Amber and justin family or fiancé instagram

  • #721

So was Bri on welfare? Like how was she taking care of her kids before locs?

Didn't she say she was always a housewife/stay at home mom?
So was she married before?
Or let me was she supporting herself and kids if she was single.
Also, I have heard people use their kids as an excuse for many things but not this( not working).

  • #722

That has to be the most novel excuse for not working I have ever heard.
Sure she may have been traumatized but then she goes and has kids that she can't support on her own because she has to be available.

She should have just said she wants to be a housewife...there is not shame in that at all.

If the mate is fine with it then she may need a second job.

  • #723

If Nikkiya liked taking care that lazy ass woman whilst getting her ass beat then so be it.

I wouldn't give them my blessing and I don't know why she wouldn't take advantage of therapy.

Amber and justin family or fiancé instagram


lady who lunches

  • #724

looook, what they don't get is every couple has (should have) a negotiation about finances

being a SAHM or one partner not having a job or career (with the agreement of the other partner), does not make one a gold-digger

not every couple model consists of both partners being in the workforce not matter the tax bracket

but what is an issue are the physical fights

and ummmmm y'all are clearly homophobic so why would you sister want to hang out with you? people are so funny when they want attention from the very person they're judgmental about.

If that's her 'man', then she can pay for her girl if she wants. They need to mind their business about that.
Now, if they're struggling with bills and rent, she needs a job to help out. They obviously don't have enough income for her to be a stay at home mom.

That's the thing. I dont think their household can live off her income. In these times, your spouse has to earn enough for a woman to be a housewife.

  • #725

Didn't she say she was always a housewife/stay at home mom?
So was she married before?
Or let me was she supporting herself and kids if she was single.
Also, I have heard people use their kids as an excuse for many things but not this( not working).

That heffa just doesn't want to work. Its cool if they can afford for her to be a stay at home mom, but obviously they cannot. She needs to get a job. The kids (if not already) will be in school and gone majority of the day soon. What will be her excuse then? At least work a part time. What happens when the kids are grown? She will find another excuse not to work.

And let's not forget that women are usually low balled when it comes to earnings on the job, especially black women. To top it off, she's stud lesbian, so she may not have the best job.

Amber and justin family or fiancé instagram


♫ Pick a song and sing a yellow nectarine ♫

Amber and justin family or fiancé instagram


♫ Pick a song and sing a yellow nectarine ♫

  • #727

People are always bothered by us quiet folks smh

  • #728

Whole damn family has found themselves a sugar daddy. I like this guy.

  • #730

I'm holding off on picking a side because they both seem like they've got hidden dysfunction. I'll say this though: If I send you to Italy and you can't even send me a "Thank You" card, you will hear my mouth until the end of time.

  • #731

I really, really like this guy.

  • #732

Ok i heard the groom to be is 50years old and the bride to be is supposed to be a lot younger? She doesn't look a day under 40 to me. Did they say her age?

  • #733

Family of ungrateful gold diggers.

  • #735

Ok i heard the groom to be is 50years old and the bride to be is supposed to be a lot younger? She doesn't look a day under 40 to me. Did they say her age?

She looks about late 30s, early 40s.

  • #736

So he's spending the insurance money to win over Summer's family and their ungrateful asses has the nerve to be mad because he called them out. Chile, this is not going to work. Summer just pacifying him to keep getting those gifts.

  • #737

Whole damn family has found themselves a sugar daddy. I like this guy.

This is exactly what it is. Whole damn family looking to come up off this man's wallet and can't even act grateful.

  • #738

I'm not feeling Sumer or her people. Something is off with them.

  • #739

A house full of ingrates!

  • #740

They are really out here trying to use this man up and I am so glad his mama and sister get to see what's really going on. They are going to sniff out this bullshit. I can't believe Summer is trying to press him about paying for her ungrateful, broke ass family to travel to Cabo!

  • #741

I would be so ashamed if my family were acting this ungrateful about my man's generosity. Summer should have led the charge with making sure they all showed their gratitude to him for his gift of the Italy trip. The fact that he was never thanked is a testament to what Summer is allowing from her family and also a testament to how raggedy her mama raised all of them. What a fucking mess.

  • #742

This man been holding back observing their family dynamics and now his telling them the truth she's willing to dump him over family. She was looking for a sugar daddy to take care her and her broke family. Oh you want a destination wedding knowing good and well that your family can't afford and doesn't seem like his family can either.

  • #743

Why plan a destination wedding, that you want your family to be involved in, knowing damn well your family can’t afford to attend. So, you want you fiancé to cover the bill,....bish, goodbye.

  • #744

While her family seems ungrateful he’s 50 and was doing more for her and her family than his own mother and sister. I’m side eyeing the hell out of him. Did he even do this much for his own deceased wife? Tricking on this young thing. Hmpf

  • #745

This man been holding back observing their family dynamics and now his telling them the truth she's willing to dump him over family. She was looking for a sugar daddy to take care her and her broke family. Oh you want a destination wedding knowing good and well that your family can't afford and doesn't seem like his family can either.

The truth hurts. Why are they triggered by what he is saying? Because it's the truth.

  • #746

While her family seems ungrateful he’s 50 and was doing more for her and her family than his own mother and sister. I’m side eyeing the hell out of him. Did he even do this much for his own deceased wife? Tricking on this young thing. Hmpf

I agree with this too. I wish I would spend a penny more on someone else's mama than I've ever spent on my own. That's wild. Keith was turnt out.

  • #747

I feel like her friend wants to call them out on their behavior but she's holding it in

  • #748

I agree with this too. I wish I would spend a penny more on someone else's mama than I've ever spent on my own. That's wild. Keith was turnt out.

Mmhmm. I just remembered him saying he’s basically a preacher’s kid. I’m sure his wife was accepted by his family and how he’s free to get with this wild chick who’s probably done everything in Soddam and Gomorrah and that’s why he’s been tricking.

  • #749

Wow LSA isn't oking Summer and her ppl finding a sugar daddy?! Hahaha only teasing

They are raggedy though for going all the way to Italy and still never having a thank you for him. And it is piss poor excuse to say the card is at the house after all this damn time. Did they come back last night?

And heir destination wedding... Yeah he shouldn't pay for anyone to go and at this point she should foot her own bill to go if SHE wants to have a destination wedding

  • #750

While her family seems ungrateful he’s 50 and was doing more for her and her family than his own mother and sister. I’m side eyeing the hell out of him. Did he even do this much for his own deceased wife? Tricking on this young thing. Hmpf

I believe he loved his wife to the very end. He got her the best health care, made sure she always had fresh flowers in her hospital room, and hired people to come to the hospital and sing to her. Hell, if I were not married, I would phuck with this man.

  • #751

He doesn't owe this lady an apology for saying their family dynamics is different. Why do he have to apologize for that so fucking what! They are just trying to ignore the fact that they were less than ingenious when he brought up the fact that they couldn't even say thank you for an all expense paid trip to Italy. They owe him an apology. A card thank you card sitting at the house is just that.

  • #752

I wish I would apologize to that weeping, money-sucking parasite. Cry into that stack of money I sent you to Italy with and shut the hell up.

  • #753

Keith gotta winnie the pooh belly

  • #754

If Keith wasn’t tricking would Summer be with him?

  • #755

See she knew how to open that fan , but when mom wwas talking about cleaning, she was like nah bra

  • #756

Sumer is self involved and cares more about her family than Keith. If he decides to cut them off because he can't understand and interact with her family sge will leave him. I don't blame her but it doesn't have to be like that. They have to compromise and keep the family drama out of their marriage because it will definitely be a deal breaker for her.

  • #757

Keith gotta winnie the pooh belly

But, there is something about him that is fine, as phuck, and it has nothing to do with money.....that is just a bonus.

  • #758

Sumer is self involved and cares more about her family than Keith. If he decides to cut them off because he can't understand and interact with her family sge will leave him. I don't blame her but it doesn't have to be like that. They have to compromise and keep the family drama out of their marriage because it will definitely be a deal breaker for her.

Right. Summer’s broke ass family will be the reason for their divorce, if they get married.

  • #759

Does Summer not work? Keith can’t cook or clean? His family thinks a good wife is only about cooking and clean. Yuck

  • #760

Ummm, hell no. I would not give my blessing, but do you, boo.