Assassins Creed Origins how to use hidden blade

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"The Hidden Blade has been a constant companion of ours over the years. Some would say it defines us – and they would not be entirely wrong. Many of our successes would not have been possible without it."―Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex, page 13.[src]

Front and back of the Hidden Blade; extended (center) and retracted (right)

The Hidden Blade is the signature weapon of the members of the Assassin Brotherhood, designed as their primary means of enacting assassinations. Consisting of a blade that can be discreetly extended or retracted from a bracer or gauntlet, the Hidden Blade's portability and concealability complement the Assassins' trademark affinity for stealth and freerunning. It allowed an Assassin to eliminate a target while drawing virtually no attention to themselves, and the techniques developed for its use often ensure near-instantaneous death.

Aside from its practical applications, the blade possesses a ceremonial status that owes to its long history, dating back to at least the Achaemenid Empire when the proto-Assassin Darius used the blade to kill the Persian king Xerxes I in 465 BCE. The blade later travelled to Egypt with Darius, after which its fate is unknown. In the 1st century BCE, it was given to Amunet by Cleopatra. Later, Bayek was given the original blade by Aya, afterwards Aya made herself a replica. Bayek cemented it as the signature weapon of the Hidden Ones, and through them, the Assassin Brotherhood.[1] Since then, the Hidden Blade has continued to evolve throughout the millennia.

Originally requiring the removal of a ring finger to facilitate the extension of the blade, the weapon was modified during the Mentorship of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad so that such a sacrifice was no longer necessary. Further modifications were carried out by various branches of the Brotherhood in subsequent centuries, often by individual users seeking to adapt it to their personal styles. Such examples include the Hidden Footblade of Shao Jun;[2] the Pivot Blade of Ratonhnhaké:ton,[3] the Trident Blade of Arbaaz Mir,[4] and most recently, the Shock Blade of modern times.[5]


  • 1 Design
    • 1.1 Components
    • 1.2 Fragility and metal deflection plate
  • 2 History
    • 2.1 Early use
    • 2.2 Advancements in design
    • 2.3 Modern times
  • 3 Combat
    • 3.1 Other users
  • 4 Upgrades and adaptations
    • 4.1 Modifications by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
    • 4.2 Poison Blade
    • 4.3 Hidden Gun
    • 4.4 Poison dart launcher
    • 4.5 Hidden Bolt
    • 4.6 Two-pronged Blade
    • 4.7 Hook blade
    • 4.8 Hidden Footblade
    • 4.9 Pivot Blade
    • 4.10 Phantom Blade
    • 4.11 Trident Blade
    • 4.12 Shock Blade
    • 4.13 Composite Blade
    • 4.14 Razor-Wire Blade
  • 5 Replicas
    • 5.1 Switchblade
    • 5.2 Corvix Blade
    • 5.3 Hand-crafted
    • 5.4 Bi-jointed
    • 5.5 Telescopic
  • 6 Weapon statistics
    • 6.1 Anglo-Saxon England (9th century)
    • 6.2 Spanish Renaissance (15th century)
    • 6.3 Colonial Louisiana
  • 7 Behind the scenes
  • 8 Appearances
    • 8.1 Non-canonical appearances
  • 9 References


"The blade is designed to ensure the commitment of whoever wields it."―Leonardo da Vinci, regarding the Hidden Blade.[src]

Ezio Auditore with his father's Hidden Blade

As its name implies, the Hidden Blade is a concealable weapon that is composed of a narrow blade set into a channel on the underside of a bracer or gauntlet. Controlled by a spring-loaded mechanism, the blade can spontaneously extend and retract from its position.[6][7][8][9] While this mechanism has differed between models over the centuries,[8][10][11][12] the one in use by the early Levantine Brotherhood employed a ring looped around the little finger and tied to the blade. This ring, when tugged by extending the finger alongside a simultaneous flicking of the wrist, activated the mechanism and unleashed the blade.[8][10]

The use of the Hidden Blade initially required the amputation of a ring finger as a means of allowing the blade to be extended should the user clench their fist, but this is not to say that the blade itself was inoperable without the sacrifice, as both Bayek and Layla Hassan were capable of using the blade simply by flicking their wrists.[8] As the blade's size allowed it to fit neatly through the resulting gap,[6] when an Assassin clenched their fist, the weapon essentially functioned as an extension of the Assassin's own spirit and body—a literal replacement for the lost finger.[8] In this way, the sacrifice demanded with the use of the Hidden Blade was meant to demonstrate the absolute commitment of the one wielding it.[6][7][8] This custom first began when Bayek of Siwa accidentally severed his ring finger when he killed Eudoros, the Hippo of the Order of the Ancients.[13]

Nevertheless, the custom proved to be a handicap as the early Levantine Assassins could be recognized by their missing fingers.[14] To rectify this, the blade's mechanism was modified in the 13th century[9] by the Levantine Mentor Altaïr Ibn-la'Ahad—as outlined in his Codex—so as to no longer require such an extreme sacrifice, and to keep Assassins from being identified so easily.[7] Instead, from the time of this reform to at least the early 20th century,[15] many Assassins branches branded their left ring finger during their initiation into the Order as a sign of their devotion to their cause.[7][16] Other Assassins opted for a tattoo on their ring finger instead while still more traditional-minded guilds such as the Spanish Brotherhood retained the ritual of severing their fingers even when it was no longer necessary.[8][17]

The redesign overhauled the trigger mechanism as well, such that from then on, the blade was launched not by pulling at a ring on the little finger, but by a pressure switch inside the bracer itself. As with the former mechanism, flexing of the wrist remains the means of activation though the little finger is no longer involved in the process.[8][11]


With the aid of the Apple of Eden, Altaïr re-discovered a lost formula for a secret alloy utilized by the ancient Isu. Under his leadership, Hidden Blades were forged from this metal.[7][8] Because the metals for this alloy were scarce, the Mentor had to be mindful of the supply of Hidden Blades. By the end of his life, his fear that the alloy would be stolen and appropriated by nefarious forces led him to erase all records of its formula entirely. As a result, he took this secret to his death.[7][14] Hidden Blades afterwards reverted back to employing lesser, common metals, such as iron, for its blade.[15]

The standard model of Hidden Blade crafted by the Italian Brotherhood during the Renaissance era was constructed from a bar of iron and at least two coils; three gears, two sprockets, one chain, and three screws alongside the hide for the leather bracer.[15]

Fragility and metal deflection plate

Due to their small size, Hidden Blades could be broken when struck with enough force and were not originally designed for full-fledged combat.[6] Although the use of Isu metal by Altaïr temporarily eliminated this flaw, not all Assassins had the luxury of accessing Hidden Blades forged from this alloy. Several Assassins after him at some point in their lives, including Giovanni Auditore da Firenze and his son Ezio of the Italian Brotherhood, had their blades broken in combat under the blow of a sword.[14][18] In 1715; the blade of the Assassin traitor Duncan Walpole was bent out of shape in the midst of combat with the pirate Edward Kenway, rendering it unusable.[12] This fragility persists in modern times; in 2015, Master Assassin Galina Voronina had both of her Hidden Blades broken in combat with Juhani Otso Berg when the blades got stuck in a pillar when she tried to stab him, and he punched her arms, snapping the blades off in the process.[5]

As a result, Assassins throughout history typically favoured more conventional weapons such as swords in open conflict, with Hidden Blades only relegated to assassinations.[6] Their short length—with a lesser reach than that of daggers—meant that without upgrades, they were unsuited for parrying. In his modifications, Altaïr added a plate forged from Precursor metal to act as reinforced barriers for the bracer.[7] As demonstrated by Ezio, this near-indestructible plate was highly effective at deflecting the strikes of other weapons.[7][16] In spite of its efficiency, this innovation was not ubiquitous, unlike the redesign that removed the necessity of severing the ring finger. As late as the 18th and 19th centuries, Assassins from the Parisian Brotherhood and British Brotherhood could not feasibly utilize Hidden Blades in combat.[5][19]


Early use

Altaïr with his Hidden Blade extended

The first recorded use of the Hidden Blade was dated during the 5th century BCE, in the area known as modern-day Iran, when Darius used it to assassinate King Xerxes I.[7][20] The Hidden Blade's history of use was extended further in Egypt during the Ptolemaic Kingdom when Darius' Hidden Blade was given to his descendant Aya by Cleopatra to aid in their quest to take down the Order of the Ancients; Aya in turn later gave it to her husband, Bayek. It was the accidental severing of Bayek's ring finger that began the custom of removing said finger.[13]

At some point during or after the 5th century BCE, the Spartan misthios Kassandra came to possess a Hidden Blade through unknown means. Unlike her former compatriot Darius, she wore the Hidden Blade under her left forearm like most Hidden Ones during the 9th century.[21]

During the 9th century, Raven Clan shieldmaiden Eivor Varinsdottir possessed a Hidden Blade which, like Darius’, had the blade on top of the wrist, rather than below it albeit over her left forearm rather than her right.[22]

By the 12th century, Assassins were regularly outfitted with a Hidden Blade as part of their equipment. The blades saw a wide and extensive use for assassinations, as they could be easily kept out of sight and allowed for quicker and stealthier eliminations.[6]

Following his rise to the position of Mentor of the Levantine Brotherhood in 1191, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was inspired by the Apple of Eden to redesign the Hidden Blades so that they could be used without the removal of the ring finger. A construction that became common thereafter.[7]

Advancements in design

"Despite its age, the construction is rather advanced. I've never seen anything quite like it."―Leonardo da Vinci studying the Hidden Blade.[src]

Giovanni Auditore's Hidden Blade

By the 15th century, the updated Hidden Blade design was dispersed throughout the Old World. The mechanism no longer required a wrist "flick" to release the blade, allowing the user to extend or retract it without any hand movement. Additionally, the weapon could be used with a clenched fist; Giovanni Auditore was one of the few known Assassins to use it in this manner.[18]

Through studying pages from Altaïr's codex, Leonardo da Vinci was able to provide Ezio Auditore with a variety of upgrades, such as the addition of a second Hidden Blade. The right to bear two Hidden Blades was thereafter reserved for those who had earned the rank of Master Assassin.[7] Later innovations to the weapon's design included: a hook, most common to the Ottoman Assassins of Constantinople,[14]; extra blades, as seen among the Indian Assassins,[4]; and the hidden foot blade, utilized by the Chinese Assassin Shao Jun.[2]

By the 17th century, use of dual blades had become more common, as suggested by a large number of such weapons collected by Julien du Casse. Slight structural changes had also emerged; as the blades used by the Caribbean Assassins, and the Colonial Assassins prior to the purge in 1763, were wider than those seen in 16th century Europe.[12] At an unknown point in time, former Mentor of the Colonial Assassins, Achilles Davenport, acquired a Hidden Blade which could pivot and be used in a manner similar to a dagger. He passed this blade on to Ratonhnhaké:ton in 1770, who often wielded it in conjunction with his tomahawk.[23] In the mid 19th century, the Indian Assassin Arbaaz Mir utilized a Hidden Blade in the form of a trident, composed of three blades.[4]

Modern times

Nikolai Orelov's Hidden Blade

During the late 19th and early 20th century, the Hidden Blade was still a part of standard Assassin attire and continued to be commonly used in close combat. However, they began to decline in usage shortly after and were retained largely only by high-ranking Assassins, such as Paul Bellamy, for purposes of tradition. They were also used as part of ceremonies, such as when Daniel Cross was gifted with a Hidden Blade by the Mentor in 2000.[24]

Regular use of the Hidden Blade, while uncommon in the 21st century, is still practised in some regions. In 2013, members of the Onmoraki-Gumi, a Yakuza branch taken over by the Japanese Brotherhood in Osaka, wore Hidden Blades that were concealed by the long sleeves of their suits.[25]

By the 21st century, the Indians once again used a new design of this iconic weapon, one that incorporated an explosive device. This mechanism could be remotely activated by a touch screen on another wirelessly connected Hidden Blade and served as a means to dispose of the body of a fallen comrade. When Jasdip Dhami activated the weapon of his dead sister in 2013, the explosion was so powerful that it destroyed an entire floor of a building. Aside from this, this particular model shifted the blade to the side, defying the usual custom of hiding it beneath the wrist.[4]


Altaïr performing a counter with the Hidden Blade

As its main purpose was for stealthy assassinations, the Hidden Blade could only be used in combat under certain conditions, and could not block any attack. Altaïr was only able to assassinate a guard who had fallen to the ground or became inattentive.[6]Altaïr could also use the Hidden Blade in a counterattack; however, the time frame was extremely short in comparison to that of his sword and dagger. Successfully intercepting an attack enabled one of several different – and always lethal – counterattacks.[6]

Ezio using his dual blades in combat

The Hidden Blade became more useful in combat due to upgrades over time. The mounting of a metal plate on the opposite side of the blade allowed it to be used defensively. In terms of an offense; when used together, the dual Hidden Blades were swift but less damaging in comparison to a sword, with more utility in suppressing enemy attacks. In addition; every counterattack with the Hidden Blades resulted in an instant kill, with only the narrow timing window as a disadvantage.[7]

Other users

Despite it being their primary and most recognizable feature, the Hidden Blade's use has not always been exclusive to the Assassins, with some even falling into the hands of the Templar Order. Several Assassins who betrayed their order and joined the Templars were known to keep their Hidden Blades rather than dispose of them, understanding their usefulness. Vali cel Tradat[14] and Shay Cormac were both examples of this, and both actively used them to hunt down and kill many of their former brothers and sisters.[26] Other Templars were known to take Hidden Blades as trophies from Assassins they had encountered; Haytham Kenway[23] and Julien du Casse[12] were examples, with Kenway's left Hidden Blade being taken from the British Assassin Miko after a duel[27] and later being taken in turn by his son Ratonhnhaké:ton as a memento.[23] Daniel Cross also possessed a Hidden Blade which he was given by the Mentor of the Assassin Order and which Daniel used to kill the Mentor immediately afterwards;[24] he then turned this blade over to his superiors at Abstergo, who studied and heavily modified the original design.[28] Finally, the Templar Julie de la Serre used a blade hidden under her shoe.[29]

Upgrades and adaptations

Modifications by Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad

"The device has begun to show its age – and so I have been researching improvements beyond ending the need to remove one's finger to wield it."―Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex, page 13.[src]

The blade with the pistol and poison upgrades

In his studies of the Apple of Eden, Altaïr envisioned several upgrades for the Hidden Blade which he recorded in his Codex,[7] and which were implemented under his Mentorship.[14] Centuries later Ezio acquired these Codex pages over his travels, and Leonardo da Vinci recreated the improvements detailed within when Ezio presented him with a page.[7]

The first of these improvements was the provision of a metal plate on top of the primary blade's bracer. This allowed one to safely deflect enemy attacks with the blades and also made the blade more durable in combat. Most critically, the entire weapon was redesigned so as to eliminate the necessity of removing the ring finger for an extension. The third yet most simple was the provision of a secondary Hidden Blade; attached to the user's other arm and identical in every way to the first, allowing an Assassin to kill two targets, one beside the other, at once, whether on the ground or from the air.[7]

Poison Blade

Main article: Poison Blade

In a break from the prohibitions of his predecessor Al Mualim, Altaïr created the Poison Blade, a supplement to the Hidden Blade that is hollowed within to harbour poison that was injected when the blade was stabbed into a target. Because of its exceedingly thin profile and the requirement of a hollow chamber, the Poison Blade risked being particularly brittle, and in his Codex, Altaïr cautioned that deviations from his exact schematics would likely produce a blade that could easily fracture. Intended as an even less conspicuous weapon, the Poison Blade was not designed for high-profile assassinations, but to silently prick enemies and leave them to die slow deaths that occasionally serve as diversions for other enemies.[7]

Hidden Gun

Main article: Hidden Gun

An invention that was far ahead of its time, the Hidden Gun was a portable firearm built into the Hidden Blade's bracer which acted as a ranged counterpart to the usual blade. While its ammunition were shots typical of the pistols that were standard until the end of the early 19th century, its wheellock mechanism was far more sophisticated than the flintlocks of later centuries. Unlike later ranged variants, the Hidden Gun was as loud and disruptive as any typical firearm and emitted a cloud of smoke upon firing and consequently was not ideal for stealth; when Ezio used it to assassinate the Templar Marco Barbarigo, he timed his firing with the explosion of fireworks at the Carnevale to disguise the noise. Nevertheless, as a concealed, ranged weapon, it was an effective and deadly tool for surprise assassinations, discreet up until the instant after its execution.[7] The first recorded victim of the Hidden Gun was, however, Abbas Sofian, as Altaïr shot him in 1247.[14]

Poison dart launcher

Main article: Poison dart

The Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci, as one of the closest friends to Ezio Auditore, was a chief engineer and inventor for the Italian Brotherhood; and, using the blueprints found in Altaïr's Codex, he implemented further improvements to the Hidden Blade. During his time in Rome; he crafted a ranged-variant of the Poison Blade, a poison dart launcher, which fired poison darts from a distance and acted as a silent alternative to the Hidden Gun, an even more inconspicuous weapon than the prior advancements.[16]

Hidden Bolt

"I ask if he can arm a crossbow bolt beneath my wrist. He ponders for a moment and declares it possible, but expensive."―Francesco Vecellio asking Leonardo to create the Hidden Bolt.[src]

At the request of the Italian Assassin apprentice Francesco Vecellio, Leonardo designed the Hidden Bolt, a weapon that could fire small crossbow bolts. As Francesco was only an apprentice at the time, Ezio had not allowed him to use the Hidden Gun, and so Francesco had devised a similar, though lighter, alternative.[15] As a portable miniature wrist-mounted crossbow, the Hidden Bolt was a precursor-of-sorts to the later Phantom Blade used by the French brotherhood in 18th century.[19]

Two-pronged Blade

María's hidden blade

During the Reconquista, the Spanish Assassin María used a variation of the Hidden Blade which consisted of two thinner blades positioned next to one another. Besides this modification, the weapon operated similarly to the traditional Hidden Blade.[17] Its template, as a two-pronged Hidden Blade, was later adopted in the 21st century as the basis for the Shock Blade.[8]

Hook blade

Main article: Hookblade

"The Hookblade helps you get around fast, surprise guards, and is not too bad in a fight."―Yusuf Tazim to Ezio Auditore da Firenze[src]

Yusuf showing the Hookblade to Ezio

The Hookblade was a modification of the Hidden Blade that was first adopted by the Ottoman Brotherhood of Assassins. Unlike the other Hidden Blade advancements, it was attached to the user's secondary Hidden Blade instead of the primary. It consisted of both a curved hook and a regular blade, allowing it to be used for freerunning as well as combat.[14]

Upon his arrival in the city of Constantinople, Ezio was introduced to this advancement by Yusuf Tazim, who instructed the former in its application in both navigation and combat. With regard to the former, the Hookblade extended one's reach while climbing and leaping and could be used in conjunction with ziplines that had been installed throughout Constantinople. Additionally, it allowed the wielder to perform the "hook-and-run", a manoeuvre in which the wielder flipped over enemies to pass them by.[14]

The Hookblade also aided in battle by allowing a wider variety of attacks or counters, such as the "hook-and-throw", which pulled in targets for a close-range attack. In addition, it permitted one to "counter-steal", essentially tearing off an enemy's purse with the blade, which provoked them further and left them open to an easy counterattack.[14]

Aside from this, the Hookblade could be used to pull down scaffolds while on the run, thereby slowing down or eliminating pursuers. This was particularly useful when done in conjunction with caltrop bombs.[14]

Hidden Footblade

Jun utilizing her Hidden Footblade in melee combat

Also referred to as the Hidden Shoe Blade, the Hidden Footblade was a modification made to the Hidden Blade by Chinese Assassin Shao Jun. It allowed its users to maintain a low profile in areas where weapons were deemed restricted, as well as to surprise unsuspecting assailants with the combined use of blade and footwork, typically augmented through the studied use of leg-based martial arts. Shao Jun developed skilled footwork and flexibility because she danced in the imperial court when she was a concubine for the Zhengde Emperor, who refused to bind her feet. It was one of her favourite methods of assassination.[2][30]

However, this tactic was not solely exclusive to the Assassin Order: Julie de la Serre, a French Templar and wife to Grand Master François de la Serre, implemented the use of a Hidden Footblade in combat with two rogue Assassins who had been employed to eliminate her and her daughter Élise.[29]

Pivot Blade

Ratonhnhaké:ton stabbing Haytham Kenway with the Pivot Blade

By the 18th century, the Hidden Blade had become an even deadlier tool thanks to the development of the Pivot Blade, which allows its user to rotate the blade 90 degrees and wield it like a dagger. Because it can pivot in either direction, it can be wielded in either a conventional or reverse grip, and its main function is to render the carrying of an additional short blade unnecessary. It can also be dual-wielded on the off-hand alongside a primary weapon, like a sword or tomahawk, in which case it would serve as a parrying dagger. The durability of its design was such that it cannot be broken, even with the swing of an axe.[23]

When not used in open combat, the Pivot Blade can be retracted into the Hidden Blade configuration for stealthy assassinations. Moreover, the blade has utility in the wilderness. Since it is double-edged with one side serrated, it is handy for skinning animals, and the Kanien'kehá:ka Assassin Ratonhnhaké:ton employed this feature often while hunting.[23]

Phantom Blade

Main article: Phantom Blade

Arno's Phantom Blade

The Phantom Blade is a variation of the traditional Hidden Blade utilized by the French Assassins during the French Revolution. Taking inspiration from crossbows and condensing one onto the gauntlet, it complements the Hidden Blade with an option to deliver a swift and silent assassination at range. The Phantom Blade can be loaded with either a regular bolt or a bolt laced with berserk toxins and can be modified to allow two shots per round.[19]

Trident Blade

Arbaaz Mir's three-pronged Trident Blade

Like other mechanically modified Hidden Blades, the Trident Blade is a variation known to have been wielded by the Assassin Arbaaz Mir where the outer compartment can open out to form a three-pronged fork, revealing another blade nestled within.[4]

Shock Blade

Concept art of the Shock Blade

The Shock Blade is a type of Hidden Blade used during the 21st century, replacing the traditional steel blade with two parallel blades. Upon penetration into the flesh of the target, it generates an electrical arc, electrocuting the target and internally cauterizing the wound. By 2015, some Assassins were equipped with this new kind of weapon. Shaun Hastings notably used one to ambush and assassinate the high-ranking Templar Isabelle Ardant in London in 2015.[5]

Composite Blade

Callum's Hidden Blade

In order to infiltrate high-security areas, the Composite Blade was designed to be taken apart and put back together easily, with most of the separate components resembling everyday items, such as a belt buckle, a mobile phone case, a pen, and the blade itself. Callum Lynch and a small group of Assassins infiltrated the Templar Council of Elders' meeting at Holborn Hall in London, assembling the blade in a secluded area of the building; Callum used the Composite Blade to slit the throat of the Grand Master Alan Rikkin before reclaiming Aguilar's Apple of Eden.[17]

Razor-Wire Blade

In 2017; Saeko Mochizuki, the Mentor of the Japanese Brotherhood, sent a new gauntlet to Kiyoshi Takakura while he was on a mission abroad, the Razor-Wire Blade. Kiyoshi used his new gauntlet in Spain, against two Instruments who were holding him, severing their limbs.[31]


"The assassin leaps! As he lands upon the senator, a weapon protrudes from his wrist. Pierces his victim's neck!"―Fiora Cavazza observing an Assassin's technique.[src]

In their study of the Assassins' methods and weaponry, several members of the Templar Order created their own variations of the Hidden Blade, though the mechanism and appearance often differed.[15] Additionally, the practice was not exclusive to the Order, some existing instances have been taken into account.


Il Lupo's switchblade

The first known instance of this was in the early 16th century when Fiora Cavazza and Baltasar de Silva tailed the Assassins of Rome in order to take note of their techniques. They eventually trained Il Lupo in the Assassins' ways and equipped him with a switchblade; a Hidden Blade variation that split into two parts, folding forward only when in use.[15] Lia de Russo also wore her own Hidden Blade, and though its mechanisms seemed to match that of the Assassins, it was worn on top of her forearm, rather than underneath.[16]

Corvix Blade

A replica of the Hidden Blade was designed by Demetrio il Silente based on blueprints stolen from Villa Auditore by the Crows. These replicas bore the symbol of a crow's head and were the preferred weapon of the group.[9]


While disguised as a slave in Chichen Itza, Aveline de Grandpré was forced to make replica Hidden Blades by scrounging up knives, belts, and wood. The end result was deemed crude but effective.[32]


In modern times, during the second stage of simulations hosted by the Animi Training Program of Abstergo Industries, every recruit was given access to a variation of the Hidden Blade. The virtual weapon was also worn under the left forearm, but its blade folded along two circular joints when not in use.[14]


As part of the console stage of Abstergo Entertainment's Animus technology, the Animi Avatars contained within could use another variation of the Hidden Blade, this time possessing a two-part telescopic function to the mechanism.[23]

Weapon statistics

Anglo-Saxon England (9th century)

NameDamageSpeedMiss ChanceModifiersRequirementsBasim's Blades700-8201.0010%+40 Attack
+20 Defense
+60 Health
+6% Critical Chance
+10% Critical Bonus
+8% Dodge
+110 Lethality
+20 Dexterity
+35 Agility300,000 Coins
175 Damascus steel
100 Gold ingots
1 Ancient tablet

Spanish Renaissance (15th century)

NameTierDamageSpeedMiss ChanceModifiersRequirementsHidden Blades★2-61.0015%N/A1,200 R
15 Copper Ore
15 Tin OreWave Blades★3-51.0015%+5 Lethality1,200 R
10 Copper Ore
10 Tin OreBarbed Blades★★6-191.0015%+3% Critical Chance
+15% Critical Bonus6,000 R
75 Iron Ore
75 Tanned LeatherFine Hidden Blades★★7-171.0015%+5 Dexterity4,000 R
50 Iron Ore
50 Leather Scraps
1 Hidden BladesFine Wave Blades★★6-161.0015%+8 Lethality4,000 R
40 Iron Ore
40 Leather Scraps
1 Wave BladesSerrated Blades★★★20-401.0015%+10 Dexterity13,500 R
125 Steel Ingot
125 Silver IngotFine Barbed Blades★★★20-451.0015%+3% Critical Chance
+30% Critical Bonus10,000 R
150 Steel Ingot
150 Hardened Leather
1 Barbed BladesDouble Blades★★★★65-1051.0015%+12 Lethality
+12 Dexterity28,000 R
225 Toledo Steel
225 Steel IngotMaster Serrated Blades★★★★62-1021.0015%+12 Dexterity21,000 R
200 Toledo Steel
200 Silver Ingot
1 Serrated BladesExtortionate Pair★★★★★400-5001.0010%+15 Attack
+5% Critical Chance
+30% Critical Bonus
+10% Dodge
+68 Dexterity150,000 R
120 Damascus Steel
40 Gold ingots
1 ObsidianRuthless Blades★★★★★410-4951.0015%+3% Critical Chance
+40% Critical Bonus
+50 Lethality
+50 Dexterity150,000 R
110 Damascus Steel
45 Gold Ingot
1 JetSultan's Vengeance★★★★★710-8201.0015%+4% Critical Chance
+55% Critical Bonus
+5% Dodge
+90 Lethality
+145 Dexterity300,000 R
220 Damascus Steel
90 Gold Ingot
1 Ancient TabletLover's Parting★★★★★670-7851.0015%+5% Critical Chance
+50% Critical Bonus
+4% Dodge
+115 Lethality
+115 Dexterity300,000 R
220 Damascus Steel
90 Gold Ingot
1 Ancient TabletAuditore Blades★★★★★695-8101.0015%+6% Critical Chance
+45% Critical Bonus
+3% Dodge
+170 Lethality
+90 Dexterity300,000 R
220 Damascus Steel
90 Gold Ingot
1 Ancient Tablet

Colonial Louisiana

DamageSpeedCombo killChain-killCostPersona2552N/AAssassin, Slave, Lady

Behind the scenes


Patrice Désilets, one of the creative directors for the Assassin's Creed series, stated that the addition of a second blade in Assassin's Creed II also had a lucid reason: "it's Assassin's Creed II, so there [were] two blades."

Assassin's Creed: Renaissance and early concept art for Assassin's Creed II show Ezio possessing three Hidden Blades; one on his right, and two on his left.

The original design of Ezio's second Hidden Blade in Assassin's Creed II is displayed as a brown glove. However, in-game it is replaced with a second bracer. This was reverted in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, however, where his second Hidden Blade included a glove until a bracer had been purchased.

Concept art for the "Shock Blade"; a modern version of the Hidden Blade, is shown in the Assassin's Creed Encyclopedia.

On his blog, Assassin's Creed concept artist Gilles Beloeil stated that the 21st century model of the Hidden Blade is much smaller, being 3.25 inches, yet still as effective as its older equivalents. It was shortened due to modern security systems, such as cameras.

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood box art; E3 Trailer, and other official media including the opening cinematics for Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed III depict Ezio with a secondary Hidden Blade bracer that is identical to his primary one even though in-game, no such second bracer exists. The same occurs with Ratonhnhaké:ton on the "Ignite the Revolution" poster and in the box art for Assassin's Creed III.

In early concept art for Assassin's Creed III; rope darts were integrated onto the Hidden Blade's bracer, envisioned as the "Chain Blade". This concept was later modified to be closer to reality, resulting in the "Chain Blade" being scrapped for a more reasonable alternative. This ultimately developed into a grappling hook for the Hidden Blade in Assassin's Creed: Syndicate used by the twins Evie and Jacob Frye. However, in Assassin's Creed Templars Volume 1: Black Cross, a similar weapon is used by the Black Cross Albert Bolden.

The second Hidden Blade is marginally longer than the primary one in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.

Early images of Assassin's Creed: Revelations show Ezio with a Hookblade on his left arm, rather than on his right. In these, the hook was incorporated directly into the blade, rather than as a separate function. The actual hook of the Hookblade resembles the head of an eagle, a bird frequently associated with the Assassin Order.

In various interviews and print media, Ubisoft Montreal stated that the Hookblade was intended to increase navigation speed by a factor of 30% in Revelations, in comparison to previous instalments of the Assassin's Creed series. The Hookblade was also considered for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag; but Darby McDevitt, the lead writer for Revelations and Black Flag, objected as he wanted to dispel the stereotype of hook-handed pirates.

Unlike the Hidden Gun and Poison Blade, the Hookblade supplemented Ezio's secondary Hidden Blade, rather than his primary one.

One concept art by Martin Deschambault for Assassin's Creed II shows two unimplemented Hidden Blade upgrades; a retracting arrow-shaped blade, and a retracting trident-ended blade for parrying weapons and disarming enemies. His art also shows two designs of the blade itself; feather-look, and normal blade with designed holes. Noticeable similarities with this concept and that of the Trident Blade aesthetically suggest that the design may have been used to create Arbaaz Mir's Hidden Blade.

In concept art for Assassin's Creed: Origins by Martin Deschambault, it was revealed that the original Hidden Blade from Persia in 500 BCE was originally worn above the right forearm rather than under the left wrist and did not require the sacrifice of the user's ring finger. This was later shown in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey with Darius wielding the first Hidden Blade above his right forearm whilst keeping all ten fingers.

Concept art for Bayek's Hidden Blade differs from its final in-game design, in which the blade was hollowed out in the center, unlike the final design. However, a Hidden Blade with a hollowed out center resembling the concept art is used for the third, fourth, and fifth Hidden Blade upgrade in Assassin's Creed: Origins.


In the E3 teaser trailer of Assassin's Creed; as well as in certain concept art, Altaïr can be seen pushing a button to operate his Hidden Blade. In-game, however, no such button or other trigger mechanism existed.

In the Assassin's Creed: Renaissance and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood novel, unleashing the Hidden Blade required the use of a button, via a certain muscle on the forearm being flexed. The same mechanism also triggered the Hidden Gun when Ezio's thumb is pushed to the left.

In an Assassin's Creed developer diary video, Jade Raymond spoke about the lack of Altaïr's ring finger and the Assassins' initiation ceremony.

The Hidden Blade is a crafted item in Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy. The materials for its construction are 2 Coils; 1 Iron, 1 Hide and 1 Box of Components. The latter in turn is crafted using 3 Gears; 3 Screws, 1 Chain and 2 Sprockets.

In Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade, the trigger mechanism is depicted as a ring worn around a pinky finger. Movement of that finger causes the blade to extend or retract.

Custom dictates that the Hidden Blade usually be worn on the left hand, as demonstrated by all Assassins who wield only one Hidden Blade.

The closest novel adaptation of the Hidden Blade to the in-game version appears in Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, wherein Edward Kenway stated he had activated the blade by the tensing of a muscle that comes from the upper arm as well as the forearm, and a simultaneous flick of the wrist. This is much unlike the ring-triggered or button mechanisms as mentioned in previous novels, thus more like the in-game Hidden Blade. However; this mechanism comes with the dangerous risk of accidentally activating the Hidden Blade while flicking the wrist unintentionally, which can result in the death of a person or the wielder themselves. This is acknowledged in Assassin's Creed: Underworld where, at one point, Ethan Frye rests his chin on his left hand while wearing a Hidden Blade, with the blade itself less than an inch from his throat.

Bayek's Hidden Blade may be different as his amputated ring finger has a leather cover which is connected to the Hidden Blade itself via a string (and the bracer via leather patching), which when pulled, extends or retracts the blade, matching the description as mentioned in The Secret Crusade. The string is also significantly long enough so as to not be pulled by accident.


In Assassin's Creed, despite being equipped with a Hidden Blade some Assassins, such as Malik Al-Sayf, retained all fingers. This error was later corrected in Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Along with this, however, came another error. The Assassins retain amputated ring fingers even after Altaïr had changed the design of the blade so that amputation was no longer necessary.

In Assassin's Creed, the Hidden Blade is used in every major assassination. Even if an Assassin begins by attacking their target with a sword, they always finish them off with the Hidden Blade. Later games, however, changed so that the player can use any weapon they wish for major assassinations.

In Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines; if the PlayStation Portable was linked to Assassins Creed II, Altaïr's Hidden Blade can be upgraded to be able to block light and heavy attacks, as along with a variant of the Hidden Gun that fires throwing knives instead of bullets.

In Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles, Altaïr can only use the Hidden Blade when standing directly behind an enemy for a low-profile assassination if that enemy is not a story-designated target. If the enemy is a specific assassination target; however, the player receives a prompt to high-profile assassinate from any position.

There is a glitch in the Assassin's Creed II mission "Practice What You Preach": if Ezio goes to the blacksmith and purchases the Leather Vambrace, instead of practising the new assassination techniques, he acquires the second Hidden Blade before Leonardo has even made it for him.

The Hidden Blade can be used in Valve's Team Fortress 2 by the Spy class under the name "Sharp Dresser". It was available for those who pre-ordered Assassin's Creed: Revelations on Steam before 2 December 2011.

In Assassin's Creed: Unity, Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, and Assassin's Creed: Origins, the Hidden Blade is restricted to stealth assassinations only, and is no longer selectable as a weapon to use in open combat. This is likely due to the removal of combo kills and counterattacks, which did not depend on a weapon's stats. That said, Jacob and Evie sometimes use the Hidden Blade in conjunction with their equipped weapon during kill animations. Usage of the Hidden Blade in combat returns in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla; however, this requires Eivor to not wield anything in her off-hand, and can only be used in certain special attacks as opposed to being a selectable weapon in-game.

In Assassin's Creed III and Assassin's Creed III: Liberation, some British, Continental, and Spanish troops, more specifically the scouts, can perform an animation that is similar to the hook and run which would temporarily disorientate Ratonhnhaké:ton and Aveline.

There are several cutscenes in which Ezio's Hookblade is not actually on his wrist. Examples include his conversation with Yusuf in "Setting Sail" and whenever he recruits an Assassin.

Various Templars such as Roi des Thunes or the Black Crosses have used the Templar pin as a discreet weapon for assassinations much like how the Assassins use Hidden Blades, meaning that the Templar pin could be considered the Hidden Blades' Templar counterpart.

In Assassin's Creed: Origins, when Aya gives the first Hidden Blade to Bayek, she identifies it as "a weapon of justice".

In the memory "End of the Snake" in Assassin's Creed: Origins, when Bayek assassinates Eudoros with the Hidden Blade, it always appears in its initial form, even if the player has upgraded the weapon.


  • Assassin's Creed (first appearance)
  • Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles
  • Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines
  • Assassin's Creed: Lineage
  • Assassin's Creed II
  • Assassin's Creed II: Discovery
  • Assassin's Creed: Renaissance
  • Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy
  • Assassin's Creed: The Fall
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood novel
  • Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade
  • Assassin's Creed: Embers
  • Assassin's Creed: Ascendance
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations novel
  • Assassin's Creed: Recollection
  • Assassin's Creed: The Chain
  • Assassin's Creed III
    • The Tyranny of King Washington
  • Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
  • Assassin's Creed: Forsaken
  • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
    • Freedom Cry
  • Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
  • Assassin's Creed: Brahman
  • Assassin's Creed: Memories
  • Assassin's Creed: Rogue
  • Assassin's Creed: Unity
  • Assassin's Creed: Unity novel
  • Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
  • Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
  • Assassin's Creed: Underworld
  • Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India
  • Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia
  • Assassin's Creed: Identity (ambiguously canonical appearance)
  • Assassin's Creed Volume 1: Trial by Fire
  • Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants
  • Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants – Locus
  • Assassin's Creed Volume 2: Setting Sun
  • Assassin's Creed: Templars – Volume 1: Black Cross
  • Assassin's Creed: Heresy
  • Assassin's Creed (film)
  • Assassin's Creed: The Official Movie Novelization
  • Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants – Tomb of the Khan
  • Assassin's Creed: Templars – Volume 2: Cross of War
  • Assassin's Creed Volume 3: Homecoming
  • Assassin's Creed: Uprising
  • Assassin's Creed: Origins
    • The Hidden Ones
    • The Curse of the Pharaohs
  • Assassin's Creed: Origins comic
  • Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
    • Legacy of the First Blade
  • Assassin's Creed: Rebellion
  • Assassin's Creed: Dynasty
  • Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
    • Wrath of the Druids
    • The Siege of Paris
  • Assassin's Creed: Fragments – The Blade of Aizu
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood of Venice
  • Roma
  • Creed vs Crows (non-canon)
  • Tokyo XXI
  • Assassin's Creed: Mirage
  • Assassin's Creed: Red
  • Assassin's Creed: Hexe

Non-canonical appearances

  • Assassin's Creed (mobile game)
  • Assassin's Creed II (mobile game)
  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (mobile game)
  • Assassin's Creed: Revelations (mobile game)
  • Assassin's Creed: Awakening
  • Assassin's Creed: The Ming Storm


An image gallery is available for Hidden Blade

  1. Assassin's Creed: Origins – The Hidden Ones
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Assassin's Creed: Embers
  3. Assassin's Creed III
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Assassin's Creed: Brahman
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Assassin's Creed: Syndicate
  6. ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Assassin's Creed
  7. ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 Assassin's Creed II
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 Assassin's Creed: The Essential Guide
  9. ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Assassin's Creed: Identity
  10. ↑ 10.0 10.1 Assassin's Creed: The Secret Crusade
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 Assassin's Creed: Renaissance
  12. ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Assassin's Creed: Black Flag
  13. ↑ 13.0 13.1 Assassin's Creed: Origins
  14. ↑ 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  15. ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Assassin's Creed: Project Legacy
  16. ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
  17. ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Assassin's Creed: The Movie
  18. ↑ 18.0 18.1 Assassin's Creed: Lineage
  19. ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Assassin's Creed: Unity
  20. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - Legacy of the First Blade
  21. Assassin's Creed: Valhalla – Assassin's Creed Crossover Stories – [citation needed]
  22. Assassin's Creed: Valhalla
  23. ↑ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 Assassin's Creed III
  24. ↑ 24.0 24.1 Assassin's Creed: The Fall Issue #3
  25. Assassin's Creed: Initiates – Surveillance
  26. Assassin's Creed: Rogue
  27. Assassin's Creed: Forsaken
  28. Assassin's Creed: The Chain
  29. ↑ 29.0 29.1 Assassin's Creed: Unity novel
  30. Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China
  31. Assassin's Creed: Uprising
  32. Assassin's Creed III: Liberation


Hidden OnesNotable proto-Assassins

Eve • Adam • Darius • Kassandra • Iltani • Wei Yu

Notable members

Bayek • Amunet • Tahira • Leonius • Li E • Basim Ibn Ishaq • Hytham

Notable allies

Pythagoras • Sokrates • Herodotos • Hippokrates • Eivor Varinsdottir


Acolyte • Master • Mentor

Precursor organizations

Artabanus' group • Iltani's Order • Medjay

Affiliated groups

Vikings (Raven Clan) • Women of the Mist


The Creed • Hidden Blade • Leap of Faith • Eagle Vision • Bureau • Insignia

Assassin BrotherhoodNotable members

Hassan-i Sabbāh • Al Mualim • Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad • Ezio Auditore da Firenze • Niccolò Machiavelli • Aguilar de Nerha • Shao Jun • Adéwalé • Edward Kenway • Ratonhnhaké:ton • Aveline de Grandpré • Arno Dorian • Arbaaz Mir • Jacob Frye • Evie Frye • Nikolai Orelov • Lydia Frye • Eddie Gorm • Alekseï Gavrani • Desmond Miles • Layla Hassan

Notable allies

Leonardo da Vinci • Suleiman the Magnificent • George Washington • Napoleon Bonaparte • Frederick Abberline • Queen Victoria • Vladimir Lenin • Winston Churchill


Austria • Babylon • Caribbean • China • Egypt • France • Greece • Haiti • India • Italy • Japan • Levant • Louisiana • Ottoman Empire • Persia • Roman Empire • Russia • Spain • US • UK


Apprentice • Novice • Master Assassin • Assassin leader • Assassin Council • Mentor

Assassin-affiliated groups

Vigilantes • Cypriot Resistance • House of Auditore • Republic of Florence (House of Medici) • Mercenaries • Thieves • Courtesans • Ottomans • Tokugawa shogunate • Pirates • Maroon rebellion • Sons of Liberty • French Empire • Sikhs • The Rooks • Narodnaya Volya • Initiates • Erudito


The Creed • Hidden Blade • Leap of Faith • Eagle Vision • Assassin bureau • Assassin insignia • Assassin-Templar War

Assassin's Creed: Altaïr's Chronicles



Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad • Al Mualim • Hamid • Harash • Hazad • Kadar • Rafik


Basilisk's champion • Basilisk • Harash • Master of the Tower • Master of the Tower's student • Qasim • Roland Napule • Sadad • Tamir


Adha • Alaat • Ayman • Badr • Fajera • Firas • Misbah • Nazim


Assassins (Levantine Brotherhood) • Templars (Levantine Rite) • Crusaders (Knights Templar • Knights Hospitalier • Knights Teutonic) • Saracens


Acre • Alep • Damascus • Jerusalem • Temple of Sand • Tyre


Third Crusade (Quest for the Chalice • Siege of Acre)

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Animus • Blending • Eavesdropping • Genetic memory • Informers • Interrogation • Investigation • Leap of Faith • Memories • Pickpocketing • Scholars • Social Stealth • Synchronization

Weapons and tools

Bombs • Crossbow • Grappling hook • Hidden Blade • Swords • Throwing knives

Assassin's Creed



Desmond Miles • Lucy Stillman • Subject 16 | Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad • Al Mualim • Malik Al-Sayf • Kadar Al-Sayf • Abbas Sofian • Rauf • Jabal • Jamal • Damascus bureau leader


Warren Vidic • Alan Rikkin • David Kilkerman • Henry Liman • Nancy Nilop | Masun • Tamir • Garnier de Naplouse • Talal • Abu'l Nuqoud • William of Montferrat • Majd Addin • Jubair al Hakim • Sibrand • Maria Thorpe • Robert de Sablé


Jane Birkam • Leila Marino | Richard I of England • Saladin


Assassins (Levantine Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo | Levantine Rite) | Crusaders (Knights Templar • Knights Hospitalier • Knights Teutonic) • Saracens


Abstergo laboratory | Solomon's Temple • Masyaf • Damascus • Acre • Jerusalem • Arsuf • Kingdom • Assassin bureau


Third Crusade (Defense of Masyaf • Hunt for the Nine • Battle of Arsuf • Retaking of Masyaf)

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Animus • Blending • Cryptic Messages • Eagle Vision • Eavesdropping • Emails (Warren Vidic • Lucy Stillman) • Feathers • Flags • Genetic memory • Glitches • Horses • Informers • Interrogation • Investigation • Leap of Faith • Memories • Pickpocketing • Pieces of Eden (Apple of Eden) • Ranks • Scholars • Save Citizen • Social stealth • Synchronization • Thugs • Viewpoints • Vigilantes

Weapons and tools

Hidden Blade • Fists • Short blades • Swords • Throwing knives

Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines



Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad


Armand Bouchart • Armand Bouchart's agent • Dark Oracle • Fredrick • Maria Thorpe • Moloch • Shahar • Shalim • Osman

Cypriot Resistance

Alexander of Limassol • Barnabas • Markos


Demetris • Emin • Isaac Comnenus • Jonas • Pasha • Pirate Captain • Telemachos


Assassins (Levantine Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries | Levantine Rite) • Cypriot Resistance


Acre • Cyprus (Buffavento Castle • Kantara Castle • Kyrenia • Limassol • Limassol Castle • Saint Hilarion Castle • Templar Archive)

Terms and concepts

Accomplishments • Memories • Pieces of Eden (Apples of Eden) • Templar coins • Upgrades • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Fists • Hidden Blade • Short blades • Swords

Assassin's Creed II



Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings • Clay Kaczmarek • Desmond Miles • Lucy Stillman | Antonio de Magianis • Bartolomeo d'Alviano • Ezio Auditore da Firenze • Federico Auditore da Firenze • Giovanni Auditore da Firenze • Maria Auditore da Firenze • Mario Auditore • Niccolò Machiavelli • Paola • Teodora Contanto • La Volpe | Dante Alighieri • Domenico Auditore • Marco Polo • Renato Auditore | Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad | Adam • Eve


Warren Vidic | Uberto Alberti • Stefano da Bagnone • Emilio Barbarigo • Marco Barbarigo • Silvio Barbarigo • Bernardo Baroncelli • Rodrigo Borgia • Carlo Grimaldi • Antonio Maffei • Dante Moro • Checco Orsi • Ludovico Orsi • Francesco de' Pazzi • Jacopo de' Pazzi • Vieri de' Pazzi • Francesco Salviati

House of Auditore

Claudia • Ezio • Federico • Giovanni • Maria • Mario • Petruccio | Domenico • Isabetta • Renato




Annetta • Agostino Barbarigo • Lorenzo de' Medici • Carlotta Moro • Rosa • Girolamo Savonarola • Caterina Sforza • Cristina Vespucci • Alvise da Vilandino • Leonardo da Vinci | Maria Thorpe


Assassins (Italian Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries | Roman Rite) • Republic of Florence (House of Medici) • Republic of Venice • County of Forlì • Courtesans • Mercenaries • Thieves


Abstergo laboratory • Hideout | Florence (Oltrarno • San Giovanni • San Marco • Santa Maria Novella) • Monteriggioni (Villa Auditore) • Tuscany (San Gimignano) • Apennine Mountains • Romagna (Forlì) • Venice (Cannaregio • Castello • Dorsoduro • San Marco • San Polo) • Rome (Castel Sant'Angelo • Passetto di Borgo • Sistine Chapel • The Vault) | Acre | Eden


Renaissance (Pazzi conspiracy • Venetian Conspiracy • Battle of Forlì • Bonfire of the Vanities • Confrontation in the Vatican)

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Animus • Art Merchants • Blacksmiths • Bleeding Effect • Borgia messengers • Codex • Customization • Doctors • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Economic system • Fast Travel Booths • Feathers • Flying Machine • Glyphs • Guards • Heralds • Memories • Monteriggioni Statuettes • Notoriety • Officials • Outfits • Pieces of Eden (Apple of Eden • Papal Staff of Eden) • Secret Locations • Swimming • Tailors • First Civilization • The Truth • Uplay • Treasure chests • Viewpoints • Wanted posters

Weapons and tools

Fists/Metal Cestus • Heavy weapons • Hidden Blade • Hidden Gun • Improvised weapons • Long weapons • Poison blade • Short blades • Smoke bombs • Swords • Blunt weapons • Throwing knives


Battle of Forlì • Bonfire of the Vanities

Assassin's Creed II: Discovery



Ezio Auditore da Firenze • Antonio de Magianis • Luis de Santángel • Raphael Sánchez

Templar puppets

Tomás de Torquemada • Gaspar Martínez • Pedro Llorente • Juan de Marillo • Cygnet


Christopher Columbus • Muhammad XII of Granada • Isabella I of Castile • Helene Dufranc


Assassins (Italian Brotherhood • Spanish Brotherhood) • Republic of Venice (Venetian Guards) • Templars (Roman Rite • Spanish Rite) • Spain (Spanish Inquisition • Spanish Army) • Emirate of Granada (Moors)


Italy (Venice) • Spain (Barcelona • Zaragoza • Granada • Alhambra)


Mission to Aragon • Reconquista (Granada War)

Terms and concepts

Animus • Animus Hacks • Genetic memory • Guards • Map scrolls • Memories • Pieces of Eden (Apples of Eden) • Social Stealth • Wanted posters

Weapons and tools

Hidden Blade • Swords • Throwing knives

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood



Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings • Clay Kaczmarek • Desmond Miles • Lucy Stillman | Bartolomeo d'Alviano • Claudia Auditore da Firenze • Ezio Auditore da Firenze • Federico Auditore da Firenze • Giovanni Auditore da Firenze • Maria Auditore da Firenze • Mario Auditore • La Volpe • Niccolò Machiavelli


Warren Vidic | Cesare Borgia • Juan Borgia the Elder • Lucrezia Borgia • Rodrigo Borgia • Il Carnefice • Micheletto Corella • Gaspar de la Croix • Lanz • Malfatto • Donato Mancini • Auguste Oberlin • Vieri de' Pazzi • Ristoro • Lia de Russo • Silvestro Sabbatini • Octavian de Valois




Petruccio Auditore da Firenze • Pantasilea Baglioni • Pietro Rossi • Patrizio • Nicolaus Copernicus • Leonardo da Vinci • Fabio Orsini • Duccio de Luca • Ercole Massimo • Salaì • Caterina Sforza • Manfredo Soderini • Cristina Vespucci

Animi Avatars

Doctor • Courtesan • Executioner • Nobleman • Priest • Prowler • Barber • Engineer • Blacksmith • Captain • Smuggler • Footpad • Mercenary • Harlequin • Hellequin • Officer • Thief • Dama Rossa • Pariah • Marquis • Knight


Assassins (Guilds • Italian Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries | Roman Rite) • Kingdom of France (French Army) • Cento Occhi • Courtesans • Followers of Romulus • Hermeticists • Mercenaries • Thieves


Monteriggioni (Sanctuary) • Rome (Antico District • Campagna District • Centro District • Vaticano District) • Colli Albani • Naples • Valnerina • Monte Circeo • Viana • Florence • Venice


Renaissance (Siege of Monteriggioni • Liberation of Rome • Search for Cesare Borgia • Siege of Viana)

Terms and concepts

Animus • Achievements • Bleeding Effect • Borgia Towers • Cannons • Chase breakers • Codex • Contracts • Customization • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Economic system • Emails (Desmond Miles • Lucy Stillman • Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings) • Flying Machine • Heralds • Horses • Lairs of Romulus • Leap of Faith • Memories • Multiplayer • Officials • Outfits • Parachutes • Pieces of Eden (Apple of Eden) • Ranks • Rifts • Social Stealth • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Blunt weapons • Crossbow • Fists/Metal Cestus • Heavy weapons • Hidden Blade • Hidden Gun • Improvised weapons • Long weapons • Poison Blade • Poison darts • Short blades • Smoke bombs • Swords • Throwing knives


Animus Project Update 1.0 • Animus Project Update 2.0 • Animus Project Update 3.0 • Copernicus Conspiracy • The Da Vinci Disappearance

Assassin's Creed: Revelations



Desmond Miles • Clay Kaczmarek • Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings • William Miles | Ezio Auditore da Firenze • Yusuf Tazim • Piri Reis | Ishak Pasha | Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad • Al Mualim • Abbas Sofian • Maria Thorpe • Darim Ibn-La'Ahad • Swami • Niccolò Polo • Maffeo Polo


Laetitia England • Warren Vidic • Juhani Otso Berg | Ahmet • Manuel Palaiologos • Shahkulu • Leandros • Cyril of Rhodes • Damat Ali Pasha • Georgios Kostas • Lysistrata • Mirela Djuric • Odai Dunqas • Vali cel Tradat | Vlad Tepes | Haras


Juno • Jupiter • Minerva


Sofia Sartor • Bayezid II • Selim I • Suleiman I • Tarik Barleti • Dilara • Duccio de Luca • Janos

Animi Avatars

Bombardier • Brigand • Champion • Corsair • Count • Courtesan • Crusader • Deacon • Gladiator • Guardian • Knight • Ottoman Doctor • Ottoman Jester • Privateer • Renegade • Sentinel • Thespian • Trickster • Vanguard • Vizier


Assassins (Italian Brotherhood • Ottoman Brotherhood | Levantine Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries | Byzantine Rite | Levantine Rite) • Ottomans (Janissaries) • Byzantines | Mercenaries • Romanies • Thieves | Mongols


Black Room | Atlas Village • Cappadocia (Derinkuyu) • Constantinople (Constantine District • Bayezid District • Imperial District • Galata District) • Masyaf


Ottoman Civil War • Attack on Prince Suleiman • Riot at the Harbor of Theodosius • Destruction of the Great Chain • Fight for the Masyaf Keys | Fall of Constantinople | Decline of the Levantine Assassins • Fall of Masyaf

Terms and concepts

Abstergo Files • Achievements • Animus • Animus data fragments • Assassin Dens • Black Room • Blending • Book shops • Customization • Den Defense • Dual-wielding • Eagle Sense • Ezio Auditore's letters • First Civilization • Heralds • Library of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad • Masyaf Keys • Mediterranean Defense • Memories • Multiplayer • Officials • Outfits • Pieces of Eden (Apple of Eden • Masyaf Keys) • Stalkers • Synch Nexus • Templar Tax Collectors • Ziplines

Weapons and tools

Blunt weapons • Bombs • Crossbow • Fists • Greek fire • Heavy weapons • Hidden Blade • Hookblade • Hidden Gun • Improvised weapons • Long weapons • Poison Blade • Poison darts • Short blades • Swords • Throwing knives


The Ancestors Character Pack • Mediterranean Traveler Map Pack • The Lost Archive

Assassin's Creed III



Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings • Desmond Miles • William Miles | Deborah Carter • Stephane Chapheau • Jamie Colley • Achilles Davenport • Robert Faulkner • Duncan Little • Miko • Louis Mills • Ratonhnhaké:ton • Clipper Wilkinson • Jacob Zenger | John de la Tour


Daniel Cross • Warren Vidic | Nicholas Biddle • Reginald Birch • Edward Braddock • Benjamin Church • John Harrison • Thomas Hickey • William Johnson • Haytham Kenway • Charles Lee • John Pitcairn

Homestead Residents

Catherine • Corrine • Diana • Ellen • Godfrey • Hunter • Lance O'Donnell • Lyle White • Maria • Myriam • Norris • Oliver • Prudence • Terry • Timothy • David Walston • Warren


Juno • Jupiter • Minerva • Aita


Samuel Adams • Benedict Arnold • Amanda Bailey • David Clutterbuck • Richard Clutterbuck • Benjamin Franklin • François-Joseph Paul de Grasse • John Hancock • Jim Holden • Kaniehtí:io • Kanen'tó:kon • Lafayette • Oiá:ner • Israel Putnam • Paul Revere • Benjamin Tallmadge • Silas Thatcher • George Washington • Mason Locke Weems

Animi Avatars

Bear • Carpenter • Commander • Coyote Man • Governor • Hessian • Highlander • Huntsman • Independent • Lady Maverick • Mountebank • Night Stalker • Pioneer • Preacher • Robber • Redcoat • Sharpshooter • Silent Shadow • Strong Man


Assassins (Colonial Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries | Colonial Rite) • Erudito | British Army (Loyalists) • Continental Army (Patriots) • Freemasons • Kanien'kehá:ka • Sons of Liberty


New York City (Freedom Tower) • Rome (Abstergo laboratory) • São Paulo • Turin, New York (Grand Temple) | Boston • Caribbean Sea (Cerros • Dead Chest Island • Jamaica • Martinique) • Charlestown • Davenport Homestead • Fort Wolcott • Frontier (Concord • John's Town • Kanatahséton • Lexington • Monmouth • Valley Forge) • Martha's Vineyard • New York (West Point) • Northwest Passage • Oak Island • Philadelphia | London (Theatre Royal)


2012 coronal mass ejection | Boston Massacre • Boston Tea Party • American Revolution and American Revolutionary War (Battles of Lexington and Concord • Battle of Bunker Hill • Great Fire of New York • Sullivan Expedition • Battle of Monmouth • Battle of West Point • Battle of the Chesapeake • Attack on Fort George • Siege of Yorktown) | French and Indian War (Braddock Expedition)

Terms and concepts

Abstergo Story • Achievements • Almanac pages • Animus • Assassination targets • Aquila • Blending • Cannons • Club Challenges • Contracts • Crafting • Customization • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Eavesdropping • Economic system • Emails (Desmond Miles • Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings • William Miles) • Forts • Hiding spots • Horses • Hunting • Leap of Faith • Lockpicking • Memories • Multiplayer • Outfits • Pieces of Eden (Apple of Eden • Crystal Balls • Grand Temple Key • Power sources • Rings of Eden) • Pivots • Social Stealth • Synchronization • Treasure chests • Templar ring • Viewpoints • Wanted posters

Weapons and tools

Bayonets • Blunt weapons • Bombs (Trip mines) • Bow • Fists • Firearms • Heavy weapons • Hidden Blade • Naval mines • Poison darts • Rope darts • Short blades • Swords • Tomahawks


Benedict Arnold DLC • The Hidden Secrets Pack • The Tyranny of King Washington (The Infamy | The Betrayal | The Redemption)

Assassin's Creed III: Liberation



Agaté • Gérald Blanc • Aveline de Grandpré • François Mackandal • Ratonhnhaké:ton


Baptiste • George Davidson • Rafael Joaquín de Ferrer • Madeleine de l'Isle • Antonio de Ulloa • Diego Vázquez


Jean-Jacques Blaise d'Abbadie • Carlos Dominguez • Philippe de Grandpré • Houngan • Jeanne • Élise Lafleur • Toussaint Roussillon • Gilbert-Antoine de Saint Maxent

Animi Avatars

Captain • Defender • Dragoon • Engineer • Gentleman • Guard • Highwayman • Lieutenant • Mackandal Bodyguard • Mariner • Marksman • Officer • Rogue • Sergeant • Thief • Warlord • Warrior • Zealot


Assassins (Louisiana Brotherhood) • Templars (Louisiana Rite) • Baptiste's Acolytes • France (French Army) • Spain (Spanish Army) • United Kingdom (British Army) • Patriots


Louisiana Bayou (San Danje) • Mexico (Chichen Itza) • New Orleans • New York


French and Indian War • Louisiana Rebellion • American Revolutionary War

Terms and concepts

Animus • Blending • Customization • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • First Civilization • Forts • Freerunning • Genetic memory • Hiding spots • Horses • Leap of Faith • Memories • Officials • Outfits • Social Stealth • Synchronization • Treasure chests • Viewpoints • Wanted posters

Weapons and tools

Bayonets • Blowpipe • Firearms • Fists • Hidden Blade • Heavy weapons • Machetes • Parasol gun • Poison darts • Short blades • Smoke bombs • Swords • Tomahawks • Whip


Alligator eggs • Assassins' coins • Jeanne's diary pages • Jeweled brooches • Mayan statuettes • Mushrooms • Pocket watches • Voodoo dolls

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag



Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings | Patience Gibbs • Aveline de Grandpré | Adéwalé • Ah Tabai • Antó • Opía Apito • Rhona Dinsmore • Edward Kenway • Mary Read • Upton Travers • Vance Travers • Duncan Walpole | Bahlam


Laetitia England | Edmund Judge | Kenneth Abraham • Josiah Burgess • Julien du Casse • John Cockram • Hilary Flint • Benjamin Hornigold • Jing Lang • Lucia Márquez • Woodes Rogers • Laureano de Torres y Ayala


Juno • Aita


Noob • Olivier Garneau • Melanie Lemay • John Standish | Stede Bonnet • Anne Bonny • Peter Chamberlaine • Haytham Kenway • Laurens Prins • Jack Rackham • Bartholomew Roberts • Jennifer Scott • Caroline Scott-Kenway • Edward Thatch • El Tiburón • Charles Vane • Milo van der Graaff | Peter Beckford • Thomas Kavanagh, Jr.

Animi Avatars

Adventurer • Blackbeard • Buccaneer • Cutthroat • Dandy • Duellist • Firebrand • Huntsman • Jaguar • Lady Black • Mercenary • Navigator • Night Stalker • Orchid • Physician • Puppeteer • Rebel • Shaman • Siren • Stowaway • Wayfarer


Benjamin • El Arca del Maestro • El Impoluto • Hercules (brig) • Hercules (frigate) • HMS Courage • HMS Defiance • HMS Fearless • HMS Intrigue • HMS Prince • Hollander • Jackdaw • Jacobite • La Dama Negra • Ranger • Revenge • Royal Fortune • Royal Phoenix • Royal Sovereign • San Ignacio • San Lorenzo • Princess • Queen Anne's Revenge


Assassins (West Indies Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries • Abstergo Entertainment | West Indies Rite) • Instruments of the First Will | British Empire (British Army • British Navy) • Pirate hunters • Portuguese Empire (Portuguese Navy) • Republic of Pirates • Spanish Empire (Spanish Army • Spanish Navy)


Montreal | Africa (Príncipe) • The Bahamas (Abaco Island • Andreas Island • Cat Island • Crooked Island • Great Inagua • Mariguana Island • Nassau) • Black Island • Caribbean Sea • Corozal • Cayman Islands (Cayman Sound • Grand Cayman) • Cayo Island • Cuba (Arroyos • Cape Bonavista • Cumberland Bay • Havana • Matanzas • Pinos Isle) • Florida • Forts (Cabo de Cruz • Castillo de Jagua • Charlotte • Chinchorro • Conttoyor • Dry Tortuga • Eleuthera • Gibara • Navassa • Punta Guarico • Serranilla) • Haiti (Île à Vache • Tortuga) • Isla Providencia • Jamaica (Long Bay • Kingston • Observatory • Port Royal) • Misteriosa • Mystery Island • New Bone • North Carolina (Charles-Towne) • Ocracoke • Sacrifice Island • Salt Key Bank • Salt Lagoon • Santanillas • Shipwreck sites (Antocha wreck • The Black Trench • The Blue Hole • Devil's Eye Caverns • Kabah Ruins • La Concepcion wreck • San Ignacio wreck) • Smuggler dens (Ambergris Key • Anotto Bay • Jiguey • Petite Caverne • San Juan) • Tulum


War of the Spanish Succession • Golden Age of Piracy (Sinking of the Treasure Fleet • Attacks on Tulum • Siege of Charles-Towne • Blockade of Nassau • Attack on Ocracoke)

Terms and concepts

Abstergo Data • Achievements • Animus data fragments • Blood vials • Challenges • Crafting • Customization • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Eavesdropping • Leap of Faith • Memories • Multiplayer • Outfits • Pieces of Eden (Crystal Skulls) • Ships (Gunboat • Schooner • Brig • Frigate • Man O' War) • Swimming • Treasure chests • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Bayonets • Blowpipe • Cannons • Firearms • Hidden Blade • Rope darts • Swords


Aveline • Blackbeard's Wrath • Crusader & Florentine Pack • Death Vessel Pack • Freedom Cry • Guild of Rogues • Illustrious Pirates Pack • Kraken Ship Pack

Assassin's Creed: Unity



Bishop • Shaun Hastings • Initiate | Pierre Bellec • Guillaume Beylier • Arno Dorian • Charles Dorian • Charlotte Gouze • Honoré Mirabeau • Hervé Quemar • Didier Paton • Sophie Trenet | Thomas de Carneillon


Arpinon • Crimson Rose • François-Thomas Germain • Chrétien Lafrenière • Duchesneau • Marcourt • Marie Lévesque • Louis-Michel le Peletier • Maximilien de Robespierre • Frédéric Rouille • Flavigny • Élise de la Serre • François de la Serre • Charles Gabriel Sivert • Jean Gilbert • Roi des Thunes • Aloys la Touche • Denis Molinier • Payen | Jacques de Molay • Jacques de Molay's advisor


Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte • Napoleon Bonaparte • Désirée Clary • Georges Danton • Thomas-Alexandre Dumas • Chevalier d'Éon • Hugo • Charles Cochon de Lapparent • Antoine Lavoisier • Marie Anne Lenormand • Louis XVI of France • Jean-Paul Marat • Marie Antoinette • Théroigne de Méricourt • Jacques Roux • Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de Sade • Louis Antoine de Saint-Just • Marie Tussaud • Victor • Eugène François Vidocq • Philippe Rose • Léon • Madame Margot | Clement V • Philip IV of France | Suger


Assassins (Parisian Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries | Parisian Rite • Cult of the Supreme Being • Austrian Rite) • Austria (Austrian Army) • Cult of Baphomet • France (Black Office • Chouans • French Army • Extremists • Girondists • Jacobins • National Guard • Raiders • Royalists)


Paris (La Bièvre • Cour des Miracles • Île de la Cité • Les Invalides • Le Louvre • Le Marais • Le Quartier Latin • Ventre de Paris) • Saint-Denis • Versailles (Palace of Versailles)


French Revolution (Estates-General of 1789 • Storming of the Bastille • Women's March on Versailles • French Revolutionary Wars • 10 August • September Massacres • Execution of Louis XVI • Reign of Terror • Thermidorian Reaction • 13 Vendémiaire • Plot of the rue Saint-Nicaise) | Persecution of the Templars

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Companion App • Customization • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Eavesdropping • Genetic memory • Helix • Lanterns • Leap of Faith • Lockpicking • Memories • Outfits • Pieces of Eden (Apples of Eden • Swords of Eden) • Social Stealth • Skills • Treasure chests • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Firearms (Guillotine Gun) • Templar pin • Heavy weapons • Hidden Blade (Phantom Blade) • Long weapons • Swords


American Prisoner • The Chemical Revolution • Dead Kings • Killed by Science

Assassin's Creed: Rogue



Charles Dorian | Adéwalé • Achilles Davenport • Hope Jensen • Kesegowaase • François Mackandal • Liam O'Brien • Vendredi • Louis-Joseph Gaultier, Chevalier de la Vérendrye


Juhani Otso Berg • Violet da Costa • Melanie Lemay | Shay Cormac • Christopher Gist • William Johnson • Haytham Kenway • Charles Lee • George Monro • Samuel Smith • James Wardrop • Lawrence Washington • Jack Weeks | James Gunn


Numbskull • Elina Berg | Arno Dorian • Élise de la Serre | Le Chasseur • James Cook • Barry Finnegan • Cassidy Finnegan • Benjamin Franklin • Onatah • George Washington


Argonaut • Cauldron • Couronne • Equitas • Experto Crede • Formidable • Gerfaut • HMS Pembroke • Morrigan • Pilgrim • Sceptre • Storm Fortress


Assassins (Colonial Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries • Abstergo Entertainment | Colonial Rite) | British Empire (British Army • Royal Navy) • Kingdom of France (French Army • French Navy) | Gangs


Montreal | France (Paris • Palace of Versailles) | Davenport Homestead • Forts (Baie Rouge • Blanc • La Croix • Louis • Port la Joye • De Sable • Soleil) • Lisbon • New York • North Atlantic (Anticosti Island • Burgeo • Fogo • Glace Bay • Grande-Entrée • Gros Morne • Halifax • Harbour Deep • Havre-Saint-Pierre • Lewisporte • Miramichi • Nerepis • Pearl Island • Percé • Port-aux-Basques • Port-Menier • Sept-Îles • St. Anthony • St. John's • Terra Nova • Yarmouth) • River Valley (Aarushi • Albany • Ash Creek • Black Ridge • Coeur-de-l'hiver • Dekanawida • Fleur-de-vent • Genessee • Greystone • Île des Pins • Lac Eternel • Le Bras-du-Seigneur • Lock Cliff • Marais Rocheux • Mont Saint Denis • Mount Vernon • Old Growth Forest • Or-du-Nord • Orenda • Otetiani • Red Bank • Rivière Aurifère • Ruisseau du Renard • Sleepy Hollow • St. Nicolas • Two Bends • Twin Snake Path • Vallée Verte • Vieille Carrière) • Shipwreck sites (HMS Miranda wreck • Le Chameau wreck • HMS Sapphire wreck)


Seven Years' War (Albany Congress • Siege of Fort William Henry • Siege of Louisbourg • Battle of Quiberon Bay) • 1755 Lisbon earthquake • Colonial Assassin purge

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Animus (Animus data fragments • Challenges • Database • Genetic memory • Helix • Memories) • Crafting • Customization • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Eavesdropping • Leap of Faith • Lockpicking • Outfits • Pieces of Eden (Precursor boxes) • Ships (Gunboat • Schooner • Brig • Frigate • Man O' War) • Social Stealth • Swimming • Treasure chests • Templar ring • Viewpoints • Voynich manuscript

Weapons and tools

Air rifle (Poison darts • Grenade launcher) • Bombs • Firearms • Fists • Hidden Blade • Rope darts • Short blades • Swords


The Armor of Sir Gunn's Quest • The Siege of Fort de Sable

Assassin's Creed: Identity



Lo Sparviero • Niccolò Machiavelli • Ezio Auditore da Firenze


Pietro de Galencia • Sirus Favero • Matteo Favero • Vittorio


Demetrio il Silente • Leonardo da Vinci


Assassins (Italian Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Entertainment | Crows • Roman Rite) | Courtesans • Followers of Romulus • Mercenaries • Thieves


Montreal | Italy (Monteriggioni • Florence (Basilica of Santa Croce • Palazzo della Signoria) • Rome (Colosseum • Castel Sant'Angelo) • Forlì)


Identity Project | Renaissance (Siege of Monteriggioni • War of the League of Cambrai • Battle of Forlì)

Terms and concepts

Animus • Achievements • Contracts • Crystal Cube • Eagle Vision • Genetic memory • Heroic Shop • Lockpicking • Leap of Faith • Memories • Niccolò Machiavelli's journal • Outfits • Pieces of Eden (Apple of Eden) • Skills • Social Stealth • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Hidden Blade • Swords • Throwing knives • Bombs


Forlì – A Crimson Sunset • Leaderboard Update • Black Flag Update • Movie Update

Assassin's Creed Chronicles

China • India • Russia



Ilia • Nikolai Orelov • Sergei | Arbaaz Mir • Hamid • Ethan Frye | Ezio Auditore da Firenze • Shao Jun • Wang Yangming • Zhu Jiuyuan | Iltani


Juhani Otso Berg • Laetitia England • Álvaro Gramática | Yakov Yurovsky | Alexander Burnes • William Sleeman | Gao Feng • Qiu Ju • Wei Bin • Yu Dayong • Zhang Yong • Ma Yongcheng


Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia • Nicholas II of Russia • Anna Orelov • Leon Trotsky • Jānis Judiņš | Pyara Kaur • George Eden • Ranjit Singh | Altan Khan • Hong Liwei • Jiajing Emperor • Liu Jin • Yan Song • Zhang Qijie • Zhengde Emperor • Zhu Zhifan | Alexander the Great


Assassins (Chinese Brotherhood • Indian Brotherhood • Russian Brotherhood) • Templars (Eight Tigers • Chinese Rite • British Rite • Russian Rite) | Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic | British Empire (East India Company) • Sikh Empire | Ming dynasty • Portuguese Empire • Mongol Empire


Russia (Saint Petersburg • Yekaterinburg • Kazan • Moscow) | India (Amritsar • Amritsar Temple) • Afghanistan (Herat • Herat Temple) • Pakistan (Katasraj Temple) | China (Maijishan Grottoes • Macau • Nan'an • Forbidden City • Great Wall of China)


Russian Revolution (Execution of the Romanov family • Kazan Operation) | First Anglo-Afghan War | Prince of Anhua rebellion • Great Rites Controversy

Terms and concepts

Achievements (China • India • Russia) • Animus • Animus data fragments • Blending • Eagle Vision • Guards • Helix (Helix abilities) • Memories • Outfits • Pieces of Eden (Precursor boxes • Koh-i-Noor • Shards of Eden • Staves of Eden) • Whistling

Weapons and tools

Chakram • Firecrackers • Firearms • Grappling hook (Rope darts • Mechanical winch) • Hidden Blade (Hidden Footblade • Trident Blade) • Short blades • Swords (Jian) • Throwing knives • Noise darts

Assassin's Creed: Syndicate



Bishop • Rebecca Crane • Shaun Hastings • Initiate • Galina Voronina | Lydia Frye | Cecily Frye • Ethan Frye • Evie Frye • Jacob Frye • Henry Green • George Westhouse • Michel Reuge


Isabelle Ardant • Violet da Costa • Álvaro Gramática • Juhani Otso Berg | Master Spy | Pearl Attaway • Brinley Ellsworth • Bloody Nora • David Brewster • Earl of Cardigan • John Elliotson • Rupert Ferris • Lilla Graves • Rexford Kaylock • Victor Lynch • Malcolm Millner • Octavia Plumb • Crawford Starrick • Cletus Strain • Edith Swinebourne • Lucy Thorne • Philip Twopenny


Consus • Juno

Mythical Beings

Spring-heeled Jack


Winston Churchill | Frederick Abberline • Edward Bayley • Alexander Graham Bell • Nigel Bumble • Charles Darwin • Charles Dickens • Benjamin Disraeli • Mary Anne Disraeli • Arthur Conan Doyle • William Gladstone • Agnes MacBean • Karl Marx • Florence Nightingale • Clara O'Dea • Richard Owen • Henry Raymond • Maxwell Roth • Duleep Singh • Robert Topping • Queen Victoria • Ned Wynert


Assassins (British Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries • Sigma Team | British Rite) • Instruments of the First Will • United Kingdom (British Army • Metropolitan Police Service • Order of the Sacred Garter) • Germany • Gangs (Blighters • Clinkers • Rooks) • Ghost Club


Croydon • London (City of London • Lambeth • Southwark • The Strand • Westminster • Whitechapel • River Thames • Tower of London) • Isu Vaults (Buckingham Palace vault • Michel Reuge's Vault)


World War I | Victorian era (Industrial Revolution)

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Crafting • Customization • Eagle Vision • Gang Upgrades • Genetic memory • Helix • Leap of Faith • Memories • Outfits • Perks • Pieces of Eden (Aegis • Apple of Eden • Koh-i-Noor • Shroud of Eden) • Skills • Treasure chests • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Firearms • Fists (Brass knuckles) • Hidden Blade (Assassin Gauntlet) • Poison darts • Swords (Cane-sword • Kukri) • Throwing knives


The Darwin and Dickens Conspiracy • Runaway Train • The Dreadful Crimes • Jack the Ripper • The Last Maharaja • A Long Night Out on the Town

Assassin's Creed: Origins


Assassins / Hidden Ones

William Miles | Bayek (Senu) • Aya • Phanos • Pasherenptah • Tahira • Phoxidas • Marcus Junius Brutus • Gaius Cassius Longinus • Kashta • Kawab • Maqwat • Osorkon • Paanchi • Shaqilat

Templars / Order of the Ancients

Juhani Otso Berg • Sofia Rikkin • Simon Hathaway | Actaeon • Berenike • Eudoros • Flavius Metellus • Hetepi • Julius Caesar • Khaliset • Ktesos • Livius • Lucius Septimius • Medunamun • Pothinus • Rudjek • Taharqa • Ampelius • Ptahmose • Rufio • Tacito


Abar • Bane of Hathor • Half Horn • Ptolemy's Fist • Ra's Mercy • The Galatian • The Hill • The Iron Bull • The Iron Ram • The Outsider • The Stranger


The Axes • The Brothers (Diovicos • Viridovix) • The Duelist • The Guardians of Siwa (Bayek • Kensa) • The Hammer • Hilarus Maximus • The Hoplite • Kosey • Polymestor • The Seleucid • The Slaver • Wamukota

Mythical Beings

Egyptian Deities (Anubis • Sobek • Sekhmet • Apep) • Undead Pharaohs (Akhenaten • Ramesses II • Nefertiti • Tutankhamun) • Anubis Shadows ( Faithless One • Relentless One) • Lost Army of Cambyses


Layla Hassan • Deanna Geary | Apate • Apollodorus • Aristo • Benipe • Caesarion • Claridas • Cleopatra • Chenzira • Damastes • Diocles • Esiocles • Fenuku • Gennadios • Ghupa • Harkhuf • Hepzefa • Hotephres • Jeska • Khemu • Khenut • Menehet • Melitta • Phoebe • Pompey • Praxilla • Ptolemy XIII • Rabiah • Venator • Vitruvius • Zahra • Gamilat • Sutekh • Isidora • Merti • Tahemet | Alexander the Great


Hidden Ones (Egyptian Brotherhood • Roman Brotherhood) • Templars (Abstergo Industries • Sigma Team | Order of the Ancients) • Gabiniani • Medjay • Phylakes • Ptolemaic Kingdom • Roman Republic


Egypt (Alexandria • Bakchias • Euhemeria • Dionysias • Faiyum • Great Sphinx of Giza • Giza • Herakleion • Kanopos • Karanis • Kerkasoros • Krokodilopolis • Lake Moeris • Letopolis • Memphis • Natho • Per Ousir • Philadelphia • Pr-Hapi-n-Iwnw • Remetch Ra • Sais • Sau Village • Siwa • Soknopaiou Nesos • Udjat Apiary • Yamu • Yw Huts) • Kyrenaika (Apollonia • Cyrene • Balagrae) • Rome • Sinai (Arsinoe • Klysma Quarry) • Valley of the Kings (Set-Ma'at • Swenett • Thebes) • Afterlife (Aaru • Aten • Heb Sed • Duat)


Mission to Egypt | Alexandrine Civil War (Siege of Alexandria • Battle of the Nile) • Assassination of Julius Caesar • Curse of the Pharaohs

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Crafting • Customization • Currency (Drachma) • Discovery Tour • Eagle Vision • Genetic memory • Horde Mode • Leap of Faith • Animus Pulse • Helix Credits • Memories • Outfits • Photo Mode • Pieces of Eden (Apple of Eden • Flickering Daggers • Glowing Mace • Isu Armor • Lightning's Strike • Lucius Septimius' flails • Moonlit Shield • Midnight Sun • Staff of Eden) • Skills • Treasure chests • Hunting • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Hidden Blade • Bow • Swords • Spears • Shields


Ambush At Sea • The Curse of the Pharaohs • Discovery Tour • The Hidden Ones • Secrets of the First Pyramids • Trial of the Gods

Assassin's Creed: Odyssey


Assassins / Hidden Ones

Layla Hassan • Victoria Bibeau • Kiyoshi Takakura • Alannah Ryan • Harlan Cunningham | Amunet | Kassandra (Ikaros) • Darius

Cult of Kosmos

Aspasia • Deimos • Nyx (Elpenor • Sotera • The Master • Hermippos • Midas) • Polemon (Epiktetos • The Centaur of Euboea • The Chimera • The Silver Griffin • Machaon) • Kleon (Brison • Podarkes • Rhexenor • Iobates • Kodros) • Exekias (Pallas • Deianeira • Belos • Swordfish • Okytos) • Iokaste (Melite • Harpalos • Zoisme • Diona • Chrysis) • The Hydra (The Mytilenian Shark • Melanthos • The Octopus • Sokos • Asterion) • Pausanias (Skylax • The Monger • Lagos • Kallias • Silanos)

Templars / Order of the Ancients

Juhani Otso Berg | Amorges • Pactyas (Akantha • Bubares • Echion • Konon • Phratagounè • Timosa • Order Elite) • Phila (Augos • Nestor • Megakreon • Sophos) • The Immortals • Gergis (Artazostre • Dimokrates • Pithias • Gaspar • Harpagos) | Xerxes I


Aletheia | Persephone • Hades • Poseidon • Hermes • Hekate • Atlas • Gadiros • Ampheres • Azaes • Neokles • Aita • Juno • Melitta • Xarios

Olympos Project

Cyclops (Brontes • Steropes • Arges) • Writhing Dread (Medusa • Ligeia) • Minotaur • Sphinx • Cerberos • Lycanthropes (Lyra) • Hekatonchires


Kassandra the Eagle-Bearer • Exekias the Legend • Talos the Stone-Fist • Sosipatros the Archon's Servant • The Poisoner • The False Leonidas • Zetes the Retired • Hyrkanos the Cunning • Agis of the North • Theos the Stargazer • Gaia the Fist • Exadios the Backbreaker • Edonos the Charging Bull • Atos the Beast Caller • Hirpes the Sordid • Aias the Clean • Kephalon the Thinker • Proktos the Moon King • "Eagle Bearer" (Chikaros) • Polykaste the Jilted • Narkissos the Babbler • Nestor the Great • Testiklos the Nut • Harpina the Heavy Hitter • Iaeira the Overcomer • Damais the Indifferent • Astarte the Swamp • Nanno the Abakos • Okyllos the Successor • Thaleia the Talon Hand • Laches the Eternal • Abia the Shaded | Cyclops of Kephallonia • The Poisoner of Athens • Testikles the Olympian • Deianeira the Boeotian Champion • Epiktetos the Forthcoming • Swordfish of Octopus Bay • The Monger of Korinthia • Achilles the Trojan War Hero • King Agamemnon of Mycenae • Herakles the Legendary • Perseus the Gorgon Slayer

Love interests

Aikaterine • Alkibiades • Anais • Aspasia • Auxesia • Daphnae • Diona • Kosta • Kyra • Lykaon • Lykinos • Mikkos • Odessa • Roxana • Thaletas • Thyia • Timotheos • Xenia • Zopheras • "Eagle Bearer" • Natakas | Adonis • Elpis


Archidamos • Aristophanes • Artaxerxes I • Barnabas • Brasidas • Darius II • Demokritos • Elpidios • Euripides • Herodotos • Hippokrates • Iola • Markos • Myrrine • Nikolaos • Perikles • Phidias • Polykleitos • Praxilla • Pythagoras • Phoibe • Sargon • Sophokles • Sokrates • Thespis • Thrasymachos | Leonidas • Dienekes • Kurush


Assassins (Layla Hassan's cell | Artabanus' group) | Templars (Sigma Team | Order of the Ancients) • Cult of Kosmos • Delian League • Peloponnesian League • Achaemenid Empire • Minor factions (Daughters of Artemis • Followers of Ares • The Dagger • Periklean Circle)


United Kingdom (London) | Egypt (Giza) | Isu Locations (Atlantis (Gateway to the Lost City) • Ancient Forge • Cave of Mt. Zas • Cave of the Forgotten Isle • Myson Cave • Nisyros • Sphinx Lair • Labyrinth of Lost Souls • Petrified Temple • Teichos of Herakles) • Greece • Aegean Sea (Andros) • Volcanic Islands (Thera • Anaphi • Nisyros) • Krete (Messara (Gortyn) • Pephka) • Kythera Island • Melos • Attika Peninsula (Attika (Athens • Dekelia • Lavrio • Port of Piraeus) • Boeotia (Lake Kopais • Mykalessos • Orchomenos • Thebes) • Megaris (Megara • Pagai)) • Forest Islands (Thasos • Abantis Islands (Euboea • Skyros) • Petrified Islands (Chios • Lesbos)) • Kephallonia Islands (Kephallonia (Sami) • Ithaka) • Korinthian Gulf • Peloponnese (Arkadia (Tegea) • Argolis (Argos • Epidauros) • Achaia (Dyme • Patrai • Pellene) • Elis • Korinthia (Korinth) • Lakonia (Sparta) • Messenia) • Pirate Islands (Keos (Koressia) • Seriphos • Lestris) • Paradise Islands (Delos • Mykonos • Naxos Island • Paros Island) • Southern Sporades (Samos • Kradia Isle • Kos) • Northern Greece (Lokris • Makedonia (Amphipolis • Potidaia) • Malis • Phokis (Kirrha)) • Afterlife (Elysium • Underworld)


Peloponnesian War (Battle of Amphipolis • Battle of Pylos) • Plague of Athens | Greco-Persian Wars (Battle of Thermopylae)

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Ainigmata Ostraka • Crafting • Customization • Currencies (Drachma • Orichalcum) • Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Engraving • Genetic memory • Helix Credits • Historical Locations • Leap of Faith • Memories • Message boards • Outfits • Photo Mode • Pieces of Eden (Artifact Fragment • Atlantis Artifacts • Pyramid • Spear of Leonidas • Staff of Hermes Trismegistus • Sword of Damokles) • Ships (Adrestia) • Skills • Social Stealth • Story Creator Mode • Swimming • Viewpoints

Weapons and tools

Bow • Blunt weapons • Swords • Spears • Shields


The Blind King • Secrets of Greece • Legacy of the First Blade (Hunted • Shadow Heritage • Bloodline) • The Fate of Atlantis (Fields of Elysium • Torment of Hades • Judgment of Atlantis) • The Lost Tales of Greece • Discovery Tour: Ancient Greece

Assassin's Creed: Rebellion


Assassins / Hidden Ones


Evie Frye • Jacob Frye | Arno Dorian | Ratonhnhaké:ton | Adéwalé • Edward Kenway • Mary Read | Domingo de la Torre • Ezio Auditore da Firenze • Girolamo da Lucca • Ishak Pasha • Jariya al-Zakiyya • Jean Delacroix • Lupo Gallego • María • Najma Alayza • Niccolò Machiavelli • Rodrigo de Mendoza • Shao Jun | Al Mualim • Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad | Basim Ibn Ishaq | Aya of Alexandria • Bayek | Darius • Kassandra


Aleksei Zima • Álvaro de Espinosa • Baltasar de León • Bartolomé Ortiz • Claudia Auditore da Firenze • Corvo Antonelli • Flora de la Cruz • Horacio de Heredia • Jaime del Rada • La Volpe • Lucas Bellini • Luciano Cavazza • Mario Auditore • Murat Bin Husn • Muza ben Abel Gazan • Perina di Bastian • Rosa Gallego • Shakir al-Zahid • Yusuf Tazim | Malik Al-Sayf • Maria Thorpe | Kensa


Jock McRae | Chimalmat | Aguilar de Nerha • Angela Carillo • Bartolomeo d'Alviano • Beatriz de Navarrete • Faris al-Saffar • Georgios Cardoso • Gershon Deloya • Inigo Montañés • Jorge Díaz • Luis Chico • Luisa Gallego • Magdalena Suárez • Mayya al-Dabbaj • Qasim al-Dani • Sayyid al-Abbas • Teodora Contanto • Tereysa de Lyaño | Hytham


Heloise • Irekanni • Jibral Bin Said | Alonso Pinto • Andrea Cortés • Constanza Ramos • Elena Niccolini • Gaspar Donoso • Grazia • Hamid al-Jasur • Mateo Galan • Máximo Barrosa • Tariq al-Nasr • Tosca Yayal-Ricci • Ysabel Lomelin

Diego de Alvarado


Bonacolto Contarini • Bordingas • Cadavid • Chacon • del Salto • Duran • Garza • Gustavo Ramírez • Ojeda • Ordóñez • Pedrosa • Tomás de Torquemada • Ubayd Alayza | William of Montferrat



Edward Thatch | Leonardo da Vinci | Eivor | Cleopatra | Alexios • Hippokrates • Leonidas I of Sparta • Myrrine


Lorenzo de' Medici | Gunnar • Randvi • Sigurd Styrbjornsson | Apollodorus of Sicily | Alkibiades • Natakas • Hipparkhia • Sokrates • Xenia


Ivo Jolicoeur • Jacquotte Jolicoeur | Jora Blood-Shoulder • Valka


Bogi Three-Fingers • Dalla Aegirsdottir • Guthlaugr Stone-Eye

3P3EC74R • Player Admin | Blount • Cliff • Garnet • Groggy Bill • Stewart | Alfonso Cavallero • Armilia Guardato • Cristoval de Merlo • Diego de Burgos • Diego de Burgos' confessor • Ferdinand II of Aragon • Gabriel Dominico • Garcia Galindo • Hassan • Il Bruto • Isabella I of Castile • Muhammad XII of Granada • Piero | Isembart | Gorm Kjotvesson • Hrolfr Kjotvesson • Kjotve the Cruel | Menkhtu | Aetius • Erastos • Eugenius • Eustace • Heraclius • Thaddeus


Assassins (Caribbean Brotherhood | Spanish Brotherhood • Italian Brotherhood • Ottoman Brotherhood | Levantine Brotherhood | Hidden Ones) • Templars (Spanish Rite • Italian Rite | Levantine Rite | Order of the Ancients) • British Empire (British Army • British Navy) | Dominican Order • Cien Ojos • Lobos Silenciosos • Spanish Inquisition (Dogs of the Lord) | Vikings (Raven Clan • Wolf Clan) | Sect of the Ibis Reborn


Jamaica (Kingston) • The Bahamas | Spain (Aragon • Ávila • Castile • Granada • Madrid • Murcia • Salamanca • Saragossa • Segovia • Sierra de Cazorla • Toledo • Valencia) • Italy (Florence • Naples) | Levant (Acre) | Norway (Rygjafylke) | Egypt (Haueris Nome • White Desert • Giza) | Greece (Argolis • Arkadia • Attika • Boeotia • Korinthia • Makedonia • Megaris)


War of the Spanish Succession • Golden Age of Piracy | Reconquista (Granada War) | Third Crusade | Viking expansion | Peloponnesian War

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Aguilar de Nerha's journal • Crafting • Genetic memory • Helix Credits • Helix Rift Events • Leap of Faith • Memories • Pieces of Eden (Apple of Eden • Staff of Eden) • Rebellion • Treasure chests

Helix Rift Events

DPS All-Stars • Swift Assassination • Freerunner Frenzy • Stealthy Operations | Horacio's Retribution • The Art of the Heist • The Ottoman Connection • A War in the Shadows • Kinslayer • Spears for Hire • For Democracy! • The Mask of the Ibis • The Eagle's Shadow • The Hunter's Hounds • Dead Men's Gold • The Ravens' Wound • Echoes Through the Animus


Norway, 872 CE • Caribbean Sea, 1713 CE • Naples, 1499 CE

Assassin's Creed: Dynasty


Hidden Ones

Li E • He Hong'er • Éléna • Ah-Qian • Jia Shen • Feng Qian • Cui Anshi • Li Qimo • Zhai Wande • Chen Wu | Cao Mo • Zhuan Zhu • Nie Zheng • Yu Rang • Jing Ke

Order of the Ancients

Yang Guozhong • An Lushan • Gao Lishi • Yan Zhuang • Shi Siming • Gao Miao • He Qiannian • Li Qincou • Sun Xiaozhe • Wang Chengye • Bian Lingcheng • Li Linfu • Duan Ziguang • Wei Fangjin • Li Zhu'erAn Qingxu | Zhang Yizhi


Emperor Xuanzong of Tang • Emperor Suzong of Tang • Li Bai • Abe no Nakamaro • Chen Xuanli • Feng Changqing • Gao Xianzhi • Geshu Han • Guo Ziyi • Jianzhen • Pei Min • Jing JingKong Kong • Yan Gaoqing • Yan Jiming • Yan Zhenqing • Yang Yuhuan • Zhang Jieran • Lady of GuoLady of Han • Yang Guanghui • Lei HaiqingYan Quanming | Qin Shi Huang


Hidden Ones (Hidden Ones of the Great Desert • Chinese Brotherhood) • Order of the Ancients (Golden Turtles • Yeluohe) • Tang dynasty • Yan • Abbasid Caliphate • Yang Guozhong's flower delegates


China (Changshan • Chang'an • Fanyang • Luoyang • Pingyuan • Qinghe • Taiyuan • Tong Pass • Tumen PassMawei StationYellow River) • Talas


Battle of Talas • An Lushan Rebellion (Fall of Luoyang • Battle of Tong PassBattle of ChangshanFall of Chang'an • Mawei Station mutiny)

Terms and concepts

Buddhism (Śarīra) • Hidden Blade • Abe no Nakamaro's letters to Li Bai • Sword (Jian) • Bow • Crossbow • Horse • Flower Banquet • Shifting Spring Cage • Sogdian Whirl

Assassin's Creed: Valhalla


Assassins / Hidden Ones

Rebecca Crane • Layla Hassan • Shaun Hastings • Antony Henry • William Miles | Basim Ibn Ishaq • Hytham • Eluric • Rayhan • Roshan • Fuladh • Abbo Cernuus • Alexandre Douce | Vitus • Eghan • Caius • Anicius • Marcellus • Khloe • Beatha • Maya • Sebastos • Teague • C. C. | Amunet • Bayek • Hakor • Magas

Order of the Ancients

Alfred the Great • Fulke • Gorm Kjotvesson (Avgos Spearhand • Frideswid • Hunta • Kjotve the Cruel • Leofgifu • Vicelin) • Tatfrid (Gifle • Havelok • Herefrith • Mucel • Patrick • Wigmund) • Derby (Ingeborg • Audun • Eanbhert • Grigorii • Gunilla • Tata) • Blaeswith (Beneseck • Ealhferth • Heika • Hilda • Selwyn • Yohanes Loukas) • Al-Si'la • Zealots (Beorhtsige • Bercthun • Callin • Cola • Cudberct • Eorforwine • Heike • Horsa • Hrothgar • Kendall • Osgar • Redwalda • Wealdmaer • Woden • Wuffa) | Offa of Mercia • Arthur Pendragon • Charlemagne • Louis II of Italy • Æthelred I, King of Wessex • Æthelwulf, King of Wessex • Ælla of Northumbria • Lerion

Children of Danu

Eogan mac Cartaigh (Aideen • Bécc mac Nath-í • Conlae • Cummascach • Leasleach • Niamh • Ruaidrí • Sétnae • Trian)

Bellatores Dei

Isidore Mercator (Ebels • Engelwin • Euphrasia • Gozlin)

Ravensthorpe Residents

Alvis • Arth • Osbert of Lunden • Dag Nithisson • Eivor Varinsdottir (Sýnin) • Eydis • Gudrun • Gunnar • Hunwald • Merton • Mundi • Olsen • Randvi • Rowan • Sigurd Styrbjornsson • Sunniva • Svend • Sylvi • Tarben • Tekla • Tove • Valka • Vagn • Vili Hemmingson • Wallace • Yanli

Daughters of Lerion

Cordelia • Goneril • Regan

Lost Drengir

Erik Loyalskull • Thor the Fish Monger • Nokkfylla Shine-Eye • Gotafrid Fairrobes • Skegjold Frenzy-Seeker • Orwig Neverdeath / Hogne Sea-Tossed • Blud the Giant

Frankish Nobles

Amric • Gerswinda • Herbert du Lilibonne


Ægir • Andhrímnir • Angrboða • Asvid • Baldr • Búri • The Builder • Einar • Eysa • Fafnir • Fenrir • Freyja • Frigg • Heimdall • Glöð • Gunnlöð • Hel • Hyrrokin • Iðunn • Ivaldi • Jörmungandr • Kára • Loki • Lug • Mímir • Mórrígan • Nodens • Njörðr • Odin • Saklas • Samael • Sif • Sigyn • Sinmara • Skaði • Suttungr • Surtr • Thor • Týr • Ullr • Vé • Víðarr • Vili • Yaldabaoth


Acha • Aelfgar • Ahmad ibn Tulun • Alfida • Angharad ferch Meurig • Azar • Bárid mac Ímair • Birna • Bernard • Birstan • Brothir • Broder • Burgred of Mercia • Ceolbert • Ceolwulf II of Mercia • Charles the Fat • Ciara ingen Medba • Conchobar mac Taidg Mór • Cynebert • Cynon • Deirdre Na Linni • Deorlaf • Domnall mac Áeda • Eadwyn • Erke Bodilsson • Estrid • Faith • Faravid • Finnr • Flann Sinna • Galinn • Geadric • Goodwin • Grendel • Guthrum • Gwenydd • Halfdan Ragnarsson • Harald Fairhair • Hemming • Hjorr Halfsson • Ivarr the Boneless • Kassandra • Ketil Flatnose • Leofrith • Lif • Ljufvina Bjarmarsdottir • Modron • Muhammad I of Córdoba • Niall Glúndub • Nornir (Skuld • Urðr • Verðandi) • Odo of France • Oswald of East Anglia • Pierre • Rhodri the Great • Richardis • Ricsige of Northumbria • Rollo • Rued • Rurik • Sichfrith • Sigfred • Sinric • Soma • Stowe • Styrbjorn Sigvaldisson • Thorstein the Red • Toka Sinricsdottir • Ubba Ragnarsson • Valdis | Brendan of Clonfert • Cú Chulainn • Niall of the Nine Hostages • Ragnar Lothbrok • Rig Reidarasson • Thorgest


Assassins | Hidden Ones (British Hidden Ones • Frankish Hidden Ones • Roman Hidden Ones) • Templars (Order of the Ancients • Zealots • Red Hand) • Anglo-Saxons • Britons • Picts • Gaels (Norse-Gaels • Uí Néill) • Iroquois (Kanien'kehá:ka) • Norse (Elgring Clan • Clan Hemmingsons • Raven Clan • Wolf Clan) • Vikings (Jomsvikings • Shieldmaidens • Sons of Ragnar • Great Summer Army) • Thousand Eyes • Druids (Daughters of Nimue • Children of Danu) • Franks (Frankish Rebels • Bellatores Dei) | Isu (Æsir • Jötnar • Dwarf)


United States (Turin) | England (East Anglia • Wessex (Cent • Essexe • Hamtunscire • Suthsexe • Wincestre) • Mercia (Glowecestrescire • Grantebridgescire • Ledecestrescire • Lincolnscire • Sciropescire • Oxenefordscire • Lunden • Ravensthorpe) • Northumbria (Eurviscire • Jorvik • Snotinghamscire)) • Ireland (Connacht • Dublin • Meath • Ulster) • Isle of Skye • Norway (Fornburg • Hordafylke • Rygjafylke) • Vinland • West Francia (Amienois • Evresin • Melunois • Paris) | Asgard • Jötunheim • Niflheim (Kaldstad • Døkkerland • Nidheim • Helheim) • Svartalfheim (Gullnámar • Svaladal • Vangrinn • Eitri)


COVID-19 pandemic | Unification of Norway (Assault on Kjotve's Fortress) • Viking expansion (Great Heathen Army • Battle of Chippenham • Siege of Paris) | Great Catastrophe (Ragnarök)

Terms and concepts

Achievements • Animus (Animus Anomalies • Codex • Genetic memory • Memories • Memory Corridor) • Cairns • Crafting • Currencies (Opal • Silver) • Customization • Flyting • Helix Credits • Irish Cycle pages • The Magas Codex • Orlog • Photo Mode • Pieces of Eden (Crystal Ball • Excalibur • Freya's medallion • Gungnir • Lia Fáil • Mjölnir • Odin's Eye • Staff of Hermes Trismegistus • Yggdrasil) • Rigsogur • Runes • Ships • Skills (Dual-wielding • Eagle Vision • Leap of Faith • Social Stealth • Swimming) • Standing stones • Tattoos • Treasures of Britain • Viewpoints


Bearded axes • Bows • Dane axes • Flails • Hidden Blade • Scythes • Seaxes • Shields • Spears • Swords • Warhammers


The Legend of Beowulf • The Way of the Berserker • Discovery Tour • Wrath of the Druids • The Siege of Paris • Dawn of Ragnarök

Assassin's Creed: Fragments

The Blade of Aizu • The Highlands Children • Les Sorcières des Landes



Issa • Jules Brunet • Matsuo • Nakano Takeko • Shiba Atsuko | Amy Comyn • Deorsa • Fillan • James of Crannach • Thomas of Balmerino • William Wallace | Avicenne • Fabrizzio Auditore • Florine • Isaac du Queyran • Margaux


William Lloyd | Cornavii | Alexandre de Hautecourt • Ermeline • François AscairLa Morguy • Pierre de Lancre


Emperor Meiji • Harry Parkes • Matsudaira Katamori • Miyamoto Musashi • Saigo Kayano • Shiba Ibuka • Shiba Tanomo • Tokugawa Yoshinobu | Ailéas • Alastair Aitken • Alexander Macdougall • Bradley Dacre • Craig • Edan • Edward I of England • Fergus • Kyle Macdougall • Moira • Sören | Catherine • Jean d'EspaignetJehan Sorhaindo


Assassins (Japanese Brotherhood | Scottish Brotherhood • Children of Fal | French Brotherhood) • Templars (British Rite | Lann Fala | French Rite) • Tokugawa shogunate • British Empire • French Empire


Japan (Aizu • Edo • Kyoto) | Scotland (Berwick-upon-Tweed • Dalkeith • Cranshaws • Scone (Scone Vault) • Beinn Eallair • Lanark • Dunstaffnage • Isle of Mull • Iona (Iona Vault)) | France (Bayonne • Saint-Jean-de-Luz)


Boshin War (Battle of Toba–Fushimi • Battle of Aizu) | First War of Scottish Independence (English invasion of Scotland • Capture of Berwick • Action at Lanark) | Labourd witch-hunt of 1609

Terms and concepts

Hidden Blade • Piece of Eden (Stone of Scone • Swords of Fal • Shrouds of Eden) • Swords (Musashi Masamune)

Assassin's Creed: The Engine of History

The Magus Conspiracy • The Resurrection Plot



Simeon Price • Amira Benyamina • Michel Moulin • Henri Escoffier • Ethan Frye • Jayadeep Mir • Pierrette Arnaud


Oscar Kane • Karl Mayr • Julius Jacob von Haynau • Konstanze von Visler • Hennighan


Ada Lovelace • Major Wallin • John Ruskin • János Libényi • Joseph Ettenreich • Franz Joseph I of Austria • Laura • Oliver Fraser • Felice Orsini • Elizabeth Siddal • Charles Blondin • Fanny Eaton • Anne Blunt • Byron Ockham • Sawyer Halford • Grimes • Hugh Robinson • Nell Robinson • Ariel Fine • Tillie Wallin • Jovita Ferreira • Lady Byron • Margit Libényi • Napoleon III • Dante Gabriel Rossetti


Assassins (British Brotherhood • Parisian Brotherhood • Austrian Brotherhood) • Templars (Austrian Rite) | British Empire (British Army) • Austrian Empire


England (London (Kensington • Westminster (Horse Guards • Hyde Park) • Ealing • Mayfair • Holborn) • Bath • Surrey • Birmingham) • South Africa • Egypt (Alexandria) • Austria (Vienna (Graben)) • Italy (Lake Como • Rome) • Switzerland (Zürich) • France (Paris (Gare de l'Est) • Versailles) • Germany (Frankfurt • Berlin) • Czech Republic (Prague)


Great Exhibition • Assassination attempt on Franz Joseph I of Austria • Orsini affair

Terms and concepts

Freerunning • Eavesdropping • Leap of Faith

Weapons and Tools

Engine of History • HMS Birkenhead • Hidden Blade • Straight razor • Pieces of Eden (Eye) • Smoke bomb

Assassin's Creed: Mirage


Hidden Ones

Basim Ibn Ishaq (Enkidu) • Roshan

Order of the Ancients





Moussa brothers • Ali ibn Muhammad


Abbasid Caliphate • Hidden Ones • Order of the Ancients


Baghdad (Karkh • Round City • Sharqiyah) • Alamut


Islamic Golden Age

Terms and concepts

Animus (Bleeding Effect • Database • Freerunning • Genetic memory • Memory Corridor) • Eagle Vision • Leap of Faith • Pieces of Eden • Skills • Social Stealth • Viewpoints

Can you use the Hidden Blade in origins?

But to truly get into the shoes of the assassin Bayek, you will need to know how to assassinate in Assassin's Creed Origins. It's not immediately obvious, especially when you first start the game, but you can use the iconic hidden blade to take enemies down.

How do you use the Hidden Blade in Assassins Creed?

To use the hidden blade in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, you will have to leave your offhand slot empty and then use a charge attack to activate a stab. It can be effective in combat as it will cause a Knockdown to enemies of your clan.

Can you use the Hidden Blade in combat in AC origins?

While it's satisfying to dual wield or carry a weapon and a shield, leaving your left-hand empty will allow you the unique ability to use the Hidden Blade in combat.

How do you trigger the Hidden Blade?

This ring, when tugged by extending the finger alongside a simultaneous flicking of the wrist, activated the mechanism and unleashed the blade.


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