Are Mobil 1 oil filters worth it?

K&N and Mobil 1 are two of the most well-recognized oil filter names on the market today. Both of these big names are premium quality brands and it can be difficult to decide which is the best.

Luckily for you, we provide an extensive comparison of the two oil filter brands in this article. Of course, deciding which is best, K&N oil filter vs Mobil 1 will depend on your car’s specific needs. 

If you are driving a high-performance vehicle then the K&N is going to be the best choice but it will require changing more frequently than the Mobil 1. However, if you are looking for a more friendly option then Mobil 1 may be the best choice for you.

Every engine needs an oil filter to remove contaminants from the engine oil.

If contaminants and debris are able to build up inside the engine oil, the oil will not perform as it should and this can lead to engine problems over time. 

As oil filters are responsible for maintaining the high quality of your engine oil, it is important to know how they work, how well they perform their job, and also how often they need to be changed. 

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Not all filters will work in all vehicle engines.

As part of this review, we are going to look at which vehicles Mobil 1 and K&N are compatible with. Finally, we will be looking at the average price of each filter, to help you decide whether the products suit your budget or not.

Mobil 1 Oil Filters – The Full Story

Are Mobil 1 oil filters worth it?

To help you learn a little more about the Mobil 1 Extended Performance oil filter, we are going to closely review the filter.

How Long Does the Filter Last

The Mobil 1 Extended Performance oil filter claims to protect your engine oil and, therefore, your engine for up to one year, or for 20, 000miles.

If you drive more than 20,000 miles in a year, you may need to change the filter before the twelve months are up.

The Mobil 1 oil filter works best with the Mobil 1 High-Performance synthetic oil. When the Mobil 1 Extended Performance oil filter is used with other motor oils, it will need to be changed approximately every 3000 – 7,500 miles. 

What Oil Does the Filter Work With?

Mobil 1 oil filters have been designed for all motor oils. While the High-Performance filter may perform best with the Mobil 1 High-Performance oil, the filter can work effectively to filter any engine oil.

The blend of synthetic and fiber media used in the filter enables high-grade performance on both synthetic and regular motor oil. 

What Is the Filter’s Efficiency?

The Mobil 1 oil filters are able to filter out and hold large volumes of dirt and debris, making them the superior choice to other filter brands available today.

Mobil 1 filters use a blend of synthetic media and microfiber glass. These materials stop even the smallest of particles from passing through, therefore the oil is kept as clean as possible. 

These oil filters have an impressive efficiency of 99%. This rating is based on the filter removing particles with a size larger than 30 microns. 

Key Features

Are Mobil 1 oil filters worth it?

The last thing you want is for your car’s oil filter to break due to excessive pressure.

Luckily, Mobil 1 understand the strain put on oil filters and they have created a canister for their filter to be extra strong. Mobil 1 oil filters are able to withstand nine times the normal operating pressure.

The synthetic fiber blend media used in the Mobil 1 filters, helps to keep your engine oil cleaner for longer. The materials can catch a large amount of dirt and the larger surface area means it will take a long time for the filter to become clogged up. 

Average Price

There are various Mobil 1 oil filters available to buy on the market today. The range of different filters means there will be a Mobil 1 filter available to buy that will fit your vehicle.

It is possible to get a Mobil 1 extended performance oil filter for as little as $11 on Amazon. However, the price for these filters can vary dramatically, click the button below to check current prices on Amazon. 


  • Strong and durable canister.
  • Works effectively for 1 year/20,000 miles.
  • Synthetic fiber blend media keeps oil and engine cleaner for longer. 
  • 99% efficiency rating. 
  • Can be used with all motor oils.


  • Slightly more expensive than similar products. 
  • No metal backing in the silicon layer.

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K&N Oil Filter Review

K&N started out producing oil filters for motorcycles, but over the years has adapted its original design to create filters for cars too.

K&N oil filters differ from Mobil 1 as they are designed to work with thicker and heavier oil. While Mobil 1 will effectively filter and clean all motor oils, K&N filters excel when it comes to cleaning thicker oil.

Thanks to their design, K&N oil filters are a firm favorite in high-performance and racing cars. K&N oil filters will work with conventional, synthetic, and blended oils, therefore are a good choice for the majority of vehicles, but the high-performance market is where they shine. 

The K&N Performance Gold oil filter provides high flow rates, allowing clean oil to easily pass through into the engine. This particular filter uses a pleated synthetic blend of filter media, this works well to remove the majority of contaminants that can harm your car’s engine.

K&N filters are simple to remove, all you need is a wrench and you can remove the used filter in no time at all. 

The strong and durable canister used in K&N oil filters is designed to last and no matter which filter you use, you can expect it to work effectively for several thousands of miles.

Are Mobil 1 oil filters worth it?

How Long Does the Filter Last?

The K&N oil filters are designed to last around 10,000 miles, approximately one year.

Depending on your driving habits, you may notice your filter needs to change closer to 7,000 miles or not until you reach around 12,000 miles. K&N filters have metal backing, this keeps all the filtration media in place and will keep it working at its best for longer. 

What Oil Does the Filter Work With? 

The K&N oil filters are designed to work well with conventional, synthetic, and blended motor oils. Unlike Mobil 1 which works well with thin and dense motor oils, K&N is best suited to heavier and thicker oils thanks to its larger surface area and increased oil flow. 

What Is the Filter’s Efficiency?

According to the K&N website, all K&N filters are laboratory tested to provide accurate efficiency data. The efficiency rating for the K&N oil filters can vary between products, but the average is thought to be approximately 85%.

K&N produces heavy-duty oil filters, plus filters for cars, trucks, and motorcycles. All of their products are built with performance in mind and drivers are rarely disappointed by the results.

Key Features

The large range of K&N oil filters all offer exceptional quality and performance. These filters use a premium filtration system and a thick gauge, steel heavy-duty canister for optimum durability.

Are Mobil 1 oil filters worth it?

The heavy metal backing and metal springs, make sure the K&N oil filters can withstand the engine conditions for thousands of miles and the wrench-off design makes changing the filter a quick and easy process. 

There is also a pre-drilled nut with a hole, ready for a safety wire attachment. You don’t want your oil filter coming loose and this feature is particularly helpful for motorcyclists and racing drivers.

Average Price

Similarly to Mobil 1, the price for K&N filters can vary significantly, depending on where you are buying the product and which oil filter you choose to buy.

For example, the K&N Premium oil filter is currently available for $34.95 on Amazon, but the high-performance motorcycle filters are much cheaper at $16.99. Click the link below to see the current prices for K&N filters, available to buy on Amazon.


  • Heavy-duty steel canister. 
  • Pre-drilled nut for safety attachment.
  • Wrench-off design is easy to use.
  • Cellulose media is used for filtration. 
  • Excellent oil flow and filtration. 
  • Laboratory tested to meet OEM standards. 


  • Designed to work best with thick, dense motor oils. 
  • Some products are not budget-friendly.
  • Has a lower efficiency rating – 85%.

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Differences and Similarities Between K&N Oil Filter and Mobil 1 

As you can see, both Mobil 1 and K&N oil filters are superior products and are designed to help your engine receive the cleanest oil possible.

Mobil 1 and K&N are both high-performance oil filters, but there are some key differences between the two. Let’s take a closer look: 

  • Mobil 1 oil filters work best with all motor oils, whereas K&N is designed to provide superior performance for heavier oils. K&N is the best choice for high-performance vehicles, motorcycles, and racing cars. 
  • The efficiency rating varies between the two oil filters. Mobil 1 has an impressive efficiency rating of 99%, whereas K&N is slightly lower at 85%. 
  • Mobil 1 high-performance oil filters can last up to 20,000 miles when used with Mobil 1 high-performance oil. However, K&N oil filters will need to be replaced after 10,000 miles. 
  • The filtration media varies between the two, K&N uses cellulose media and Mobil 1 uses a synthetic fiber blend.
  • K&N filters provide superior oil flow when compared to Mobil 1 filters. 

Are Mobil 1 oil filters worth it?

Which Filter Is Best – K&N or Mobil 1?

When choosing which is best, K&N or Mobil 1, it often comes down to personal preference. If you drive a motorcycle or high-performance vehicle, K&N is probably the best choice.

While both can be used for all motor oils, K&N offers the best performance for thicker oils and the design ensures the oil flow is free from as many contaminants as possible. 

Both Mobil 1 and K&N offer a wide range of oil filters and this variety means drivers should not have difficulty finding the perfect fit for their vehicle.

K&N oil filters have more features, including the pre-drilled nut and metal backing, and this can push the price tag up. If you are on a budget, you may prefer a Mobil 1 oil filter. 


Is K&N better than Mobil 1?

Mobil 1 and K&N are both high-performing, high-grade oil filters. Which one is best will depend on your personal preference. The two filters are similar in price and are both produced to a high standard.

However, while Mobil 1 filters work with all oil, K&N filters are best suited to heavier, more dense engine oil. 

Are K&N oil filters better than OEM?

K&N produces high-performing oil filters that are often considered one of the best on the market. However, for optimum filtration and flow, no after-market filter can beat your vehicle’s OEM. 

How long do Mobil 1 Oil filters last?

The Mobil 1 Extended Performance oil filter lasts up to a year, or for 20,000 miles, whichever comes first. Mobil 1 guarantees that the Extended Performance will last this long when used with Mobil 1 Extended Performance motor oil. 

Are Mobil 1 oil filters worth it?

Is it ok to use an oil filter with regular oil?

Yes, it is possible to use any oil filter with regular oil or synthetic oil. However, performance will vary if you are using a synthetic oil filter with regular oil, and vice versa.

If you do not use the recommended filter for your chosen motor oil, you may find the filter is having to be changed much more frequently than the oil.

What is the use of an oil filter?

An oil filter plays a very important role in the smooth running of a vehicle’s engine. Over time, debris, carbon deposits, and metal can begin to build up inside the engine oil.

The purpose of an oil filter is to filter out these impurities, allowing the oil to stay contamination free for longer. Without a filter, the oil will not keep the required viscosity for its full life span and it may no longer be able to perform correctly. 


Both brands of oil filters provide high performance and will make sure only the cleanest oil is circulating around your vehicle’s engine. However, there are some key differences when it comes to design, efficiency, and price.

Mobil 1 and K&N are two of the best oil filter products available on the market today and choosing which is best will come down to personal preference and your needs. If your vehicle uses dense motor oil, K&N will be the better oil filter. However, Mobil 1 is more versatile and is designed to work well with all engine oils.

Here are some other articles to read:

Are Oil Filters Universal? Are They All the Same?

How to Remove an Oil Filter Without a Tool Easily!

5 Worst Oil Filter Brands to Avoid

How long do Mobil 1 oil filters last?

ExxonMobil offers Mobil 1™ Extended Performance Oil Filters, which provide longer‐lasting protection, up to one year or 20,000 miles between oil changes, whichever comes first.

What's the best oil filter on the market today?

Best Oil Filter for 2022.
Royal Purple Extended Life Premium Oil Filter. Best oil filter overall. ... .
Mobil 1 Extended Performance Oil Filter. Best oil filter overall runner-up. ... .
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K&N Performance Silver Oil Filter..

Do oil filters really make a difference?

Your car's oil filter prevents dirt and debris from entering your car's engine, helping keep your car running optimally for a long time. Oil filters also help prolong the life of your oil, allowing you to go more miles before an oil change.

Is there an advantage to using a premium or synthetic oil filter?

Typically, synthetic oil filters do a better job of trapping small contaminates for a longer period of time (and more miles on your vehicle), meaning less frequent changes.