Asked a girl out no response Reddit

Exept its worse than a flat out no. It builds up your hopes that she will respond. you think she is contemplating. She might just be finding the best answer so she doesn't embarrass herself to you. Or maybe she is trying to find the best way to say no.. how can she break your hopes and aspirations in the nicest way.

Then minutes turn into hours, days. You ponder every possible answer.. every possibility. Then you realize she didn't even have the respect or the spine to stoop as low to reject you to your face. She went lower. She did the real life equivalent of turning her back in you in the middle of your sentence, because she can't even bring herself to TEXT you that she never wants to see you again. Ghosted.

This just happened to me, yet again you think after years of it happening it would get easier, but it doesn't. It gets harder as time goes on.

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Posted byu/[deleted]4 months ago

Asked a girl out no response Reddit

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Asked a girl out no response Reddit

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NEVER add someone on Facebook you meet on a dating site prior to meeting them. Why? Because women will cancel a date on you if they find something they don't like on your wall. This is a fact. Here's a link about it where a study found almost 40% of women will cancel a date if they find something they don't like about a guy that they find on his wall.

If you do decide to add a woman, clean up your wall at least. You never know what could scare her off.

So now that I got that out of the way. You should always get a girls number first to call her. No texting. Show some confidence and call her to ask her out. Call with a plan. None of this "I was wondering if you would like to meet for a drink" nonsense. Call and say "Let's meet for a Margarita on Thursday. I know a great place.." If she's interested you will know. Even if she's busy she will make an effort; "I can't Thursday but I'm free Saturday afternoon" or something like that.

My advice is to ask her for her number. If you don't hear from her move on. It sounds like she has.

Learn from this. I can't tell you how important it is to keep women you have just met off your Facebook.

This is becoming the most frustrating thing in the world. I've gone out with this girl a few times already. Had a blast each time. Things progress. Even on past dates, she doesn't respond when I initially ask her out, but if I bring it up again later she responds.

So today I sent a text about this upcoming weekend. Of course, she again completely ignored it. Then proceeds to send me snapchats later in the day never bringing up the date. Do girls often just wait around and ignore these requests? I've called her out on it before on whether she even wants to keep seeing each other and she said she does.

I get it, there's a good chance I'm not her first option and she's waiting on someone else. But holy shit this is so annoying. Is this common? I like this girl but I'm seriously just frustrated and wanting to ghost out at this point.

Am I overreacting? What do I do? Just wait to see if she brings up that I asked her out?


I am running into an issue where everything is going great, but when asking girls out for a drink/date, they simply just stop replying even tho we are chatting on facebook and it shows they have seen my message.

A little bit about me, i am a 25 male. I consider myself above avarage good looking dude, i am a freelancer making decent money, i train martial arts, really into healthy food and nutrition, i travel a lot and have a good social life filled with friends. Most of the time i go out, i get approached by girls, but most of the time just too shy to do anything.

Recently i read a lot of selfhelp and realtionship books and i think i understand the basics but in reality i cannot seem to manifest these things. I tried using Tinder aswell as approacing women everywhere i go to bars, clubs or even a random local shop. I get their contacts most of the time and they even usually contact me first, but even these girls ghost me when i ask them out. Reading all these books thought me that no reply = no thanks, i get that. But i cannot seem to understand why they leave me hanging. As i know that they are interested as they contact me first.

In my texts after they contact me first i try to make them laugh and ask them questions, after a few messeages i get to the point and ask them out, to which there is always no reply. I also stop replying than and everything is stuck in a Limbo, which sucks the most i would much rather get a straight no, so that my brain can focus on other stuff, these ''seen'' messages jam my brain with ''what if?'', questions that make me anxious. This has happened so many times that i am really getting frustrated.

Any help would be appreciated or your own personal situations. I could share the whole chat if it helps, but even this feel too much of a wall of text :P

Thanks in advance