Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called

Hydrogen and its two naturally occurring isotopes, deuterium and tritium. All three have the same number of protons (labeled p+) but different numbers of neutrons (labeled n).

Image courtesy of Wikimedia commons

A family of people often consists of related but not identical individuals. Elements have families as well, known as isotopes. Isotopes are members of a family of an element that all have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.

The number of protons in a nucleus determines the element’s atomic number on the Periodic Table. For example, carbon has six protons and is atomic number 6. Carbon occurs naturally in three isotopes: carbon 12, which has 6 neutrons (plus 6 protons equals 12), carbon 13, which has 7 neutrons, and carbon 14, which has 8 neutrons. Every element has its own number of isotopes.

The addition of even one neutron can dramatically change an isotope’s properties. Carbon-12 is stable, meaning it never undergoes radioactive decay. Carbon-14 is unstable and undergoes radioactive decay with a half-life of about 5,730 years (meaning that half of the material will be gone after 5,730 years). This decay means the amount of carbon-14 in an object serves as a clock, showing the object’s age in a process called “carbon dating.”

Isotopes have unique properties, and these properties make them useful in diagnostics and treatment applications. They are important in nuclear medicine, oil and gas exploration, basic research, and national security.

DOE Office of Science & Isotopes

Isotopes are needed for research, commerce, medical diagnostics and treatment, and national security. However, isotopes are not always available in sufficient quantities or at reasonable prices. The DOE Isotope Program addresses this need. The program produces and distributes radioactive and stable isotopes that are in short supply, including byproducts, surplus materials, and related isotope services. The program also maintains the infrastructure required to produce and supply priority isotope products and related services. Finally, it conducts research and development on new and improved isotope production and processing techniques.

Isotope Facts

  • All elements have isotopes.
  • There are two main types of isotopes: stable and unstable (radioactive).
  • There are 254 known stable isotopes.
  • All artificial (lab-made) isotopes are unstable and therefore radioactive; scientists call them radioisotopes.
  • Some elements can only exist in an unstable form (for example, uranium).
  • Hydrogen is the only element whose isotopes have unique names: deuterium for hydrogen with one neutron and tritium for hydrogen with two neutrons.
  • NSAC Report: Meeting Isotope Needs and Capturing Opportunities for the Future
  • NSAC: Compelling Research Opportunities Using Isotopes
  • The Journey of Actinium-225: How Scientists Discovered a New Way to Produce a Rare Medical Radioisotope
  • DOE Isotope Development & Production for Research and Applications
  • National Isotope Development Center (Isotope Basics)
  • The recently launched Facility for Rare Isotope Beams has completed its groundbreaking first experimental results.


Scientific terms can be confusing. DOE Explains offers straightforward explanations of key words and concepts in fundamental science. It also describes how these concepts apply to the work that the Department of Energy’s Office of Science conducts as it helps the United States excel in research across the scientific spectrum.

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  1. Learning Objectives
  2. An Example: Hydrogen Isotopes
      1. Example \(\PageIndex{1}\): Lithium Isotopes
    1. Solution
  3. Stability of Isotopes
      1. Example \(\PageIndex{2}\): Potassium-40
        1. Solution
      2. Example \(\PageIndex{3}\): Zinc-65
    1. Solution
      1. Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)
  4. Summary

Chapter 1

  1. Chapter 1: The Chemical World
  2. 1.1: The Scope of Chemistry
  3. 1.2: Chemicals Compose Ordinary Things
  4. 1.3: Hypothesis, Theories, and Laws
  5. 1.4: The Scientific Method: How Chemists Think
  6. 1.5: A Beginning Chemist: How to Succeed
 •  Chapter 2
  1. Chapter 2: Measurement and Problem Solving
  2. 2.1: Taking Measurements
  3. 2.2: Scientific Notation: Writing Large and Small Numbers
  4. 2.3: Significant Figures: Writing Numbers to Reflect Precision
  5. 2.4: Significant Figures in Calculations
  6. 2.5: The Basic Units of Measurement
  7. 2.6: Problem Solving and Unit Conversions
  8. 2.7: Solving Multistep Conversion Problems
  9. 2.8: Units Raised to a Power
  10. 2.9: Density
  11. 2.10: Numerical Problem-Solving Strategies and the Solution Map
  12. 2.E: Measurement and Problem Solving (Exercises)
 •  Chapter 3
  1. Chapter 3: Matter and Energy
  2. 3.1: In Your Room
  3. 3.2: What is Matter?
  4. 3.3: Classifying Matter According to Its State: Solid, Liquid, and Gas
  5. 3.4: Classifying Matter According to Its Composition
  6. 3.5: Differences in Matter: Physical and Chemical Properties
  7. 3.6: Changes in Matter: Physical and Chemical Changes
  8. 3.7: Conservation of Mass: There is No New Matter
  9. 3.8: Energy
  10. 3.9: Energy and Chemical and Physical Change
  11. 3.10: Temperature: Random Motion of Molecules and Atoms
  12. 3.11: Temperature Changes: Heat Capacity
  13. 3.12: Energy and Heat Capacity Calculations
  14. 3.E: Exercises
 •  Chapter 4
  1. Chapter 4: Atoms and Elements
  2. 4.1: Experiencing Atoms at Tiburon
  3. 4.2: Indivisible: The Atomic Theory
  4. 4.3: The Nuclear Atom
  5. 4.4: The Properties of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons
  6. 4.5: Elements: Defined by Their Numbers of Protons
  7. 4.6: Looking for Patterns: The Periodic Law and the Periodic Table
  8. 4.7: Ions: Losing and Gaining Electrons
  9. 4.8: Isotopes: When the Number of Neutrons Varies
  10. 4.9: Atomic Mass: The Average Mass of an Element’s Atoms
  •  Chapter 5
  1. Chapter 5: Molecules and Compounds
  2. 5.1: Sugar and Salt
  3. 5.2: Compounds Display Constant Composition
  4. 5.3: Chemical Formulas: How to Represent Compounds
  5. 5.4: A Molecular View of Elements and Compounds
  6. 5.5: Writing Formulas for Ionic Compounds
  7. 5.6: Nomenclature: Naming Compounds
  8. 5.7: Naming Ionic Compounds
  9. 5.8: Naming Molecular Compounds
  10. 5.9: Naming Acids
  11. 5.10: Nomenclature Summary
  12. 5.11: Formula Mass: The Mass of a Molecule or Formula Unit
  •  Chapter 6
  1. Chapter 6: Chemical Composition
  2. 6.1: How Much Sodium?
  3. 6.2: Counting Nails by the Pound
  4. 6.3: Counting Atoms by the Gram
  5. 6.4: Counting Molecules by the Gram
  6. 6.5: Chemical Formulas as Conversion Factors
  7. 6.6: Mass Percent Composition of Compounds
  8. 6.7: Mass Percent Composition from a Chemical Formula
  9. 6.8: Calculating Empirical Formulas for Compounds
  10. 6.9: Calculating Molecular Formulas for Compounds
  •  Chapter 7
  1. Chapter 7: Chemical Reactions
  2. 7.1: Grade School Volcanoes, Automobiles, and Laundry Detergents
  3. 7.2: Evidence of a Chemical Reaction
  4. 7.3: The Chemical Equation
  5. 7.4: How to Write Balanced Chemical Equations
  6. 7.5: Aqueous Solutions and Solubility: Compounds Dissolved in Water
  7. 7.6: Precipitation Reactions: Reactions in Aqueous Solution That Form a Solid
  8. 7.7: Writing Chemical Equations for Reactions in Solution: Molecular, Complete Ionic, and Net Ionic Equations
  9. 7.8: Acid–Base and Gas Evolution Reactions
  10. 7.9: Oxidation–Reduction Reactions
  11. 7.10: Classifying Chemical Reactions
  12. 7.11: The Activity Series
 •  Chapter 8
  1. Chapter 8: Quantities in Chemical Reactions
  2. 8.1: Climate Change: Too Much Carbon Dioxide
  3. 8.2: Stoichiometry
  4. 8.3: Making Molecules: Mole-to-Mole Conversions
  5. 8.4: Making Molecules: Mass-to-Mass Conversions
  6. 8.5: Limiting Reactant, Theoretical Yield, and Percent Yield
  7. 8.6: Limiting Reactant, Theoretical Yield, and Percent Yield from Initial Masses of Reactants
  8. 8.7: Enthalpy: A Measure of the Heat Evolved or Absorbed in a Reaction
Chapter 9
  1. Chapter 9: Electrons in Atoms and the Periodic Table
  2. 9.1: Blimps, Balloons, and Models of the Atom
  3. 9.2: Light: Electromagnetic Radiation
  4. 9.3: The Electromagnetic Spectrum
  5. 9.4: The Bohr Model: Atoms with Orbits
  6. 9.5: The Quantum-Mechanical Model: Atoms with Orbitals
  7. 9.6: Quantum-Mechanical Orbitals and Electron Configurations
  8. 9.7: Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table
  9. 9.8: The Explanatory Power of the Quantum-Mechanical Model
  10. 9.9: Periodic Trends: Atomic Size, Ionization Energy, and Metallic Character
 •  Chapter 10
  1. Chapter 10: Chemical Bonding
  2. 10.1: Bonding Models and AIDS Drugs
  3. 10.2: Representing Valence Electrons with Dots
  4. 10.3: Lewis Structures of Ionic Compounds: Electrons Transferred
  5. 10.4: Covalent Lewis Structures: Electrons Shared
  6. 10.5: Writing Lewis Structures for Covalent Compounds
  7. 10.6: Resonance: Equivalent Lewis Structures for the Same Molecule
  8. 10.7: Predicting the Shapes of Molecules
  9. 10.8: Electronegativity and Polarity: Why Oil and Water Don’t Mix
 •  Chapter 11
  1. Chapter 11: Gases
  2. 11.1: Extra-Long Straws
  3. 11.2: Kinetic Molecular Theory: A Model for Gases
  4. 11.3: Pressure: The Result of Constant Molecular Collisions
  5. 11.4: Boyle’s Law: Pressure and Volume
  6. 11.5: Charles’s Law: Volume and Temperature
  7. 11.6: Gay-Lussac's Law: Temperature and Pressure
  8. 11.7: The Combined Gas Law: Pressure, Volume, and Temperature
  9. 11.8: Avogadro’s Law: Volume and Moles
  10. 11.9: The Ideal Gas Law: Pressure, Volume, Temperature, and Moles
  11. 11.10: Mixtures of Gases: Why Deep-Sea Divers Breathe a Mixture of Helium and Oxygen
  12. 11.11: Gases in Chemical Reactions
 •  Chapter 12
  1. Chapter 12: Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces
  2. 12.1: Interactions between Molecules
  3. 12.2: Properties of Liquids and Solids
  4. 12.3: Intermolecular Forces in Action: Surface Tension and Viscosity
  5. 12.4: Evaporation and Condensation
  6. 12.5: Melting, Freezing, and Sublimation
  7. 12.6: Types of Intermolecular Forces: Dispersion, Dipole–Dipole, Hydrogen Bonding, and Ion-Dipole
  8. 12.7: Types of Crystalline Solids: Molecular, Ionic, and Atomic
  9. 12.8: Water: A Remarkable Molecule
 •  Chapter 13
  1. Chapter 13: Solutions
  2. 13.1: Prelude - Tragedy in Cameroon
  3. 13.2: Solutions: Homogeneous Mixtures
  4. 13.3: Solutions of Solids Dissolved in Water: How to Make Rock Candy
  5. 13.4: Solutions of Gases in Water: How Soda Pop Gets Its Fizz
  6. 13.5: Solution Concentration: Mass Percent
  7. 13.6: Solution Concentration: Molarity
  8. 13.7: Solution Dilution
  9. 13.8: Solution Stoichiometry
  10. 13.9: Freezing Point Depression and Boiling Point Elevation: Making Water Freeze Colder and Boil Hotter
  11. 13.10: Osmosis: Why Drinking Salt Water Causes Dehydration
  •  Chapter 14
  1. Chapter 14: Acids and Bases
  2. 14.1: Sour Patch Kids and International Spy Movies
  3. 14.2: Acids: Properties and Examples
  4. 14.3: Bases: Properties and Examples
  5. 14.4: Molecular Definitions of Acids and Bases
  6. 14.5: Reactions of Acids and Bases
  7. 14.6: Acid–Base Titration: A Way to Quantify the Amount of Acid or Base in a Solution
  8. 14.7: Strong and Weak Acids and Bases
  9. 14.8: Water: Acid and Base in One
  10. 14.9: The pH and pOH Scales: Ways to Express Acidity and Basicity
  11. 14.10: Buffers: Solutions That Resist pH Change

Learning Objectives
  • Explain what isotopes are and how an isotope affects an element's atomic mass.
  • Determine the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons of an element with a given mass number.

All atoms of the same element have the same number of protons, but some may have different numbers of neutrons. For example, all carbon atoms have six protons, and most have six neutrons as well. But some carbon atoms have seven or eight neutrons instead of the usual six. Atoms of the same element that differ in their numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. Many isotopes occur naturally. Usually one or two isotopes of an element are the most stable and common. Different isotopes of an element generally have the same physical and chemical properties because they have the same numbers of protons and electrons.

An Example: Hydrogen Isotopes

Hydrogen is an example of an element that has isotopes. Three isotopes of hydrogen are modeled in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\). Most hydrogen atoms have just one proton, one electron, and lack a neutron. These atoms are just called hydrogen. Some hydrogen atoms have one neutron as well. These atoms are the isotope named deuterium. Other hydrogen atoms have two neutrons. These atoms are the isotope named tritium.

Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called
Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): The three most stable isotopes of hydrogen: protium (A = 1), deuterium (A = 2), and tritium (A = 3). (CC SA-BY 3.0; Balajijagadesh via Wikipedia).

For most elements other than hydrogen, isotopes are named for their mass number. For example, carbon atoms with the usual 6 neutrons have a mass number of 12 (6 protons + 6 neutrons = 12), so they are called carbon-12. Carbon atoms with 7 neutrons have an atomic mass of 13 (6 protons + 7 neutrons = 13). These atoms are the isotope called carbon-13.

Example \(\PageIndex{1}\): Lithium Isotopes
  1. What is the atomic number and the mass number of an isotope of lithium containing 3 neutrons?
  2. What is the atomic number and the mass number of an isotope of lithium containing 4 neutrons?


A lithium atom contains 3 protons in its nucleus irrespective of the number of neutrons or electrons.


\[ \begin{align}\text{atomic number} = \left( \text{number of protons} \right) &= 3 \nonumber \\ \left( \text{number of neutrons} \right) &= 3 \nonumber\end{align} \nonumber \]

\[ \begin{align} \text{mass number} & = \left( \text{number of protons} \right) + \left( \text{number of neutrons} \right) \nonumber\\ \text{mass number} & = 3 + 3 \nonumber\\ &= 6 \nonumber \end{align}\nonumber \]


\[ \begin{align}\text{atomic number} = \left( \text{number of protons} \right) &= 3 \nonumber\\ \left( \text{number of neutrons} \right) & = 4\nonumber\end{align}\nonumber \]

\[ \begin{align}\text{mass number} & = \left( \text{number of protons} \right) + \left( \text{number of neutrons} \right)\nonumber \\ \text{mass number} & = 3 + 4\nonumber \\ &= 7 \nonumber \end{align}\nonumber \]

Notice that because the lithium atom always has 3 protons, the atomic number for lithium is always 3. The mass number, however, is 6 in the isotope with 3 neutrons, and 7 in the isotope with 4 neutrons. In nature, only certain isotopes exist. For instance, lithium exists as an isotope with 3 neutrons, and as an isotope with 4 neutrons, but it doesn't exist as an isotope with 2 neutrons or as an isotope with 5 neutrons.

Stability of Isotopes

Atoms need a certain ratio of neutrons to protons to have a stable nucleus. Having too many or too few neutrons relative to protons results in an unstable, or radioactive, nucleus that will sooner or later break down to a more stable form. This process is called radioactive decay. Many isotopes have radioactive nuclei, and these isotopes are referred to as radioisotopes. When they decay, they release particles that may be harmful. This is why radioactive isotopes are dangerous and why working with them requires special suits for protection. The isotope of carbon known as carbon-14 is an example of a radioisotope. In contrast, the carbon isotopes called carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable.

This whole discussion of isotopes brings us back to Dalton's Atomic Theory. According to Dalton, atoms of a given element are identical. But if atoms of a given element can have different numbers of neutrons, then they can have different masses as well! How did Dalton miss this? It turns out that elements found in nature exist as constant uniform mixtures of their naturally occurring isotopes. In other words, a piece of lithium always contains both types of naturally occurring lithium (the type with 3 neutrons and the type with 4 neutrons). Moreover, it always contains the two in the same relative amounts (or "relative abundance"). In a chunk of lithium, \(93\%\) will always be lithium with 4 neutrons, while the remaining \(7\%\) will always be lithium with 3 neutrons.

Dalton always experimented with large chunks of an element—chunks that contained all of the naturally occurring isotopes of that element. As a result, when he performed his measurements, he was actually observing the averaged properties of all the different isotopes in the sample. For most of our purposes in chemistry, we will do the same thing and deal with the average mass of the atoms. Luckily, aside from having different masses, most other properties of different isotopes are similar.

There are two main ways in which scientists frequently show the mass number of an atom they are interested in. It is important to note that the mass number is not given on the periodic table. These two ways include writing a nuclear symbol or by giving the name of the element with the mass number written.

To write a nuclear symbol, the mass number is placed at the upper left (superscript) of the chemical symbol and the atomic number is placed at the lower left (subscript) of the symbol. The complete nuclear symbol for helium-4 is drawn below:


Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are called
Nuclear symbol for helium-4: The element symbol is He, the mass number to the top left is 4, and the atomic number to the bottom left is 2

The following nuclear symbols are for a nickel nucleus with 31 neutrons and a uranium nucleus with 146 neutrons.

\[\ce{^{59}_{28}Ni} \nonumber \]

\[ \ce{ ^{238}_{92}U} \nonumber \]

In the nickel nucleus represented above, the atomic number 28 indicates that the nucleus contains 28 protons, and therefore, it must contain 31 neutrons in order to have a mass number of 59. The uranium nucleus has 92 protons, as all uranium nuclei do; and this particular uranium nucleus has 146 neutrons.

Another way of representing isotopes is by adding a hyphen and the mass number to the chemical name or symbol. Thus the two nuclei would be Nickel-59 or Ni-59 and Uranium-238 or U-238, where 59 and 238 are the mass numbers of the two atoms, respectively. Note that the mass numbers (not the number of neutrons) are given to the side of the name.

Example \(\PageIndex{2}\): Potassium-40

How many protons, electrons, and neutrons are in an atom of \(^{40}_{19}\ce{K}\)?


\[\text{atomic number} = \left( \text{number of protons} \right) = 19 \nonumber \]

For all atoms with no charge, the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons.

\[\text{number of electrons} = 19 \nonumber \]

The mass number, 40, is the sum of the protons and the neutrons.

To find the number of neutrons, subtract the number of protons from the mass number.

\[\text{number of neutrons} = 40 - 19 = 21. \nonumber \]

Example \(\PageIndex{3}\): Zinc-65

How many protons, electrons, and neutrons are in an atom of zinc-65?


\[\text{number of protons} = 30 \nonumber \]

For all atoms with no charge, the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons.

\[\text{number of electrons} = 30 \nonumber \]

The mass number, 65, is the sum of the protons and the neutrons.

To find the number of neutrons, subtract the number of protons from the mass number.

\[\text{number of neutrons} = 65 - 30 = 35 \nonumber \]

Exercise \(\PageIndex{3}\)

How many protons, electrons, and neutrons are in each atom?

  1. \(^{60}_{27}\ce{Co}\)
  2. Na-24
  3. \(^{45}_{20}\ce{Ca}\)
  4. Sr-90
Answer a:27 protons, 27 electrons, 33 neutronsAnswer b:11 protons, 11 electrons, 13 neutronsAnswer c:20 protons, 20 electrons, 25 neutronsAnswer d:38 protons, 38 electrons, 52 neutrons


  • The number of protons is always the same in atoms of the same element.
  • The number of neutrons can be different, even in atoms of the same element.
  • Atoms of the same element that contain the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons, are known as isotopes.
  • Isotopes of any given element all contain the same number of protons, so they have the same atomic number (for example, the atomic number of helium is always 2).
  • Isotopes of a given element contain different numbers of neutrons, therefore, different isotopes have different mass numbers.

4.8: Isotopes- When the Number of Neutrons Varies is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.

What is it called when two atoms have the same number of protons but different number of electrons?

Two atoms with the same atomic number, but different mass numbers (same number of protons, different number of neutrons), are called isotopes, or isotopic nuclides.

Has the same number of protons but differ in the number of neutrons?

Atoms of the same element, containing the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons, are known as isotopes.