1999 toyota camry key wont turn in ignition

Hello -

Every once in awhile when I insert the ignition key into the dash it will not turn. Not even a jiggle.

It happens very rarely. I'll keep working it and all of a sudden it will work as if nothing was wrong. I have a feeling this happens when the steering column locks,

My wife left me a message at work today in tears because she was late for an appt and couldn't get the key to turn. By the time I got back to her the problem had self healed.

I suspected it might be my locking steering wheel theory. W

hen I got home I turned the wheel until it locked and, sure enough, I couldn't turn the key. I firmly "reefed" the wheel left and right and after two tries got the key to turn.

Any recommendations? I do lubricate the key with silicon spray every so often, but I don't think this is the problem.

While I've got you here - on occaision my parking brake will every once in a while become stuck so I can't turn the handle and get it to release. What I've been able to do so far is manage to pull it one more notch towards me and then it will release. I worry one time I won't have the extra notch back to work with. Any suggestions?

Hey! Thanks for your time and thanks in advance for your recommendations! Really enjoying the truck!!


Siena Key problems

We had the same issue with our 1999 Toyota Sienna both of our key's wouldnt work but the Valet key would work so we went to 2 dealers and they told me that the key's are $150 for 2 key's so we said forget it.
A friend of mine is a parts guy so he told me a trick about the toyota key's there is a magnetic strip inside the key that allows the computer to recognize your key so I went to the dealer and had them make 2 new key's without the chip inside. When You try and start the car with out the chip key it will turn over but wont start but if you put the old key body next to the new key while trying to start it she starts right up you can even remove the old key from the ignition area, so I cut off my old key and epoxyed the old body of the key to the side of the new keys I also wrapped them with electrical tape they both work as good as new. Thanks Parts guy. You saved me $150. let me know if this helped you.


1997 Toyota Camry Key Wont turn, Ignition Lock problem -1997 toyota camry FIXED!!! I see a lot of Douches with a capital D trying to charge people to fix this extremely common issue with this Camry ignition cylinder. OK pull the plastic guard off encasing the steering column. Get a phillips head screwdriver and remove the 2 screws holding the little off-white connector at the rear of the module(it has the wires to the ignition running to it). Get a pair of pliers or a small crescent wrench and while trying to turn the key use the wrench to turn the little rod sticking out of the back of the module. Make sure your turning it WITH the direction the key is trying to turn it. It should immediate be freed. Voila IT WORKS! AND THATS WHY PEOPLE DONT TRUST MECHANICS! HOW CAN YOU CHARGE SOMEONE FOR THAT INFO?

So, you’re sitting in your Toyota, but your key won’t turn in the ignition. What’s the deal? (Stuff like this always happens when you’re running late too, right?) Before you freak out too much, check out these potential reasons why your Toyota key isn’t working and what you can do to fix it.

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1999 toyota camry key wont turn in ignition

4 Reasons why your Toyota key isn’t turning and what to do about it

  1. You’re in the wrong car. Before trying anything else, make sure you are sitting in the correct vehicle. Do you recognize the contents of the back seat? Is that where you actually parked? If not, get out and find your car.
  2. Your steering wheel is locked. Perhaps you accidentally bumped your steering wheel when exiting your Toyota and it locked. If that’s the case, you can try moving your steering wheel rapidly from side to side while turning your key in the ignition.
  3. Your key is worn or damaged. If neither of the aforementioned fixes worked, then it’s possible your key is too worn or damaged to be recognized by the vehicle. Take a look at it. Does it look at little off? If so, visit your local Toyota dealership (via cab, Uber, or bus).
  4. There’s a problem with your ignition switch. If you’re in the right car, your steering wheel is turning fine, and nothing is wrong with your key, then it’s possible there’s a bigger issue with your vehicle’s ignition switch. In that case, get in touch with your local Toyota dealer to explore your options.

Read more: Can you use your phone while driving in California?

We hope this has helped you determine why your Toyota key isn’t working and got you on the right track toward turning on your vehicle. If you have any questions or concerns, we invite you to contact our team at Toyota Vacaville or reach out to your local Toyota dealer.

Why won't my key turn in the ignition of my Toyota Camry?

Common reasons the ignition key won't turn include attempting to use a key for a different vehicle, or a locked steering wheel. You can unlock the steering wheel by turning the steering wheel from side to side while simultaneously turning the ignition key on.

How do I force my ignition to turn?

Wiggle the wheel back and forth while turning the key. While applying light pressure to the key, wiggle the steering wheel back and forth until the lock disengages. This will allow the steering wheel and the key to turn. The key will be able to turn freely in the ignition once the steering wheel is unlocked.