical some of them may be. Which is more than can be said about the charmless, bland wannabes from the second film. Going through the DVD's bonus features, you'll be able to tell that the cast and filmmakers worked hard to make this movie live up to the original by having the cast go through rigorous training at cheerleader camp as well as hiring a variety of talented and innovative choreographers to come up with some unique and dazzling routines. So, put all prejudices aside, wash the awful taste of "Bring It On Again" out of your mouth, and give this fun addition to the franchise a shot.

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Tired plot, stupid dialogue, bad movie.

TOMNEL24 December 2006

Stars: Hayden Pantierre.

There have been so many movies that have this exact same plot, and this one is just a poor rehashing of it. Populer white girl moves to ethnic school, doesn't fit in, soon becomes accepted. Originality is nonexistent in this, and neither are the laughs. It uses so many old poorly executed jokes it's annoying. I don't know why they think it's a good idea to make made for video sequels to mediocre films, but it isn't. With that said, the positives in this are that all the people in it are fairly competent actors and actresses.

My rating: * out of ****. PG-13 for Language and Sexual Humor.

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Decent remake of a decent original

Pistol11117 August 2006

First, I will say I enjoyed the first movie, thought it was well done and entertaining. The second movie, in my opinion, was pretty poor, it just tried too hard and didn't flow at all.

That being said, this film was definitely a step up from the second one, and actually an entertaining movie. The story begins with Britney (played by Hayden) as cheer captain in a wealthy, predominately white neighborhood. But when her father gets transferred, they move to a lower-class neighborhood, predominately black and Hispanic. Having trouble fitting in, she adapts as you would expect: cheer leading.

Now, the movie itself has a very different feel when compared to its previous two successors. This movie has more profanity and prejudice then the other films. The ladies in the film are also showing more skin and dancing more sexually than either of the first 2 movies. It seems that the movie is trying to appeal to the older male crowd a little more than before.

Now, the movie has been getting a lot of trash for being a straight to DVD sequel, but it really is not as bad as people would make it out to be. While it may not be as family-friendly as the original Bring It On, the third installment still is an entertaining movie to rent.

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The movie was hilarious

imtruelyblessed13 August 2006

At first I thought the movie wasn't going to be any good. For the same reason a lot of people had. It is a third sequel with none of the same people in it. But to my surprise it was really funny. The mix of urban street and high class attitudes was excellent. I thought the movie also showed both sides to the racial prejudice that we in the United States still face. They did not show a one side issue with upper class whites downgrading the minorities. They went on to show that the minority groups also have stereotypical attitudes about whites or people who live in the upper class of society. The ending was the best it had a dance challenged at the end that rocked the cheers were out of this world the audience were on their feet and filled the theater with laughter the whole movie. It was great, the kids love it. Get it when it comes out you will not be disappointed. Great family movie with parental guidance not for younger children but the preteens will enjoy

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much, much better than you'd expect. a genuinely fun sequel

mmyy25 December 2006

the writing in this script is excellent, almost as good as Clueless, except for the fact that it has to keep to a predictable "Cheerleader" story line, but the dialogue between the characters is sharp, crisp and witty. The direction is also excellent, the cheer/dance numbers are great and the cast, while not matching the teen star power of the original, bring a lot of energy and commitment to their roles. this is a very, very likable teen movie. The extras on the DVD are entertaining but it would have been nice to hear from some of the actors and the gag reel as usual on most DVDs is far from funny. but they did put in a lot about the dancing which is enjoyable.

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Where are the adults?

Sylviastel22 April 2010

I knew Hayden who played Brittany when she was on Guiding Light where she played Lizzie Spaulding. She's grown up and moved on but she'll always be Lizzie to me. In this performance, she takes a rich girl who is moved to the wrong side of the tracks known as Crenshaw Heights from Pacific Vista. She was head cheerleader and popular at her old school. In her new school, she's alone and ostracized for being the white girl. Anyway, she gets on the cheer-leading squad of her new school but tries to hide that information from her old friends. I have to say that Hayden and Marcy Rylan who played Winnie Harper in the film were worth watching. You see Marcy Rylan recently played Lizzie Spaulding on Guiding Light until it ended. Kind of ironic, anyway I felt the film was okay and had a story in it. My only problem is that there were no adults like parents or much about teachers in the film or a coach. Where is the adult supervision during activities?

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A monumental crap pile

sarastro75 October 2006

The first two Bring It On movies were both quite good in their own ways. The first was fairly serious, the second was successfully satirical - and the third opted for the usual idiotic low-brow comedy that we always see in the utterly brainless teen movies that Hollywood has coming out of the woodwork. The entire point in this movie was that cheerleaders are total airheads who hardly know enough to carry on a common conversation, and that's the extent of this movie's comedy. Ha ha. Not.

There is no shred of cleverness in this movie, no theme, no subtext, nothing for anybody with half a brain to be entertained by (and sure enough, I could not sit through all of it). If you're the sort of person who're entertained by fart jokes, this movie is for you. Congratulations.

2 out of 10.

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The captain of the posh PV cheer squad is forced to move to Crenshaw Heights, and ends up facing her old team in a cheer-off.

emz_67213 January 2007

This movie was really good. A bit racist, a bit rude but very funny, with a great storyline and a good cast. One problem- why do the teenagers look older than the adults? Mostly talking about Winnie- she looks about 30! But it really was a good film. I'd recommend it for all girls 12-17. Even if you don't like cheer-leading! Plus the IM language was cool. And the music was v. gd as well. The beginning worried me a bit cause I thought I might be in for another dodgy high-school-musical type thing, but it was just a dream! Phew! Winnie was just such a bitch, but I was surprised to find out she was the only one, most movies make the cheerleaders seem like nasty snobby girls, so this was a change. A great film, see it!

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Better than expected, lots of fun to watch

Bifrostedflake28 June 2008

The characters are likable, the script is great, the acting is brilliant and the finale holds up to the original. All in all, I had great fun watching this film.

I wasn't expecting it to be good, in fact I was expecting it to be quite poor, but I was pleasantly surprised. I think fans of the original will like the film very much and happily watch it alongside.

Expect to see quite a few movie references, but they don't feel forced, so a natural part of the dialogue. I would quite happily recommend this friends who were fans of the franchise or otherwise.

So far it's my favourite of the sequels (though I have yet to watch Bring it on again).

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Bring it on: All or nothing....brings it all

F-Unit6 August 2006

So I loved Bring it On, then Bring it On again or 2...sucked now this movie rocked my world. Maybe good movies are hereditary and skip a generation...who knows, but All or Nothing is freaking amazing! don't judge, just watch. I am not a fan of Hayden but she proves herself in this movie breaking the boundaries of what I had her pinned for. There are great characters, some hilarious moments and everything a good bring it on film needs. Although it may lack the star power of the first movie these kids hold their own. With a fun soundtrack and some great dance moves everyone can learn something from this movie. If you want a grooving movie this one is for you!

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inadequate research done

dcrosso20 January 2008

OK as a old cheerleader and coach all of these movies portray cheerleading to be something it is not. They all make a mockery of the sport..yes i said sport. These movies are one reason that cheerleaders have to push so hard in some states to be considered athletes. Despite what the movie makes you think there is no weight limit on a high school team, and mainly on the upper level teams the weight limit is only for the flyer (the person up at the top). also you are not able to step on or near the mat/floor when other teams are competing ( as in the scene when the "battle") they are not allowed to wear glitter unless they are an all-star team ( a team that competes against a score card per say),your hair must be put up, you can not change/add to your team at/ during the competition, and the uniforms are illegal they are too short and reveling, as well as a good 1/2 of the stunts that they preform are illegal to do on a high school team and even in a upper level team unless once again you are an all star team on top of that they make most of the cheerleaders ( mainly the captions) to look like they are always mean. and they make they make the cheerleaders look well like almost every movie except the first. the writers did not research this topic as well as they should have. They should have put more time into the planning. do they not realize that ACTUAL cheerleaders would watch this? and do they not realize that little girls who want to be cheerleaders will also watch this, and if this is what America is being shown as cheerleading it is a sad world we live in. It is a exausting, dedicated,and very technical sport. all the sequels are sad, and it is horrific that this is what they chose to portray cheerleading as a complete joke. it is a sport and it should be portrayed that way.

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Best 'Bring it On' yet

jamegurl8 August 2006

I just got through watching this movie and thought it was absolutely fantastic. Although the others were cute and witty, this Bring it on, brought more to the screen. The dance routines were more 'challenging' and definitely not 'plastic' type material. I loved all the songs they brought into this movie. Rihanna is a fantastic singer and individual. I like the actresses also brought into it as well. They were very good and some kind of prissy, which was the basis of its appeal. I know they say, "The first of a trilogy is always a classic," but I think you can always have a new one. I think Bring it on: All or Nothing is a new classic. It would be a great movie for all those girls nights.

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Adapting to a New School

Uriah431 November 2018

As a senior at an upscale high school named Pacific Vista, "Britney" (Hayden Pantierre) has just about everything a young woman could want as she is not only the head cheerleader but she is also dating the star quarterback as well. Unfortunately, when her father loses his job she is then forced to relocate to a lower-income part of town and attend an inner-city school named Crenshaw Heights. To that end, her new high school doesn't come close to having the prestige or the resources she has taken for granted. And to make matters even worse, the head cheerleader of her new high school named "Camille" (Solange Knowles Smith) takes an immediate dislike to her and because of that Britney is left without any friends and utterly alone. But when she learns that the cheerleading team is in desperate need of another member, she decides to demonstrate just how talented she is to everybody on the team. Sure enough, immediately after her performance they come to the realization that with her incredible talent and experience they have an honest chance of winning a local contest which could benefit both their program and their school. But before that can happen they first have to convince her to join the team which has treated her so badly. And if that wasn't difficult enough they will also have to defeat the best cheerleading team in the area-Pacific Vista. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I thought that this film had a bit more depth and humor than its predecessor "Bring It On Again". Likewise, having a couple of attractive actresses like Cindy Chiu (as "Amber") and the aforementioned Hayden Pantierre certainly didn't hurt either. Be that as it may, while this movie clearly wasn't a great comedy by any mean, I enjoyed it for the most part and I have rated it accordingly. Average.

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My favorite from the Bring It On franchise...

taylorkingston30 September 2014

Warning: Spoilers

I absolutely love this movie. It's so good. I thinks it's my favorite because Hayden Panettiere is in it. And I love her.

This movie is about cheerleading. As with every other Bring It On movie. In this movie, Hayden Paniettiere plays high school student, Britney Allen. She is also a cheerleader. The cheerleader, in fact. She is head cheerleader. But when her parents move her to another school, she loses all of that, very quickly. She promised her friends back home, that she would never cheer again. Which, in my opinion, is a very mean thing to ask of your friend. If she loves something, let her do it. But it was secretly a plan by Winnie, her not-really-friend and wannabe head cheerleader. Winnie, becomes the captain, which is not good. She is also sleeping with Britney's boyfriend. Low. Whilst at her new school, Britney joins the new squad. And her friends are furious when they find out. Mainly because she didn't tell them. Eventually, Britney and her new squad complete against Winnie and her old squad, for the chance to be in a Rihanna music video. Spoiler alert, Winnie loses, and Britney wins. And Britney and her old friends become friends with her new friends. If that sentence makes any sense to you.

Overall, I give this movie a 10 out of 10.

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"Spirit Fingers. Everybody Does Spirit Fingers." --- Britney (Hayden Panettiere)

Robert_Hearth25 September 2006

Warning: Spoilers

"Bring It On: All or Nothing" (2006)

Directed By: Steve Rash

Starring: Hayden Panettiere, Solange Knowles-Smith, Gus Caar, Marcy Rylan, & Cindy Chiu

MPAA Rating: "PG-13" (for sexual humor and language)

The "Bring It On" series has never spawned deep, intellectual movies, but it has also never even attempted to do so. This series exists solely for the purpose of entertaining teens and, thus far, it has been quite successful. Yes, to some extent, the movies are silly and unbelievable, but they are highly effective in entertaining audiences and making people have a good time while watching a movie. The first film starred Kirsten Dunst and Gabrielle Union and was quite a big hit (drawing in nearly $70 million domestically on a $30 million budget). It gave birth to the obligatory sequel, which went straight-to-video and was met with grunts and sneers from most fans of the original who were disappointed with the almost completely unknown cast and the lack of connections to the original. As soon as this sequel was released, there was hardly a doubt on anyone's mind that a third movie would be made and would, following the lead of the sequel, go straight to video. And here we are. The third film, entitled "Bring It On: All or Nothing", is a vast improvement on the first sequel, yet it still fails to completely produce the spark that ignited the original. It's still fun and original, but just not as good.

Britney Allen (Panettiere) has the perfect life at her posh high school. She is a senior, the new cheerleading captain, a shoe-in for Homecoming Queen, and she has the perfect boyfriend, Brad (Jake McDorman). But, weeks before Homecoming, her father loses his job and she is forced to move to Crenshaw Heights, a rough high school populated with tougher and more violent students. Britney proves herself to the overly-confident cheerleading captain, Camille (Knowles-Smith), and joins the squad. The team, the Crenshaw Heights Warriors, begin to prepare for a competition to perform on television with pop superstar Rihanna. However, they are not the only ones preparing. Her former squad, the Pacific Vista Pirates, is also gearing up, under the command of Britney's replacement, Winnie (Rylan), a snobbish and cruel cheerleader. As both squads make a mad dash for the goal, friendships will be tested and romances will crumble (and, possibly, form). But, only one squad can take home the grand prize. This is just the type of plot one should expect when a "Bring It On" film is announced. The plots are predictable, rather shallow, and always lead to some big face-off between two arch-rival squads. They are merely excuses to string together laughs, songs, and cheerleading performances. Just ignore the ultimately pointless plot and enjoy the entertainment it brings. That is the important thing when talking about "Bring It On: All or Nothing".

"Bring It On: All or Nothing" suffers from one major problem and many minor problems. The major one is the overuse of racism and racial remarks. I understand that the biggest difference between these two squads is their race, but this was also true in the original film and, yet, there was a limited number of racial comments. It seemed as though every character was a racist snob. Another problem was the almost constant cheesy dialog. I found myself chuckling during the romantic scenes and laughing out loud during the arguments. Does the screenwriter really think this is how teens talk? Teens should be offended that this is the way they are being portrayed. The performances are okay—but nothing too special. Hayden Panettiere does a good job and definitely gives the best performance. She was just so lovable. Solange Knowles-Smith (a.k.a Beyonce's little sister) also does a good job, though I thought her character could have been developed a little more. She handles herself well, though. Gus Caar just didn't do it for me. The boy may have the ability to make girls swoon, but he doesn't handle the emotional notes as well as he should have. Marcy Rylan gave a comical performance as the villainess of the movie. She was convincing enough. Cindy Chiu was delightful.

This may eliminate some of my respectability as a movie critic, but I liked "Bring It On: All or Nothing". It wasn't smart, innovative, or original, but it was a fun movie that kept me entertained. I found myself laughing and simply having a good time. Did I know what was going to happen? Sure. Did the movie overload on cheesy dialog? Definitely. But, when the credits rolled, I didn't feel as though I had wasted my time or money, because, if nothing else, it was enjoyable. You will gain nothing of any value from this movie, except for what you gain while watching it. It's a film that doesn't stay with you after it ends. This review is very hard to conclude, as I have no strong feelings about this movie whatsoever. It's a movie so pointless and harmless that writing four paragraphs telling you why you should see it is almost just as pointless. I say this because, if you were a fan of the first two films, then you will no doubt see this regardless of what I say and, if you hated the first two films, then you most certainly will not be seeing this. My point of this review is not to sway you people, but to sway those who have not seen the first two or enjoyed them, but don't particularly remember them. To these people, I say, "See it". It's a light watch, filled with fresh faces and plenty of laughs. There is no harm in having a little fun.

Final Thought: Fun and entertaining, "Bring It On: All or Nothing" Is Pointless…Though Completely Harmless.

Overall Rating: 6/10 (B)

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Bury The Pom-Poms, Please

ThatGuyThom14 August 2006

This was terrible, mean-spirited, and full of the worst clichés and racial stereotypes I've seen in a looong time. Seeing Hayden P trying to act "ghetto" was painful (hi, one pant leg up on yer sweats and some braids Downs't make you "down with the homies"). Solange Knowles pretty much grimaces through the entire movie. Most of the set sequences look like they were filmed in cardboard boxes...what was up with the finale??? And poor Rihanna was just plain exploited to get people to watch her "act", which she can't.

Put simply, this film Downs't even deserve one star. Please put this tired franchise to rest. Or at least make the next one Bring It On IV: Cheerleaders vs. Freddy & Jason.

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Fun TV flick, with something for just about everyone

xredgarnetx27 May 2007

I hate to admit it, but BRING IT ON 3 is closer to the spirit of the original than the first sequel, which was pretty awful even when not compared to the sparkling original. A young cheerleading captain (Hayden P.) at a largely all-white, affluent high school transfers to an urban high school when her father loses his job and the family is forced to move. She runs smack dab into a heady dose of reverse racism, and it takes a bit to get that school's cheerleading squad to accept her. She also has to face off against her previous team. The spirit is sassy, and Hayden P. is a decent actress, although she has a way to go before she can be compared to Kirtsen Dunst from the original. Some great cheerleading moves. A worthwhile TV movie for youngsters of all ages. Watch Hayden P. She could be the next Kirtsen Dunst -- or Lindsay Lohan (hiccup!).

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Where's the dialog ?

whattorso26 November 2006

Seriously, I couldn't find anything that constituted a rational human thought in this movie. For some reason, the writer decided to have a bunch of actors in random places grunting, groveling and yelling like Cro-Magnon bipeds. I understand that this was about gymnastics, but seriously, what's with all the roaring and human bleating ? I also saw at least five actors with overactive terrets syndrome and stage 10 syphilis.

Although this movie has actual human acrobatics, I must say it is surprising that you can make a movie like this without having any intelligible form of human speech patterns. This is truly a milestone in the history of film-making because there was no conscious decision to make the characters express anything more than a timely Urrrrr ! or Rfff ! sound.


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Ignore the First Sequel and Watch This One

liberalblossom159 March 2008

Britney (Hayden Penettierre) was on cloud nine - wealthy, pretty, popular and the newly crowned captain of her cheering squad. Then her world comes crashing down around her when her parents announce that they will be moving and she will be attending an inner city school. She is devastated and vows she will never cheer again until she joins the squad at her new school. Now she's forced to decide who she can trust, who her real friends are, and what guys deserve to be in her life.

In some ways this film is a reiteration of the first film, except that the wealthy white girl is thrown into the inner city school instead of competing against them. However the acting is well-done, especially from Hayden and Solange Knowles - Smith. There is a good amount of foreshadowing so the ending doesn't feel thrown together. The drama feels real on screen (even though it is actually unrealistic)and the characters are likable. The best thing about this film has to be the end routine - it brings everything together.

The things that annoyed me about this film: *the IM speak - it wasn't funny, it was annoying, and anyone who talked like that would be beaten up.

*how dumb Britney acted in the beginning - considering a C-average good, and telling her friends they're too fat.

*how Britney lets everyone walk all over her when she has so much attitude. How does that work?


This is a worthy direct-to-video sequel to the original. It's a fun film to watch with good performances and awesome dance moves. Do yourself a favor, skip the first sequel and give this one a watch if you liked the original, or just want an entertaining cheer leading movie.

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It's like totally perfect for exactly what it wants to be

Robert_duder30 August 2006

Warning: Spoilers

The original Bring It On became something of a cult classic and even myself I have seen it dozens of times and it's just a lot of mindless fun with a good story. This newest installment in the series really does a great job performing exactly what it tries to be. This film wants to appeal to early teens, girls in particular, and in that vein it strikes the perfect chord. The film is full of blatant current top hits (Gwen Stefani, Pink, Rhianna and more) features a young, teen up and comer in the lead and also uses bad language, and crude humor to impress so needless to say the teenagers will love it!! One reviewer on IMDb who gave the film a 10/10 stated and I quote "'s like my favorite one out of the entire series." I am making a little fun and I shouldn't because I thought it was pretty entertaining too. Critical acclaim?? Never. Brilliant?? No. But fun and watchable?? Absolutely!!

Young up and comer Hayden Panettiere plays the latest head cheerleader Britney Allen. She's a little shallow, a little clueless but sweet and strong and a terrific athlete. She embodies basically everything that Kirsten Dunst did with the original character. She carries the film easily and I really think Miss Panettiere has a big career ahead of her in the same boat as say Hillary Duff or Lindsay Lohan, she just needs a break out role which this could have been had it been released in theaters. Solange Knowles (Yes Beyonce's little sister) plays the head cheerleader of Britney Allen's new school where she must take a back seat if she wants to cheer. Knowles is quite good, and doesn't get a huge role but she does great with what is given to her. She and Panettiere have some great chemistry with their love/hate relationship. Gus Carr plays leading man to Hayden's cheerleader Jesse. A street smart, talented cheerleader himself he's the nice guy getting the bum rush but eventually gets the girl. He looks and plays the part very much like Jesse Bradford played Dunst's leading man in the original. Together Carr and Panettiere have good chemistry although their romance doesn't develop much. The story is about cheer leading more than romance. Marcy Rylan is awesomely evil as the head cheerleader who takes over for Britney when she leaves. She is the perfect adversary and she is annoying and funny and evil all at once. She never really gets any big end to her rampage other than embarrassment. Cindy Chiu, Giovonnie Samuels, Danielle Savre, Gary LeRoi Gray, Francia Almendarez, and Kiersten Warren all play small but fun supporting roles that make the film all the more better.

Despite it's rather empty headed script and dialog the Bring It On series actually ALWAYS has a strong moral backbone with a lesson to learn and All Or Nothing doesn't change that, but in fact makes it even stronger. There is an honest to goodness moral about acceptance, differences, tolerance, perseverance and bravo to them for doing that. On top of that there is some really great athletic choreography something else that Bring It On is known for. The current top hit music score is actually kind of fun if not very predictable and the script at times is brutally rehashed but because of a decent cast, a nice story and funny moments this one wins me over. Like I said before it's just fun!! The only criticism I will give is that there is some heavy sexual content considering the age demographic as well as the age of some of the actors in their roles. There is no graphic sexual content but mention of sleeping with people, and a rather disturbing scene where a security guard wonders about Britney Allen's piercing. I say that if the creators of this series can still make them decently fun like this then there is no harm in churning them out. I really enjoyed this one!! 8.5/10

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What I thought about the movie

cdsomervil11 August 2006

This movie to me was better than the other Bring It On movies. This was worth watching; not saying that the other ones wasn't worth watching I'm saying that the third one was the most interesting. I really like that movie. I wonder what they gonna do in the next movie. I hope they make it with little kids in it so that they can influence little kids to cheerleaders when they get in school. I wonder if most of the people in part three gonna be in part four. i hope they do because Solange will be a great coach for the little kids. I really enjoy watching that movie it was so exciting and interesting. I watched this movie over and over; this movie has not got boring yet. Nice movie.

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Unexpectedly good.

rmiller-2626 March 2007

Warning: Spoilers

OK, being a guy in his thirties, you'd think there'd be only one reason I'd watch it, right? Well, not really. Once you get past the ridiculously short skirts, etc., there's actually a pretty good movie under here. The movie stayed true to its parent, with the standard formula, but that's to be expected for a sequel.

I think what I liked the most about the whole "bring it on" series is that they manage to take a premise based on cheerleading - and let's face it, guys and gals, cheerleaders have a reputation for being somewhat airheaded (Sierra did fit this stereotype but even she was kind of lovable) - and make an interesting and intelligent movie out of it.

I had a hard time figuring out what happened in the final scene - it took me two viewings to be sure of what was going on - but I really found that to be amusing as well. The whole movie had amusing lines scattered all the way through. (my favorite: "Some of my best friends live next door to black people!") The only criticism I'd have with this movie is that it was too flashy. The outfits were way more revealing than those of the first movie, and there were so many people bouncing and jumping around that I had a hard time making sense of it all when they started their acrobatics.

All in all, though, I would call this a "chick flick that is not a chick flick". I don't consider the time I spent watching this wasted, and I think it can be equally enjoyed by males as well as females. And, if not, at least you won't have an inexplicable urge to paint your nails after watching it.

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Britney And Winnie Are My Faves Of Course

pijtfbz8 March 2020

But there is not a single Texas style fattie in this film.

All the girls are slim and attractive and have likable characters. I would also point out that the costumes are too conservative and are shorts instead of the traditional skirts. Welcome to modern America where tradition, human body and nature are abhorred and hated on.

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Better Than The First Two

voya8624 August 2006

Bring It On All Or Nothing was one of the best movies that i have seen this year as pure entertainment and as a movie to watch with family This movie to me was better than the first two and it included a lot of new cheers and moves. It also showed more than just cheer-leading which is what made it better it showed the difference between your friends and who you think are your friends but really just want what you have. The storyline was terrific and so was the music. Solange played her role excellently and couldn't have been better. Rhianna was excellent as well and the video part at the end was excellent i can watch this movie over and over and over again. SO IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS MOVIE THAN YOU SHOULD IT IS GREAT!!!!!

Is Bring It On: All or Nothing a good movie?

Bring It On: All or Nothing is an entertaining, if raunchy, movie that mines the teen zeitgeist for new pop cultural references. Teens will probably want to rent it, although parents may roll their eyes at the clichéd premise. The plot is staid, and the action predictable.

Is Bring It On appropriate for 11 year olds?

Parents need to know that Bring It On's characters (cheerleaders in a high school, primarily) frequently swear, use vulgar hand gestures, and call each other names. Characters also use anti-gay slurs from time to time. This is a satire of high school life, but the satire might be lost on younger viewers.

What rating is Bring It On: All or Nothing?

PG-13Bring It On: All or Nothing / MPAA ratingnull

Is Bring It On: All or Nothing based on a true story?

Bring It On was originally conceived as an MTV documentary about the subculture of competitive cheerleading named Cheer Fever before screenwriter Jessica Bendinger decided to transfer her idea to a fictional feature film instead.