Are Elf on the Shelf real or do parents move them?

Elf on the Shelf is a tradition that explains how Santa’s Elf hides in every home to watch how they behave. The Elf moves back to the North Pole to report to Santa about the events that have happened that day when everyone in the house is asleep. Elf moves back and hides in a new place in the morning. Children are allowed to send their wishes to Santa through Elf.

Are Elf on the Shelf real or do parents move them?
Are Elf on the Shelf real or do parents move them?

Note: Parents should understand that there are two rules of placing the Elf on the Shelf officially. Firstly, parents should change the position of the Elf every night when their children are asleep. This will help create the illusion for the children that the Elf travels back to report to Santa at the North Pole about the behaviour of the kids every night. Second, parents should make sure that their kids never touch the Elf or else he will lose his magic. However, children are to write an apology letter to Santa and send it through Elf. They should sprinkle the letter with cinnamon and leave it next to Elf before going to bed.

Below are some unofficial guides parents can use to Elf on the Shelf – this will make their children believe that they have a magical Christmas.

  1. Wait for the tree
    Parents should wait for the tree and prepare for the arrival of their Elf. When the Elf arrives, the whole family will be very happy, and you can unleash him early December. Parents should make sure they find enough hiding spots for the Elf and enough things to do.
  2. Naming your elf
    Choosing the perfect name for your Elf is one of the best things about the tradition of starting the Elf on the Shelf. If you find it hard to get a name for your elf, you can try this website 
  3. Perform surgery
    If you purchase a type of elf that is very light and not strong enough to be placed in interesting positions, you may have to perform a little surgery on the elf. You can make use of glue gun to make your elf more malleable than and look perfect.
  4. Posing your elf
    Try to make your Elf bendy rather than in a sitting position when placing him on the self. To do this, you can make use of glue dots to make your elf grasp objects. You can also make use of hook and loop fastener or magnets to make the elf hang and climb and bend.
  5. When the elf didn’t move
    In a situation whereby you forget to move the elf, have no fear. You can easily make use of your initiation to keep the magic of the tradition by looking for words to explain this. Some of this include bad weather and that the elf does not want to report a child’s bad behaviour.
  6. When your kid touches the elf
    If this happens, tell your child to contact Santa through elf by writing a letter, sing Christmas carols or sprinkle a little cinnamon around the elf before going to bed. Explain to them that cinnamon is like vitamins for scout elves and that it makes it easy for them to locate the North Pole easily to deliver their message.
  7. When you’ve had enough
    After you are through by the Elf on the Shelf this season, you can break his leg to take a break. This will give you a week or two weeks break from the tradition. Kids will never win parents – Parenting WIN!!! In other words, you can throw him a goodbye party for him or spell out a goodbye with magnetic or Scrabble letters.
  8. There are no rules
    There are no basic rules in placing Elf on the shelf; it is a family tradition, and you can customise it to your taste and make your children happy.

Above all, this is just a magic to spice up this season. So, just do what works best for you and what your children will love.

It’s easy to get swept up in the magic of the holidays. Department store Santas, even the ones with the obviously fake beards, suddenly transform into the real deal when your child is sitting on their lap posing for a picture. You have an inexplicable urge to drink egg nog, and you find yourself crooning like Bing Crosby and dreaming of a white Christmas. So it’s understandable that if you believe in flying reindeer, you might also believe in the enchanting story of the Elf on the Shelf. But if your child asks you, “Is Elf on the Shelf real?” here’s what you can say.

How did Elf on the Shelf start?

The Elf on the Shelf began back in 2005 when Carol Aebersold and her daughter, Chanda, penned a book together called The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition. As the story goes, Santa Claus would send an elf from the North Pole to watch how well a child was behaving in the days and weeks before Christmas. Santa needed some help making his naughty and nice lists, after all. The elf would then return to the North Pole and report to Santa if the kid was good or not, and then return to the child’s home before they woke up in the morning. The cool part is that each morning, the Elf on the Shelf would be a different spot, but the child wasn’t allowed to touch the elf for fear of losing their magic.

Are Elf on the Shelf real or do parents move them?

The Elf on the Shelf




Today, when parents adopt an Elf on the Shelf, they get to give their elf a new name. The fun (for kids, anyway) really begins when their elf returns to their home each morning, because it can often be found in some funny situations, like sipping maple syrup straight out of the bottle, making snow angels out of sprinkles, or playing with Barbie in her dream house.

Is Elf on the Shelf real?

Because the Elf on the Shelf “moves” each night, belief can sometimes be suspended into thinking that it is real. And for all intents and purposes, the Elf on the Shelf is real. It’s a real doll, after all. The real question is, though, do you think the Elf on the Shelf is real? And I’m here to tell you that, yes, it is.

Oh, I didn’t always think this way. I begrudgingly bought the doll when my youngest daughter, Claire, came home from preschool excitedly talking about Elf on the Shelf and asked why she didn’t have one. So Mama made a Target run and…Poof! Magically, Claire and her little brother Andrew now had their very own Elf on the Shelf.

I still wasn’t sold on the idea of the Elf on the Shelf. It wasn’t as if I needed one more thing to do during the holidays, because now I had to move a dumb doll for the next 20-ish days, too. And not just move it from one location to the other, but come up with intricate, exciting, and witty positions that could not be a duplicate of a previous day. Who has time for that?

Then, it happened. I remember the exact moment that our Elf on the Shelf became alive. The littles and I sat together on my bed and read The Elf on the Shelf: A Christmas Tradition, and we got to the page where it said we had to give our elf a name:

“The first time I come to the place you call home

You quickly must give me a name of my own.”

That was it. Immediately, the littles wanted to call her Chloe. After they went to bed that night, I held the doll and looked at her. Chloe. She was no longer the silly, somewhat smirky, gangly-armed and legged doll. She had an identity, and a purpose. And I was determined to help her achieve it.

Over time, I began to look forward to what new adventures Chloe would get herself into. I would go online and look for easy Elf on the Shelf ideas, or think about what I could dress her up in. Perhaps she was found pooping out a Hershey’s Kiss or luxuriating in a bath of mini marshmallows. She tried to fish out of my son’s fish tank, and she chatted it up with the Mensch on the Bench, too. One morning, the kids couldn’t find her in the fridge after I gave them guesses, and after they went to school, I actually apologized to her for keeping her in there for so long.

Are Elf on the Shelf real or do parents move them?

Jennifer Parris

And yes, I did question my sanity.

Sure, it does get grueling having to come up with new ideas and activities on the daily. After all, it’s not enough to just plunk the doll on the couch and call it a day. And there is always that one morning, no matter how much prep and planning you do, that a kid gets up earlier than expected and you forget to move the damn doll from the night before, and you’re stuck scrambling, stuffing her into a tissue box so that you can pretend that she’s still sleeping — just like you were.

But what I’ve found is that Chloe creates conversation and connection. On the way to school, the kids will ask what I think Chloe eats at the North Pole each night, or what her other elf friends do for fun. She’s less of a spy making sure that they’re being nice (and not naughty) and more like a lovely long-distance relative who’s here for the holidays. She becomes a beloved member of the family, if but for a few short weeks.

By the time Christmas comes, and that other person in a red suit takes precedence, I feel sorry for Chloe. Her days are numbered, and we both know it. I’m not embarrassed to admit that once, when I tucked her back into her box before she started her journey, (not to the North Pole, but to my attic), I found myself wiping away a tear, knowing that the magic had ended for another year.

So is Elf on the Shelf real? I guess that depends on who you ask. To my kids, she’s as real as Santa Claus — and we know he’s real. For me, our Elf on the Shelf becomes something so much more than a doll. She’s an emotion, an innocence, a moment in time that you know not so deep down you’ll never get back, so you need to enjoy it now. Yes, the Elf on the Shelf is festive, but it’s ultimately about having fun and being together as a family. And those things are very, very real.

Does Elf on the Shelf move or is it your parents?

According to elf legend, the elf moves each night. Some mornings, though, kids might find themselves asking why the elf is still in its same place.

Do parents move the Elf on the Shelf at night?

Elf moves back and hides in a new place in the morning. Children are allowed to send their wishes to Santa through Elf. Note: Parents should understand that there are two rules of placing the Elf on the Shelf officially. Firstly, parents should change the position of the Elf every night when their children are asleep.

Do elf on the shelfs actually move on their own?

The truth is, Scout Elves only move when they are certain noone else is around. This is because when they're with you, they must fulfill their duty for Santa, watching and listening to every single thing that happens in your home.

Are elves real yes or no?

From a scientific viewpoint, elves are not considered objectively real. However, elves have in many times and places been believed to be real beings.