In the population of rock pocket mice what caused the first black mouse to appear

1. Why did dark-colored rock pocket mice first appear in a population of light-colored rock pocket mice?

2. Why do dark-colored rock pocket mice on dark lava flows have white bellies?

3. Mutations are always...

4. When dark-colored fur gives mice a 1% competitive advantage and 1% of the population begins with dark fur, in about 1,000 years, 95% of the population will have dark fur. Which of the following statements is true?

5. What does Dr. Carroll mean when he says "while mutation is random, natural selection is not"? (Note: More than one answer is correct.)

6. In the lab, Nachman examined dark-colored mice from two different populations living hundreds of miles apart. The mice looked nearly identical. Their dark color was caused by two different genes. What does this tell you? (Note: More than one answer is correct.)

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Kristy G.


1 year, 1 month ago

We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

Part A Why did dark-colored rock pocket mice first appear in a population of light-colored rock pocket mice? Why did dark-colored rock pocket mice first appear in a population of light-colored rock pocket mice?Individuals change color to blend in with the environment.There is dark lava rock in the area where they live.They have a genetic mutation that affects their fur color.Predators eat light-colored rock pocket mice.

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