Blade and soul red bandit mask

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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So there's this one Face Costume that I really wanted for my 'Warlock' which turned out to give me a lot of trouble (it's only Blue Grade) and it took me 267 Runs of [Goldleaf Foundry] to finally get the [Red Mask] from [Dusk Adder Overseer Furin]......... "TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY SEVEN!!!!!!" *bruh!* like can someone please tell me why the Developers decided to smoke cocaine and do this??

Edited June 7, 2016 by MASSBLADE

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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got it after 20-30 tries.

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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9 minutes ago, Arohk said:

got it after 20-30 tries.


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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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I keep the green chest as evidence of how many runs i did, atm i'm at 70, and still no red mask :(

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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I got it in 3 runs. You got really unlucky. (not to say I didn't get very lucky, but you probably got the bad end of the rng)

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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All the assesories in this game are near to impossible to get. You have to spend an inordinate amount of time grinding over and over again, even blue category ones. As for the purples...too salty to comment without crickets 

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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It took my friend a long time to get it, a few days. I haven't run it yet though i might run the mirage for the black version of this.

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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1 Drop every 87 runs so Ive heard.

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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i been getting it on all my new characters, usually under 50 tries - and by 50 tries I mean just entering and exiting Hajoon's training room when you still have that quest.

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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5 hours ago, Malign said:

I got it in 3 runs. You got really unlucky. (not to say I didn't get very lucky, but you probably got the bad end of the rng)

Yeah =/ seems that way. Well I guess my luck sucks THAT bad.

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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I got it in 54 runs and I was getting annoyed.  I can only imagine needing almost 300.

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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49 minutes ago, XianRen said:

I got it in 54 runs and I was getting annoyed.  I can only imagine needing almost 300.

At the last minute of Yesterdays farm I just wanted to SLEEP. ^^

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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It goes quicker if you do it on level. Just get to the end, kill the boss, run in to the training portal and right back out. This way you only have to kill the boss, and not run through the whole thing over and over. 

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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Quicker if your higher lv

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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I got it on my Sin at run #77
When i switched to FM I wanted the mask for her too, got it at run #204
My friend got it at run #7 on her BM
Rng can be a Poopybutt! >:

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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I know this will illicit some disbelief, but I got it the first time I did this dungeon on my Summoner. :)

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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over 230 runs here...  still no mask...   the feels are real 

the QQ is real.

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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8 hours ago, 821794_1452549952 said:

I got it on my Sin at run #77
When i switched to FM I wanted the mask for her too, got it at run #204
My friend got it at run #7 on her BM
Rng can be a Poopybutt! >:

Yeah it really can. also Gratz for getting it twice though :)

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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3 hours ago, Noomega said:

over 230 runs here...  still no mask...   the feels are real 

the QQ is real.

I feel for you man :( I know that feeling when it feels hopeless that it will never show up... But just keep trying that Red Chest can just pop up at any random time. After doing over 200+ Runs there's no point giving up now when you have come that far or all that hard work for nothing =/

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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I just gave up and painted a red mask on my pc monitor so my char looks like he's wearing hat b*tch.

Edited June 8, 2016 by Onionio

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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16 runs

Blade and soul red bandit mask

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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1 hour ago, Onionio said:

I just gave up and painted a red mask on my pc monitor so my char looks like he's wearing hat b*tch.

lmao wow ^^ well it's nice to see your creative *Thumbs Up* to that :D

58 minutes ago, Kyrax said:

16 runs

Blade and soul red bandit mask

Nice one! & gz :)

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  • 2 years later...

Blade and soul red bandit mask

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I get two in the row in the first and second run but no one bielevies me :/

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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3 hours ago, idk123 said:

I get two in the row in the first and second run but no one bielevies me :/

People are the same way when I tell them I got the Infinite Challenge from Dreadtide Arena on my first run during the quest for the area on my summoner (was great but pissed me off since I still don't have it on my KFM).
Just depends on when that .001% decided to let you have something or not.

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Blade and soul red bandit mask

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I got it at launch on a couple of chars from 1 to 10 runs lol

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