Xbox Series X vs PS5 Reddit 2022

Hey, i hope this is a right place to ask this. I've been really wanting to get a console recently. I've been looking towards either Xbox Series X or PS5, and i'm not sure which one i should get. Could anyone tell me which one would be better to get? Thanks.

Edit. Thanks for the responses, i chose Xbox and also got a game pass. Very good thing, so much games for free, already got a few. I'm very happy, my mom probably isn't so happy spending so much money for "a plastic box" lol

With the new hogwarts legacy game soon coming out I need a new console. I have a ps4 right now but because overwatch is getting cross progression I will have no problem switching to Xbox if needed.

Tbh the only reason why I would want a ps5 is the controller. I LOVE haptic feedback because it makes me so much more immersed. - then I really love the spiderman games but it will come to pc also but idk if it will be the same but I could still play it there.

The reason I would want to buy an Xbox instead is because it is much cheaper and I've heard great things about game pass and performance.

Does xbox also have some kind of haptic feedback and is ps5 controller really THAT great? - idk what do you think I should get?

I'm looking for a console and want either the series X or ps5. I can get a new xsx for 450 from the shop or a used ps5 for 400-450. I like the Xbox controller more, the Xbox menu more, it's slightly more powerful, and overall I prefer Xbox. But ps does have some good exclusives (TLOU, ghost of Tsushima, Horizon) so I'm kinda torn. The Xbox is cheaper and imo better but I do wanna play some ps games. What do I go for? Edit: i also don't like the ps controller layout, and ik most ppl are just gonna say to get Xbox as I like it more, but I'm asking what YOU prefer more

So to clarify, I am not much of a gamer. For the past 5 years all my gaming has been done on my Nintendo Switch that I had since launch, and I still use it frequently. I have played some AAA games that were released on it, such as The Witcher 3, but mostly I stick to the Nintendo exclusives (Pokémon, Zelda etc.). I also rarely play online games, my friends are urging me to get the PS5 I can play with them (altough one of them also have a Xbox series S) so but i don't really play multiplayer, I usually stick to single player games.

I have recently got a craving to play some more AAA games though, and I am not sure which console to get.

I used to have a PS2 and later a PS3, so I have more experience with those. Also some of the exclusive games I wanna check out are only on PS5, such as Spider-Man and God of War. But the PS5 is ridiculously expensive here, and that is if you are able to find one (they sell out in seconds here).

So thats why I looked at the Xbox Series X. It is cheaper here (around 100 USD cheaper), it has more base storage and it is almost always available. Furthermore, it grants me access to the old 360 games, some of which I really wanna check out like The Witcher 2 (which i never tried).

Both consoles will give me access to most AAA games that I wanna check out. One will give me access to more exclusives i wanna try while the other is cheaper and more easily accessible.

Which should I get?

Hello everyone, i am a returning player, deciding if i should buy Xbox Series X or PS5 and for that reason i am going to post this for each console in their own respective threads to see each of their pros and cons after almost two years from its launch.

I want to mention that i had Xbox Series X bought on launch and played a few months then sold the console because i didnt have sufficient time to play. Since i'm returning i want to know what are the good parts and the bad parts about it.

Hope for a constructive conversation! Thank you!

Hi all. I know this has been asked a million times ,so sorry. I had a PS5 digital. I just sold it in hopes of getting the standard. Why? Because I didn't care for digital game prices staying so high 18 months after the games release. I tried some exclusives with the new ps now /plus hybrid like miles morales and such and though they are visually amazing, they didn't really do anything for me

My reasoning now is to have a Ric based console so that I can buy games a bit cheaper after they are released. I had a series s as well and I did enjoy the quantity but sort of preferred Sony's controller and UI/familoairry and the fact that you could do screen recording with audio whereas that was missing on series s. 

Finally, I'd like to ask what do you have and what do you enjoy about it? 

Would you go to the other side and if so, why or why not ? 

Is it worth getting an Xbox Series X in 2022?

It's still far from easy to buy but is well worth the effort. Having been out for more than a year now, the Xbox Series X has a better roster of games for lucky owners to try out, including a handful of new titles as well as enhanced versions of some of the best Xbox One games.

Is Xbox Series X doing better than PS5?

Technically speaking, the Xbox Series X has slightly more power in its tower than the PS5, but it's not noticeable enough to feel detrimental to the PS5 and its performance. Graphical fidelity is also identical between the two consoles, making the decision even harder.


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