Baby puts head on floor when crawling

Babies will no doubt get bumps, bruises, and scrapes as they learn to sit, crawl, stand, climb, walk, and run. It's important to be aware of safety issues in and around your baby's environment to prevent injuries. If your baby gets a bump on the head, it's helpful to know what to look for and be aware of the medical signs of a more serious injury.

The signs of head trauma in babies are loss of consciousness, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, vomiting, irritability, and clear or bloody drainage from their nose, mouth, or ears. These are clear signs to seek medical help to avoid bigger problems.

There are also times when your baby is banging their head on purpose, though. These behaviors may or may not require more attention or observation.

When do babies start banging their head?

The odd behavior of baby headbanging can start as early as 5 to 6 months old and continue into early childhood. Most children grow out of the need to bang their head on walls and floors by the time they are approaching elementary school. Babies typically start this behavior when they can sit on their own, rocking back and forth and banging their head as they go.

Why do babies bang their heads?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, baby headbanging is soothing to some babies as they fall asleep. Other experts suggest that this behavior may be a sign that your baby is not feeling well and can increase when they have a cold, allergies, or an ear infection.

It can be difficult to watch your baby hitting their head, but rest assured that this behavior is usually harmless. This rhythmic and repetitive movement can help them nod off. It is something that they will likely outgrow, and no intervention is usually needed.

How to react if your baby is hitting their head against the wall 

Your baby is most likely to hit their head against the wall when they are in bed. If the noise is disturbing other family members, you can move your baby's bed away from the wall to decrease the sound. Babies usually aren't hurting themselves with this activity.

If your baby is banging their head to self-soothe, you can help by providing soothing activities before naps or nighttime. Otherwise, there's little you can do to discourage this behavior. Some calming activities include giving them a warm bath, playing quiet music while they eat, rocking them, or singing a lullaby to provide comfort.

If this behavior continues as your child is entering school, it may be a symptom of a neurological or developmental disorder. Your pediatrician or a pediatric specialist can help in this case.

What should you do if your baby is banging their head on the floor? 

When babies bang their head on the floor, it can be an expression of frustration or anger —  a temper tantrum. They will soon learn on their own that banging their head on the floor doesn't feel good and doesn't get the reaction they want. If your baby's headbanging causes injury to themselves (self-injurious behavior), increases in frequency, or continues into school-aged children, it may be a symptom of a neurological or developmental disorder. Contact your pediatrician if you have concerns. 

There are many things that babies do that seem odd or strange as they grow and experience new things. Headbanging is not unusual, and in many cases, there's not much you can do to stop it. It is one behavior that most experts agree parents can do little about. In time, your baby will learn better coping skills to comfort themselves as they go to sleep or deal with emotional stress. The best thing you can do for your child is to be nurturing, supportive, and protect them from harm whenever possible.

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Posted by1 year ago


Baby puts head on floor when crawling

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Baby puts head on floor when crawling

level 1

Soooo CUTE. He's totaly just exploring. Probably wants to check out his legs and see what they're doing back there. 😁

level 1

It’s probably just sensory input. We don’t have carpet in our home but when we go somewhere with it my son loves rolling on it and rubbing his legs on it.

level 1

Yeah, my kids all did something similar to that. I had one that would like, stop crawling, go into a full on downward dog for a few seconds, and then go right back to whatever he was doing. It was cute.

level 1

Pediatric PT here. I wouldn’t worry about this at all. He could be doing it because it feels different to have the rug rub on his head or to have the feeling of almost going upside down in his head. Heck, his neck could even be getting a little tired, he’s got a nice big noggin and if crawling is new, his neck muscles might still be working on their strength and endurance. Overall, he moves really well and I see no red or yellow flags in this video.

level 1

Kids are so weird my three year old does the mogly walk where his but is up in the are but his walking in his hands and feet.

level 1

My son did this with walking, he just likes to sometimes watch his feet to see what they're doing

level 1

My son did that, and totally out grew it! Just make sure they don't do it too much they can get rug burn. It will heal, but looks awful and hurts.

level 1

I think maybe he just tries to relax his neck as it is a new thing for them it maybe tires their little neck keeping his head lifted and relaxes it quickly because he forsure won’t stop crawling ♥️ such a cutie!

level 1

· 1 yr. ago

I have no idea what I'm doing either

level 1

Could be a sensory thing Could be trying to look behind him while going forward. He may be able to catch a glimpse of what's going on behind him between his legs.

level 1

My little guy used to do that! We’d call it his “warp speed” mode 😂

level 1

Yep mine does that and he can walk. I think it's just a neat new sensations

level 1

Normal. Exploring all aspects of his range of motion plus getting tired doing it. :)

level 1

They get tired of holding their head like that for so long that they need a break

level 1

He’s so cute!!! I concur that he’s just seeing what that’s like lol

level 1

Looks like he thinks it’s fun tbh. Maybe it’s the sensation maybe he’s a little tired either way I don’t think it’s concerning.

level 1

I can sorta remember doing that on soft carpet because it felt good! It gets all warm and it scratches an unexisting itch. Loved it. I grew up to be fairly normal - well, I'm on reddit, but you know, no sensory/motor issues. So I'm guessing it's fairly normal.

Why does my baby put his head on the floor?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, baby headbanging is soothing to some babies as they fall asleep. Other experts suggest that this behavior may be a sign that your baby is not feeling well and can increase when they have a cold, allergies, or an ear infection.

Why does my toddler keep putting his head on the floor?

Most toddlers who bang their head do it to relax. The rhythmic motion helps them feel comfortable. They'll often do it as they're falling asleep, when they wake up in the middle of the night, or sometimes while they're sleeping.

What are the 6 stages of crawling?

Different crawling styles include:.
Classic hands-and-knees or cross crawl. This is when babies bear weight on their hands and knees, then moves one arm and the opposite knee forward at the same time..
Bear crawl. ... .
Belly or commando crawl. ... .
​Bottom scooter. ... .
Crab crawl. ... .
Rolling crawl..

What is abnormal crawling?

Bottom Scoot: Instead of a proper crawl, a baby will instead scoot around on their bottom using their arms or legs for propulsion forward or backward. Bunny Hop Crawling: Rather than having a reciprocal movement where the legs move opposite from each other, a baby will hop both legs forward at the same time.