A food handler who is forming hamburger patties should change gloves

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none of the these

Bacteria is not killed by any of these actions. The bacteria just become inactive, but are revived upon return to a normal state.

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Elderly people

The elderly have a higher risk of foodborne illness.

What item is considered acceptable work attire for a food handler?

Plain-band ring

False eyelashes, nail polish, and antimicrobial plastic watch bands are not considered acceptable work attire for a food handler.

In order to make sure that thermometers will accurately take the temperature of foods, they must (Select all that apply):

Be accurate to +/-2 degrees F

Be calibrated before each shift

In order to make sure that thermometers will accurately take the temperature of foods, they must be calibrated before each shift and be accurate to +/-2 degrees F. Additionally thermometers should be washed, rinsed, sanitized and allowed to completely dry after each use to prevent cross-contamination.

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Caesar salad and hollandaise sauce

Both a Caesar salad and hollandaise sauce use uncooked or only partially cooked eggs, so pasteurized eggs are required for their preparation.

What task requires food handlers to wash their hands before and after doing it?

Handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood

Food handlers to wash their hands before and after handling raw meat, poultry, or seafood.

Can food service workers wear fake nails and nail polish:

With a single use glove if it's allowed by local regulatory authorities

Food service can workers wear fake nails and nail polish, with a single use glove if it is allowed by local regulatory authorities. Fake nail and nail polish can break or chip and contaminate food. Additionally, fake and painted nails can be hard to clean and can hide dirt or debris under the nail. Nails should be free from polish and kept short and trimmed.

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Segregate the product

A foodservice operator should segregate the product when responding to a foodborne-illness outbreak.

You went to a friend’s picnic and contracted salmonella from some food you ate there. You must ____.

report it to health officials

Any sickness from Salmonella, Shigella, E. Coli, or Hepatitis A must be reported to health officials. A doctor’s note is required in order to return to work.

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A penetration thermometer should be used to check the internal temperature of a beef roast.

Deliveries should be scheduled:

When staff is scheduled and has time to inspect and put away items in a timely manner

Deliveries should be scheduled so staff has adequate time to inspect the delivery, take and record temperatures and put away the foods properly . When staff doesn’t have time to inspect deliveries and put foods away quickly and properly, foods can fall in the temperature danger zone, or cross contaminate other foods due to improper storage.

To wash hands properly, a food handler must first:

wet hands and arms

The first step to washing hands properly is to wet hands and arms.

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Away from food prep and food storage areas

Cleaning supplies, chemicals and tools should be stored away from food prep and food storage areas to prevent any cross-contamination to foods.

Your facility wants to sell house-made, prepackaged items such as smoked salmon and cured meats. What must you first obtain?

a variance

Any establishment wishing to process foods that are smoked or cured for preservation must first obtain a variance from the regulatory authority in their area if the location is not zoned for meat processing that includes smoking.

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Food held at 41 degrees F or lower before being removed from refrigeration can be held without temperature control for up to 6 hours.

Do you want to make sure that your food is safe for consumption? You should be changing your gloves after handling raw meat. This article will discuss the importance of glove usage, as well as provide a few tips on how to change them so that they are easily and safely used.

A food handler who is forming hamburger patties should change gloves
hamburger, snack, burger @ Pixabay


Gloves are an important part of food service work because it prevents contamination from spreading through the kitchen or restaurant. If you’re preparing hamburger patties, using fresh gloves at every step can help prevent cross-contamination and keep customers happy!

According to the FDA, “Gloves are a good choice for many tasks because they do not touch the food directly and so can be used without washing.” This is especially true when it comes to raw meats. When you’re handling meat (or anything that could have been in contact with bacteria), always make sure that your gloves are fresh! Keep a box of disposable gloves by the sink, or near where you prepare foods.

Change them out as needed during work hours, but at least every four hours. To get started on changing your gloves: wet down one glove before taking off its partner. Use this dampened hand to pull the dry one away from your wrist until both hands come free- then discard those two gloves together into

For which activity are single

The only time you are required to wear a single-use glove is if you have any cuts, scrapes, or burns on your hand. You may also choose to wear single-use gloves to avoid bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods.

What must a food handler with a wound do to safely work with food?

Open wounds on hands or arms must be covered with an impermeable bandage and a single-use glove (for hand wounds) before returning to work. Reinforce good handwashing and emphasize no bare-hand contact with ready-to-eat foods. Reinforce good handwashing. Emphasize no bare-hand contact with ready-to-eat foods.

When must a food handler change gloves Servsafe?

If a worker is performing the same task, the gloves must be changed every four hours because that's long enough for pathogens to multiply to dangerous levels. Anytime the gloves become contaminated, they must be changed.

What food item may be handled with bare hands?

Bare hand contact is allowed for foods, which will be cooked, such as pizza toppings, raw meats, and ingredients for recipes prior to cooking. How can I prepare or serve ready-to-eat food while avoiding contact with my bare hands? Am I required to wear disposable sanitary gloves? No.