250mg paracetamol for dog

Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) is a commonly used drug available over-the-counter. Is it safe to use in dogs?

How safe is it?

Paracetamol can NEVER be used in cats. It is highly toxic to cats as their liver cannot break it down safely, and it is invariably fatal.

Paracetamol can be useful to manage pain in dogs. In higher doses however, it can be toxic to dogs as well so always carefully follow the instructions from your veterinarian.

What can it be used for?

Many take-home pain killers for your pets can have negative effects on the kidneys, so in older patients or patients with renal disease who require pain relief, paracetamol may be a good option as it has few side effects involving the kidneys.

Do we need to perform monitoring for long term use?

Yes. Because there have not been as many studies performed on the use of paracetamol in dogs, we need to perform regular blood testing to monitor liver and kidney function. Your veterinarian will be able to advise on how often these tests should be performed. It is likely you will need to perform a blood test prior to starting on this medication long term so that your vet has baseline values for these important organs.

Adverse effects?

The main adverse effects that may be experienced by patients taking paracetamol involve the liver. Signs to look out for include yellowing of white of eyes or gums (jaundice), reduction in appetite, vomiting or diarrhoea, or blood in faeces. If any of these signs occur it is important to get in contact with your prescribing vet.

Signs of acute toxicity include muscle tremors, weakness, fast breathing, dark red-blue gums and swelling of face and paws.

Dose rate

The most commonly used dose rate in dogs is 10 mg/kg orally every 12 hours. NEVER go above this does rate without first checking with your veterinarian.

250mg paracetamol for dog

(Picture Credit: undefined undefined/Getty Images)

Have you ever wondered whether you could safely give your dog the human painkiller paracetamol? Doctors regularly prescribe this drug to humans to help ease pain and lower any high temperatures. So is it safe for dogs to take it, too?

Well, the very short answer is no, you should not give paracetamol to your dog. In fact, you should never be tempted to give any human medicine to your canine without your veterinarian’s advice.

The active ingredient in this drug is acetaminophen, which is also common in many human cold and flu medicines. While the medication is generally safe for humans to take as recommended, it can, in some cases, prove toxic or even fatal to canines.

Here’s what you need to know about paracetamol and dogs.

If you were to give your dog paracetamol, you’d risk bringing on a number of ailments and conditions.

Some of these include the following:

  • Breathing problems
  • Stomach issues
  • Vomiting
  • Becoming withdrawn and dull
  • Excessive drooling

In certain cases, this drug could prove to be highly toxic or even deadly if you were to give it to your dog.

This depends a lot on the size of your canine: Larger dogs would need to ingest a higher dosage for it to have a negative effect than smaller dogs. This is also why vets strongly advise that you never give this drug to cats.

If a small dog were to ingest this medication, there’s a chance that they might suffer from liver damage or have issues with their red blood cells.

Is There A Dog-Specific Version Of Paracetamol?

250mg paracetamol for dog

(Picture Credit: ilona75/Getty Images)

A dog-specific version of paracetamol has been developed and, in some select cases, your veterinarian might prescribe it for your dog. However, in these cases, you need to follow your vet’s instructions about dosage, frequency, and length of treatment exactly.

Do not substitute in human paracetamol for your dog’s medication under any circumstances. Always rely on your vet’s advice when giving your dog any medical treatment.

If your dog struggles with arthritis pain, you may want to try giving them treats with glucosamine, chondroitin, and GLM that can reduce pain and improve joint health.

Do you keep human medicines like paracetamol out of reach of your dog? What safer alternatives do you use when your dog is in pain? Let us know in the comments section below!

Can I give my dog 250mg paracetamol?

Paracetamol, while safe for humans, can be extremely toxic for your dog (particularly if the wrong dosage is given), and can result in serious liver damage or problems with their red blood cells.

How many mg of paracetamol can I give my dog?

"Paracetamol is licensed in dogs as Pardale V for 5 days. The dose in Pardale V works out at 33mg of paracetamol for every kg of body weight, three times daily. The listed dose in most vet formularies is 10mg/kg twice to three times daily," Nick explains.

How much paracetamol can I give my dog kg?

The most commonly used dose rate in dogs is 10 mg/kg orally every 12 hours. NEVER go above this does rate without first checking with your veterinarian.

Can I give my dog 1 500mg of paracetamol?

Paracetamol is a very popular painkiller in humans, however it can be toxic or fatal in small animals. Dogs are less sensitive to paracetamol than cats. A 20kg dog would need to ingest over seven 500mg tablets in order to suffer toxic effects.