Are electromagnets weaker than permanent magnets?

Are electromagnets weaker than permanent magnets?

Permanent Magnets and Electromagnets: What are the Differences?
A permanent magnet is an object made from a material that is magnetized and creates its own persistent magnetic field. As the name suggests, a permanent magnet is ‘permanent’. This means that it always has a magnetic field and will display a magnetic behavior at all times.

An electromagnet is made from a coil of wire which acts as a magnet when an electric current passes through it. Often an electromagnet is wrapped around a core of ferromagnetic material like steel, which enhances the magnetic field produced by the coil.

Permanent Magnet v. Electromagnet: Magnetic Properties
A permanent magnet’s magnetic properties exist when the magnet is (magnetized). An electromagnetic magnet only displays magnetic properties when an electric current is applied to it. That is how you can differentiate between the two. The magnets that you have affixed to your refrigerator are permanent magnets, while electromagnets are the principle behind AC motors.

Permanent Magnet v. Electromagnet: Magnetic Strength
Permanent magnet strength depends upon the material used in its creation. The strength of an electromagnet can be adjusted by the amount of electric current allowed to flow into it. As a result, the same electromagnet can be adjusted for different strength levels.

Permanent Magnet v. Electromagnet: Loss of Magnetic Properties
If a permanent magnet loses its magnetic properties, as it does by heating to a (maximum) temperature, it will be rendered useless and its magnetic properties can be only recovered by re-magnetizing. Contrarily, an electromagnet loses its magnetic power every time an electric current is removed and becomes magnetic once again when the electric field is introduced.

Permanent Magnet v. Electromagnet: Advantages
The main advantage of a permanent magnet over an electromagnet is that a permanent magnet does not require a continuous supply of electrical energy to maintain its magnetic field. However, an electromagnet’s magnetic field can be rapidly manipulated over a wide range by controlling the amount of electric current supplied to the electromagnet.

Note: This is a high level overview of permanent magnets as they compare to electromagnets. There are more details available relating to the differences stated. Please contact us with your specific questions and we’ll be happy to share all the fine points.

It’s no secret that magnets are in nearly everything we use on a regular basis.

But what type of magnets are they? And which type of magnet is best for a particular situation?

In this blog, we’ll take a deeper look into the differences between electromagnets and permanent magnets.

Permanent Magnets

Permanent magnets are made from a material that is magnetized and creates its own persistent magnetic field.

This type of magnet always has a magnetic field and will display that magnetic and attractive behaviour at all times.

Just as the name suggests, permanent magnets consist of magnetic material whose atoms have been permanently aligned to create a persistent magnetic field.

Permanent magnets can be made of various materials including:

  • Flexible Sheet
  • Flexible Strip
  • Ceramic
  • Alnico
  • Samarium Cobalt
  • Neodymium

It’s important to note that Neodymium and Samarium Cobalt magnets are also classified as Rare Earth magnets, which means that they have superior holding strength in comparison to its physical size.


As indicated by its name, an electromagnet operates and is dependent on electricity.

An electromagnet is a type of magnet whose magnetic field is created by the flow of an electric current.

The magnetic force in electromagnets is activated when electricity is turned on, and stops as soon as the electrical current is disconnected.

This type of magnet is made from a coil of wire, which acts as a magnet when an electric current passes through it. Oftentimes, an electromagnet is made stronger by wrapping it around a core of material like steel, which enhances the magnetic field produced by the coil.

Electromagnets offer the advantages of controlled holding power, and through the application of controlled DC electrical current, they have the ability to attract and hold ferrous materials with varying degrees of force.

What Are The Differences Between Electromagnets and Permanent Magnets?

Are electromagnets weaker than permanent magnets?

The two major differences between electromagnets and permanent magnets are:

1.      Loss of properties

2.      Magnetic strength

With very few exceptions, such as exceeding maximum operating temperatures, permanent magnets remain magnetized constantly, while electromagnets are reliant on electrical currents for the strength of their magnetic properties.

Magnetic strength is dependent on various factors.

The magnetic strength of permanent magnets depends on the overall material, size, and shape of the magnet itself, but once that level of magnetization is determined, it does not change.

Electromagnets, on the other hand, are highly dependent on the electrical current supplied. Meaning, electromagnets can provide multiple magnetic strengths.

Pros & Cons


Permanent Magnets


Able to manipulate their magnetic pull strength by turning the magnet or off, or by adjusting the electrical current

Greater pull strength

Able to operate without a power supply, making them energy efficient and portable

Available in very small dimensions make them ideal for size-limited applications


Since  significant amounts of coiling is needed to create strong magnetic fields, their size can be prohibitive in some applications

Supplying too much current can create shorts, rendering the magnet useless.

Lose strength in very hot environments, and are therefore unsuitable for some applications

Fixed magnetic pull can make them unattractive to users looking for flexibility with their magnets

The Verdict?

Ultimately, the choice is up to you regarding which magnet you decide to go with.

Whether you choose electromagnets or permanent magnets for your application, be sure you fully understand the pros and cons of each.

Need More Information?

If you need help deciding which magnet is best for you, give us a call. One of our experts will be more than happy to assist!

Are electromagnets weaker than permanent magnets?

Our vast inventory of more than a million magnets, makes us a leading magnet supplier in the industry.

Is a permanent magnet stronger than an electromagnet?

Electromagnets have the main benefit of manipulating their magnetic pull strength – both by turning the magnet on or off and by adjusting the current. They also feature greater pull strength than permanent magnets. Some estimates place the largest electromagnet at 20 times stronger than the strongest permanent magnet.

Why electromagnets are better than permanent magnets?

Answer: The major advantage of electromagnets is that they can control their magnetic pull intensity by turning the magnet on or off and changing the current. They also have a stronger draw than permanent magnets.

What is the difference between electromagnets and permanent magnets?

However, Electromagnets are distinguished from permanent magnets by their ability to generate magnetic fields when electric current flows through them. In contrast, permanent magnets are as the name suggests, permanently magnetised. They do not need an electric current to generate magnetism.

Are electromagnets the strongest magnets?

Strength of an Electromagnet The combined magnetic force of the magnetized wire coil and iron bar makes an electromagnet very strong. In fact, electromagnets are the strongest magnets made. An electromagnet is stronger if there are more turns in the coil of wire or there is more current flowing through it.