Are unsalted peanuts bad for squirrels?

While peanuts may not be the healthiest food for squirrels, they are not necessarily bad for them either. In moderation, peanuts can provide some essential nutrients and calories that squirrels need to survive. However, peanuts should not be the only food that squirrels eat, as they need a varied diet to stay healthy.

Squirrels who eat a diet that is too high in peanuts may become obese, which can lead to health problems. Additionally, peanuts that are moldy or otherwise spoiled can be dangerous for squirrels to eat. Therefore, it is important to only give squirrels fresh, unsalted peanuts in moderation.

The dangers of peanuts for squirrels

While peanuts are a perfectly safe and healthy snack for humans, they can be dangerous for squirrels. Peanuts contain a compound called aflatoxin, which can be toxic to animals if consumed in large quantities. Symptoms of aflatoxin poisoning in squirrels include lethargy, loss of appetite, and vomiting. If you think your squirrel has eaten too many peanuts, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Why are peanuts bad for squirrels?

There are a few reasons why peanuts may not be the best food for squirrels. Peanuts are high in fat and protein, which can be detrimental to a squirrel’s health if they eat too many. Peanuts also contain aflatoxin, a naturally occurring toxin that can harm Squirrels. Finally, the shells of peanuts can be a choking hazard for squirrels.

Nuts are a lovely food. It has a high amount of protein and other nutrients. Also, it’s a portion of tasty food. Therefore, squirrels love to eat nuts.

If you have squirrels or love pets, you may notice that squirrels love to eat nuts. In fact, they love to eat lots of nuts at a time.

But the question arises when you search for salt peanuts. Most pet lovers want to know if they can use salt peanuts as their pet food.

It has different answers. But one thing you must know. That is, salt is not an ideal food ingredient for the pet. Therefore, you have to avoid using it for making squirrels’ food.

Can squirrels eat salted peanuts?

Squirrels can eat salted peanuts. But it has a small number of nutrients. In contrast, salted peanuts may ruin the digestive system. Moreover, it will damage the natural immunity of the squirrels. They fail to digest correctly. That’s why you should avoid using salted peanuts as pet food.

Table of Contents

  • Can squirrels eat salted peanuts?
    • Wild squirrels:
    • Flying squirrels:
  • Why are salted peanuts bad for squirrels?
    • Salt is not an ideal pet food ingredient:
    • Salt is not safe for the kidneys:
    • High amount of saturated fat:
    • Increase the blood pressure:
    • Immunity systems will fail:
  • Can squirrels eat lightly salted peanuts In the shell?
  • Do squirrels like salted or unsalted peanuts?
  • Are unsalted peanuts safe for squirrels?
  • What kind of peanuts to feed squirrels?
  • How to feed peanuts to squirrels?
    • Scatter the peanuts:
    • Mixture of different seeds and nuts:
    • Feeder:
    • Hand feed:
  • What nuts can you feed squirrels?
    • Raw peanuts:
    • Unsalted peanuts:
    • Walnuts:
    • Almond nut:
    • Hazelnuts:
  • Final thoughts

Are unsalted peanuts bad for squirrels?
Are unsalted peanuts bad for squirrels?

Peanut is a type of nut. It has a good amount of protein. Also, it helps to increase muscle. When you mix salt with peanuts, it is no longer good.

Salt is a must avoided pet food ingredient. It is only used for increasing the taste, nothing else. It has no importance at all. If you use salted peanuts, your squirrel or pet will face health issues.

On the other hand, squirrels have different categories. Let’s see if they can eat salted peanuts.

Wild squirrels:

Wild squirrels can eat everything, including nuts. That’s why they can eat salted peanuts too. However, salted peanuts are not ideal for their health.

Wild animals mostly eat fresh fruits and vegetables. They don’t need any salted foods. Therefore, they create a solid digestive system without salt. So, if you offer them salted food, it may ruin the stomach.

Flying squirrels:

Here comes another type of squirrel. They love to eat peanuts but not the salted ones. However, they can also eat salted peanuts.

Flying squirrels are the best in times of eating habits. You can feed them pretty much everything, including vegetables, fruits, and nuts. That’s why they can also eat salted peanuts.

Why are salted peanuts bad for squirrels?

Salted peanuts are bad for squirrels. There are some particular reasons. Let’s go through them.

Salt is not an ideal pet food ingredient:

It hampers pets’ stomach and digestion. Therefore, you should avoid using extra salt or salted peanuts as pet food. In Particular, squirrels cannot digest salt properly. 

That’s the first reason why salted peanuts are bad for squirrels.

Salt is not safe for the kidneys:

When it comes to squirrel’s kidneys, you should know that they have small size kidneys. Therefore, they cannot process salt perfectly. It is another reason why salted peanuts are bad for squirrels.

High amount of saturated fat:

Salted peanuts have a high amount of saturated fat. We all know that saturated fat is highly unhealthy for pets. They cannot digest it properly and suffer in the long run. That’s why salted peanuts are bad for squirrels.

Increase the blood pressure:

Salted peanuts can increase the blood pressure of the squirrels. It may lead to heart disease. That’s another reason why salted peanuts are bad.

Immunity systems will fail:

If you continuously use salted peanuts and let your squirrels overeat, the life of the squirrels will become a struggle. Squirrel’s immunity systems will fail. That’s the final reason why salted peanuts are bad.

Can squirrels eat lightly salted peanuts In the shell?

Squirrels can eat lightly salted peanuts in the shell. However, it’s not an ideal practice. You should offer some fresh nuts and avoid using any salted nuts if you have options.

Lightly salted peanuts in the shell also contain salt. As we said before, that squirrel has tiny kidneys. They cannot filter out the salt entirely. As a result, it becomes a significant concern for the squirrels’ health.

However, you can treat your squirrel with some lightly salted nuts once a week, not more than that.

Do squirrels like salted or unsalted peanuts?

Squirrels like both salted and unsalted peanuts. Mainly, squirrels live on berries and nuts. Therefore, they prefer to eat unsalted peanuts.

Additionally, salted nuts come with more taste. Therefore, squirrels also love to eat them too. Here comes the challenging part. You have to control your eating habit and let your squirrels eat a limited amount of salted nuts.

In that case, you can make a routine diet. There you can add unsalted nuts two times a week. In that case, you may offer salted peanuts once a week.

Are unsalted peanuts safe for squirrels?

Unsalted peanuts are not entirely safe for squirrels. It may cause allergy issues and other heart diseases. However, it has some health benefits as well.

In that case, you should make a diet chart and prioritize the unsalted peanuts. Add some as a treat, that’s it. Don’t let your squirrels start living on it.

If you compare unsalted and salted peanuts, you will find unsalted one is healthier than salted one. That means you should avoid using salted peanuts and add unsalted ones.

What kind of peanuts to feed squirrels?

Unsalted peanuts are a better option to feed squirrels. There are different kinds of peanuts available in the market. If you search, you will find salted peanuts, unsalted peanuts, raw peanuts, shelled, and unshelled peanuts.

Among these various categories, raw peanuts and unsalted peanuts are the best kind of peanuts to feed squirrels. But, you squirrels can eat all types of nuts and peanuts.

Salted and raw peanuts have some health issues. Raw peanuts can create heart disease. On the other hand, salted peanuts damage the kidneys. That’s why unsalted peanuts are the best option to feed squirrels.

How to feed peanuts to squirrels?

Feeding peanuts is the most straightforward job in the world. You may wonder how? Squirrels love to eat with nuts and peanuts. Therefore, you can feed it in every way.

Still, there are some tips that you can follow to feed peanuts to squirrels.

Scatter the peanuts:

Scatter the peanuts in front of your squirrels. They will stroll and eat all the peanuts one by one. It’s the easiest way to feed peanuts to squirrels.

Mixture of different seeds and nuts:

You can make a mixture of different seeds and nuts. There you can add some peanuts too. Then offer your baby squirrels or adult one. They will eat the variety. It is the second-best way to feed peanuts to squirrels.


Feeder is another good option to feed your baby squirrels. If you have baby squirrels, you can fill the feeder with different nuts and seeds. In this way, you can feed peanuts to your squirrels.

Hand feed:

If your squirrels are friendly and trust you, you can hand feed. Before that, you need to keep in mind that squirrels can bite. And it will hurt you. Especially if you have wild squirrels, you should avoid the hand-feeding option.

These are the four best ways and tips to feed peanuts to squirrels. There are more in the row. If you want, you may add some and find out the best way to feed your squirrels.

What nuts can you feed squirrels?

You can feed pretty much every nut except the salted peanuts. It contains saturated fat and salt harmful to a pet’s health.

However, we find some excellent nuts that you can surely feed squirrels. Here you go.

Raw peanuts:

Raw peanuts are among the best types of nuts that you can feed squirrels. It has some excellent health benefits. It contains high amounts of protein and helps the pets to grow quickly.

Unsalted peanuts:

Unsalted peanuts or nuts are another excellent source of natural protein. Your squirrels need a minimum amount of protein every day to make the perfect growth. In that case, unsalted peanuts would be an excellent choice.


Here comes the most important nut. Walnuts are the best natural pet food. Squirrels love to eat them unshelled. Therefore, you can buy some walnuts and treat your squirrel.

Almond nut:

If you want to treat your squirrels with the best quality nut, you should buy some almond nuts and feed squirrels. It has a high amount of protein and vitamins.


You can feed squirrels with hazelnuts occasionally. Hazelnuts can be used as a dessert item. So, if you badly want to treat your squirrels with some dessert, hazelnuts would be a good option.

These are considered the best nuts to feed squirrels. You will find more, but first, go for them and try them out.

Final thoughts

Salted peanuts are not the ideal pet food. But squirrels can eat salted peanuts. In fact, they love them. However, you should make a diet chart and treat your squirrels with salted peanuts once a week. Anything more than that will create severe health issues.

Can squirrels have unsalted peanuts?

A favorite, but should only be provided in moderation. Raw peanuts may contain a fungus that can hurt squirrels. Unsalted and only in small amounts. Shelled or unshelled are fine.

Are peanuts toxic for squirrels?

Peanuts are not the squirrel's only food source as many other natural foods are still being sought and consumed. The general consensus is that giving squirrels a steady diet of raw peanuts may not be particularly good for them; but that in moderation raw peanuts probably cause no problem whatsoever.

Should squirrels have salted or unsalted peanuts?

Can Squirrels Eat Salted Peanuts? When feeding wildlife, avoid feeding them salted nuts or food of any kind. While squirrels can tolerate a little bit of salt, their tiny kidneys cannot filter out the proportional huge amount of salt that is contained in salted nuts.

Which nuts are not good for squirrels?

Acorns, whole roasted pumpkin seeds, and almonds are the healthiest, followed by hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, English walnuts, pecans, pistachios, and peanuts, in that order. Avoid: Cashews, sunflower seeds, dried corn, pine nuts (will cause severe calcium loss).